11_20-11_15,1112-10- 24-10_30_24 since6am esa evil psyxhopathVIBRATING FLOOR REALLY REALLY BAD,11_13 i HadHorribleMigraine,left side lower baxk 2_4_20&9_27-24 injury hurt bad, having tremors, 10 _24 since830am thru 10_26 330esa evil psychopath vibratedFLOOR sovbad caising iied, 10_21vibrared floor10-10-24 921pm since1130am,ESA mANAGEMEnT,#EXTENDEDSTAY455ch nj LIARS are harrassingNJSA2C33:4a vibrating floor REAKKY BAD,10_9 i felt dizzy like going to pass out bc esa LIARS vibrated floor really bad 10_8 https://youtu.be/eVXGaPVOsOk 6_14_24 ltr to def esa attys(my 8-21_94 employer)i filed with ct& they IGNORED RE HARRASSMENT, ETC...then 8-22_24harrass me JUST AS WHEN DEF ESA ANSWER HAND DELIVERED TO ME STOLEN BETWEEN5_1-5_10_24&COPS Knew 7-2_2024 oae SENT letter to me(6-30)&WRONG pobox606& they opened it,KEPT IT UNTIL 7-29_24(put in my pobox (NOT SCANNED)& lmy mail at poboxSTOLEN after thosINCLUDiNG mail from court . i havent s.w my son since5_2024
•9-26(545amREDRoOF10_24_20STLKR @esa,VIDEO PROOF &dbg ESA,REDROof,etalKNEW that would cause me emotional distress then i went to DOLLARTREEarlton and AH manager therelaughhing cackling @ register as i say i am being stalked& then DOLLARTREE AH LIARS MESS WITH REGISTER& she lies says if one register doesnt work, none of them do then next breathLIAR says register 2 works(but not reguster1)& i get my stuff over there thab the PSYCHOPATH NPETCH says" register2 doesnt work'& then blaxk ah at register, (noting black woman in lobby as i ldft and when i got back distressed sobbing bc THAT EVIL AH @ DOLLARTREE DID THAT AND WHAT REDROOF,ESA DID545 AM BC ESA KNOW WHO THE REDRPPF STALKER HARRASSER IS ..AND remember i had complaint2008 against BLACK njsp det in chg victim svcs
9-26_24 VIBRATING FLOOR BAD, VIBRATED FLOOR9-25_24 ,9-25,9-22-8-22vibratin) flr since11am
•9-20,9-22redroofStlkr@esa (mesdW/hotelKey9-22earlyAm,
•9_20_24 emailed ltr& 12$14_2019,11_22_24,9_22_24#videoexhibit proof esa and NJSP lied &7_12$24,6_14_24 ltrs esa ignored 7-13,7-26_8-9 i was at front desk ajd esa MADE ZERO ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE THEN LIED AGAIN #REPRISAL,#RETALIATION,#HARRASSMENT NJSA2C334a
•9-13redroofStlkr@store ,&@esa,messedWithKeyCard
,•8-20-7_17 610PMesaPSYCHOPATG bangedhaRDunderMyBed,vibrating floorALLday&7_16after5pm,Didbt7_14, 5_3_24since630 pm esa,308 banging on wall, they bangedDIRECTlY under bathtylub as i was in tub harrassing me
takeYourNONsincereSORRYPTY&ShoveOtUpUrLyingAs_&& ~GhmbmsbWtwgts cause if youWereREALLY sorry,youWouldnot continueto beLYING ah,includingvbrtngFlr~GdnlS
stated in my6_14_24ltr toDEF ESA AttY filed with ct as well6_14_23:
" on 6_4_24 i lost my balance and got hurt due to defendants vibrating floor banging under my bathroom as that occurred,5_14_24 i woke up disoriented and forgot to shut bathroom door as i realized,Defendants began banging under my bathroom, 3_20_24 woke up middle night passed out due to defendants harrassing with malicious ,reckless, negligent intent to harm vibrating my floor which they areSTILL doing 6_14_24 were not 330am then 430am were then745am vibratingfloorREALLYbad &745amJUSTdrilledUnderRoom."
)IamProSePlaintiff, . Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'would a reasonable fully informed person have doubts about the judge's impartiality?
1_28_24 I SENT letter emailed TO ESA 455ch& esa CORP) with 4 video proof That( esa lied,esaignored my ltr https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH2gOhMJeUI&list=PLvoX15FYWMr7TdUvCBRWicRRN27NYZjcZ&index=3
if you want to see how"well" dv domestic violence laws fros 'work'...
5_3_24 735pm vibrating floor really bad harrassing _ this is CRIMINAL InTENT TO HARM ME BY ESA,ETAL ,
Lied slanderedmy name to my son,he is a good guy _ Its NOTmy sons fault,NotMyFault https://youtu.be/MdlXXQ-RwSY2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon &othersUSINGlies FROM94ErRecord(iDidNOTknowUntil12$2015theyLiedInMyChart #CORRUOTfuckinvStatE&MY THEN EMPLOYER 94 KNEW THEY LIED in my chART
5_3_24 wereNOT vibrating floor then about1110 am vibrating floor..then they stopped..someone banged on my door about845 am prob esa...i went to wear sandals and esa VANDALIZED THEM
5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad
4_30_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor so i couldNOTgoOut 43024
4_27since130Pm4_26-4_25600pm Esa psychopath vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm
4_24_24- 330pmVibrtbgFloor,
4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor
4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ES vibrating floor&
3_2$24since530pm ESA PSYCHOPATHEn vibratingFloorBangedUndermyRoom bajgedOnWallHARAsimG same SCUMBAGS
&some1 tried to get in my room 2_24
3_1_24SOMEONEtriedToGetInMyRoomabout1014,am,thenESApstchopathLIARSharrassingDriklingUmderMyRoomJISTlikeGIJERSON,ETALliarsDid2019-2020&PoLIARSignoredMailTheft2022-1_20242$26_24 esa psychopath LIARS 430pm vibratibg floor(wereNOT vibrating floor since 10 am 2$25....
2_25_24 my videoProof After esa psychopath vibrated floor2_23_24 -2_25_246am &someone tried to get in my room 2_24_24 tapped their card on my door &2_26_24, 430pm they are vibrating floor&fycng back of my HEAD STILL HURTS,this is stalking,harrassment
6_26_23 235-305pmESA HARRASSEDmeBANGINGbujder my room AS LOUD AS GIBERSON DID2019-2020& 6_25_23hACKED MY PHONE AGAIN since 4_15_23 AFTER sakmemediator fromy case against giberson assigned to mycase against redroof, my phomes hacked, esaLIED soandered my name, no mEDIATION4_21_23 just as10_2022
- (8-22_24 841pm.esa liars STILL harrassing njsa2c33:4a pulsing,Vibrating floor bad since11am KNoWING 3_20I PASSED OUT mIDDLE NOGHT, LOST MY BALANCE after esaLIARS harrassed me trying to illegal evict SLANDERING MY NAME AGAIN just as theyLIED to court ,&others jist asREDROOF,GIBERSON,CEDARS ETAL IS all after getting fros and that njsp det in chg victim svcs2008 who revictimized me& complaint filed against him2008
- take a look at my VIDEO PROOF OF STALKING,HARRASSMENT(including esa vibrating pulsing floor including8-22_24-1_29_24)
- ,Theft vandalism my property,
- slandered my name so bad
- i literally have not1 person to call &ESA PSYCHOPATHS know it and they arePsyxhopaths...vibrating floor harrassing, gaslighting ,they lied to court just as giberson&redroof did
- ifiled10_15 video #exhibits 2022_2-2024with
- BURCIVIL(judge harrington)
- &defendant redroof attorneys
- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w-Ky3r4BsDc&list=PLvoX15FYWMr6T8MEGvJ0guRAb3OHSYhr5&index=3
- 2022-2_2024 video exhibits
- proving DEFENDANT REDROOF, COPS(,INCLUDING10_24_20,11_8_20,)
- & thatESA LIED(SENT4_26_23,(STALKING HARRASSMENT IN VESTIBULE)9_22_22(STalking, esaKNEW :&11_22_22(#mailtheft), VIDEOS
- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH2gOhMJeUI&list=PLvoX15FYWMr7TdUvCBRWicRRN27NYZjcZ&index=3
- 4videos sent with my1_28_24 ltr to def esa 455 ch& esa dataprivacy they ignored
- Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502.
- 6_14_24I iNFoRMED DEFENDANT ESA ATTYS, AND COURT via my letter filedcwith court& emailed to defendants attys
- i stated:
" on 6_4_24 i lost my balance and got hurt due to defendants vibrating floor banging under my bathroom as that occurred.5_14_24 i woke up disoriented and forgot to shut bathroom door as i realized,Defendants began banging under my bathroom, 3_20_24 woke up middle night passed out due to defendants harrassing with malicious ,reckless, negligent intent to harm vibrating my floor which they areSTILL doing 6_14_24 were not 330am then 430am were then745am vibratingfloorREALLYbad &745amJUSTdrilledUnderRoom.
- ,def esa attys were my employer 8-21$1994 when 911 IGNORED MY CALL& er lied& they hired1996 the atty that rep my now ex 1995 re 8_21$1994& i REPEATEDLY told them i doNOT consent) which they IGNORED.
sTALKING&3_8_24,@iCalled911 cop112 reStalkng,Harrassmentby ESA (& also that redrpof10_24_20stalker@ esa 3_3-24
- ~11$2020 redroof employee stole my 10_94 letter to8-94 er &12_8_2020, cop 154 mcguennisKNEW(video #exhibit2_2024 to burcivil(judge harrington)& def redrpof attys
- & so is my video re8-94
- as well as 10-12 videos proving redroof, cops,lied
- as well as3 videos proving esa lied9-22_22,(esa lied re room ,knew i had stalker hotel employee bc wtf else has access to guest rooms??)11_22_22(#mailtheft),4_26_23 proof esa harrassing me as i was in vestibule entering esa justcas they did3_8_24)
- 2015 liars slandered my name to my son&others usingthis 8-21_1994chart,(&i told mY 94 EMPLOYER 2023&4_2024-7_9_2024 I DIDNT CONSENT TO THEM REPRESENTING DEF ESA. this isnt kharma
3_8_24 i called911, cop112 didNOT send cops .NO COP showed up
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