4_28its832pm since330pm ESA #EXTENDEDstAY evilnPsychopath W/malicious,reckless, criminal,premeditated Intent to harm are vibrating floor. i toLDliarcesa cherry hill455&corp and STATEnjethics,NJDCA,court, its in my pleadings ghmbmsb~gdnlN#IIED,#NIED,#STALKING,#HARRASSMENT ,
Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'would a reasonable fully informed person have doubts about the judge's impartiality? '.
how i feel is : if i were her FAV daughter ,she would have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister),
(&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i tried...ever since i was teen( i wasNOT a bad kid, ( alot of fud up sht happened to meAFTER we moved down street from thatSCUMNAG "FAMILY FRIEND" WHO VIOLENTLY RAPED ME when i was 16,& i forgave my mom when i was17 for kicking me out( as i said i was NOT a bad kid, i was one takIng care of MY SIBLINGS& my mom..as teen,..I went back STILL taking to take care of my siblings& my mom i forgave my aunt(my "adoptive mom" as she called herself including when i was teen for what her and marge pertiit did (which was REALLY FUCD UP& when i lived @ cedars, my aunt inferred that my parents were NOT my realnparents)
So again how i feel is : i am like a piece of puzzle that does NOT fit with my "family'...i have been trying to fit in since i was little&SWoRE since age5 i was adopted(htf would i know that word?) and one day my real family would find me.... .i told my aunt when i was 16@ her apt in laundry room as i was crying _ i just wanted my mom to say she loved me and meant it.(thatsWHY i was drinking (including at apt ch when i was teen, and bc ofFAcT that family friend that raped me when i was 16 lived down street from that apt and tormented me including when i walked home from hs.( i dont remember if i told my mom or dad what he did or that other guy when i was17 _ my aunt KNEW i had suicide attemptAFTER conrad raped me when i was16)..but my sister (my moms fav)was always so jealous( or just hated me) for some reason that my mom didnt say : enough! and not let my sister do that(ever since we were kids she did this sh..t~ghmbmsb.Efwaoadnfsttte.
i am like piece if puzzle that doesNOT fit in with my family. ..
liar giberson KNEW2015 I WAS UPSET BC MY MOM NOT THERE FOR ME- WAS SUPPOSED TO cALL ME 11$2015 for thanksgiving and didNOT(ditto11_23_23(& liar gibersonKNEW i had been out on my own since teen, what my mom did when i was teen& that i worked for everything i had& that they stoleMY PROPERTY WHEN I WAS TEEN& then those LYIMG SACJS IF SHT SCUMBAGS 2021STOLE MY SAFE& ME& MY SON PROPERTY AT ILLEGAL APT THOSE LIARS KNEW I WANTED PER MY REVISED PG3 12_1_20 EMERGeNT COMPLAINT DUring time i have complaint against NJ STATE POLICE (NJSP) ), i had complaint against njsp2008(i didNOT file that, i just wanted that cop to leave me alone bc he said among other things, he was telling my exes i was his. that scared me bc even though i amNOT with my exes, i am STILL scared of them. i wasNOT his, i didNOT even callnhim by his first name. and RETROSPECT that 2008therapist WAS vindictive towards thatNJSP& (& i STILL DIDNT KNOW AT THAT POINT 8-21_94 ER LIED, SO THE ENTIRE TIME DRS, DV AH WERE making it like i didNOT have serious untreated head injury8-94&thatER LIED,SLANDERED MY NAME JUST AS THE VIRTUA,LOURDES,CFG OSYCHIPATHS DID2_4_20- i NEVER saw or s.w cfg just like i NEVER saw or spoke with them2015@ lourdes bellmawr(soneone there committed idtheft)the SAME AOA from when i was teen at my moms 10_2023,11_2_23&my mom let me down AGAIN & i think that abuser of authority had something to do wuth it JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS TEEN. .(10_29_23 when i got there i thinknthe JA aoa liar ch were there Or had slandered my name by that point
afTER 8_3ESA STAAS,(not in my room buTlurking as i said i dont want him or any esa near me bc theyLIED) chCop(not in my room)&2guys @MyRm( 8-2023 SomeoneTRESPASEDmyRoom&VANDALIZED MY BLACK JEANS I WAS WEARING8-3_23, stretchedout MY sizeSmallunderwear bc they were too small for them &disgistkngBcTheyTouchedMyUbserwrar&otherClothrs,& such boundary violation as i rEPEATEDlY told esa since12_2022in emaiks,ltrs5_23*5_25,5_26,23 email ltr,6_1_23 ltr ,2_7&3_6_23 njdca complaint,5_29&6_14_23 bbb complaint &7_16_23 complaint#fraudoncourt,,#premisesliability,#hotekkiability )to NOT come in my riom as things stolen vandalized9-22_22-10_28_22& esa violated my rughts as tenant (fyi after90 days all guests in hotels motels haveSAmE rights as tenant in apt ) & vandalized my clothes in7_2023 @1.19,1.54,2.21 DoNOTsendMailToMe@ESA as11_18_22 my mail STOLEN&ESA STAAS KNEW&NOmailPackagesAFTer11_29_2022
6-2019STOLEfromMyBR ESTATEpaprs ForMyDadsEstate INEVERsigndHeirDoc
ATTYDonerViolatedRPC (iNeverCashedCheck (WasStolen2016
-2021Giberson landlordSTOLMYsafe &me&MySonProperty @illegal garage Apt
theyKNEWiWantd PerMyproSePlaintiff 12$1$20REVIsdPG3Complaint uploaded12$24$20as"miscDoc
2008complaintAgainst NJSPdetChgVictimSvcs
&(unbeknownst to me ,the therapist i was going to worked with COPS, gloucestercounty where njsp dsjg worked & ...
.so did cop nephew of my ex that choked me slammed my head into wall
& TheyWere STEALiNGfromApt@cedars2008-2014 i reported to police(
black sheriffs officer ,white wife at other end.of bldg and njsp i had complaint against was black_ thatCOulD have been his relative)
.(its an #exhibit in my case in against giberson )tHAT I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST FOR HARRASSMENT2008 (noting njsp dsjg det in chg victim svcs told me to file that)
12_2020iFiledComplaint AgainstNJSP for what they did 2019-7_8_2020 @ #illegalapartment failed12_9_2019 inspection including for steps(2_4_20 i was injured on) zoned commercial,NEVER registered
NOTING redroof employee brother was NJSP detective
AFTER same mediator from my case against giberson assigned to my case against redroof.
..BY SAME JUDGE HARRINGTON who since2019KNEW illegal apt, harrassment, stalking, threats attempys to injure me and i think judge knows my ex that choked me slammed my head into wall
between 4_15_23-7_2023
- stoleClothesFromMyCar
- , vandalized clothes in my hotel room
- phones hacked4_14-7_16_23 same manner as at apt 12_13_2019 AFTER GIBERSON,LANDLORD FAiled12_9_2019 INSPECTIOn
- Noting esa #extendedstay failed inspection 3_2023 DURING precise time i file njdca(dept community affairs(part of law&public safety(NJSP) 2_7&3_6_23 complaint that NOONE COnTACTED me regarding
- aug2023 vandalized jeans i was wearing8-3-23 after esa HARRASSED ME( as i told them in my5_23,5_25,_5_26 emails&6_1_23 ltr that if they "show up with cops or for housekeeping" i am considering it harrassment
8-21$94&2_4_2020ERlied NEVER treated or documented my injuries
Lorie Sibre(Princess lorissa) ~IamALWAYSoriginal&NEVERafollower caucasianFAIRskinNaturllycurlyhairHAZELgreeneyes5'"6'LonglegsZEROtattoosNEVERsmoked~GStfswgttsn
GodIsNOTokWITH ahThatStole me&MySonProperty @apt2020-2021
sinc9-22_22@ESA(#extendedstay)sttch nj whoHarasMeSlanderMyNameFWtwHsdtt
esa lied, slandered my name JUST AS OTHER HOTELS DID6_3-6_7_2020,7-8-2020-2022
wARNNG~NOTICE~ STEALnGisNOTsharng ~dissemnationALTRATIONcopyngPRINTdstrbutionOFmyMail EmailsPhotosVideosDOCSDrawngsBlogsPostsltrsIsSTRCTLY prohibitdWithoutMyspecficConsnt&ifyouStolitYouDONThavconsent (includesMySafe&Me&mySonProprtyStoln@Apt2021)&dontAskmySonORAny1els
- DV,stalking FAIL....stop fucg saying dv stalking law bc you guys(court,cops,dvah, er drs ins coareLIARS
- 9-8-2023 went to my car light on inside that iNEVER turn on, i turned it off (before i went out i did coping tape distressed &esa liars PRoB evesdropped bc they are pathetic
- i went back out, snd light on in my car, i turned it off& tapedFACT i turned it off
- when i got back esaLIAR out front and maint man liar in lobby harrasser esa put housekeeping cart near my door
- 9-3_23 the10_24_2020 stalker@target as i came out if store
- 12$20_22 &8_3_23told cherry hill cops&9-25&12$20esa cust service re harrassment ,stalking ,etc tHEY lIED as did esa(#extendedstay
- i.have REpEATEDly2006-8_3_23 reported stalking,HArrassment since2018(toLd drs lourdes (virtua)who LiED 10_2018&1_2019 violatedNJSA56:8-163
- 2008-2014 cedars _apt NOT as advertised, thefts, vandalism.to property in apt ( reported to police _
- havent seen my son since2020@ apt, was supposed to see him june2023,4_25_3&12_2021& did NOT (s.w him 5_18_23 & i miss my son
- 8-9-2019 reported landlord for taking out half loadbearing wallUNDER my apt,
- reported giberson to township for taking out half load bearing wall UNDER my spt ,found out illegal apt&LIAR michelle@ township told giberson8-9-2019 i reported them
- 7-8-2020 threatened me from illegalapt landlord failed12$9-2019 inspection for
- stole all me& my son property @ apt2020&2021 theyKNEW i wanted per my revised pg3 complaint uploaded 12_24_20
- 2015 went to my moms,_ stalker stalked me there & back to my apt
- 2016 illegal settlement i said REpEATEDlY i didNOT agree to (&that settlement check stolen at apt2016- i NEVER cashed that check(doner knew)
- 2017 giberson vandalized my sons truck
- 2018 stole documents , clothes from my apt(including copy poa, med records,
- 6_2019 stole papers for my dads estate, vandalized my prop in apt ,broke my bedroom.closet door where items stolen were &tampered with my renters ins policy
- 2019-7-8-2020 landlord giberson,etal retaliated reprisal HARRASSED ,threatened me ,slandered my name,
- 2019_2020tried to get apt
- 2_4_20steps tampered withAGAIN_
- 2_4_20tried to get apt ocean county _ they LIED, stalker stalked me there & then 12_14_2019 stalker hacked my phone, so i was going to hotel to get safe housing when i was injured on steps AFTER going past2 foot gap where missing step was
- gibersonSAW me get injured,HARRASSED me as i left to have someine call911 (hvac place REFUSED to call911& red lion restsurant IGNORED me as i knocked on their door despondent ,fearful& injured
- Guy driving by "dave" called 911 and 2 njsp KNEW & said'giberson would be stupid to do that as they would be legally liable'
- 2emt AND virtua,lourdes,cfg LIED _ no care11 hours 11am_1145pm _ never even looked at my left side lower back injury from fall on steps , 4pm er kidnapped me as i was leaving er AFTER hours ofNO care ,
- 12_14_2019 attempted breakin after my phone hacked &njsp7174,8154,8188 BLEW me off, NO report
- 12_24_2019 after giberson failed inspection took all brakes off my suv(southampton auto MERE steps from that apt) _ i could have been killed
- at over 7 hotels 2020-2022 thatLIED,slanderedMyName (imcluding esa, #extendedstay, #redroof,#laquinta,#hamptoninn,#daysinn,#rodewayinn,#sleepinn,#econolodge
- 8-17_23 triedAGAIN to get apartment,theyIGNORED my8-17_23 email requesting application& rental info
- Redroof harrassed me, stole& vandalized clothes in my room&slandered my name2020-2022
- Esa(#extendedstay) vandalized clothes in my room &slandered my name9-22_22-8_2023
- between4_25 - 7-2_2023 after SAME mediator from my case against giberson assigned to my case against redroof
- ESA(#EXTENDEDSTAY harrassed me& refused to reimburse me
- clothes stolen from my car4_15-7_2_23
- multiple phones hacked4_15-7_16_23
- theft from my room, clothes, sandals vandalized and jeans i was wearing8-3_23 when esa, etal cops at my room
- mailtheft
- 9-25$22 told esa cust svc re stalking, harrassment, room NOT as advertised
- 8-21_94 (some ah told my son lies from this chart 11_94i sent the er chart toLIARS ahkhpe INS co NOT knowing theyLIED, in chart& redroof Stole that ltr2020& cop mcginnisKNEW that(&i firgsve my ex fir that
- i was beaten up left unconsciousAFTER calling911(i dont remember calling but __ said i did) who either ignored my call or came and left ah
- when i woke up , i couldNOTSEE temporarily and my fil was standing BEHIND me
- he said_to go with him,',
- i thought he was taking me to er
- he took me to police station amd had me& my son wait outside, the cops took photos of my left side head but they wereNOT nice
- i dont remember ride to er ,
- the old man in radiology was a jerkoff went charging st my son bc he was upset as he was in hallway and i was getting xray of my foot & i told that JO off, doNOT yell at my son
- black woman was mean as well
- i dont remember anything else including how i got home
- at some point cops showed up handed me piece paper said"they dudnt believe my foot was broken'&they left
- which means merchantville cops KNEW my tbi wasNOT treated
- i didNOT ask for tro.i was in shock..i didnt know it was tro on piece paper
- .uploaded 12$24_20 as misc doc
- re 2017giberson vandalized my son truck
- , njsp 8-9-2019 threatened me,
- 12_2016 someone moved me from my bed to floor WHILE i was unconscious( i was having horrible tremors right before i passed out)
- njsp lowenstein bodycam wasNOT on(
- At settlement conf(didNOtsettle ,def attt was being MEAN, bukly)
- def esa atty went outside settlement conf roomTWICE (to "call his client" when esa gm staas right there NO settlement & settlement wasSUPPOSED to be confidential
- NoTING i said esa atty violatingRPC .i doNOT agree (8-21_94,1995, 1996)
- & after LIAR esa etal caused #iied, by what they did at)"settlement conf"
- this guy near conf room asked TWICE "how was i doing"?
- ,2guys that parked in my parking lot
- sat behind me laughing asking"are you ok"?
- (i said WHY would you ask that?)
- & woman who virtua was suing
- came up asked me "if my case settled"
- after this, I Got sandwich, sat at bench by myself,
- was after1, i hadnt had breakfast ,
- so i figured ,let me get sandwich, sit outside try to ctr myself bc i amREALlY fyckong upset(as esa, their atty was reaLly mean,heartless bully
- as i was at lunch cart, there were bunch of cops, sheriffs officers in area
- i sat at bench (there was woman at bench near me and guy and woman at other bemch further down)
- some guy came up to me as i was praying which i ALWAYS do, so i gave him half my sandwich 31dbfwGbmamsmbst(
- no way he would have KNoWN i was praying as i had sunglasses on and my hands were under table
- i noticed lid go my water bottle was off , and $20 stolen
- ( i got feeling that heKNEW who stole me& my son property @apt2021by stuff he was saying, then right as he left(might have been5_7mins i dk bc i was AKREADY upset re8-94,1995&esa,etallyim stalker let me know they were nearby,(right after that
- judge was a jo and
- right at beginning, judge REfuSED to let me submit my EXHIBITS A THRU Ldocs bc"he wasnt going through STACK OF DOCUmEntS"(violation of my rights as litigant &
- so right BEFORE lunch break, i only submitted a few exhibits but wanted to submit ALL of my exhibits
- AFTERlunch
- i suspect def esa atty ,court had exparte(AS rdroof,giberson,theirattys prob virtua psychopath LIARlied(or it was ah copbdet car coirt cop,sheriffsOFFICRR just like they were 4 years after i had tro toLd me'my ex would have to hurt me in order to get fro.(despite judge stating i couod get tro)
- iwent back to courtroomearly from lunch
- def esa their atty were in hallway near courtroom
- 9-6_23 my hotel phone STILL canNOT RECEIVE CALLS SINCE11$28_22(SOMETIME thet fix it but since11_28_22 esaLIARS have done this lied to court re same
- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jLAv7VgDwts&list=PLvoX15FYWMr7Zj1N8JecQPg7pQ9BHsIyn&index=5
- I am rejecting this response because:
- I am rejecting this response because: 6_16_23 i REJECT esa response
- . i attached to my5_29_23 bbb complaint PROOF.
- 9-22_22 i told ESA cherry hill nj ast manager i have stalker (& was emotionally distressed re same), INNKEEPERDUTy
- its in my letter regarding my fridge9-23_22(reimbursed me credit but didNOTindicate why
- (NOT keeping accurate records)
- 4_19_23(RETALIATION)
- _PLUS5 PHOnes i had to get bc stalker4_15-6_10$22
- . esa provided no proof.
this is re ah who slandered my name to my son&others:
take your NONsincere sorry & SIUYA , https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0B3nDGy5n8M&list=PLvoX15FYWMr5DhIMyVN9DkQ7W17ZYTobK&index=1
bc IF you were TRULY SORRY
- , YOU would RIGHT your WRONG
- & return my fireproof safe & me& my son propertySTOlEN@ APT 2021&
- get me affordable apt SAME rent as at #illegalapartment gibersonKNEW they were REQUIRED to but didNOT
- redroof LIARS would give me monies owed per my12$2020,1_2021,6_2021ltrs etc and
- esa would give me MoNIES they OWE me per my
- 12$24$22 ltr,
- 2_7&3_6_23 njdca(dept community affairs) complaint,
- 5_23,5_25,5_26,ltremail,
- 5_29_23 bbb complaimt,
- 6_1_23, ltr,
- 6_1423 bbb complaint
- (including correcting lies errors in er chart8-94 er righting their wrong & correcting lies slander in
- 8-94 chart er lied NEVER treated or documented tbi that REDROOF emp STOlE11_2020,
- 2_4_20 er chart that theyLIED slandered my.name in , LIED as i NEVER saw s.w 430 cfg dr THEY LIED, njsa56:8-163
- apt2014_2021(#illegalapartment,
- RETURNING TO ME&MY SON PROPERTY STOlEN AT APT2021:stoLe my fire proof safe,&all me& my son property 2021 WORTH OVER $30,000 AS ITEMizED liSTED IN MY EXHIBIT A& UPDATED EXHIBIT 'A'8_31_21 (& pohle said giberson STILL had it4_2021
- & return my fireproof safe & me& my son propertySTOlEN@ APT 2021&
- get me affordable apt SAME rent as at #illegalapartment gibersonKNEW they were REQUIRED to but didNOT
- redroof LIARS would give me monies owed per my12$2020,1_2021,6_2021ltrs etc and
- esa would give me MoNIES they OWE me per my
- 12$24$22 ltr,
- 2_7&3_6_23 njdca(dept community affairs) complaint,
- 5_23,5_25,5_26,ltremail,
- 5_29_23 bbb complaimt,
- 6_1_23, ltr,
- 6_1423 bbb complaint
- (including correcting lies errors in er chart8-94 er righting their wrong & correcting lies slander in
- 8-94 chart er lied NEVER treated or documented tbi that REDROOF emp STOlE11_2020,
- 2_4_20 er chart that theyLIED slandered my.name in , LIED as i NEVER saw s.w 430 cfg dr THEY LIED, njsa56:8-163
- apt2014_2021(#illegalapartment,
- RETURNING TO ME&MY SON PROPERTY STOlEN AT APT2021:stoLe my fire proof safe,&all me& my son property 2021 WORTH OVER $30,000 AS ITEMizED liSTED IN MY EXHIBIT A& UPDATED EXHIBIT 'A'8_31_21 (& pohle said giberson STILL had it4_2021
STOp sLANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON & IF YOU DONT LIKE ME, THEN TELL ME, INSTEAD OF SlANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON (NOTING: I DO NOT CARE IF YOU LIKE ME), its abuse...isolating me_ so i have noone to go to~htgtsw ~ghmbmsb & dv advocates should know better(2009-2022(i was calling dv hotline who gaslighted said"they are in texas and "dont help nj"-yet its 800 NUMBER FOR DV HOTLINE) AFTER SAME mediator,sharein Youseeffs ,who isNOT fair, objective and violated canon code of conduct & rpc AGAIN( just like10_2021, from my case against giberson )assigned4_11_23 to my case against redroof& redroof attys sAID THEY WERE AVAIlaBLE4_21& no mediation4_21_23 after liar emails4_19_23 419 pm IGNORING my objection to ATTYS VIOlaTING RpC ,judicialCANON CODE OF CONDUCT #FRAUDONCOURT between4_15-7_16_23 my phones hacked LIKE AT APT 2019-2020&@REDROOF12$21$2021 4$19-7-2_23stalker tresspasser stole from my car(my blouses, hunter green capris, 2 skirts(sparkly ), angel jeans) & mt laurel(2020-2022(,cherry hill (2020,2022,8-3,2023 cinnaminson(2022) NJSP police knew 7_25_23, my laptop hacked THAT I JuST got9-7-2022 to replace laptop i got2021 that they hacked3_2022 harrassing me banging hard under my room amd room next to me, vandalized clothes in my room triedcto get in my room(as itemized in my doors down, getting on elevator as i got off elevator&in vestibule as i got back realizing THEY stole my cell then when i said i was calling cops doing coping tape as i went into lobby elevator& esa KRista in lobby as this occurred 10_28, i called my cell phone then went BAcK to my car&cell phone there _ they had it over 20 minutes ,, then later that day ESA LIARS SLANDERED MY NAME& HARRASSED ME(& TRESSPASSED MY ROOM BETWEEN 9-22 -10-28_22) ,
- woman 2 doors down, was getting on elevator as i got off elevator
- &she was in vestibule as i got back realizing THEY stole my cell
- then when i said i was calling cops doing coping tape as i went into lobby elevator& esa KRista in lobby as this occurred 10_28,
- i called my cell phone then went BAcK to my car&cell phone there _ they had it over 20 minutes ,,
7-16_21 redroof emp ah that threatened me
6_27_21 redroof emp janet in area(that i told1_3_21 toSTOP harrassing me)& then she goes upstairs mear226/,223& that woman threatened me
NOT@REDROOFjustPROOFtheyLIED, @ESASTTchnjsince9-22_22
12_11$2020 PROOF mt laurel nj cop messa told redroof they can be sued by me if they tried to make me leave again. therefore, its propf redroof their attys RETALIATED, reprisal action & redroof&their attys, greenblatt weisshorf lieberman&
above videos 1) 12$21_21 proof mt laurel nj cop joy KNEW redroof stole mail 2) (proof re my gloves stolen12_20&12$21_21 officer joy KNEW that(they returned to my carafter12$21$21 3)usps ch tampered with 8 priority mail my above videos PROVE 10_24_2020 cops didNOT put i called911 re stalkimg, harrassment, njsa56:8-163,acCOrding to IA2021&2022
told ESA 9-22_22 TWICE i have stalker #innkeeperduty 7_18$23about431 pm.. esa housekeeper tried to get in my room,then fycking tapoed her card on my door &my 12$24_2020-6_1$1023 ltrs ,that ESA ignored,said to CEASE their harrassment including housekeeping etc my video proof(i also submitted video proof to court including2020,2021,12$5_2022 that 1) esa 11$18_22 KNEW my mail stolen & ESA LIED just as redroof LIED and mt laurel nj cop messa told redroof12_11$2020 they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave again,(also my video exhibit) mcginnisKNEW mike, redroof employee imPersonated njsp 11_8_2020& hesNOT a cop , hIS brother is NJSP, stinsman knew re 10$24_2020 stalker, video proof re REDROOF LIED as cops bell,herman(10_24_2020) , mcginnis, stinsman, messa ALL KNEW12$2020 that redroof harrassing me, that stalker harrassing me and tresspassed my car including10-24-2020,(cops herman and bell didNOT put innreports re stalking(iaKNEW4_2021&3_2022) -11-8-2020 mcginnis KNEW12$8_2020 re 10_24_2020&11-8-2020& re stalker and redroofSTOLE my8-94 chart from my room,that i wanted needed to get my property from apt and had noone to go with me(10_24_2020 herman KNEW that as well) officer joy KNEW12$21$21 THAT redroof stole my mail , ( had my mail since10_2021 from voter 10$2021 but my voter id wasNOT there as theySTOLE it and NEVER told me i had mail bc they were stealing my mail. proof12$14_2019 njsp 7174,8154,8188 RE MY CALL TO911 AND WHAT THEY SAID WHEN THEY SAW WOOD AROUND DOOR BROKEN OFF AFTER ATTEMPTED BREAKIN submitted video proof to court including in2020 so court, redroof, greenblatt,etal(who rep redroof AJD giberson and violated rpc including12_2020-1_2021-6_2021-presentallKNEW i have proof and that cops 10_24_2020 (&2019 prob 11_8_2020,12$8_2020 ,2021 ) didNOT put in reports document. 7_16_23 theSAME STALKER4_18_23@ ESA , judicialcanoncode of conduct , innkeeperduty,stalking 7-16_23 esa BANGED HARD harrassing under my room520pm, 7_15_23 955 pm esa harrasserBANGED HARD UNDER mY ROOM (earlier7-15_23 banged under where i am)
since2018(toLd drs lourdes who LOED 10_2018&1_2019)
my son has NOTHING TO BE sorry about( my son is a good guy)&i have NOTHING to be sorry about( i was SUPPOSED to see my son6_2023 and didNOT,just like 4_25_23. 12$2021@ redroof .(&esa evesdropped on me)
i didNOT know ER lied in my 8-21_94 chart until 2015(& redroof employee11&2020 stole that)doners officeREFUSED to help resolve that (& 2015&2018-2020 lourdes violated njsa56:8-163 someone there tampered with my chart. and cfg was at lourdes2015(but iNEVER,saw them2015& nor did i know the lies slander 2_4_2020, they LITERALLY gave no care, tested me for drugs amd alcohol rather than doing ct scan head and left side lower back. I NEVER SAW CFG PSYCHIATRIST 430 PM.... theY LIED Its serious njsa56:8-153, #identitytheft medmal
MY NOTES FOR HEARING thru 6_2023 (CASES FROM MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF PLEADINGS I FILED RE REDROOF,ETAL & COURT IMPEDED ME FROM FILING DOCUMENTS AFTER FRAUDONCOURT BY COURT PERSONNEL (including attorney who is judge, COURT MEDIATOR (the judge said4_11_23 that attys for redroofMUST BE AVAILABLE4_21_23&they saidthey were, and even though she was mediator re my case against giberson, i was willing to have her as mediator in effort to settle ,then def redroof attys said"they werent doing mediation"& mediator,courtAnD attys IGNORED mY4_19_23 lTR RE 419PM4_19_23 EMAIL FROM MEDIATOR ,& noting LITERALLY minutes after7-23_23 445PM i put at top of my post the esa AH STOMPING BANGING HARRASSING(which means they areSTILL stalking me ) JUST AS THE LIARS HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE2008 WHEN I HAD COMPLAINR AGAINST NJSP DET IN CHG VICTIM SVCS(WHO WAS BLACK& THEY HARRASSED ME AT HOUSE
since2018(toLd drs lourdes who LOED 10_2018&1_2019)
my son has NOTHING TO BE sorry about( my son is a good guy)&i have NOTHING to be sorry about( i was SUPPOSED to see my son6_2023 and didNOT,just like 4_25_23. 12$2021@ redroof i didNOT know ER lied in my 8-21_94 chart until 2015(& redroof employee11&2020 stole that)doners officeREFUSED to help resolve that (& 2015&2018-2020 lourdes violated njsa56:8-163 someone there tampered with my chart. and cfg was at lourdes2015(but iNEVER,saw them2015& nor did i know the lies slander 2_4_2020, they LITERALLY gave no care, tested me for drugs amd alcohol rather than doing ct scan head and left side lower back. I NEVER SAW CFG PSYCHIATRIST 430 PM.... theY LIED Its a serious violation of my roghts as patient at er, failed to properly chart when how i arrived at er, that they moved me from back to waiting room 5 hours ZERO CARE (& 4 pm i said i was leaving,itsNOT safe at that apt, that i was going to hotel & they said"they woukd do bloodwork reWHY extreme muscle weakness, fatigue,then they kidnapped me as I WAS AT EXIT DOOR TOLEAVE ANOThER 7 HOURS ZERO CARE, NO MEDS FOR PAIN, MUSCLE WEAKNESS, MIGRAINE, no ct scan head, left side lower back ,NEVER even looked at my baxk., they LIED ,"& 2_4_2020 virtua,lourdes,cfgLIED slandered my name (i never saw or spoke with430 pm cfg dr
below is MY REJECTION IF 6_6_23 ESA"RESPONSE" which was NOT a response it was another Lie(& bbb did NOT inform me6_6_23 deleted it as well as my attachments to5_29_23 complaint(&6_7_23 esa harrassed me under my room and in room next to me ,& the 6_7_23 about2pm at esa person i suspect stole my cell phone on 10_28_22
lorie sibre ,since9,-22_22@ esa stt ch nj my122422ltr &6-2-23 ltr mailed6223updating myemail ltr52323,52523,52623 )esa" response" does NOT address any of below,hotel held to higherEthical standard ,innkeeper duty, hotelliability,
11$28-12$26_22,hot&cold water work properly,harrasment,stalking CEASE&includes person in room308 next to me& under my room(6_7_23esa harasedM) ensuringmyinforEQUIRED by njsa56:8-163my mail was stolen 11_18_22&11_26_22(
lorie sibre
proof what #bbb did7_2021 re #identitytheft, databreach,#hipaaphi violation by #patientfirst
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