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my blog regarding #corruption,#discrimination,#stalking#harrassment,#hotelliabilitu,#labdlordliability,#illegalapartment,#illegalevictionredroof employeestole from my room,vandalized my clothes my room, vandslized my car, harrassed, stalked me, discriminated against me didNOT give handicapped room near handicapped parking,slanderedmy name,as did other hoteLsAFTER going to apt& giberson etal retaliated8-9-2019-7_8_20 harrassed me,slandered my name,& retaliatedzAgain 9-3$2020 AFTER i got jidgment inMY favortAGAIBST gibersob fir what they dud7-8-2020&rhey haveNOT paid me monues & returbed my property AS ORDEREDBY COURT9_2_20& HAVE not sent me ktrEXPLAINING how i canSAFELY get my properyyper my 10_2020&1_2021 cert ltrs sent to them& sogned foeAT SOUTHAMPTOred speech, nN AUTO4_5_20redroof employee orguest fucjedcwoth my car(AFTER EADTERWENDYS GASLIGHTED HARRAZED ME,LIED JUST LIIE ERICA DID csusong me emotional trauma)_mike was mechanic,115 dirtbsg woman worked on cars(3_25),,guy in pink jerp 115worked on cars(10_2020)& stephanies husband is mechanic, guy red car pa tags who was also at wendys3_2020)11_3 guy at office who touched my coat& pulled belt off it as they were behind me& all redroof employees saw& didNOTHING_ exceptc tel me my belt was on floor) was mechanic(& tgat day my steering wheel making sound it wasmt makong before i last used it)_,& giberson own sputhampton auto...theyDID THIS ST APT....& MT LAIREL DIrrvAG COps knew this10_24_20 so did redroof so they are legally liable& mikes brotger is a nj state police officer & i hBe complaimt againat nj state police for harrassment@ apt which was illegal spt & they should have cited giberson,southampton auto immediately& got me safe housing& they didnt reertyFromApt_4_3515 pm someone tampered woth my profike& took off disabked room(JUST LIKE THEY DID9_25_20..THEN GRAY CAR PULLS IN AREA LEAVES...ANOTHEE PEFSON JUST ITTING THERE WERE AT113 ..SO , THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME& FACT I HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS, AM BY MYSELF(why i tape like i told8-9-2019 njsp 8020_mt laurel cops....20 REWARDS POINTS ARE SHOEING which meams domeone st redroof did that,wont let me usethem& chargedme$80 fu..n for a room withNO microwa e& fridge when their website says my roomcomes with that ...NOTICE:~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Primt,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~&dontASKmySon ~~ ~IF NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,&dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i am ALWAYSoriginalNEVER a follower ..

 lorie sibre

(princess lorissa)


4_27_21 refroof tridd yo get in my roon, i got a newcard,5_1asshooe at redropf cancelled my card...i orderedfood....theySTOKE label off one of my items& the guy wasSTARING at me(like the stalker@virtua10_10_2019& this is PRECISeLY what i meant by redroof slandering my name

2_4_2020 proof VIRTUA,LOURDES,HamPTON EMT,liars withalicious premeditated neglogent criminal intent commitedeMEDmal,Gave zero care,kidnapped me slandered my name,

harrassmsnt by#redroof&cops,#virtuahealth

Lorie Sibre photo i took of myself at my car10_12_21 WEARING sweater stalker11_5_21, stole out of my bag under cart After i went to atty for def giberson office

12$12$2020 proof mt laurel nj cop told redroof they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave again
oroof4_2021 i told michelle of greenblatt etali was suing them bc they KNEW i wanted me & my son property and pohle NEVER called me back 12_24&20 etc

AMERIGROUP,nthem,AETna,cvs ,gibersin etal ARE LYING SCUMBAGS 

3-6 photo i took of myself as i was at store& stalkers lurking
Warning  I haveNOT gotten me (&my son's) property from apt& gibersons  retaliated8-9-2019 - 7-8-2020&haveKNOWN since2020 i want my property (&my son's)from apt,itsNoT safe ,they know my exbf,& njstate police knew(7-8-207_9_10_24_20-12_2020-8_1_20) AND mt laurel nj cops KNEW_

 landlords areNOT allowed to steal tenant property &i NEVER got my property& monies owed from my judgment2020AGAINST lisa& jamie giberson, doner NEVeR sent me replacement check as heKNEW i NEVER cashed check
4_12 thug thief STOlE from my room

Lorie Sibre(PrincessLorissa)since7-8@hotel NJ~caucasianfairskin~no1mayUseALTERcpyMyPosts&dontAskMySon
~note~if you sTOLE,lied,slandered my name to my son& others, then  KEEP YOUR bad kharma,NEG ATIVE ENERGY~& STOP LOOKING ON MY PAGE&STOP STEALING,LYING SLANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON& OTHERS& THAT ESPECIALLY GOES For LIARS GIBERSON,STRAVELLI(still have NOT give me monies owed2020,security deposit×7%interest, me&my son's property),SOUTHAMPTON AUTO,ANTHEM,AMERIGROUP LIARS(still has ocean county dr when i chose burlington county dr),AETNALIARS(fraudulently put application lisa fraudulently submitted 12$7_2017with dr iNEVER chose lourdes,lifecare physicians(hamilton nj i NEVER went there or saw that dr,;CVS LIARS(2016 jennifer sent my info violating hipaa phi to lourdes drs in cherry hill nj,gloucester county, i NEVER saw, drs i no longer saw),8-94AHKHPE(pottstown pa(my ex cheated in me with...her name wasLISA) beotch kept2014_2017 fraudulently tampering with my info deleting my pobox,sending mail to addresses i no longer live at  & theyAnD cooper 2014,1_2020used the94 chart to discriminate,against me, &SCUMBAGSthatBoughtMyHoise(RN KNEW SERIOUS ERROR (which meant my ex shoukd habe GOTNOTHONG RE MY HOISE- but i waschoked head slammed into wall2003&1$2004having migraines slurred speech) Bc i had complaint against cops FOR HARRASSMEnt &2015theySTOle ltr from94 ins coBC ThOSE DIRTBAGS WERE HARRASSING ME   SINCE AFTER MY EX  RAPEDME  _ I WAs having panic attacks then but didnt know it ..bc i never had them before
4_18 this is my post that some asshoke put underzh-cn.....but its PROOF i posted11$2019re virtua  & some ashooe deflected&, insulted me AS IF what i said wasNOT true& this wasBEFIREWHAT LIars @ er did 1$2020&2_4_20

4_18 _211150 ashooe called my room2 times...nsbbeotchs went by laughing...night before sAME thing

325am,4_12_21_.ahl in room113 next to me banging on wall..harrassing me(& redroof employees in there& hhhmmm..i had complaint against black njstate police detective in charge of victim svcs& theres black retired cop pennsylvania tags white marquis@ hotel he was in bldg 2 (that mike hotel employee who impersonated a nj state police officer11_8_20,AS I WAS BEING STALKED HARRASSED,was in whitemarquis,pa tags,whose brother is nj state policecofficer)&
last night 4_2021about8pm woman with shtnkids goes by..
thrn,8-after10 pm they were BANGING STOMPIN makong ton of noise above my room& sounded like sonya in area, who threatened me1_2021 KneW they were harrassing me&  she did NOTHINg "bc i hung up "& hypocrite sonya hung up on me12$28&20 then discriminated against me, making disparaging remarks

since 9_13_20,i have been at SAME hoteL,SAME room KNEW i had trouble walking, needed cane&, i told them that& they didNOT give handicapoed room,...its NOT near handicapped parking&NO microwave,No fridge in room..
~Warning_ i haveNOT received my property(&my son's) from apt& giberson haveKNOWN since2020 i want my property
4_8_21 someone called my room today, and i answered ,they saidNOTHINg but you can hear janetl in background...i callback& janet says"she didnt call, shes at windows with custs'&hangs up on me...the harrasser was st office& (guy pa tags workomg on his car& someone at hotel messed woth my car

i took this photo 2007 before my exhusband choked me& GIBERSON ETAL stole this photo& others on 3 memory cards they stole2018&~
@apt they hacked acct i hadTHEN stole this Love avator i made& noone has permission to use thisEither&dont ask my son

~~~I do NOTknow any of the guests&redroof employees slandered my name& have harrassed me  discriminated against me&so have guests here that redroof slandered my name to
jamet is black i am white& theres retired BLAVK cop, PA TAGS ,WHITE MARWUIS here& i had complaint against BLACk NJ STATE POLICE DET IN CHARGE OF VICTIM SVCS

proof2014re no smoke detectors& that giberson threatened me when asked about it, that i was injured on steps12$2014& gibersons son james was firefighter 2014 so giberson had NO excuse re NO smoke detectors,
its ILLEGAL apt &giberson NEVER obtained cert of occupancyBrFORE2014
$850 per month, no hvac, no heater,no smoke detector, no co2 detector wires hanging out of wall, roof leak there when we moved in(found out after it rained_but gibErSON KNEw so theyLIED re condition of apt&theyKNEW they canNOT collect rent, &they were REqUIRED to pay me6 times rent so i can get safe housing& theyNEVER did

10_1 proof lourdes violated hipaa phi&hie optout

  NOTE: 2017 someone @ po or cell co in south carolina,pennsylvania stole my acct with number ending in61& 2_1_2019 lisa giberson kEPT that number ending61in her phone withMY COrRECT spelling name,MY ADDRESS&put my phone number i had  that date in herphone with my name spelled WRONG,"lori"& she called that number stolen by sc po or vw employee, ending61 that date2_1_2019& then harrassed me
(& mail from ins co stolen that date2_1_2019& stole my anchor necklace&person black4 door car @146 &verizonwireless stalker from cedars lurking4_1_214_7_21,2_25_21
i  am adding to my list of what refroof can be sued for FACT that someone at redroof tampered with my redroof acct, hacked my phone via redrOOf wiFI&10_24_20 redroof KNEW&didNOTHING...PLUS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST ME ..SO THEY ARE LeGALLY LIABLE ~


my proof8_21_94 imprtant bc ins co AND drs ILLEGALLY used this chart to discriminate& gaveZERO care, LIES errors,SLANDER in my chart&12_8_20 mcginnis jerkpff saw this&KNEW someone at hotel stole my ltr to er12_2020,

HACkER3_28_21&4_3_21 REDROOF DIRbAG stole this is MY PHoTO i took& judge told giberson,WHO WAS STALKING MY FACEBOOK DURING COURT on record  noone may use my videos photos, bc i took them
~~NOTICE; ..(bc giberson etal stole videos,photos, memory card at apt(6_2018)NOONE may use my photos,videosAS i took DONTaskMySon: stop usingMY photosVIDEOS bc asshoes that lied slandered my name to my son& othersashokes that stole from me dont have permission to use them...noone does...dont ask my son either ~~~

~~~WARNING~NotICE..i STILL do NOT have my property(&my sons)from  apt & the bully thug landlord doing this are

 jamie giberson& lisa stravelli giberson

proof2018NO WINDOW under steps& condition of wall(which 7_2_2019 njsp cops saw&NeVER noted in their report)

&8_2019 texts to giberson 

8-9&2019 nj state police8020 saw my deck, rajling
8-9&2019 njsp 8020@148a talking to lisa bpykefter he was at my apt& storkdd off NOT giving me r

dont know who that guy is but hes witb moule 
7_2_2019 proof lisa gobetson was harrassing ms(i didnt knos illegal apt)

narcissistic joe boyie148a& jamie giberson videotapingme AS THEY FU..n hARRASSED ME, RETALIATED 4 STRAIGHT DAYS8_10 -8_13_2019..not even 24 hours afteri reportrd them to township& found outITS illegal apt& rememberlisa gibersonSAIDShE DOES NOT like me
8_2019 note re12_31_16 i put at top of steps& they stole note
10_18_2019 berlin, nj roofing co in area&NOroofing being done

bill moule,diamond detailer who harrassed me

proof condition  bolts on steps

4_2018 proof condition of wall&FAcT no window under steps

proof no fence in148a yard_ they put in2019

my  mail thrown on ground idea who they are but white woman rexhair&black woman werelurking about148a

dont know who that guy is either but he was@148a
looks like cop@148a
they were in area 2_2018when my bsb tampered wuth
proof2018 thats my table 148a lis boyls, joeboyle,helen dobbinsstole & i got it back...giberson stole it7-8-20
2015 my diningroom chairgibersen stole& ohrew in trash(landlords areNPT allowed to steal from tenants

guy lurking up behind me as i walked to mailbox...he just walled near me ,turnrd around and went back whrn i was lookkng at himat wonderimg what he was 

7_8_20@7am proof stepsNPT repaired

7-8-20@1.30 7_8_20 giberson threatens me&ILLEGAL EVICT, harrassment, false imprisonment...(after i called corruption number@830am to report gibetson did NOT repair steps & then I CALLED 911 AS GIBERSON tHreatened me banging on my door& on phone withNJSP NEVER CAME TO MY DOOR 20 MINUTES, @5.20 6$11 my call to 911 re giberson etal (boyle(148a),moule,beige truck guy)harrassing me &6_27@6.21 lisaboyie,148a harrassing me AFTER bill moule threatenedme,harrassed me( i was gone nit5 minutes bavj & he yook my spot where i park& iPRIVED i was i,hosboz isILLEGAL nit proper ventilation for running cars, chenicals, no permits for that, my apt never registered, no ertof occupancy2014& itsZONED commercial...NO RENT maybe collected on illegal apt& gibersons knew they were reqhired to pay me6 times rent to relicate me&NEVER did...they retaliated8-9+2019 through7-8-20

4_3_21 update...i had this as draftlast night...the hacker messedwith 4_3 i am putting back propf thatREDROOF ARE LYING Sacks of shit &they tamperedxwith my redroof acct 4_1&4_2( hacked my phone....4_1_21 stephamie& janet at office thetvwereRUDE& IGNORANT...AS USUAL

my grandpop, who was in military, that i was close to& he wouldNOT like howi am being treated...he accepted me just how i was..NEVER got mad at me.

10_24 prppf re stalking&&FACT BELL& HERMAN_&REDRPPF DID NOTHING
so they are legally liable

9-25_2/my proof i posted on redroof website re discrimination, etc&instead of them resolving giving me hamdicapped room,near handicapped parking, they did not..instead they harrassed me, discriminated,slandered my name,withheld services

&4'5 i posted this& the refroof ot,thigsfucied with my car, then took closeparkon

3_2_2021 PAtags red car (upstairs whete harrasser bully janet&maid were)putting their car door on my car harrassimg me ,SAME gUy @ wendysWHO HARRASSSD ME

4_4 once again i did not get what i need......

i NEVER got kedicap treatment for my2_4_20 loss of balance fall, head injury,I NEVER gotmedical care for8_18_20 car accident,no emt at scene bc the beotc that highlander su did that had NO ins& amerogroup have knowb& DONE nothong re tgeir horribke empkoyee LYING,TAMPERING WITh MY INFO
4_7 stalkers stalkede to st

.amerigroup ars lying svumbags bc dr i chose is in burlington county NOT fycking ocean county....& this is since1_6_21 i habe tried to get resolved so i can get dts appt ..amerigrouo,anthem are dirrbags so areLYING virrua,lourdez,tjuh,cooper, 2017 scunvags

4_3_21 update...i had this as draftlast night...the hacker messedwith 4_3 i am putting back propf thatREDROOF ARE LYING Sacks of shit &they tamperedxwith my redroof acct 4_1&4_2( hacked my phone....4_1_21 stephamie& janet at office they wereRUDE& IGNORANT...AS USUAL

10_24 proof re stalking&&oFACT BELL& HERMAN_&REDRPPF DID NOTHING
so they are legally liable

10_13_20 Blacksuv pa tags locksmith with woman white car WHOwasUPSTAIRS

11$8 COP136,147 BELL (he gave diff badge nimners)RE stalker@ hotel harrassing me agaim& mikehotel employee approached me & LIED IMPERSONATED NJSP DET& hes not his brotheris

10_24 my telling cop herman i think stalker is security, cops, tech person(&4_2 stalker at hotel tampered with my acct& messed with this draft so i am putting it back as permenant(note ny tech ip at office10_2020)

4_4_21@wendys this morning AFTER i paid for my order,the guy was IGNORING me when i asked for receipt,& then hes LYIMG BEiNG A HOSTILE narcissistic JERKOFF,I WAS SO DISTRAUGHT AFTER THIS(i was wearing a skirt)proof stalking,harrazsing&LIARS SLANDERING MY NAME,HARRASSING ME& THE GUY@WENDYS is lying, harrassing & HARRAsSING ME& pa tags of redroof guest or employee upstairs, were at wendys a few weeks ago(they harrassed me& put their car door on my car)&lazt noght people above my room stomping making noise, tapping on my window,wall& i think giu from12-2_20who harrassed me waashere early morning 4_4next door,&other room next like4'30am

3_24_21@ wendys liar erica(&i just went to wendys other day was sge was cashier&prob working4-4

7_17 proof connor @hampton LIED slandered my nameAfter i went to apt, got stalked to hampton hotel who slandered my name,&also violated moratorium
7-8@.11 my call to corruption number reGIBERSONdidNOT repair steps(&then cop on marquis(like car njsp dsjg i had complaint againsthad)@148a , &then giberson harasing threatening me&proof njsp8204 martin said they wete NOT going in my apt&fixing steps so they are safe so i could return7-9-20

jamie gibetson as i was on phone with911

12$12_2019 giberson failed 12_9_2019inspection)itsILLEGAL APT& by law they had to pay me6times rent to relocate,& they NEVER did giberson retaliated8-9-2019-7_8_20(&i told township8-9-2019 i was scared of landlord)

12_14_2019 @1.25attempted breakinAFTER my phone hackrd
my property giberson stole7-8-220
7-9 proof gibetson NEVER repaired but they were in area
photo i took wires hanging out if wall
proof giberson i was in apttook deck apart while i was in apt
giberson etal
steps proof condition
2_1_2019 my proof i told lisa gibdtson NOT to give my number to anyone(dv law is ..NO landlord may enter my info into database, she put my info on that document TO BE RETALATORY vindictiveas she said she did NOT like me)
~~NO INFO,lies,slander RE me was online before2014~~~

1_11_21 hacker anthem employee fraudulently tampered with my info put dr in tuckerton nj...&i chose burlington county nj dr&ITS STILL WROnG COUNTYfor dr
7-2019 i was goimg to store, saw this guy(moule,diamond detailer) tresspassing on my steps,took photo went bacj
kin my apt

proof steps removed
condition of ceiling

& giberson removed them(i didnt notice giberson had already taken railing down& removed all the boards on deckAS I WAS in my apt..(&took 2 steps off from steps&WHIlE i was in my apt .

just some of my proof re harrassment, stalking,gaslighting by redroof,etal,

10_18_20 proof how janet talked to me DISCRIMINAtED made fun of me in front of custs&employees

@starbucks10_2020 they LIED, gaslighted AFTER i was at redroof office

12_8_20 proof re outlet

1_2021 PRooF all the ins cards sent wothWRONg county address for dr..its STILL wrong

11$8 COP136,147 BELL (he gave diff badge nimners)RE stalker@ hotel harrassing me agaim& mikehotel ployee approaxhed me & LIED IMPERSONATED NJSP DET& hes not his brotheris

10_24 my telling cop herman i think stalker is security, cops, tech person(&4_2 &4_3stalker at hotel (i think its their IP provider)tamperedwith my acct& messed with this draft so i am puttng it back as permenant(note ny tech ip at office10_2020)

11$8proof redroof lied bc mike approached me AS I WAS BEING STALKED,&he impersonated nj state police detective& stephanie& sean at office he was talking to them

12_8_20,12_13_20,officer mcginnosKNEWre stalker, my info tampered with& he& mt laurel nj copsGASLIGHT harrass after i file complaint against cops


12_22$20 i wemt to store..5 minutes& this guy comes up harrassing me behind me as i am getting stuff out if my car

prov house_ all they had to do was call another dv agency so i could relocate toANOtHER county& they yook ovrr2 hours instesd of a few minutes...i was in fear upset traunatizdd & the $&$$@prov hoise"didnt makethe call bc i hung up'.. WTFcares if i hang up? .so if anything happens to me ...REMEMBER prov house WHO RECEIVES FEDERAL FUNDING would NOT make a 2_4 minutephone call for me so i couLd getsafePlacETO live 12_2020#DVFAIL

12$14$20 officer mcginnis154@2.08blowing me off minimizing

someone put cig oit on my fyvkong car_its on surveillance.. random contractors in area this date near office

8_20_20@mechanics STALKER stalked me to mechanic& put cig in hood my car & i was at econolodge(i NEVER smoked)

9-6-20@laquinta proof someone broke deadbolt WHilE i was gone20 minutes, that erica was rude hung up on me9-6-20,& securitycameraRIGHT TGERE so laquinta KNEW who it was (the thief at econolodge who stole my hotel key, put it in my room at laquinta who SLANDErED my name just likeEVERY OThERFUC..N HOTEL AFTER I WENT TO MEDFORD NEAR APT butNOT at apt bc itsnot safe

12$28_20 proof sonya HuNG up in me,& made discriminatory comments& then1_23_21 threatened me after i said people above my room harasing me(it was after11pm)&she was vindictive, unprofessional ,rude& she WAS HouSEKEEPER redroof oct2020

proof how redroof employees have treated me, stalking, harrassment,slandered my name(& i deduce its coproom, next to me)1_12_21 tj WAS an ashole to me & COMPLAINIng bc i said i was being stalked harrazsed& HE CaLLED cops(&gave number to collingswood NOT hotel)& he said"why dont i just leave" as he left message for veejae..i amWHITE...hesblack...retiredcop is black ..and oh yeah njsp det i had complaint against was black..he was in charge of victim svcs&REVICTIMIZED me, took advantahe of me& i have complaint against cops for harrassment.... bc of whatredroof doimg& what gibersom did

i put on 3_28appears redroofDELEtED 9_13-9_27,9-27_-10_7WebsiteSaysMyRoomSHOULDhaveFridgE&microwave&itdoesNOT&4_1 my acct tampered with

ifyou sent me something, i didNOT get it(i am NOT saying anyone did, but Iam only saying this bc po STEALINg my mail& i was told2009 someone at po wasNOT delivering my ltrsetc i sent to family,friends& mail stolen....i NEVER cashed check from doner, the courtdocs I NEVER got, i NEVERgot my property (&my sons)from giberson,orthemoney & property from sep2020, NEVER got my security deposit either
1_2020 proof@er nurseHEARD i habe untreated head injuries, parathyrood eyc soith carolinaTHIEF @ er this date...after i called on call dr but i forgot they sent RETALATORYLIELTRJUST LIKSLIAR DR DP DID,& 2017 dr AFTER i said she wasNOT my dr bc she spelled my firstAND last name wrong, sent my labs to ny, with my name spelled wrong refused to give anycare...didNOTHING.
.2_4_20 proof my bloodwork, WHICH they did AFTER430pm my being in er& they kidnapped me as i tried to leave er bc NO care 11am_4pm& after i said ITS NOT SAFE AT MY APT.&NURSE AT ER lied said i said giberson pushed me down steps& iNEVER said that....they kidnap me, REFUSE to let me talk to dr@430pm AS WAS my right_ VIRTUA gave ZERO care: no meds for pain, migraine,muscle relaxer...NEVER LOOKED AT MY BACK,NO IV dehydration, anemia, elevatedcalcium ,only xrayed right side back NOT left side which wasbruised&swollen(&radiology sexually harrasssd me&usedSAME radiologist robert ____as1_2004 when i lost my balance on stepsAFTER being choked head slammed into wall2003&it said'history migraines slurred speech" on that mri sovirtua, ambulance actions weremalicious premeditated negligence,failed to do standard of care for loss of balance fall head injury, slandered my name in chart, altered my info(dehydratedAFTER being in er NOTHInG to eat or drink11 am_7pm...which ihad to ask & by that time my stomach hurt so bad i couldnt eat the food

3_29_21UPDATE _ someone accessed my hotel acct &noone called me from hotel so whoever before445 pm,accessed it wasNOT for authentic reason....

itsCLEAR someone @redroof tampered withy acct redirewards points bc it showsPOINTS12_27_20& 12_28_20 janet said she was puttong my acct to zero balance& she didNOT& then1_1&21 tj working& it says"0 points'& then after that it shows redirewards points..i cancelled the 10_7-10_8_20 reservation bc iNEVERmade was madeAFTER stalker called my room3am 10_5_20...

~& they charged$10 more per noght3_26&3_27_21~ begining3_18 charged$70.99 per night...i amSTILL inSAME room(NOThandicapped )@redroof.,no microwave,no fridge(

harraszed me put her car door on my car AS SHE WORKED ON HER SUV&then sstalker remote started tresspasssdy carSINCE10_24_20 redroof and Cops haveKNOWN& DONE NOTHIMG so they are legslly liable

all my stuff vandalized by redroof employee

11"26_20 proofjamet LIED to copsbc she said mike  is hotel ployee& she HEARD my voice mail when she called harrassimg me(& IMPORTAMT NOYE...RETitED cop was at hotel PA TAGS white marquis

&it says on their website that microwave&fridge included with my room&theresNO fridge,NO microwave in my room..

the pathetic hacker wannabes @ redroof hacked my phone via bluetooth(pa tags beitch beige car in this area 5 miniyres went towards offuce thdn 115 ashoke 6 pm put her suvdoor in my car harrass and there wrrsNO marks on my car,& since10_24_20 i reported to mt laurel nj police re stalker harrasser@ hotel& they didNOTHING.. never told me who it was,eyc..they areLEGALLY liable

6_5_20 @ rodeway inn who LIED bc SGE was being beligerent .NOT me& they ALSI discriminated gave me room upstaors.. not downstairs .black guy was laughing as he gave me room smoke alarm unplugged,message in phone tbat i couklldNOT access

4-4 i didNOT put 1_2021 video re when i was upsst bc they harrasssd me , i was distraught....
7-2020 proof giberson removed steps,stole my property, & proof my black sandals were in goodcondition& that redroof employee vandalized my sandals
7-8_20@7amMy PROOF lisa giberson did not repair steps as toldto on7-7-20 by njsp7174

redrpof discriminated 0-13_20& didNOT gove me handicapped room near handicapped parkokg& they saw me needimg cane...since9_13$20 i have been in SAmE room, NO microwave,NO fridge, NOT near handicapped parking

9-25-20 proof i contacted redroof re janet tamperimg with my info9-24-20& deletimg my info which sean put back in9-25_20

just proof i have handicapped plaquard

&thats where handicapped parking ,rooms are...soPROOF redroof are liars& discriminated& withheld services since10_24_20 so i bought my own sheets, blanket,towels, toilet paper etc,(& taped housekeeper going by my room to room next to me to PROve doscriminatiom retaliation after9_2020 when i reported janet deleted tampered with my info spelled my nameWROnG just like 9_13_20 they didbut i  got it put back9_15_20

my proof redroof charging taxes STILL,NEVER creditedme the taxex i paid9-13-20 thru 12-13-20

proof tj complainimgsay bC i was being stalked harrasmg'hes getting tired"OF FACT I AM HARRASSED when #redroofAND cops KNEW since10_24_20& didNOTHING& tj was complainimg saying" hes sick of it(my telling hotel i am being stalked harrasssd)
& he gave police a number for  collingswood numberNOT redroof hotel number

3_18@3pm someone athotel put a cig out on my car

4-3-21 asholr pa tags put their car door on my car

3_28_21& 9+13_20 they di
d not give me handicapped room near handicapped parking at end of bldg, they areSTILL charging taxes, guy at office yesterday was waving at me...i cant see that far...dont know who itwas& i wasUPSET, faetigueD BCAHOLE stslked meAGAIN to strfe..they PARKED IN CLOSE SPOT3-27*21&redroof employeez were in areaWATCHINGharrassingstalking ME watched me BE UPSET..just like1_3_21BC OF ThEIR HARRASSMENT _ they vandalized my car, since9-13_20 being here redroof , my mail stoIen, my ins info tampered with put dr in ocean county NOT wherei am......
lorie sibre(princess lorissa) fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen, I have ALWAYSlived in SouthJersey,current i live@hotel since7-8-20 & since9_13$20 i have been at SAME hotel,SAME ROOM,NO FRIDGE,NO MICROWAVE(& RODEWAY INN& ECONOKODGE TAMPERED WITH MY INFO)...7-8-20 my landlord, jamie giberson, lisa stravelli giberson ,southamPton auto, threatened me BECAUSEI wOULDNOT OPENTHE DOOR For A LUnATIC GIBERSIN BANGING ON MY DOORPOUBDING SO HARd IT WAS MOVING DOORFRAME, as he said'what are your plans'? i said what does that mean he said' i dont have fuc...n explain a thing to you, OPEN THE DOOR& I SAID I Was not opening door.. to FIX THE STEPS JAMIE, FIx THE STEPS(7-7 NJSp7174 told lisa giberson to fix the steps & she didnot( njsp 7174 wasalmost injuredas he went up my steps& giberson didNOT repair steps& 7-8@ 7 am as i saw giberson didNOT repair steps, i called corruption number to tell them he didnt fix steps bc i didnt know what the fu..k else to do bc town corrupt& rightAFTeR a unmarked marquis detective car @148a boyleapt.(6_11_20icalled911 bc giberdon harrassing me_ they went to 148a joe boyle ,who harrassed witb jamie gibersln, then njsp went to my apt) 7-8-20* then afterdetective car @148a,giberson threatening me...bc i wouldNot open door to that lunatic, then giberson,e, moule, boyle, etc began stealing my property off my deck, handing itoff property to moule who wason orange lift thing& then he pushed my ac vent thing in...(Note:7-8-20 ,began stealing my property off my deck, taking apart steps, deck, as i was in my apt, causing me to fear for my life&safety, as they were removing my ONLY way out of apt,which us illegal apt theyFAILED inspection for(#corruption,#illegalapartment,#stalking) Which is false imprisonment, harrassment, &they know my exbf i have fro against&8__10$2019GIBERSLN RETALIARED HARRASSED ME with4 njsp, including njsp 8020_joe boyke to tell me'giberson was repairing steps& deck &"wanted to know if i was going anywhere" well i didNOT go out, gibersOnNEVER relaired steps or deck, was at146 lateron8_10$2019& they harrassed me 8-10$2019-8_13$2019&townshipNEVER came to my door during that time...i was at apt entire time(its ILLEGAL apt& no rent may be collected& gibersons were supposed to pay me6timesrent so i can relocate& theyNEVER did, NEVER gave me my securitydepositplus7% interest& I haveNOT gotten me(&my son's )property from apt DESPITE my repeated requests since2020 that Giberson etal send me ltr explaining how i can safely obtain my property&this is distressing ,traumatizing me&gibersons areNOT honest, they NEVER put apt in move in condition, no certificate of occupancy BEFORE 2014 when me& my son moved in, no landlord registration statement,no co2 detectir, no smoke detector, wires hanging out of walls, wall,window in bedroomNEVER finished,only 1 window opens, nohvac, illegal bizUNDER garage apt running cars so the carexhaust and chemicals from that illegal bizgo into apt, all kinds of people roaming that property where apt is from illegal carwasher biz& southampton auto& as biz owners gibersons KNEW cert of occupancy,landlord registration REqUIRED as well asall the other stuff...michelle at township KNEW i was scared of giberson8-9-2019, i called back to find out if illegal apt& michelle CALLED GIBERSONS& TOLD THEM& THEY RETAliATED HARRASSED ME SAME DATE ALL THE WAYUNTIL7-8-2020& THEY KNOW I WANT ME&MY SONS PROPERTY& HAVENT GIVEN ME LTR EXPLAINING HOW I CAN SAFELY GET IT,
~~ Contrary to lies Slander I have NOT dated Since2007when my exhusband choked me Slammed my head into wallAGAIN ~NOTICE:~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Primt,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~&dontASKmySon ~~ ~*~IF YOU DO NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i graduated high school at age 17(where: nj, otherwise... none of your biz.) i have been out on my own since age17 ...i am caucasian, have fair skin naturally curly hair, hazel/green eyes,long legs,high cheekbones~tfsz~ I am ALWAYS original
NEVER a follower

~NOTE~IF you stole,lied,slandered my name to my son& others,then KEEP your bad kharma,negative energy,NBFT&STOP Aii,lying, slandering my name to my son&others ~


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