6_24_24WAS my motion to to recuse judge wells&adjrnment.it wasNOT a discovery motion as liar ct emp.put violating canon code of conduct 5_14_24 s.w my son. 5_24_24-8_17_23TrIED to get Apt(&didnt get OBVIOUSLY AS I AM STILL AT #EXTENDEDSTAY CHERRY HILL NJ&my mom& sister10_2023-11_1_23 KNEW i needed safe apt andwanted to see my son...i was supposed to see him 4_1_24&didnt, have not s.w my sonsince5_2024 )_esa.LIED&SlanderedMyName& 7_12&10_12 tresspassed my room 7-12 i hand delivered 7-11 complaint ltr to esa staas after i saw esa tresspassed my room. 5_24_22,3_14,3_21&5_6_24,5_23,5_24_24 went out DIFFEREBT time, went to apts& they wereAH . (obvious esa ,redroof,giberson ,liars slandered my name(& they canNOT )8-21_94 2 monthsAFTERnbs&rg.8-21_94 jfk(now tjuh) ch nj ERliedInChart didNOTdocTREATtbi(my thenEmployer who were med mal attys SAW 2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others uSINGliesFROM this 94ErRecord thatLIARREDROOFempStole11$2020 njsa56:8-1,8-2,njsa2c21:17. erlied2-4-20(someone at lourdes,virtua and cfg COMMITTED IDTHeFT, HIPAAPHI AS I NEVER SAW CFG (they were at drs2015 but i NEVER saw them nor did i see or speak with liarCFG dr2_4_20@430pm ()&8-21-94 er lied, my then employer KnEW as they saw chart, were plaintiff med mal pi(personal inj) attys~ 3_3_24iWentToDIFFstore lidlAS testPROOF re STALKING HARRASSMENT &AH at lidlRIPPEDmyList asiWaslookingForSomething& AHthrewItOnFuckingFloor3_3$24asICameIbtoVestibuleESA ah#harrassment LOCkEDdoorButGuyWasComingOutSoIWasAbleToGetIn&ItsREPORTEDinMyVideoexhibitsWithCourt &NOTINGas i got in lidl 3_3$23this blaxk guy JUST LURKING PREDATORING NEAR ME (I DONT KNIW HIM AND IF HES THAT NJSP DET2008 I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST OR HIS RELATIVE, THEY BETTER STAY AWAY FROM ME(&my son faf)&on way there3_3_24 i was singing trying to be upbeat and NOT be upset....tharsFUD UP WJST THEY DID...bc IF they cared they woukdnt habe been ah and ripped my list, fucked with my tablet, bkacknguy just stsred at me as i was shopping (having panic attack but i wasnt tell that jo thatsWHY it appearex i was rushing 10_2023-7_17_24poAND esaSToLE mail .
11_3_11_2,11_1, 10_31,
10_30 esaEVIL kiar liwlIfes vibrating floorREALLY REALLY BAD SINCE6AM 10$30, 729pm still WITH CRIMINAL MALICIOUS INTENTNJSA2C33:4a vibrating floor
do NOT send mail ,packages to me@ esa as it gets stolen&dont call my hotel phobe as,esa messedxwith it
single since2007 ( i am NOT desperate to date,)
- .not God loving believing behavior by themStealing my grad prayer wish plaque, my safe&me& my sonproperty@apt2021(knew i wanted per my12_1_20 pro se plaintiff revised pg3 complaint uploaded12$2420)
- 6_24_24 sinCE440amvibrating floorREALLY bad,, 6_23_24 440 PM ESA psychopath evil ah with malocious premeditated neglogent reckless intent vibrating floor& were banging on wall308 6_23_24445 pm&6_22 130pm stalker put location on my phone (i have it off)623_24 515pm stalker ah messed with 1$17_24 thing i got from cigna that stalker liars messed with betwee 1_17-1_31_24 when po DID NOT DELIVER TO MY POBPX622_24 Migraine, woke up later bc esa LIARSvibrated floor all day 6_22 reallu bad6_1_24,6_10_24 called cops6_21$24 330AM WOKE UP bc HARRASSER MESSED WITH 1_17_24 THING I GOT FROM OTC. THEN 430AM BEGSN VIBRATING FLPOR, 7AM BANGED UNDER MY ROOM 715 AM VIBRATING FLOOR BAD6_20HAVEmigraine&since7am defESAliarsW/maliciousINTENT harrassing VIBRATINGfloor thru after1030pm (WEREundrrMyBathroomBAngingASiWasInBathroomINCLUDINGtubtheb1245messedWithThibgIGotFromInsco1_17-theytampetedWith&5_2024 CIGNA liars IGNOREDmYemailLtr6_18were tapping on wall, in bathroom, vibrating floor early am, last night about5pm messed with1$17 thingpn i got to try to block out noise from harrassers..&2021 def redroof attys STALKED MY SOCIAL MEDIA ..LITERALLY THEY STATED IN THEIR FILED DOC..& defendant esa said in doc he gave to court2023'hes having people watch'bc he didNOT believe i am being stalked& watching following showing up,tampering with my accts, vandalizing my prop,theft my property, slandering my name IS STALKING PER SPARC.. 1$28_24 I SENT4 VIDEOS TO ESA PROVING THEY LIED9-22_2022 REGARDING MY ROOM,FAXT THEY KNEW HOTEL EMP STALKING ME(BC WTF ELSE HAS ACCESS TO GUESTS ROOMS??? AND ESA STILL LIED ....DEFSattyIGNOREDmyLtr(RPC)&747pm 6_17 DEF ESA LIARS w/maliciousReckless,CRIMINAL, premeditatedIntentToHarm are vibratingFloorToMyRoom6_14iSebtLtrToDefAttysReThisHarrassment,&6_4MyBalance,LeftsideDUEtoESALiars VBRTEDflr5_31-6_3&6_4vibratedfllr5pm-630pmvibratingAFTEResaEVILahBAngING underMyBathroomAsIWasInIt Floor6-8 10amVIBRATINGfloor,6_7-6_8 1am vibrating floorSoBadICldntSleep&6-8 530amESAPERVERTS bangedUnderBathroomASiWasINit
- 6_14_24I iNFoRMED DEFENDANT ESA ATTYS, AND COURT via my letter filedcwith court& emailed to defendants attys,which they IGNORED. i stated:" on 6_4_24 i lost my balance and got hurt due to defendants vibrating floor banging under my bathroom as that occurred,5_14_24 i woke up disoriented and forgot to shut bathroom door as i realized,Defendants began banging under my bathroom, 3_20_24 woke up middle night passed out due to defendants harrassing with malicious ,reckless, negligent intent to harm vibrating my floor which they areSTILL doing 6_14_24 were not 330am then 430am were then745am vibratingfloorREALLYbad &745amJUSTdrilledUnderRoom."6_21$24 330AM WOKE UP bc HARRASSER MESSED WITH 1_17_24 THING I GOT FROM OTC. THEN 430AM BEGSN VIBRATING FLPOR, 7AM BANGED UNDER MY ROOM 715 AM VIBRATING FLOOR BAD6_20HAVEmigraine&since7am defESAliarsW/maliciousINTENT harrassing VIBRATINGfloor thru after1030pm (WEREundrrMyBathroomBAngingASiWasInBathroomINCLUDINGtubtheb1245messedWithThibgIGotFromInsco1_17-theytampetedWith&5_2024 CIGNA liars IGNOREDmYemailLtr6_18were tapping on wall, in bathroom, vibrating floor early am, last night about5pm messed with1$17 thingpn i got to try to block out noise from harrassers..&2021 def redroof attys STALKED MY SOCIAL MEDIA ..LITERALLY THEY STATED IN THEIR FILED DOC..& defendant esa said in doc he gave to court2023'hes having people watch'bc he didNOT believe i am being stalked& watching following showing up,tampering with my accts, vandalizing my prop,theft my property, slandering my name IS STALKING PER SPARC.. 1$28_24 I SENT4 VIDEOS TO ESA PROVING THEY LIED9-22_2022 REGARDING MY ROOM,FAXT THEY KNEW HOTEL EMP STALKING ME(BC WTF ELSE HAS ACCESS TO GUESTS ROOMS??? AND ESA STILL LIED ....DEFSattyIGNOREDmyLtr(RPC)&747pm 6_17 DEF ESA LIARS w/maliciousReckless,CRIMINAL, premeditatedIntentToHarm are vibratingFloorToMyRoom6_14iSebtLtrToDefAttysReThisHarrassment,&6_4MyBalance,LeftsideDUEtoESALiars VBRTEDflr5_31-6_3&6_4vibratedfllr5pm-630pmvibratingAFTEResaEVILahBAngING underMyBathroomAsIWasInIt Floor6-8 10amVIBRATINGfloor,6_7-6_8 1am vibrating floorSoBadICldntSleep&6-8 530amESAPERVERTS bangedUnderBathroomASiWasINit ,6_8@poREDROOFstalkerHarrassedMe@myCaraBeforeIWentINlike12$2022 6_3-5_31 VIBRATEDfloorReallyBad,6_4vibratedFlrBANGINGunderBathroomASiWasInIt&iLostMyBalanceGOThurt6_1,6_10toldCops 6_17_24since1_29_24 esa evil psychopath PCN with malicious criminal premeditated intent to harm me vibrating floor after po esa stole mail fromcigna ((1__24 harrassing blasting music (like when conrad raped me when i was16)& vibrating floorPUT inMYpleadings, Emails to ct,judgeHarrington,def redroofAttys&, eSA455&esaCorp,DEFesaAttyNJDCA,state nj ethics 4_1_24SUPPOSEDtoSeeMySon&didnt(3_31iS.wHim&esaAH evesdropped justas5_18_23 iWasSupposdToSeeMySon June2023&didnt) 6_3_2411PM thru 419am5_31_24 esaEVILahVibratedFloor- ITSCRIMINALrecklessMALICIOusIntentToHarmBy DEFENDAnT esa3-20_24middleOf night i got up passed out,wokeUpOnFloor&dueTOesaPSYCHOPATH VIBRaTNG FLOOR iHavePapertrail&videoPROOFtoREFUTEtheirliesREMEMbeR thiswhenDVadvocates& cops say"woman didnt "reach out": lie as LITERALLY I HAVe FYCNG VIDeo PAPER TRAILSPANNING2007, SInCE2019 WHEN I STARTED TAPING PROOF, RE STALKING HARRASS5_29since330AmEsaAOAsn ESA AREevilVIBRATINGfloorReallyBad 5_28_24730am-1030pm&5_27 Wlsbnddrs,therapistsDid 2008-present5-18,5_17,5_16 VibratedFloorREALLYbad330AMthruAfter1030pm,220pmBANGEDUNDERmyBedAsHARDasGIBERSNdid2019_2020.515,5_14,930pmSinc330aM. 5_23 630pm-11pmEsaS EVILahVbrtingFloorWereNotAllDay&&ESAdisgustubgAhBABGEDunderBathrionAsIWasINBathroom615pm&ESAliar308BANGINGonWallSince509pm 5_21_730am &didNOTallDay5_20_245_19since250pm https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hudpOHS3ni called911 3_8_24 badge112 650am10mins go by-noCOPshowedUp3_9 since4pm 3_71059am_3_8_24 vibrating floor 5_2 210am WereNotVibratig 315amVibratngFloor 5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor4_30_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor so i couldNOTgoOut 43024, after330pm4_27simce130PM4_26-4_25600pm Esa psychopath vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm4_24_24-vibrating floor 330pmVibrtbgFloor,4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor 4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ESA evilPsychopath vibrating floor& 3_25_247am-3_26 3_26 443PM_3_27 4_2_24-3_31,3$29_24945pm-539amESA psychopathvbrtedFkr Https://youtu.be/yKBMFh_sOmU3$23,309PMSINCE930vibratngFlr,1$28_24isENT 5pgLTR&4VIDEOTO ESA 455ch& esa CORP)RLhat1) 9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised , knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)& 2) 4_19_23 esa gm staas /,maint man lied slandered my name,3)11_22$22 esa sStaasKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN(&HE LIED ABOUT THAT TOO&4)4_26_23 ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE 3_16_24ESAPSYCHOPAliar RoomNextToMeBangibgWall&vibratingFloorhttps://youtu.be/JEbL4VXyguQ 3_16 234pm_836pm,3_14 330aM _3_151am, 3_20_24 EVILgth PSYCHOPATH ESa vibrating fkoor &Estatenj "ethics" &NJDCA(MASEaware3_19_24 830am _3$20_24 1am ,3_20 300 am 3_18_24 209am (since3_17_24330am) ) & 3_3 724amwawa emplEAVINGesa esaPSYCHOPATHeah vibrating floor 3_3_24 since330 pm((&3_2$24nctags next to my car& ny tags at esa same date3_10430am wereNOT vibratijg floor,then5am ESAEs start vibrating floor(esaLIARSunderMyRoon) 3_9,4pm-3_911pm esa PSYCHOPATH VIBRATING flpor& they wereNOT all day3_9 since _3_8Lorie Sibre
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower
i am Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,
NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs,5'6 NaturallyCurlyHair
SINCE9_22_22 AT extendedstay stt Cherry Hill NJ HOTEl
do NOT send mail ,packages to me@ esa as it gets stolen
single since2007 ( i am NOT desperate to date,)
email, you are instructed to iNFORM ME via reply email and IMMEDIATELY
DELETE this email&any copies from your system~
~WaRNING~NOTICE~Stealing is NOT sharing~dissemination
,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails,
photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is
STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT
valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleit,YoudoNot have permission,INclUDING FIRE
PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property
stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since
i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder,
iver40disneyvideos, tvvcr, stereo, screentv, cimputers,laptop,
TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A, they
DOC" ¬ God loving believinh behavior by themStealing my grad prayer wish plaque, my safe&me& my son
property@apt2021(knew i wanted per my12_1_20 pro se plaintiff revised pg3 complaint uploaded12$2420)
nor is it God believing behaviorby them stealing from my car10_2020,-7_2_2023
from my room@redroof2020-2022, stealing my mail10_16_22-4_26_24
stole From
my room@esa9-22_22-4_26_24,
12$17_23 broke MY coffee maker&tOASTEROVEN I BOUGHT12$20_22)
vandalized my clothes in my room at
obviously if you stole it, you doNOT have my
permission)....it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying
what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP
- 6_20_24 since 7:00 am DEFENDANTVESA EXTENDEDSTAY liars with malicious negligent reckless intent harrassing vibrating floor& were banging under bathroom.as i was in bathroom6am.
- 418_23@dollar general. 4_18_23 cashier stole$40 from me..i counted out money and as i was doing it anAH BEHIND ME WAS WHISTLING LOUD SO I COULDNT CONCENTRATe ..i said her drawer would beOVER and she put in wrong amount toSTEAL from me(& cops down road(_ as i left to go to store liars esa lurking() a month or so ago i dropped $20 at this store as i was handing it to ah cashier,& black woman begHINd me or employee stole it@walgreens TWICE cashier tried to steal& stole10, from me a month ago3_2023
- theN esa vabdalized these capris& stole from my car4_2023-7_2_234_15_23 photo i took of myself looking at my car& i literally got up got dressed, just put my hair in ponytail and went to my car& they PURPOSELY reckless malicious intent caused me emotional distress & SINCE ESA EMPLOYEES AND GUESTS were and.or are in healthcare not only did they violated hipaa phi , their actions were MALICIOUS RECKLESS #IIED,#NIED
- SINCE2008 SINCE FILED COMPLAINT AGAINST NJSP DET IN CHG VICTIM SVCS, MEDFORD COPS &2020 NJSP& MT LAUREL NJ COPS,&GOT AWAY FROM MY EXES:_tHEY HAVE STOLEN ,VANDALIZED MY PROPERTY@cedars&@apt2021,-SLANDERED MY NAME TO POINT I HAVE NOONE TO GO TO,_RUINED MY BIZ, PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS,(InCLUDING MY SON WHO I HAVENT SEEN SINCE2020_ WE WERE CLOSE BEFORE 2008(i mean we still have good bond but i want to see him)&_ THEN MOViNG TO THAT APT2014-2020,)they harrassed me& my son st that apt2014_2019& then THEY sTOLE EVERYTHING AT MY APT2021 THEY KNEW I WANTED PER MY12_1_20 REVISED PAGE3 COMPLAINT&_ THOSE SAME RPC VIOLATING ATTYS REP DEF REDRoOF-AND MY8-21_94 EMPLOYER REPs AGAINST MY OBJECTIONS NO CONSENT, DEF ESA #EXTENDEDSTAY esp since theyKNEW they lied in er chart.and i fycng didNOT know until 2015 bc of the pottstown pa ah(my ex cheated on me with ( at 8-21_1994 ins co tampered with my info including 2015 and they were using lies from that chart slandering my name to my son& others_21424 LORIE SIBRE PROOF I READ MY 1$20_2024 LTR TO DEF redroof sTTY SMITH ON RECORD 2_14_24 aS TO WHAT I AGREED TO & DEF REDROOF ATTYS VIolateD RPC , COURT STAFF VIOLATED CANON CODE OF CONDUCT & DEF ESA KNOW DEF REDroOF..
- 5_6_24 i called apt , guy asked my name amd how much i can afford, (didnt give my email or phone number), i was going to look at it 5_7_24but esa LIED, slandered my name, messed with my hotel key (video proof & the other place i called guy hung up on me when i said i need apt asap, as i have been at hotels
5_6 i went to apt ch and they lied, discriminated, i could tell by woman'christine" demeanor that esa,etal slandered my name, (stalked me there just as they stalkedme to apt3_21,3_17,3_14,& the apts i called emailed 8_2023-9_2023 ,2019-2022- proof julian lied as he was an ignoramous& threatened to NOT take paymebt jist as redroof refused payment, harrassed me in se manner
3_11_24I GOT DELIVERY BUT EsA FRONT DESK LIAR JULIAN DID NoTcaLL ME, THE WOMAN CALLED ME on MY CELL ,(i knew they were delivering it )AS I WENT DOWNSTAIRS ,THAT LIAR JULIAN WAS JUST PREDATORING ON ELEVATOR AS I GOT ON IT AND WEnt TO LOBBY. . which makes me wonder if there were other deliveries i didNOT get(aside from11$18_22delivery esa staas KNEW11$22$22 i didNOT get nor did i get vm.he said he left11$18_22.and to THINK i got away from my exes2007 To NOT BE MISTREATED...AND THEN then esa, redroof ,etal do that???...5_9_24 since830am ...def esa LIARS psychopath aoa are vibrating floor..... - never thought i would have to say this,but THERE ARE some BAD COPS(8-21_94 911, 2019-5_7_24),DRS,(8-21_1994,2014-2022) ATTYS(1994-5_7_24) ( HOTELS 2_4_2020-5_9_24 SLANDERED MY NAME,stole vandalized my clothes, prop in room2020-4_10$24 AND I SUBMITTED VIDEO PROOF THEY BOLDFACED LIED , DRS ,er, SLANDERED MY NAME2014-2021 JUST AS ON8-21_94- 2 MONTHS AFTER NBS& RG..
- 5_8_24 613am vibrating floor
- 5_7_24 1158am thru after10pm vibrating floor
- 5624 630am banginh under bathroom as i was in it noon still433pm vibrating Floor really bad(3_20 i passed out middle night due to this&4_30 couldNOT gobout bc dizzt from ESA 455 LIAR VIBRATING FLOOR5_5bangingHardWall308,
vibrwtinv floor 5_4_24 4pm thru nigght esa 455 vibrating floor really bad harrassing, intent to harm &JA in room 308banging on wall harrassing 545 am-630am ESA ah vibrating floor - 5_4 esa refused payment,7am,810am& thrn threatened to not take payment THATS REPRISAL, HARRASSMENT UNDER LAW IIED, & esa took payment 4_24_24 715 am. so they are lyong amd retaliating as i filed 4_2_24 complaint& they know redrppf 3_31_24 I filed mtn 4_1_24 re HARRASSMENT
- 5_3_24since630 pm esa,308 babging in wall, they bangedDIRECTKY undrr bathtyb as i was in tub harrassing me
- 5_3_24 735pm vibrating floor really bad harrassing _ this is CRIMINAL InTENT TO HARM ME BY ESA,ETAL
- esa werE CHARGING MORE FOR MY ROOm AFTER4_30_24-_ & i have paid SAME rate (they are doing it as #reprisal,#retaliation #consumerfraudact,
- 5_3_24 wereNOT vibrating floor then about1110 am vibrating floor...someone banged on my door about845 am prob esa...i went to wear sandals and esa VANDALIZED THEM
- 5_3_23 went to front desk,705am ,amd theyREFUSED payment,(hours are 7am to 11 pm& since9_2022 took payments at 7am #reprisal went back down about9am..noone there, noone there when i came back....i was NOT able to go 5_2 as they vibrated floor all day from213 am thru aftwr1030 pn
- 5_2_24210am WereNotVibratig
213 am start vibratinfloorharrassing 315am vibratngFloor really bad 950pm ah LIARS esa #extendedstay sTILL HARRASSING VIBRATINGFLOOR & they KNOW redroof which isWHY I FILED3_31$24 mtn against redroof for harrassment as the judge said they cantharrass.. - 5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&
floor after630pm- 11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad - 4_30_24 5am i woke up feelin
- 5_2 210am WereNotVibratig 213 am start vibratinv floor harrassing 315amVibratngFloor really bad _ 1246pm ah LIARS esa #extendedstay evil psychopaths,STILL HARRASSING VIBRATINGFLOOR & they KNOW redelof which isWHY I FILED3_31$24 mtn against redroof for harrassment as the jude said they cant....
- 5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad
- 4_26-4_25600pm Esa psychopath vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm
- 9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised and knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)&
- 4_19_23 esa gm staas and maint man lied slandered my name,
- 11_22$22 video that esa staas gmKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN& i received NO vm or mail (&esa LIED ABOUT THAT TOO
- )4_26_23 VIDEO PROOOF ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE as i entered hotel lockong door to hotel just as they have been doing since9-25_2022&i told esa cust svc that&
(1_30_24mail from car ins coSTOLEN@PO _ #USPIS,#USPS IGNORED #MAILTHEFT SIMCE10_16_23 -1$28_24( NOONE from po cons affairsah called me _ they LIED!!!!!!!!
2$19_24 there was no mail delivery
delivery 2_19
(so proof esa STILL stealing mail since11_18_2022
330AM 2_22_24 FUCKONG 2019 sTALKER
posting bc esa LIED slandered my name to court8-2024,(prob cops), in esa database since9-22_22( black employee did that (REMEMBER I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST BLACK NJSP DET IN CHG VICTIM SERVIVES2008& THEY HARRASSED ME ST HOISE AFYER HE GOT MY CERTIFIED RRR LETTER TO NOT CONTACT ME ANYMORE
redroofLIARS did SAME thing(& there was black retired cop at redroof & cops lied in reports10_24_2020,11_8_2020 prpb12_8_2020 and definotel after 12$11_2020 cop messa told redrppf they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave again
2$17&24esa IGNORED ME which os #retaliation refusal to take paynebt whuch i lost in all my letters emails that ESA #EXTENDEDSTAY ( AKA BRE/ESA P. PORTFOLIO #455), INCLUDING1$28_24(4VIDEO PROOF ESA LIED INCLUDONG9-22_22 &2$12$24 EMWIL THEY IGNORED ASXWELL
2_4_24 ESA putThRU paymentamount WITHOUTaskingMeASiWasRIGHTthere,
didnt Give meENTIRE foloo(staas dIdThatBEFORE2023)&banging hARRASSING UndERmY roOM 9AM THRU1153 AM2_4_24...ITS IN MY LTR 1_28_24I SEnt4videoPROOFtoESA(SNJ,DCA) _proofESALiED 1)9_22_22, 2).4_19_23, 3).4_26_234).,11_22_22(RE11_18_22MAILSTOLEN)
- lorie sibre
(nickname: princess lorissa) not@ redroof
- since9-22_22@ esa stt ch nj
10_23 i found apt i waa going to look at 10_24& they messed with it, hacked my ftc acct ,8-2023,9-2023 LIARS ignored my call email to 2 apt & esa LIED slandered my name as LIARS,redroof,giberson,etal did
- 10_28_23 someone filed 2 uspis complaints i did NOT file
- 10_23$23 po STOLE mail(
- ignored10_17_23uspis &10_21$13usps mail theft complaints
- i filed ltrs 10_19,&10_20-23 with court
- court IGNORED my letters _proof filed letters10_19&10_20 & in between my filings, @5am10$20_23 court filed doc saying hearing on date they said was adjourned
- 10_23_23 745 am esa harrassing me banging under my room,
- 10_19_23 ct said adjourned hearing, but NO date
- ,i filed 2 ltrs 10_19,&10_20-23 re when was it adjourned, what was it regarding
- court IGNORED my letters _proof filed letters10_19&10_20 & in between my filings, @5am10$20_23 court filed doc saying hearing on date they said was continued
- lorie sibre (nickname: princess lorissa)not@ redroof
- since9-22_22@ esa stt ch nj
10_23 i found apt i waa going to look at 10_24& they messed with it, hacked my ftc acct ,8-2023,9-2023 LIARS ignored my call email to 2 apt & esa LIED slandered my name as LIARS,redroof,giberson,etal did
8-2023 liar esa tresspassed my room_& vandalized jeans i had on 8-3_23& dirtbags stretched my underwear 2 sizes too big which means the disgusting esa etal tresspassed my room8-2023& touched my underwear &my jeans i was wearing8-3_23 whenlIARS at my room obviousPROOF i am telling truth& esa(extendedstay, etalLIED(just as giberson&redroof lied) as they tresspassed my room& vandalized my clothes,STOlE clothes i had inmy car 4_25-7_2_23(not @ redroof,not@illegalnapt _
corrupt court burlington county _DEF REDROOF ATTY charlese shimberg is municIpal jUdge CAMDEN CTY,(including cherry hill) ,BURLINGTON COUNTY which mwleans he mayNOT appear as atty rep someone - judge harrington SAmE judge as11_2019 who KnEW illegal apt
10_5_2023,8-8,6_7,,82023 #fraudoncourt ,#abuseofauthority
stalker4_15-6_10$22 . esa provided no proof.
&corrupt courtAGAIN_ judge refused to accept mySTACK OF EXHIBITS, wouldnt let me say what they were, rushed me, didNOT say what my exhibits were likeLIAR JUDGE DID2016. the stalker was aT COURT and i got sandwuch, sat at bench, i stsrted praying, some guy approached me gave him half my sandwich bc i thought he was hungry right as he left stalker let me know they were there (theyve done it beforecincliding7-8-20) do after that i was sobbong BEFORE i went into court(&esa, court abd cops were mvnBgdwt( TOOK CLOSE SPOT at esa I ALWAyS PARK IN...(i suspect they had exparte during lunch break and possbly durimg6 minutes that ip were fuxing thr audio bc black screen was on def ,def atty).THEY SAW ME LOSE MY BALAmCE tgriughout day....virTuaGTH LIAARS WERE THERE court wereAH AND SO WeRE MY 94 EMPLOYER who are evil bc theyKNEW er lied8-94 in my chart rhat dirtbag they hired saw evidence knew er lied8-94
defESA hired my 94employer(lawfirm)bto rep them which isRpC violation &DV violation& fycn traunatizing me rememberingHOW AWFUL THEY WERE including8-94& theAh atty IGNORES my 8_22,8-28ltr re that, courtIGNOREd my calls
erlied2-4-20(someone at lourdes,virtua and cfg COMMITTED IDTHeFT, HIPAAPHI AS I NEVER SAW CFG (they were at drs2015 but i NEVER saw them nor did i see or speak with liarCFG dr2_4_20@430pm ()&8-21-94 er lied, my then employer KnEW as they saw chart, were plaintiff med mal pi(personal inj) attys~
&2008 had complaint againstNJSP det &12$2020 against certainnnjsp &11$2020 redroof employee brother is njsp &after 11_7_22 my mail at esa and PO stolen including11$18_22
Theyslanderedmy name to my son,he is a good guy _ its NOTmy sons fault,NotMyFault
8-5_2020&3_7_2021 LISA AND JAMIE GIBERSON, SPUTHAMPTON AUTO BY FRAuD,DECEIPT STOLE ALL ME AND MY SON PROPERTY @ APT THEY KNEW SINCE11_2_2020 I WANTED& THEY KNEW my PO BOX 656ADDRESS SINCE2014&9_2020 DURimG COURT,$& RPTSIDE,RICHARDS,weisshoffPOHLEliebermannGreenblatt&court,ALSOknewThis Per my12_1_2020REVISEDpg3,Emergent complaint&10_25_2020 LTR to Giberson etal re SAME& uploaded to my case against them4624 in12_24"20 but NOONE told me that but attys COURT ,GiBERSON ETAL, REDRooF ETAL,,NJSP, MT LAUREL NJ POLICE ALL KNEW I WANTED ALL ME&MY SON PROPERTY FROM APT&EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED TRAUMATIZED BY that.
10_24_2020, copsLIED, as did7-2_2019-7-8-2020 NJSP
mcginnis12_8_20 mt laurel nj cop KNEW redroof emp stole my8-94 chart ,which i showed him proof er lied, he knew 2_4_20 er lied, he KNEW re stalking
am FearFUL even leaving my room or answering my phonebc ifharrassment,stalking,its affecting me getting done what i need to do8-17_23 i tried AGAIN to get apT&theyIGNORED didNOTemail inf
judgeharrington REFUSED to recuse(he MUST as he was judge re my case against giberson & then somehow is re my case against redroof & greenblatt weisshoff lieberman& richards(pohle,rotsides) WHEN JUDGE HERTZBERG IS JUDGE ASSIGNED PER12_1_2021 TRACK NOTICE fraudoncourt
LORIE Sibre~iknowGODisNOTokwithAHthatStolemyfireproofsafe&ME&MySonProperty@apt2020-2021~_JUST like God wasNOT OK with them stealing my property when i was a teen..
have REpEATEDlY reported stalking,harassment since2018(toLd drs lourdes who LOED 10_2018&1_2019),told njsp7_2_2019-7-8-2020, CHERRY HILL.NJ COPS2020,12_2022&8+3_23 whhen esa AGAIN VIOLATED my rights as tenant(after90days guests in nj have SAME rights as tenant which i stated in my12$2022,5_2023,6_1_13 ltrs ,&complaint
& ) 4_15_23-7_2_23STALKER@ESAstoleClothesFromMyCar,thatINeeded(4_21_23NoMediation4_21,10-2022
esa have been pounding under my room since-7 29_23 after445 pm(served with my complaint) through out day since 7am 8-13-23 into night 735 pm and banging in wall in room next to me,8_18 early am into835pm (banged UNDER my bed, bathroom,directly where i was ~snHscgtsw) _ violation my right to privacy in my room, #intrusionuponseclusion ,CAUSING METO FEAR FOR MY SAFETY WITH THEIR HARRASSING BEHAVIOR)_ , esa liars jealous enviois$_# tresspassed my room , esA LIARS retaliated bc i filed2_7&3_6_23dca complaint &5_29(liars bbb put 5_30&ESA LIED, as they NEVER spoke directly with me regarding my complaints )&6_14 bbb complaints & esa retaliating harrassing( me, causing#iied,#nied,vandalized stole my property in myroom&my car 4_15-7_2_23 HARRASSED ME ,SLANDERED MY NAME, bre/esa p. portfolio llc (in county agent) aka esa aka #extendedstay rEFUSEd to reimnurse for my property vandalized,stoken, LIED said"they investigated" uummNO they did noT_ THEY LIED, just as9-22_22-10_28_22 manageR LIED, bc she didNOT do her job properly and inspect my roomBEFORE she gave it to me& my videos prove ESA lieD,inckmkudimg ,9-22_22_10_28_22,10_28_22-8-7-23 re my room TO CALL TELL ME IF I HAvE PACKAgES OR MAIL BUT CALL HARRASSING ME INClUDING8-1_23 _ YET KNEW MAIL STOLEN11$18_22& REFUSED TO TELL ME IF I HAVE MAIL &theyFUCKIJG contd to harrass me INCLUDING AFTER MY 2_6&3_6_23 NJ DCA COMPLAINTS,5_29&6_14 BBB COMPLAINTS, my12_24_22 ltr EMAILed12$26&12$27_22&,my5_23,5_25,5_26 emaik&6_1_23 ltr mailed, harrassed me 7-29_23,(after445pm) through 8-5_23 esa harrassing me pounding HARD under my fuvking room all day including wheN i Was in bathroom and in my bed ,8-5_23 ah was evesdropping tapping on my door violating my right to privacy in my hotel room, invasion if privacy , INTRUSIONUPONSECLUSION, worseAFTER3 PM AMD BY 630 PM I FYCH HAD IT AS ALL DAY EVERY DAY 10_28_22-_7_29_23,7-29-8_5 I HAVE BEEN TELLING THEM TO STOP harasing me
8-9-23 about9am BlackkkSuvwoman had her kids hanging on my car&herS kids were waving at my window(& AH LOWLIFES AT redroof did SAmE thing (Would thet like someone doing that to their SUV??? i had complaint against black njsp det2008 who harrassed me at hoise uoon receipt of complaint& i suspect redroof knows him or black retired copat redroof11$2020 is him )
Notice ~ this is re ahTIs who slandered my name to my son: take your NONsincere sorry & SIUYA , bc IF you were TRULY SORRY, YOU would RIGHT your WRONG & return my fireproof safe & me& my son propertySTOlEN@ APT 2021& redroof LIARS wouod give me monies owed per my12$2020,1_2021,6_2021ltrs etc and esa would give me MoNIES they OWE me per my12$24$22 ltr, 2_7&3_6_23 njdca complaint, 5_23,5_25,5_26,ltremail, 5_29_23 bbb complaimt, 6_1_23, ltr, 6_1423 bbb complaint (including8-94,2_4_20&apt2014_ 2021(#illegalapartment, stoLe my fire proof safe,&all me& my son property 2021(including videos,photos, scrapbooks , photo albums, WORTH OVER $30,000 AS ITEMizED liSTED IN MY EXHIBIT A& UPDATED EXHIBIT 'A'8_31_21 (& 4_2021pohle said giberson STILL had it4_2021
have NOT seen my son since 2020 & havent talked to my son since5_18_23
when he said he Would DEFINITELY see me in june 2023& just like
12$2021 i did NOT get to see him or talk to him Since 5_18_23
copsLIEDreports2019_2022, ERlied8-94,ERlied2-4-20&8-21- 94~ COPsLIEDReportsDidNOTreStlkr20 19-2022,(IA knew) GODisNotOkW/AhThatStolMe& MySonProp@apt2021
ESA HAVE BEEN HARRASSING ME7-29-23 AFTER 445PM THRU 8-7_23pounding under my room (8-7 aboit8 am sounded like esa TRIED TO to get in my room (TRESSPASSING AS I HABE SAME RIGHTS AS TENANT, THEY LIED,SLAnDERED MY vandalized my clothes in my room (9_22$22-4_18_23 (HARRASSED ME WITH COPS_ WHO ARE AH DUD NOTHING RE NJSA56:8-163,IDTHEFT,STALKING,HARRASSMENT , ESA APPEAR TO KNOW NJSPNI HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST2008 ESA LIARS retaliated bc i filed dca2_7&3_6&5_29,6&14bbb complaints and complaint they got7-26&7-29-23 445pm &, have been harrassing me_inckuding7-29-8_1$23 1pm harrassing UNDER my room INClUDING precisely where i am in bathroom, in room #intrusionuponseclusion, violation of my right to privacy kn my room .NEVER call me for packages(&11$28-12$26 my hotel phome didNOT work, after11$26ANOTHER package stolen tampered with ,)no mailpackage @ esa after11_29_22EXTENDEDSTAY lied,retaLIATED harrassed me including7-31 ,1029,1024 ,1034am,bangedREALLY loud under my room im threatening manner, making it hostile. (after4_11_23 whenSAME mediator assigned re rexroof,etal, esa HARRASSED ME,slandered my name and habe been HARRASSING ME SINCE9-25_2022 WORSE AFGER2_7&23 retaliating 4_25-&7_29_23(ABANGING really hard ujder my room, under my bathroom WHENNI AMNIN BATHROOM meamt yo threaten ,intimidate harrass me
NOTE ~notice: eSA have been harrassing me causing
betwwen 4$19-6_27 stalker tresspasser stoke from my car & mt laurel, connaminson cops knew
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