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lorie sibre ~iWasSUPPOSEDtoSeemySon4_1_24&didnt. Havent talkedToMySonSINCE5_2024 thisISNOTkharma REMEMbeR thiswhen dv advocates Andcops say"woman didnt "reach out" bc Thats a lie • 12_24_2022thru10_3_2024iStateInMyltrsToESAto CEASEharrassingMe(INClUDINGforInsp &housekeepingAsIBoughtAllMyownItems ForKitchenBATHROOM&bed &removeSlanderousLies •• ESA IGNORED MY LTRS&LIED • •ERlied8_21_94AsDid2_4_2020 ITS NOT KHARMA

7-12$24 i hand delivered7_11_24 ltr to esa WHICH ESA EXTENDEDSTAY did NOT respond to &OCTsDVawarenessMonth TAL  
2021I REVOKED POA, its in my pleadings 2021-2024 (ORIGInAL WAS IN MY SAFE THAT LIAR LL STOLE 2021) 
ISAID I DONT CONSEnT TO MY94 EMP(monteverdeNOWmcelroy,etal)REP DEF ESA asMy8-21_94EMP 11$1994SAWmy er chart&RETROSPECTknew erLIED,didNOT doc/treat my tbi,KNEW(mySymptomstbi WereThereALLalong•i didNOT knowTheyLiedSlanderedMyName

8_21_94iWasVICTIMdv&erLIED(IdidntKnow). ISaidiDoNOTconsentToMY94EMP(nowMCELROY(RepESA  (literallyesaLIARSdidTHAT toBEah&knowIMissMySon
 10-11 esa liars stole mail 10_810_,9 from ct my complaint10_8 against esa management   i have PROOF ESA LIED: ~••••esa  had mail from my health ins co 6_2024&cell phone co 7_2024&
 esa  NEVER told me i had mailFROM FYCKOMG JUNE2024(CIGNA LIARS)UNTIL 10_12$24
•10_12_24 #intrusionuponseclusion 
 :  can hear THE BLACKBGUY ESA TALKING TO SOmE WOMAN LAUGHING AS THEY RIFlE THRU MY STUFF tresspassed my room violating my right to privacy, peaceful quiet enjoyment ,
 .its11_1_24-&i stilHAVENT s.wMy son since5_2024)&
 IamProSePlaintiff.Since9_22$22@ esa,#extendedstay CHERRYhillnj .
•9-27LostMyBalanceGotHirtBadLeftSideAFTER esaLIAR staas harasedMeWithRETALIATORY repriSALlieDic(&MY94EMPdidThatSOalsoharrassmentByThem

•9-13_24 patientfirstREFUSED careAFTER i gave my iNFO& THEN opUM DBAGS,refused care just as atlanticare
  i fyckg said cease tresspassing ROOM 
...can hear black ah woman and guY TRESSPASS MY ROOM10_12&  kaughingctalkingIN MY FYCKKNG ROOM, HEAR THEM TOUCHING mY STUFF
• • i had no idea they lied8-21_1994& 2015 some ah was telling my son lies from 8-21_94 chart, THATS how& WHEn i figured out they lied, i bring up bc it has affected my ability to get medical careINCluDING2_4_2020 LIARS ER VIRTUA,LOURDES,CFG, LIED)
denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code
of comment(2) 'wouldAreasonable fully
informedperson have doubts about the judge's impartiality?
8_21_94,2_4-20 is NOT funny..NEITHER  LIES,SLANDER  in my charts,prescriptionins recordsByER,drs,INSco,esa,REDROOF
poa revoked 2021 (in safe thatWasStolen2021) MyMailFromCignaStolenSentTo me@ esa 

between715am3_8&3_9_24655am someone messed with my hotel keyTRYING AGAIN to illegal evict,then esaSTARTS SLANDERING MY NAME,HARRASSING WORSE
3_8_24I saId redroofsrlkr@esa
DEFesaATTYS&,COURTfiled thru JUSTasDefRedrpmoof,GibersonATTYSdid judiciary  emp, or cop,atty,etc is violating code of conduct2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNametoMySon&othersusingLIESFrom8-21_94ERChart~.11_2020RedroofEmpSTOLEMyltrTo8-94ER&12_8_20Cop154KNEW(requiredToDo IDThEFTreport &giveMeCopy&didNOTguveMeCopy~thisISNOTkharma~tbmpKGtShcr  since5_2024havntTlkedToMySon &      ~***
~~***6_24_24,5_22_24,denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'wouldAreasonable fully informed  person have doubts about the judge's impartiality? (redroofEMPbrothernjsp) ,  )4_25-10_12$23 ToLD COURT,judge AND DEF ESA"MANGMEBT",EXTENDEDSTAy455theirAtty re stalking,harrassment,
&, .laWS TO proTECT VIcTIMS #sTALKING&3_8_24,@iCalled911 reStalkng,Harrassmentby ESA (& also that redrpof10_24_20stalker@ esa 3_3-24648-7-12 amNO cop showed up re my 911 call ...

lorie sibre ~ IamProSePlaintiff,  . Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502. 6_14_24I iNFoRMED DEFENDANT ESA ATTYS, AND COURT via my letter filedcwith court& emailed to defendants attys,(who were my employer 8-21$1994 when 911 IGNORED MY CALL& er lied& they hired1996 the atty that rep my now ex 1995 re 8_21$1994& i REPEATEDLY told them i doNOT consent) which they IGNORED.

7_27_24 put in dress,  went to my car,gotcwater, (& as i left esa ESA guests who stalk for esa from3_8_24in hallway (staasADMITTED ON RECORD &IN DIC42023 THAT HE HAD PEOPLE "WSTCHING' ME BC HE INFETEED I WAS NOT BEING STALKED

and blackbwoman blastingbmusic in her car shw drove aroundcto othwr side then when i was going backnin thhe flying monkeysdmfrom my flooroeft, and as i got back onto my floor black guy at room of the guy from6_28&7_12 who was at room across from me7-26 as i went downstairs(& that guy was talkingvto black guy whobwas talking to some white woman7_25_24) , 2015 liars slandered my name to my son&others usingthis chart,(&i told .MY 94 EMPLOYER 2023&4_2024-7_9_2024 I DIDNT CONSENT TO THEM REPRESENTING DEF ESA. this isnt kharma

 #sTALKING&3_8_24,@iCalled911 reStalkng,Harrassmentby ESA (& also that redrpof10_24_20stalker@ esa 3_3-24
648-7-12 amNO cop showed up re my 911 call ...just like8-21_1994

went ABOVE&BEYOND WHEN I WORKED ThERE 14 1/2 years.(&i tokd esa liars that i dont consebt to my 94 employer rep them coworkers were ah to me & even laughed when i lost my balance fell on steps@ fidelity bldg...but if they wanted to know how to do something or needed info..despite them being ah...i gave it to them...I CREATED filing index system, medical doc chart, forms, form file, updated MARTINDALEHUBVELL LOGGED EVERY CONTINGEnT CASE FROM TIME I STARTED..took calls that were NOT my jobbut did &got it resolved followed up....
    NEVER ever did i say 'you hung up on me," youre yelling at me'_ or any of the otherBUKKSHT unprofessional  shmt ahAT ESA,REDROOF, CourT,dv,stalking hotlines,cops did  .oh and as forcops rep FOP...and if they couldmt get those secretaries(which was alot bc they wereNEVER at their fycng desk.. fop called me   ..again i could have said'ill give message"...and end of that but i didNOT.. i tracked down atty to answer their question ..opposing,reference counsel called me and i got them info   always letting my then boss kniw.. i did so much more ...but point is. i went above & beyond did so much MORE than my job amd i even did memo of all the cases status, things that were coming up before i left ..i did NOT have to ..its just something i do if i leave a job for another one   then that havkass 14,  1_2 years then boss was a jerk....Even tpm saud'he would make it right" i didnt knoe what he i think he knew they lied94 bc they hired that atty that rep my cant make thisshit up..when i started there i was a nervous wreck...but i tried...all he ever did was be critical of me..
& esa stole my reviews and letters if recommendation from my briefcase in my room at esa2022- 2023.
  (    I always thought they mmh valued me as an employee bit NOpe..retrospect...being plaintiff med mal personal injury attys ..they motherfycng Knew my symptoms were of an untreated seriousTBI.. i was struggling,even went to a therapist  but bc my then boss wouldNOT let me leave for appt on time...i was fyckong Late and the therapist REFUSED to see me bc " i was late" ..i told that ah woman WHY i was late but she  was an ah.. another furtherfailure by the dv system they keep fuckong bragging about .  quite frankly i see little chanye from time i was teen and saw what mike b did how he treatedmy mom and me& my brother to 8-94, after that to what they did at house,cedars,southampton apt,redroof, esa.... I EVEN TOOK ANOTHER JOB1996 but my then boss gave me10% raise to stay...should have realized sonething wasnt right about that it i didnt think i could do the other job even though it was similar job...another clue i was struggling but having no idea why . also noise never bothered ne   i could work thru it having alot of siblings...but there again..i couldnt fathom WHy wasi struggling..i think i was able to keep going bc at house everything was where i knew where it was bc it had been there for since i am not a doctor,not a therapist, not a dv advocate nor an think THEY could fuvking piece that together.. fyckong YEAR oR TWO AFTER
Since mmh did NOT haveNJ PLANwhen i started and inckuding94, my dr was inPA not NJ until later they got nj plan ...  which is one if the reasons theyKNEW lies in chart....bc my dr was listed and there were drs in nj i have no idea who they are and noone said anything to me about going to them..i just calledmy dr8-94
 But nope my 94 empkoyer( i dont care if its a different fycking name...same attys there retraunatizing me 8_2023,7-9_24(@94,95 court ) so much so i asked a sheriffs officer(bc i had noone else to ask) to walk me to my wasnt until i was going towards my car i realized not a good idea when he mentioned he lived in gloucester county(2008 njsp dsjG(... as the ff went sirening by and then i see esa staas fycking goimgv
 towards his car, where i parked and they messed with my ac in my car
and7-25_24 all day esa psychopathLIARS vibrating floor really bad which my94 employer ahKNEW and  i haveVIDEO PROOF WHAT THEY DID 10AM-130PM ....

6_2024 mail from5_20_24 was not RETURNED to def esa sttys (my 94 employer i said i domt consent to them rep def esa and theyREFUSED to withdraw....This is distressing bc theyKNEW er lied11_94..i didnt

esa ARe harrassing JUAT AS REDROOF AND GIBERSON DID 2019-2022

3_8_24i told esaLIARS i called cops& that they are vibrating  floor Harrassing me  558amDoorVestibuLEunlocked&whenIReturned644-7_12AMesaLIARlockikgITharrassin& you can hear my distress& 
1_28_24 i sentltr, 9-22_22ed ,4_19_23,4_26_23&11_22_22 video proof toESA KIARS 455CH& CORP thatEsa CH455 LIED,LIED,LIED,LIED  to esa corp, esa ch nj ,NJDCA,statenjethics& & theyIGNORED _

    NJSP2019-2020mt laurel2020-2022 
,2020 -6_2024cherry hill police 
bLEW ME  the fu..OFF&liedin reports reStalkgHarrassmnt(haveVIDEPROOF i told 2020-6_2924cops re stalking9_22$22,HarrassmAnt
5_7_24 esa liar3_8_24 AhInArea &COP refusedToCallHisSGT

 #sTALKING&3_8_24,@iCalled911 reStalkng,Harrassmentby ESA (& also that redrpof10_24_20stalker@ esa 3_3-24
648-7-12 amNO cop showed up re my 911 call ...just like8-21_1994
3_8_24bout 712am i went in to esa& they 
3_8_24 558AM doorunoocied as i left
esaLIARS harrassed,stalked,LOCIED door to esa vestibule 645-710am harrassing me & theyLIED said 'it was locjed" bit COEARLY door wasUNLOCIED when i left just as9-25$22& esa AH STALKER didNOT see me do that for proof558am 3_8_24& then they messed with my card,caused meFURTHER emotional distress & i had to deal wth that on top of FAXT esaHarasedLociedDoor3_8_24645am
(liarsDidSAMEthing@ redroof&sleep
4_13 7amESA refusedPayment ,9-945am #harrassment,#iied
4_11_24347since730amEViKesaPsychopathW/CRIMINALmaliciousINtentToHarmVIBRATNGmyFloorAFTER4_10 1030AM
4_9_24 since530esaSWpsychopath VibratingFloor&since330pmESAsliar BANGINGwallRoomNextToMe &iNoticedAFTER4_2_24lcops@myRoom:ESAliarsVandalizdJeansMOREthatIHadOn8-3_23(when2GUYS,LIARchCops,ESAstaas@myRoom)

4_9ESAIGNorEDMyCall&hungUpInMeWgenICalled(theyAreLIAR asIleftESA2_4_24liarESAempgotOnElvtr2ndFloor,@walmartGUYwouldNotCallSome1SoICouldGetPhone

4-1 ,3_31,stalkerharrasedme@myCar 4_1 959amSince730pmESvibrtngFkr #iied,
3_29_24 11pm since 930amvibratingfloor aftsrEVILesa AOApcnpsychopath withCRIMINAL,premeditated reckless intent to harm ,FAILING dutyofcare are vibrating Floor
3_27_24 vibratibgfkoorAKKfuckongDay..3_28_24 i go to po&walmart to get tylenol pm & otherThings& 3_28_24thoseEVIK AH aoa stole a bottle tylenol pm& put 2 tylneol pm in bottle  
REMEMBER this when ah DV ADV,&cop say "woman didnt reach out"&, they are fyckkng liars(94)

3_21_24, 650amWHILE i was in bathroom tge10_24_20redrpofStlk@esa
3_9esaEmpsaidDoorUnlociedAfter6am _soPROOFesaLiarsHarased me

2_24 631pmESAliarTRIEDtoGetInMyRoom,tappedOnDoor_ tresspassing By esa I HAGE SAME RIGHTS AS TENAJT SINCE12_21_2022& EAA LOARS tresspassed my room vandalized my property (i boight everything2022 for my kitchen,bathroon&bed)
PSYCHOPATHS EVIL ESA emppcn2$24_24 SINCE10Am VibRATInG FLoor ,they dudbt do it 2_23$24its on record21424 re harasm
2_12&2_9_23 esa harrassed LOCKED doorVestibuleSoICouLDnotUsemyHOTELkey

2_12, 333AM BANGED HARDunderMy Room harrassing.  I HAVE STALKer
AfTER90DAYS guestsHaveTenantsRghts
12$24_22 esa staas liar admits he &other liar esa tresspassed my roombetween9-22_22-10_28_22 duringvtimr period thefts from my room& vandalism to my clothes& ESA liedAbout it slandering my name including in esa database&to court,~~~

12$17_23ESABROKEMyToasterOven&4_18_23coffeemaker I bought12$20_22 (itsOnMyListattachedToMy2_7&3_6_23DCA,5_29&6_14_23™BBB&7&16_23complaints&FucdWithMylaptop~gsvn  
 12$16_2311am _noon esaHarsdDoor threatening mannertriedtogetiyroo (& def redroof (whoKNow esa), i submitted video proofEsaRedroofCopsLied

 ~~Lorie sibre 
since9_22_22@ esa #extendedstay cherr hill nj
dont call my hotel phone or leave vm (they messed with it )do not send mail to me@ esa as it gets stolen
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower ~~
~~~~WARNING~NOTICE~stealing isNOT sharing~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution ofmy mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents,drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specificconsent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleit,YoudoNot havepermission,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son propertystolen@apt2020_2021  KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SEPLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISCDOC"4624 &not God lovingbehavior by themStealin my safe&me& my sonproperty@apt2021&STOLE:from my car11_2020-7_2_2023from my room@redroof2020-2022
,stealing my mail10_16_22-8-18_24 Frommy room@esa9-22_22-7-12_24,vandalized myclothes in my room at esa9_22$22-7-12_2024 obviously if you ste it, you doNOT have my permission) MUST be myauthorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for eachitem.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS~


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4_28its832pm since330pm ESA #EXTENDEDstAY evilnPsychopath W/malicious,reckless, criminal,premeditated Intent to harm are vibrating floor. i toLDliarcesa cherry hill455&corp and STATEnjethics,NJDCA,court, its in my pleadings ghmbmsb~gdnlN#IIED,#NIED,#STALKING,#HARRASSMENT ,

~ Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'would a reasonable fully informed person have doubts about the judge's impartiality? '.   &not God lovingbehavior by them2021 Stealing my safe that was in my bedroom closet&me& my sonproperty@apt2021(including my graduation prayer wish plaque i had since i was teen&STOLE:from my car11_2020-7_2_2023from my room@redroof2020-2022 ,stealing my mail10_16_22-5_18_24 ,Frommy room@esa9-22_22_4_10_24,vandalized myclothes in my room at esa9_22$22-4_102024 how i feel is :  if i were her FAV daughter ,she w ould have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister), (&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i  tried...ever  since i w...

6_24_24WAS my motion to to recuse judge wells& wasNOT a discovery motion as liar ct emp.put violating canon code of conduct 5_14_24 s.w my son. 5_24_24-8_17_23TrIED to get Apt(&didnt get OBVIOUSLY AS I AM STILL AT #EXTENDEDSTAY CHERRY HILL NJ&my mom& sister10_2023-11_1_23 KNEW i needed safe apt andwanted to see my son...i was supposed to see him 4_1_24&didnt, have not s.w my sonsince5_2024 )_esa.LIED&SlanderedMyName& 7_12&10_12 tresspassed my room 7-12 i hand delivered 7-11 complaint ltr to esa staas after i saw esa tresspassed my room. 5_24_22,3_14,3_21&5_6_24,5_23,5_24_24 went out DIFFEREBT time, went to apts& they wereAH . (obvious esa ,redroof,giberson ,liars slandered my name(& they canNOT )8-21_94 2 monthsAFTERnbs&rg.8-21_94 jfk(now tjuh) ch nj ERliedInChart didNOTdocTREATtbi(my thenEmployer who were med mal attys SAW 2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others uSINGliesFROM this 94ErRecord thatLIARREDROOFempStole11$2020 njsa56:8-1,8-2,njsa2c21:17. erlied2-4-20(someone at lourdes,virtua and cfg COMMITTED IDTHeFT, HIPAAPHI AS I NEVER SAW CFG (they were at drs2015 but i NEVER saw them nor did i see or speak with liarCFG dr2_4_20@430pm ()&8-21-94 er lied, my then employer KnEW as they saw chart, were plaintiff med mal pi(personal inj) attys~ 3_3_24iWentToDIFFstore lidlAS testPROOF re STALKING HARRASSMENT &AH at lidlRIPPEDmyList asiWaslookingForSomething& AHthrewItOnFuckingFloor3_3$24asICameIbtoVestibuleESA ah#harrassment LOCkEDdoorButGuyWasComingOutSoIWasAbleToGetIn&ItsREPORTEDinMyVideoexhibitsWithCourt &NOTINGas i got in lidl 3_3$23this blaxk guy JUST LURKING PREDATORING NEAR ME (I DONT KNIW HIM AND IF HES THAT NJSP DET2008 I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST OR HIS RELATIVE, THEY BETTER STAY AWAY FROM ME(&my son faf)&on way there3_3_24 i was singing trying to be upbeat and NOT be upset....tharsFUD UP WJST THEY DID...bc IF they cared they woukdnt habe been ah and ripped my list, fucked with my tablet, bkacknguy just stsred at me as i was shopping (having panic attack but i wasnt tell that jo thatsWHY it appearex i was rushing 10_2023-7_17_24poAND esaSToLE mail . 12_24_2022thru10_3_2024iStateInMyltrsToESAto CEASEharrassingMe(INClUDINGforInsp &housekeepingAsIBoughtAllMyownItems ForKitchenBATHROOM &bed &removeSlanderousLies •• ESA IGNORED MY LTRS&LIED •  •ERlied8_21_94AsDid2_4_2020  ITS NOT KHARM 11_3_11_2,11_1,  10_31, 10_30 esaEVIL kiar liwlIfes vibrating floorREALLY REALLY BAD SINCE6AM 10$30, 729pm still WITH CRIMINAL MALICIOUS INTENTNJSA2C33 :4a vibrating floor 6_24_24 was motion  to RECUSE judge wells& adjourment it wasNOT a discovery mtn as liar ct emp put violating canon code of conduct.i was given no info for hearing other than"ct would contact me if hearing was at ct ' & noone contacted me    & 7-9_24 judge wells ONCE again wasNOT fair,NOT impartial, and he waa reading my complaint DURInG ct rather than before trying to MAKE it appear"same complaint" nope as FAcTS were after8-30_23 harrassment NJSA 2C33:4a which meant i could ...

my blog regarding #corruption,#discrimination,#stalking#harrassment,#hotelliabilitu,#labdlordliability,#illegalapartment,#illegalevictionredroof employeestole from my room,vandalized my clothes my room, vandslized my car, harrassed, stalked me, discriminated against me didNOT give handicapped room near handicapped parking,slanderedmy name,as did other hoteLsAFTER going to apt& giberson etal retaliated8-9-2019-7_8_20 harrassed me,slandered my name,& retaliatedzAgain 9-3$2020 AFTER i got jidgment inMY favortAGAIBST gibersob fir what they dud7-8-2020&rhey haveNOT paid me monues & returbed my property AS ORDEREDBY COURT9_2_20& HAVE not sent me ktrEXPLAINING how i canSAFELY get my properyyper my 10_2020&1_2021 cert ltrs sent to them& sogned foeAT SOUTHAMPTOred speech, nN AUTO4_5_20redroof employee orguest fucjedcwoth my car(AFTER EADTERWENDYS GASLIGHTED HARRAZED ME,LIED JUST LIIE ERICA DID csusong me emotional trauma)_mike was mechanic,115 dirtbsg woman worked on cars(3_25),,guy in pink jerp 115worked on cars(10_2020)& stephanies husband is mechanic, guy red car pa tags who was also at wendys3_2020)11_3 guy at office who touched my coat& pulled belt off it as they were behind me& all redroof employees saw& didNOTHING_ exceptc tel me my belt was on floor) was mechanic(& tgat day my steering wheel making sound it wasmt makong before i last used it)_,& giberson own sputhampton auto...theyDID THIS ST APT....& MT LAIREL DIrrvAG COps knew this10_24_20 so did redroof so they are legally liable& mikes brotger is a nj state police officer & i hBe complaimt againat nj state police for harrassment@ apt which was illegal spt & they should have cited giberson,southampton auto immediately& got me safe housing& they didnt reertyFromApt_4_3515 pm someone tampered woth my profike& took off disabked room(JUST LIKE THEY DID9_25_20..THEN GRAY CAR PULLS IN AREA LEAVES...ANOTHEE PEFSON JUST ITTING THERE WERE AT113 ..SO , THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME& FACT I HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS, AM BY MYSELF(why i tape like i told8-9-2019 njsp 8020_mt laurel cops....20 REWARDS POINTS ARE SHOEING which meams domeone st redroof did that,wont let me usethem& chargedme$80 fu..n for a room withNO microwa e& fridge when their website says my roomcomes with that ...NOTICE:~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Primt,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~&dontASKmySon ~~ ~IF NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,&dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i am ALWAYSoriginalNEVER a follower ..

  lorie sibre (princess lorissa) WARNING~NOTICE :~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Print,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,DOCUMENTS,COPING TAPES,NOTESi&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN(including stolen property at apt &fire proof safe(2020_3_7_~&dontASKmySon 4_27_21 refroof tridd yo get in my roon, i got a newcard,5_1asshooe at redropf cancelled my card...i orderedfood....theySTOKE label off one of my items& the guy wasSTARING at me(like the stalker@virtua10_10_2019& this is PRECISeLY what i meant by redroof slandering my name 2_4_2020 proof VIRTUA,LOURDES,HamPTON EMT,liars withalicious premeditated neglogent criminal intent commitedeMEDmal,Gave zero care,kidnapped me slandered my name, harrassmsnt by#redroof&cops,#virtuahealth Lorie Sibre photo i took of myself at my car10_12_21 WEARING sweater stalker11_5_21, stole out of my bag under cart After i went to atty for def giberson office 12$12...