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5624 630am banginh under bathroom as i was in it &noon _1030pm vibrating Floor really bad(3_20 i passed out middle night due to this&4_30 couldNOT gobout bc dizzt from ESA #extendedstay LIAR VIBRATING FLOOR 5_5bangingHardWall308,vibrating floor5_4_24 4pm thru night esa 455 vibrating floor really bad harrassing, intent to harm &JA in room next to me banging on wall harrassing 545 am-630am ESA ah vibrating floor5_4 esa refused payment,7am,810am& thrmen threatened to not take payment (VIDRO PRooFthat esa "manager" julian was a lying ,ignoramous) THATS REPRISAL, HARRASSMENT UNDER LAW IIED, & esa took payment week before@ 715 am. so they are lying amd retaliating as i filed 4_2_24 complaint& they know redrppf 3_31_24 I filed mtn 4_1_24 re HARRASSMENT 5_3_24since630 pm esa ah to me babging in wall, they bangedDIRECTKY undrr bathtyb as i was in tub harrassing me5_3_24 735pm vibrating floor really bad harrassing _ this is CRIMINAL, malicious,reckless,premeditated InTENT by #extendedstay TO HARM ME BY ESA,ETAL esa #reprisal,#retaliation #consumerfraudact, 5_3_24 wereNOT vibrating floor then about1110 am vibrating floor...someone banged on my door about845 am prob esa...i went to wear sandals and esa VANDALIZED THEM 5_3_23 went to front desk,705am ,amd theyREFUSED payment,(hours are 7am to 11 pm& since9_2022 took payments at 7am #reprisal went back down about9am..noone there, noone there when i came back(i was upset bc i miss my son so i just went to my room bc noone at front desk) ....i was NOT able to go 5_2 as they vibrated floor all day from213 am thru aftwr1030 pm 5_2_24210am WereNotVibratig 213 am start vibratinfloorharrassing 315am vibratngFloor really bad 950pm ah LIARS esa #extendedstay sTILL HARRASSING VIBRATINGFLOOR & they KNOW redroof which isWHY I FILED3_31$24 mtn against redroof for harrassment as the judge 2_14_24 said ON RECORD they cantharrass..5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad 4_30_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor so i couldNOTgoOut 430243_20_24middle of night i got up passed out ,wokeUpOnFloor&dueTOesaVIBRaTING FLOOR 3_17-3_204_27since130PM vibrwatng floor4_26-4_25600pm Esa vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm4_24_24-vibrating floor 330pmVibrtbgFloor,4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor 4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ES vibrating floor&3_25_247am-3_261_28_24 I SENT attached letter emailed TO ESA 455ch& esa CORP) with 4 video proof That( esa ignored my ltr )9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised and knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)& 4_19_23 esa gm staas and maint man lied slandered my name,11_22$22 video that esa staas gmKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN& i received NO vm or mail (&esa LIED ABOUT THAT TOO)4_26_23 VIDEO PROOOF ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE as i entered hotel locking door to hotel just as they have been doing since9-25_2022&i told esa cust svc that

  • 5_2_24210am WereNotVibratig 213 am start vibratinfloorharrassing 315amVibratngFloor really bad 950pm ah LIARS esa #extendedstay evil psychopaths,STILL HARRASSING VIBRATINGFLOOR & they KNOW redroof which isWHY I FILED3_31$24 mtn against redroof for harrassment as the judge said they cantharrass..
  • 5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad 
  • 4_30_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor so i couldNOTgoOut 43024, after330pm
  • 3_20_24middle of night i got up passed out ,wokeUpOnFloor&dueTOesaPSYCHOPATH VIBRaTING FLOOR  3_17-3_20
  • 4_27simce130PM vibrwatng floor
  • 4_26-4_25600pm  Esa psychopath  vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm
  • 4_24_24-vibrating floor 330pmVibrtbgFloor,
  • 4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor  
  • 4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ESA evilPsychopath vibrating floor&
  • 3_25_247am-3_26

 PUTthat inMYpleadings, emails to  ct,judgejarrington,def redroof attys&, eSA455 liars, esaCorp,NJDCA,state nj ethics
soiHave paper trail&videoPROOFtoREFUTEtheirlies
REMEMbeR this when dv advocates AJD cops say"woman didnt "reach out" bc Thats a lie as LITERALLY I HAVE A FYCNG VIDeo PAPER TRAILSPANNING2007, SInCE2019 WHEN I STARTED TAPING PROOF,  RE STALKING HARRASSMENT

3_26 443PM_3_27 4_2_24-3_31,3$29_24945pm-539am EVIL psychopath esa,bre ESA llc 455w/criminalRECKLESSmaliciousIntnt vibratng floor under my room

234pm3_16_24ESAPSYCHOPAliar RoomNextToMeBangibgWall&vibratingFloor
3_15_24esaLIAR (snb)stole my folio printout pgs10-122&SheLIEDdidNTgiveToMe

 3_16 234pm_836pmESAevilPsychopatSti vibrating floor 3_14  330aM _3_151am,ESA psychopathVibrating floor 

called911 3_8_24 badge112 650am10mins go by-noCOPshowedUp just like8-21$1994
3_9sinc4pmEsaEvil psychopathvnvibratingFloor, 
3_71059am_3_8_24 vibrating floor 

3_20_24 EVILgth PSYCHOPATH ESa vibrating fkoor &Estatenj "ethics" &NJDCA(MASEaware3_19_24 830am _3$20_24 1am ,3_20 300 am 3_18_24 209am (since3_17_24330am) esa  evil psychopath PCN with malicious criminal premeditated intent to harm me  still vibrating floor  

since1_29_24 vbrtngfloorafter po esa stole mail fromcigna & wawa ajd liar thoef at wawa(1__24 harrassing blasting music (like when conrad raped me when i was16& i had suicide attemptAFTER that (which i had blocked out until after what njsp dsjg did2008)_ so its CRIMINAL, PREMEDITATED, malicious,reckless, negligent intent to cause me harm)& vibrating floor ) &

3_3 724 wawa emplEAVINGesa
esaPSYCHOPATHeah vibrating floor 3_3_24 since330 pm
1_28_24 I SENT letter emailed  TO ESA 455ch& esa CORP) with 4 video proof That( esa ignored  my ltr )
  1. 9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised and knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)& 
  2.  4_19_23 esa gm staas and maint man lied slandered my name,
  3. 11_22$22 video that esa staas gmKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN& i received NO vm or mail (&esa LIED ABOUT THAT TOO
  4. )4_26_23 VIDEO PROOOF ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE as i entered hotel lockong door to hotel just as they have been doing since9-25_2022&i told esa cust svc that&
3_2$24nctags next to my car& ny tags at esa same date
3_10430am wereNOT vibratijg floor,then5am ESAEs start vibrating floor(esaLIARSunderMyRoon) 3_9,4pm-3_911pm esa PSYCHOPATH VIBRATING flpor& they wereNOT all day3_9 since _3_8
.early am3_9630am my hotel key didnt work ( they tresspassed my room& i had that fixed but REALLY distressed, front desk said'cops dont care"& i go to my car and tge fuckong redrppf10_24$20 stalker harrases me, thrn they are messing with hotel phone since3_8 so it has no dial tone& 
~not God lovingBekievingbehavior:Stealing my safe&me& my sonproperty@apt2021 STEALINGvandalizibgMyProp2020-2022@redroof &9_22$22-3_8_24@esastokeVandalizedProp2022-2_2024, nor liars stealing 4_2023-7_2023 the clothes i hadInMyCar
2_12, 333AM BANGED HARDunderMy Room harrassing. 
631pmESAahTRIEDtoGetInKyRoom,TappedCardOnDoor. esa psychopathvsimve10am 2$24 vibrating floor, esaEvlAH wasNOT doimg that2_23_ did 2$24AFTER AH GSnear ESA ignored me just as liars stalker esa have done since9-23_2022 tgen i webtToWawaJUSTlike1$19_24
PSYCHOPATHS EVIL ESA emppcn2$24_24 SINCE10Am VibRATInG FLoor ,they dudbt do it 2_23$24its on record21424
2_12&2_9_23 esa harrassed LOCKED doorVestibuleSoICouLDnotUsemyHOTELkey

AfTER90DAYS guestsHaveTenantsRghts

12$17_23ESABROKEMyToasterOvenI bought12$20_22 (itsOnMyListattachedToMy2_7&3_6_23DCA,5_29&6_14_23™BBB&7&16_23complaints&FucdWithMylaptop~gsvn (4_18_23BrokeMyCoffeeMaker 
 12$16_2311am _noon esaHarsdDoor threatening manner(IThinkTheyTriedToGetInMyRoomHavent been out bc if them stalkkng&  , 

,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails,
photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is
STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT
valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleit,YoudoNot have permission,INclUDING FIRE
PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property
stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since
i was teen,  ,its all listed in my exhibit A
     , they kNEW I WANTED PER 
DOC" &
obviously if you stole it, you doNOT have my
permission) MUST be my authorization specifically specifying
what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP
SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS ~   #extendedstay,#njdca,#harrassment,#stalking
2020-2022redroof stole MY clothes (angel heans,capris, 7 BUTTON DOWN NICE BLOUSES,HUNTER GREEN SWEATER,BROWN SWEATER, brown velour sweatsuit, yellow velour sweatsuit, black cardigan(cajt explain but its like a long sswrater but was made of like rayon ) ,vandalized my clothes, stole from my room(itemized in my pleadings 

9-22_2022-4_30_24 esa stole vandakized my clothes, prop in room&4_2023 stole clothes i had in my car, capris, 2 nice skirts, grey calvin klein button down sweatpants, hunter green sweatpants, hunter green capris, BEIGE cargo pants, vandalized my black sandals, vandakized my grey sweater, vandalized my 2 pink blouses, stole my 5 letters of recommendation i had since teen  at first law firm i worked at in bellmawr thru 2005 ,stole photos i had of me & my son INCLUDING at tree farm 1996, 

4_9s.wMyson,(3_31_24I s.w my son &was supposed to see him4_1_24&didNOT_he didNOT call me either (&i think esaLIARSevesdropped JUSTasTheyDid5_18_23whenIWasSupposedToSeeMySonJUnE2023&didNOT),

_430_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor 4_30_24, after330pm &toBEevilPsychopathTheySTARTvibratingFloor330pm&wereNOTallDay
3_20_24middle of night i got up passed out ,wokeUpOnFloor&dueTOesaPSYCHOPATH VIBRaTING FLOOR  3_17-3_20
4_26-4_25600pm  Esa psychopath  vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm
4_24_24-vibrating floor 330pmVibrtbgFloor,4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor  
4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ESA #EXTENDEDstAY evilPsychopath vibrating floor&i toLDliarcesa, STATEnjethivs,NJDCA,court,JudgeHarrin

 PUTthat inMYpleadings, emails to  ct,judgejarrington,def redroof attys&, eSA455 liars, esaCorp,NJDCA,state nj ethics
soiHave paper trail&videoPROOFtoREFUTEtheirlies
REMEMbeR this when dv advocates AJD cops say"woman didnt "reach out" bc Thats a lie as LITERALLY I HAVE A FYCNG VIDeo PAPER TRAILSPANNING2007, SInCE2019 WHEN I STARTED TAPING PROOF,  RE STALKING HARRASSMENT

3_26 443PM_3_27 4_2_24-3_31,3$29_24945pm-539am EVIL psychopath esa,bre ESA llc 455w/criminalRECKLESSmaliciousIntnt vibratng floor under my room

234pm3_16_24ESAPSYCHOPAliar RoomNextToMeBangibgWall&vibratingFloor
3_15_24esaLIAR (snb)stole my folio printout pgs10-122&SheLIEDdidNTgiveToMe

 3_16 234pm_836pmESAevilPsychopatSti vibrating floor 3_14  330aM _3_151am,ESA psychopathVibrating floor 

i called911 3_8_24 badge112 650am10mins go by-noCOPshowedUp
3_9sinc4pmEsaEvil psychopathvnvibratingFloor, 
3_71059am_3_8_24 vibrating floor 

3_20_24 EVILgth PSYCHOPATH ESa vibrating fkoor &Estatenj "ethics" &NJDCA(MASEaware3_19_24 830am _3$20_24 1am ,3_20 300 am 3_18_24 209am (since3_17_24330am) esa  evil psychopath PCN with malicious criminal premeditated intent to harm me  still vibrating floor  

since1_29_24 vbrtngfloorafter po esa stole mail fromcigna & wawa ajd liar thoef at wawa(1__24 harrassing blasting music (like when conrad raped me when i was16)& vibrating floor ) &

3_3 724 wawa emplEAVINGesa
esaPSYCHOPATHeah vibrating floor 3_3_24 since330 pm(
  I SENT TO ESA 455ch& esa CORP) That1) 9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised and knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)& 2) 4_19_23 esa gm staas and maint man lied slandered my name,3)11_22$22 video that esa staas gmKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN(&HE LIED ABOUT THAT TOO&4)4_26_23 VIDEO PROOOF ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE(&
3_2$24nctags next to my car& ny tags at esa same date
3_10430am wereNOT vibratijg floor,then5am ESAEs start vibrating floor(esaLIARSunderMyRoon) 3_9,4pm-3_911pm esa PSYCHOPATH VIBRATING flpor& they wereNOT all day3_9 since _3_8
.early am3_9630am my hotel key didnt work ( they tresspassed my room& i had that fixed but REALLY distressed, front desk said'cops dont care"& i go to my car and tge fuckong redrppf10_24$20 stalker harrases me, thrn they are messing with hotel phone since3_8 so it has no dial tone& 
~not God lovingBekievingbehavior:Stealing my safe&me& my sonproperty@apt2021 STEALINGvandalizibgMyProp2020-2022@redroof &9_22$22-3_8_24@esastokeVandalizedProp2022-2_2024, nor liars stealing 4_2023-7_2023 the clothes i hadInMyCar
2_12, 333AM BANGED HARDunderMy Room harrassing. 
631pmESAahTRIEDtoGetInKyRoom,TappedCardOnDoor. esa psychopathvsimve10am 2$24 vibrating floor, esaEvlAH wasNOT doimg that2_23_ did 2$24AFTER AH GSnear ESA ignored me just as liars stalker esa have done since9-23_2022 tgen i webtToWawaJUSTlike1$19_24
PSYCHOPATHS EVIL ESA emppcn2$24_24 SINCE10Am VibRATInG FLoor ,they dudbt do it 2_23$24its on record21424
2_12&2_9_23 esa harrassed LOCKED doorVestibuleSoICouLDnotUsemyHOTELkey

AfTER90DAYS guestsHaveTenantsRghts

12$17_23ESABROKEMyToasterOvenI bought12$20_22 (itsOnMyListattachedToMy2_7&3_6_23DCA,5_29&6_14_23™BBB&7&16_23complaints&FucdWithMylaptop~gsvn (4_18_23BrokeMyCoffeeMaker 
 12$16_2311am _noon esaHarsdDoor threatening manner(IThinkTheyTriedToGetInMyRoomHavent been out bc if them stalkkng&  , 

,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails,
photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is
STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT
valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleit,YoudoNot have permission,INclUDING FIRE
PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property
stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since
i was teen,  ,its all listed in my exhibit A
     , they kNEW I WANTED PER 
DOC" &
obviously if you stole it, you doNOT have my
permission) MUST be my authorization specifically specifying
what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP
SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS ~   #extendedstay,#njdca,#harrassment,#stalking

since 1230pm 4_24_24 esa #extendedstay #455 psychopaths have been vibratijg floor harrassing me

4_9_24I s.w my son &was supposed to see him4_1_24&didNOT 

(&i think esaLIARSevesdropped JUSTasTheyDud5_18_23 whenIWasSupposedToSeeMySon inJUnE2023&didNOT),

after30 days guests has same rights as tenant in apt,house& after90 days hotel must refund all taxes to hotel guest(who gains residency) & no further taxes may be charged to hotel guest


4_2_24 called911 on Esa bc i canPROVE they areLYING &2 cops 461&401prob lied(but i can prove) esac stalkkng,harrassment which i said its most likely a cop,hotel employee since2_4_2020 

3_8_24i called 911  ch cop112 didNOT send cops
&cop88 had attitude so i didNOT give my room number NO COP SHOWED UP3_8_24

3_28_24 wereNOT vibrating floor all day thrn730pm
the esa

extendedstay psychopath WITH CRIMINAL MALICIOUS reckless PREMEDITATED intent FAILURE DUTY OF CARE ARE vibrating floor&430pESA liars bsnging on wall& under my bathroomWHILE i was in it, (3_24-3_25 THEY Were not vibrating floor all night &3_24_24 someone tried to get in my room..i saw them in hallway near my room&430 pm3_24 esa liar room next to me banged on wall& banged under my room directly where i was 


3-25-24700am esa,etal psychopath WITH CRIMINAL MALICIOUS PREMEDITATED FAILURE DUTY OF CARE ARE vibrating floor, (3_24-3_25 THEY Were not vibrating floor all night &3_24_24 someone tried to get in my room..i saw them in hallway near my room&430 pm3_24 esa liar room next to me banged on wall& banged under my room directly where i was 
3_23_24615pm since 930am 3_23$24 esa #extendedstay aoaucol EVIL psYCHIPATH vibrating floor under my room since there arEviL LIAR healthcare woriers st esa and esa Emp WAS A nurse ITS AN EVIL CRIMINAL MAlicOIS harrassment intent to harm me
 _ esas are evil


3_20_24middle of night i got up passed out & due to esaPSYCHOPATH VIBRaTING FLOOR  3_19-24330am-3_2024 


literally put that in my pleadings, emails to  ESA liars,NJDCA, state nj ethics so paper trail is there W/VIDEO PROOF

REMEMbeR this when dv advocates AJD cops say"woman didnt "reach out" bc Thats a lie as LITERALLY I HAVE A FYCNG VIDRO PAPER TRAILSPANNING2007, SInCE2019 WHEN I STARTED TAPING PROOF,  RE STALKING HARRASSMENT 

234pm3_16_24ESAPSYCHOPAliar RoomNextToMeBangibgWall&vibratingFloor E

3_15_24esaLIAR (snb)stole my folio printout pgs10-122,afterISaid SheDidNOTgiveENTIREprintout,Prob needsPaper, SHEliesSaysItDoesnt& SawHerPutPaperInPrinter &IaskedHerForit&SheLIEDdidNOTgiveToMe,(OnSurveillance) Const wrkrInLOBBYagain&black womanWASbehindMe@frontDesk AsThisOccurred) ..SO DID ESA ON SURVEILLANCE VIDEO

3$19_24 since830 am-6pm then 630 pm ah esa aoa LIWLOFE banged under my room & esa PSYCHOPATH VIBRATING FLOOR
_ thaTs harrassment, reprisal, stalking, BREACHING& FAILING THEIR DUTY IF CARE AS HOTEL OWNER
remember, i am pro se plaintiff& 
IDid NOTconsent ToESA8_2023hiringMy8-94employerReMyComplaintAgainstThem

3_19_24 i go to store,come back & the fycng 10_24_2020 redroof 3_17_24 stalker harrasses me@my car & i was already upset bc the 10_24_20 redroof stalker harrassed me530am 215 am3_19 &930,730 pm3_18_24 ...2am3_19 i wake up AND see my fuckong car is ruNning which means the REDROOF10_24_20 STALKER WAS AT ESA #EXTENDEDSTAY & REDROOF ARE STILL HARRASSING ME
9-22_22 proof ESA LIED re my room @.17,.22(maint put in smoke detector9-22AFteRiPointedOutTo fAHliesha
3_20_24 443 am since3_19_24 830am esa LIAR evil Psychilopsth aoa VIBRATING floor _ i passed out middle night when i got up& its due to THE EvIL EXTENDEDSTAY PC criminal intent to harm vibrating floor & ESA Failed their duty if care as hotel,

1$28_24sentThisVideoToESACH&CORP(they IGNOREDmy 1$28_24 ltr emailed with 4videos including this video,4_19_23,(harrassment,stalking)4_26_23,(stalking,harrassment)11_18_22(mailtheft)&lied slandered my name


3_18_24 i was in bathroom730pm  during which time10_24_2020 redroof stalker was barrassing tresspassing my car &3$18 since430pm person room next to me was banging on wall makongTON of noise, so 3$18 by 750pm  i was trying to go to sleep & ESA LIARS 3_18banging in my door harrassing SLANDERING my nameduring which time 10_24_20 redroof stalker harrassing tresspassing my car (video propf 

3_14_24 300amwereNOTvibratingFloor, then 334am vibrating floor


@ redroof 2022 those evil ah had me so despondent at edge that my grandpop above was in my dream comforting me which is WHY i KNOW1000000% GOD is NOT ok with how they treated me& my son @ apts2008-2021 nor how redroof, esa, liars treated me at hotels (& that inckudes hiring my 94 employer i said i didNOT consent(voids that as fraudbycourt, rpc,#attorneycodeofconduct

sTILL 430pm3_18&24 the esaPSYCHOPATHS ARE VIBRATInG FloOR SINCE ESA evil psychopath in room next to me banging harrassing since10_2022  & also 2$12$24(sent to ct, def redroof attys judge harrington proof hotel esa harrassing me

3$17_24 _ the liar st apt & guy couid have been stalker... wtf kniws but ny tags were there 

PROOF9-13_2022 ESA ARE LIARS& TheRE WAS A WOMAN NAmED"LORIE CORDRAY '(3RD PARTY CONTRactOR (been st other hotels coukd have been at redroof asxwell(2020-2022), For WHUCH ESA is legally liable 

3_8_24 648am my proof call to 911  who "transferred me to 911"(badge 112) 
& no cops showed up 
_ so about 712am i wemt in to esa& they wereSTILL locking it,then unlocked it& you can hear my emotional distress & i told them i called cops, that it was unlocked@558am as i left & that they are vibrating  floor harrassing me (3_18_24 105AM SinCE3_17_24 330AM ESA PSYCHOPATHS ARE STILL VIBRATING FLOOR 
-3_8_24 nO cop showed up in response to my 911 call .when i got in my room i called cops AGAIM cop 88 has attitide , i ask is he sending cops & says'he'll send cops when they are available' i didNOT give my room number bc CHERRY HILL MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ,COPS ARE VIOLATING COUNTY  MUNICIPAL, STATECETHICS (DEF REDROOF ATYY SHIMBERG IS CH MUNICIPAL JUDGE& JUDGE2_14_24 TOLD DEF REDRooF &their ATTYS THAT THEY KNOW THEY CANT HARRASS
video proof my coping tape re back of neck head hirt bc of esa PSYCHOPATH vibrating floor(esa emp was nurse (3$18 esa emp that harrassed me )&theres NURSE,burlington at esa&3_14_24 3am wereNOT vibrating floor, then after i get up330am theEVIL GTH PSYCJOPATH EXTENDEDSTAY ESA EMPLOYEE CONTRAFTOR 3RD PARTY CONTRACTOR LIAR VIBRATING FLOOR INCKUDING12$27PM3_14_24-ITS CRIMINAL BY THEM BC THEIR INTENT IS TO HARM ME BY THEIR HARRASSING VIBRATING FLOOR

3_8_24my call to 911cop112 didNOT,sejd any cop re esa harrassing, stalking me  #retaliation,#reprisal

3_17_24 another apt complex AH (CHERRY HILL)

3_8_24VIDEO my call to  911COP112(didNOTsendCops re#stalking,#harrassment, #reprisal,#retaliation 
3_4_24&3_3_24,3_8,2_9,2_12 esa ah liars locoed door in vestibule HARRASSUNG,stalking so i couldNOT use my hotel key to get in #reprisal ,#retaliation &couldBe AHtgat was at my aunts12$16_2019bc i was in vestibule distressed bc of 12$14_2019 attempted breakin& couldt remember my aunts floor or apt number& sheFYMG ignored me 


3_7_24 230PM..Esa EAH have been vibrating tgeFYCNG FLOOR IN MY ROOM SIncE1_19_24 

how i feel is :11$1_23 re my mom:  if i were her FAV daughter ,she would have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister((& she saud10_29_23 she woukd NOT ignore my calls and would answer them...11$1$23 she fuckomg ignores my call doesNOT say anything.....& fairly certain sue wasNOT at work10_31_23 as she said she was..anyway i used my energy going there givingANOTHER chance and they let me down again ...i should have known ..2015,2008, .......

(&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i tried...ever since i was teen( i wasNOT a bad kid, ( alot of fud up sht happened to meAFTER we moved down street from thatSCUMNAG "FAMILY FRIEND" WHO VIOLENTLY RAPED ME when i was 16,& i forgave my mom when i was17  for kicking me out( as i said i was NOT a bad kid, i was one takIng care of MY SIBLINGS& my teen,..I went back STILL taking to take care of my siblings& my mom      i forgave my aunt(my "adoptive mom" as she called herself including when i was teen for what her and marge pertiit did (when i was teen( which was REALLY FUCD UP& when i lived @ cedars, my aunt inferred that my parents were NOT my real parents)

So again how i feel is :    i am like a piece of puzzle that does NOT fit with my "family'...i have been trying to fit in since i was little&SWoRE since age5 i was adopted(htf would i know that word?) and one day my real family would find me...

 .i  told my aunt when i was 16@ her apt in laundry room as i was crying _ i just wanted my mom to say she loved me and meant it.(thatsWHY i was drinking (including at apt ch when i was teen,  and bc ofFAcT that family friend that raped me when  i was 16 lived down street from that apt and tormented me including when i walked home from hs.( i dont remember if i told my mom or dad what he did or that other guy when i was17 _ my aunt KNEW i had suicide attemptAFTER conrad raped me when i was16)..but my sister (my moms fav)was always so jealous( or just hated me) for some reason that my mom didnt say : enough! and not let my sister do that(ever since we were kids she did this sh..t~ghmbmsb.Efwaoadnfsttte

am like piece if puzzle that doesNOT fit in  with my family. .. 

 liar giberson KNEW2015 I WAS UPSET BC MY MOM NOT THERE FOR ME- WAS SUPPOSED TO cALL ME 11$2015 for thanksgiving and didNOT(ditto11_23_23(& liar gibersonKNEW i had been out on my own since teen, what my mom did when i was teen& that i worked for everything i had& that they stoleMY PROPERTY WHEN I WAS TEEN& then those LYIMG SACJS IF SHT SCUMBAGS 2021STOLE MY SAFE& ME& MY SON PROPERTY AT ILLEGAL APT THOSE LIARS KNEW I WANTED PER MY REVISED PG3 12_1_20 EMERGeNT COMPLAINT DUring time i have complaint against NJ STATE POLICE (NJSP) ),    i had complaint against njsp2008(i didNOT file that, i just wanted that cop to leave  me alone bc he said among other things, he was telling my exes i was his.  that scared me bc even though i amNOT with my exes, i am STILL scared of them.  i wasNOT his, i didNOT even callnhim by his first name. and RETROSPECT that 2008therapist WAS vindictive towards thatNJSP&  (& i STILL DIDNT KNOW AT THAT POINT 8-21_94 ER LIED, SO THE ENTIRE TIME DRS, DV AH WERE making it like i didNOT have serious untreated head injury8-94&thatER LIED,SLANDERED MY NAME JUST AS THE VIRTUA,LOURDES,CFG OSYCHIPATHS DID2_4_20- i NEVER saw or s.w cfg just like i NEVER saw or spoke with them2015@ lourdes bellmawr(soneone there committed idtheft)the SAME AOA from when i was teen at my moms 10_2023,11_2_23&my mom let me down AGAIN & i think that abuser of authority had something to do wuth it JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS TEEN. .(10_29_23 when i got there i thinknthe JA aoa liar ch were there Or had slandered my name by that point

10_24$2020 proof mt laurel nj cops bell& herman didNOT put i called911 re stalker at redroof harrassing me, tresspassed my car &FRONT DESK KNEW THEY WERE TO TELL REDROOF OWNER TO REVIEW SURVEILLANCE TAPE ON10_25_20&NEVER did(&iaKNEW4_2021&3_2022 THEY didNOT put )& i told mt laurel cops12_2022  that 10_24_2020 stalker harrassed stalked me to po(&mt laurel nj cops12$2022  AGAIN blew me off re stalker

ATTYS AND court staff violated CANON code of conduct (including filing thru judiciary.state.nj 
12#14_2019 my proof attempted breakin AFTER giberson failed12_9_2019 inspection(& court KNEW thiams as its in my ltrs to judge harrington copied to giberson

MT LAUREL AND CHERRY HILL NJ POLICE KNEW12$2022 THAT STALKER WAS aT ESA HARRASSING ME& STALKED ME TO PO CAUSING #iied, fear&12$2022  i told mt laurel re 10_24_2020 stalker who stalked me FROM ESA to po 12$2022 & they blew me off just like10_24$2020-2022 & court ,ATTYS,REDRooF KNOW I HAVE PROOF THEY LIED AS ITS my video exhibits


my proof video submitted to court 10_24_2020 cops hermsn& bell knew stalker @ redroof harrassing me_ they didNOT put in report
proof 2020 i called cops re harrassment and they went yo 148aBEFORE coming to my apt
my proof11$8_2020 re redroof emp impersonated njsp APPROACHED ME WHILE STALKER hARRASSING ME

9-22_22 proof esaLIED re my room &FACT esaASST MANAGER, MANAGER&maintKnew no smoke detector in my room&9-22_22 maint man put it inAFTER i pointed it out to fahlicia, Esa employee no mail since11$29_22- esa REFUSE to tell me if i have mail or packages KNOWING 11$18_22 MAIL FOR ME STOLEN AT ESA &mail cigna stolen 12_11_2023-3_13_24(& 1_23_24 esa gave me mail from1_9_24 from LIAR CIGNA PRIVACY DEPT who literally violated hipaa phi as12_7_23&1_9_24  i saiddoNOT send mail to me at esa)   esa REFUSE to tell me if i have mail or packages KNOWING 11$18_22 MAIL FOR ME STOLEN AT ESA     esa ignored my12$24_22ltr emailed12_26_22,12$27_21& ignored my ltr email5_23,5_25,5_26&my6_1_23 ktr mailed to esa _ ESA KIED,retaliated,refised to reimburse me for food4_19_23in fridge



, refused to reimburse me for 4_5 phones i got4_15_23-6_13_23 bc of stalker hacked my phones ( just like at redroof and@apt(after went to my moks2015& my exbf bodi one car length behind me in traffic in marlton nj(i didnt look over,pulled into produce junction parkimg lot, then went to apt which RETROSPECT he prob stalked me there) same mediatir as454821 ajd no mediation4_21_23 but betwwen tike4_11-4_21_23 she was "mediator" harrassed im SAME manner as at REDROOF& AT APT SOITGAMOTON NJ NOT AT ANYMORE SINCE7-8-2020

thats ROOFING2006 co my ah exboyfriend i have fro against worked for&2015 after goikg to my koms that ah Near me in traffic...they harrassed ,tresspassed my apt & i go to my moms10_29&10_31_23 same fyckong stuff...and they let me down again

lorie sibre(princess lorissa)since9_22_22 at ESA STT ch , NJhotel (@hotels,nj since7-8-2020AFTER giberson landlord forced threatened me from illegal garage apt they failed12_9_2019 inspection

I am Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,
NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs,5'6 NaturallyCurlyHair

my son has NOTHING to be sorry about( my son is a good guy
but the ah wHO SLANDERED MY NAME TO MY SON, THE VET AY ,CEDAR, REDrOOF, ESA, giberson,stravelli, attys ,etc arevthe ones who shouldbe sorry&right their wrong: esp for how they treated me&my son @ apts2008-2021, &how redroo2020-2022, esa treated me @ hotels& for 8-21_94 as i said i didNOT consent to them hiring my 8-94 employer re my 2023complaint against esa which voids that as fraudoncourt ,#attorneycodeofconduct

havent seen my son since 2020
 (i talked to my son 2_28_24
( he said he Would DEFINITELY see me in june 2023& just like
12$2021 i did NOT get to see him 

Notice ~ this is re ah who slandered my name to my son: take your NONsincere sorry & SIUYA , bc IF you were TRULY SORRY, YOU would RIGHT your WRONG & return my fireproof safe & me& my son propertySTOlEN@ APT 2021& redroof woukd return property stolen2020&2022&monies for prop vabdalized2020-2022 esa would give me MoNIES they OWE me per my12$24$22 ltr, 2_7&3_6_23 njdca complaint, 5_23,5_25,5_26,ltremail, 5_29_23 bbb complaimt, 6_1_23, ltr, 6_1423 bbb complaint (including8-94,2_4_20&apt2014_2021(#illegalapartment,  stoLe my fire proof safe,&all me& my son property 2021(including videos,photos, scrapbooks , photo albums,  WORTH OVER $30,000 AS ITEMizED liSTED IN MY EXHIBIT A& UPDATED EXHIBIT 'A'8_31_21 (& 4_2021pohle said giberson STILL had it4_2021&would get me (&,my son) safe,affordable, apt movein ready apt..and i get to see my son 

(& esa were evesdropping 5_18_23 as i talked son on phone5_18_23
(which is #intrusionuponseclusion violation of right to privacy in my hotel room
they LIED,slandered my name ,
copsLIEDreports2019_3_8_24,ERlied8-94,ERlied2-4-20&8-21-94~COPsLIEDReportsDidNOTreStlkr2019-2022,(IA knew) GODisNotOkW/AhThatStolMe&MySonProp@apt2021

njsa 56:8-163
(mcginnis12_8_20 mt laurel nj cop KNEW redroof emp stole my8-94 chart ,which i showed him proof er lied, he knew 2_4_20 er lied, he KNEW re stalking
&knew i wanted my propertyat apt so did 10_24_2020 mt laurel nj cop 



proof re8-5_2021 re9-3_2020 reprisal by giberson &

9-2-2020proof i obtained as pro se plaintiff a  judgement 9-2-2020(462420)against lisa amd jamie giberson for7-8-2020 (the court ignored my calls,vm,emails8_5_20-8_28_20 re WRONG address pobox650medford,nj on otsc) which is reason not heard until9-1&9_2_20)

proof my graduation prayer plaque stolen at apt 2021 

2019 proof lourdes are LIars njsa568163

attorneys are NOT allowed to accept settlement without client approval, 
(& this settlement check stolen2016 at #illegalapartment&
i told doner by letter and voicemail amd i NEVER received replacement
check ,_therefore,I NEVER cashed check from atty doner escrow account
_ i didNOT agree to settlement  illegal and NOT vaLId, 

2016 my video proof voicemail left by atty henry doner
REFUSING to answer my letters re my case, fact 
he misses deadlines, fact cedars didNOT make repairs,
etc. and he LITERALLY ignored my ltrs and did NOTHING
i told him i want judge smith to recuse bc same judge
as landlord tenant who saw me get hURt&NOT1  COURt eMPLOYEE
(OR ANYONE in court asked if i was ok.2014....AFTER court wasover as
i was leaving THeN they asked  which theyLIED

corrupt system RPC INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO VIOLATIONJUDICIAL CANON CODE OF CONDUCT  RPC 1.9, 1.15,3.4,8.3, 8.4 ROThmel attorney for defendant  gibersons(4548 FILED docs violating RPC  stating he represents me ( no he doesNOT,as i am pro se plaintiff &
atty ROThmel represents defendants LISA GIBERSON, JAMIE GIBERSON...that has to be 
Correctedby order to correcT&ROTmel REFUSES,, ct REFUSED...tHEres literally order stating it must be corrected by order... per#04_19 ORDER TO CORRECT DATA ..'.. context refers to information, such as a party name, address, or case type, submitted to eCourts directly by the filer. ' i filed ,as pro se plaintiff, as exhibit the very doc referenced & defendant attirney rothmel rEFUSES AS DOES COURT STAFF TO CORRECT.....SERIOUS RPC VIOLATION......& he insulted me put me dOWn AGAIN on record....(lisa giberson was tgere and she LIED to court&NJSP since7_2_2019 i showed njsp PROOF the wall, deck, steps NOT in their reports INCLUDING7-2_2019, ,8-2019)and inferred that my fire proof safe THEY STOle FROM MY BEDROOM CLOSET IS"ALLEGED"...its in police report that it was  stolen out of @cedars...also my exhibit..... .THats RPC VIOLATION SO ARE TGE ATTYS VIOLATING RPC,COLLUDING, COMMITTING FRAUD AS THEY KNOWINGLY DEFRAUDDD ME OUT OF MY PROPERTY AT APT2020_2021& THEY KNOW MY EXBF I HAVE FRO SGAINST AND 2008NJ STATE POLICE DET IN CHARGE OF VICTIM SVCS

ethics violations by state nj employee(i had complaint against njsp2020&2008) INCLUDING 7-8-2020STATE NJ EMP who saw steps NOT safe, did NOT cite giberson (who were told 7-7-2020 by NJSP 7174 TO REPAIR STEPS THEY FAILED12_9_2019, INSPECTION FOR& DID NOT REPAIR7-7-2020(#ILLEGALAPARTMENT) and OBVIOUSLY did NOT get me IMMEDIATE SAFE HOUSING7-8-2020 not 1 of the attorneys or court employees reported violations of RPC , ATTY CODE OF CONDUCT #collusion, #corruption, #ABUSEOFAUTHORITY #attorneycodeofconduct, #judicialcanoncodeofconduct,#poafraud,#collusion#innkeeperduty,#hotelliability,#stalking,#identiythrgt NJSA 56:8-163 , judge harrington REFUSED to recuse SAME JUDGE SINCE2019 & i think he knows my exhusband( who choked me & whose nephew (who ks older than me) is a cop in gloucester county prob njsp dsjg2008 
i revoked poa2020&2021(which was stolen at apt& moot),( attywatt IGNOREDy cslls, voicemails2020&2021& cert ltr)&#usps employee committed #poafraud had my mail from court9-2020 put"give to agent"& THEN12_2020, PUT RETURN TO SENDER
 & ATTYS,redroof,esa, sleepinn, , COURT, DRS, ER, COPS,CALL KJEW THEY ISOLATED ME and committed #poafraud , ( if i asked for repairs2014-2020 ,LIARS THREATENED EVICTION& 
12$9_2019  they failed inspection for illegal apr INClUDING STEPS i was injured on2_4_2020 , 2019-7-8-2020  TRYING TO FIND APT TO GET ME& MY SON PROPERTY ( AND SO MY SON COULD STAY WITH ME IF HE WANTED TO)& DURING this  TIME#USPS ILLEGALLY HAD MY MAIL #POAFRAUD(notice i revoked poa 2020,&2021-its in my court pleadings), I FILED pro se plaintiff, 12$1$2020 REVD PG 3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT that, COURT UPLOADed 12$24_20 but refused to file. , THEY, ThE aTTYS, MT LAUREL NJ COPS, NJSP, REDROOF,GIBERSON ,patel, ALL KNEW I WANTEd ME AND MY SON PROPERTY AT APT THEY STOLE2021
               12$2020 i file complaint agaINSTnjsp
                )&4_2021 AGAINST MT LAUREL NJ POLICE Bc 
 1) njsp KNEW it was illegal.garage apT failed12_9_2019 inspectioN ,

2) giberson,etal TRIED TO PHYSICALLY INJURE ME including12$24_2019 AFTER INREPORTED THEM TO TOWNSHIP(who are corruptas is njndca emp i reported this to2019-2020) ,
 3) #redroof employees brother is njsp & redroof LIED, slandered my name, dId NOT give me room as advertised, tried to illegalevict me REPEATEDLY 10_2020-2022 (12$11$20 WERE TOLD BY MT LAUREL COP MESSA THEY CAN BE SUED BY ME IF THEY TRY TO ILLEGAL EVOCT ME AGAIN),
 4) mt laurel nj cops including bell & herman(& #redroof front desk) KNEW10_24_2020 REDROOF STALKER HARRASSING ME,TRESSPASSED MY Car ,  tresspassed rOOM,STOLE FROM MY ROOM INCLUDING 8-21_94 DV ER CHART, VIOLATED NJSA 56:8-163 #IDENTItYTHEFT DATABREACH 



they KNEW i wanted per my 12_1_2020 revised pg 3 emergent complaint uploaded 12$24_2020 4-2021 greenblattweisshoff lieberman richards(pohle, ritsides) 4_2021 KNEW i wanted my property ignored my calls(after 4_2021 tHeONLY time besides12$24_2020 i s.w pohle who said gibersonsSTILl had my property, he was calling weisshoff to find out where it was ,then SLAMMED PHONE DOWN ON ME & ignored all my calls 


 6) duriNG PRECISE TIME I HAVE COMPLAINT AGAINST NjsP RE 8_2019-7-8-2020, LANDLORD,GIBERSON,ETAL DEFRAUDED LaRCENY ALL ME AnD MY SON PROPERTY2020-2021 AT #ILLEGALGARAGEAPARTMENT FAILED INSPECTION ON COMMERCIALLy ZOneD PROPERTY , therefore NEVER registered no coo they LIED , (&i did NOT get all me_& my son property and fire proof safe from apt2020-2021 per my 12_24_20 revised pg 3 uploaded as" misc doc" emergent complaint&10_2020 ltrs to giberson UPLOADED with my emergEnt complaimt as well ..RPC VIOlATION.. 

&2008 had complaint against njsp WHO REFUSED to
take my statement over the phone & against township cops&
they were stealing from my apt at cedars ( which apt was 
NOT movein ready(leak in ceiling in living room and 
master bathroom that had mold and cedars maint mam Bob 
did NOT take precautions as supposed to as he "fixed "that

  4-2021 PROOF greenblattweisshoff lieberman richards(pohle, ritsides) 4_2021 KNEW i wanted my property ignored my calls(after 4_2021 tHeONLY time besides12$24_2020 i s.w pohle who said gibersonsSTILl had my property, he was calling weisshoff to find out where it was ,tJen SLAMMED PHONE DOWN ON ME & ignored all my calls &

i did NOT get all me_& my son property and fire proof safe from apt2020-2021 per my 12_24_20 revised pg 3 uploaded as" misc doc" emergent complaint&10_2020 ltrs to giberson UPLOADED with my emergrnt complaimt as well ..RPC VIOlATION..  
&so did #extendedstay , between9-2022-5_2023 vandalized my clothes in my room putting holes in them, ripping vandalizing them, stole from my room, ELIED slandered my name JUST AS #REDROOF,#CHOICEHOTELS,#DAYSINN,@#LAQUINTA,#HAMPTONINN DID 2020
4_2023 -7&2_2023 someone stole out if my car clothe  had from7-8-2020(& this AFTER same mediator from my case against giberson 4548) AS assigned by judge harrington 4_11_23& no mediation 4_21_23 (NOR 2022) 


~lorie sibre(princess lorissa)
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower

lived in south jersey AlWAYS,

 NOT AT REDROOF ANYMORE, SINCE9_22_22 AT esa stt CH NJ HOTEl whoLIED,slandered my name, withheld services,RoomNOT as advertised9-22_22 violated njsa56:8-163,8-1,8-2

no mail packages at esa since11_29_22( That is ESA REFUSE tO TELL me if i have mail or packages since11$29_22- but i suspect there was mail for me and it was stolen by samE PERSON AS11_18&11_26

~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharma   &...STOP STEALINGSLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS

~single since2007~iwmtrg (iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
SingleSINCE2007 AFTER my ex chokedMeSlammedMyHeadIntoWallAGAIN(6-2003) Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,naturally curly hair, LONG legs, 5'6",
NEvER smoked(
ZERO tattoos(which i state bc my exbf wanted me to get his name tattooed on me
& that was a f...k NO!) ,

~~i lived in south jersey AlWAYS,

 my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen

i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.


WARNING~Stealing isNot sharing~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&dont ask my son (&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleitYoudoNot have permission,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder, iver40disneyvideos,(2022@ redroof guy who lived with redroof housekeeper bldg2 said'he bought bunch 90s disney videos from yard sale in mt laurel nj& i told him they could be my property that was stolen (& he was talking to woman2 doors down) tvvcr, stereo, screentv, cimputers,laptop, ARMOIRE,CHINA CABINETHUTCH, FURNITURE,MY SONS TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A,  they KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISC DOC"462420 & &clothes stolen at redroof2020_2022,(2 cloth belts,2 ny&co silk like blouses one blue the other offwhite, 2 pairs angel jeans, Hunter green sweater, brown sweater , &stolen @esa 4_2023-7_2_23stole my clothes hunter green capri pants, WHITE flowy blouse (too big fir me( , 2 skirts(one was sparkly but too big fir me& the other was brown),several blouses, from my car (4_15_23-6_28_22 AFTER Same mediator frommy case against giberson assigned by harrington&NO MEDIATION4_21$23 OR10_2022) obviously if you stole it you doNOT have my permission (obviously if you stole it,  you doNOT have my permission&dont ask my son or anyone else) MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS






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~ Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'would a reasonable fully informed person have doubts about the judge's impartiality? '.   &not God lovingbehavior by them2021 Stealing my safe that was in my bedroom closet&me& my sonproperty@apt2021(including my graduation prayer wish plaque i had since i was teen&STOLE:from my car11_2020-7_2_2023from my room@redroof2020-2022 ,stealing my mail10_16_22-5_18_24 ,Frommy room@esa9-22_22_4_10_24,vandalized myclothes in my room at esa9_22$22-4_102024 how i feel is :  if i were her FAV daughter ,she w ould have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister), (&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i  tried...ever  since i w...

6_24_24WAS my motion to to recuse judge wells& wasNOT a discovery motion as liar ct emp.put violating canon code of conduct 5_14_24 s.w my son. 5_24_24-8_17_23TrIED to get Apt(&didnt get OBVIOUSLY AS I AM STILL AT #EXTENDEDSTAY CHERRY HILL NJ&my mom& sister10_2023-11_1_23 KNEW i needed safe apt andwanted to see my son...i was supposed to see him 4_1_24&didnt, have not s.w my sonsince5_2024 )_esa.LIED&SlanderedMyName& 7_12&10_12 tresspassed my room 7-12 i hand delivered 7-11 complaint ltr to esa staas after i saw esa tresspassed my room. 5_24_22,3_14,3_21&5_6_24,5_23,5_24_24 went out DIFFEREBT time, went to apts& they wereAH . (obvious esa ,redroof,giberson ,liars slandered my name(& they canNOT )8-21_94 2 monthsAFTERnbs&rg.8-21_94 jfk(now tjuh) ch nj ERliedInChart didNOTdocTREATtbi(my thenEmployer who were med mal attys SAW 2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others uSINGliesFROM this 94ErRecord thatLIARREDROOFempStole11$2020 njsa56:8-1,8-2,njsa2c21:17. erlied2-4-20(someone at lourdes,virtua and cfg COMMITTED IDTHeFT, HIPAAPHI AS I NEVER SAW CFG (they were at drs2015 but i NEVER saw them nor did i see or speak with liarCFG dr2_4_20@430pm ()&8-21-94 er lied, my then employer KnEW as they saw chart, were plaintiff med mal pi(personal inj) attys~ 3_3_24iWentToDIFFstore lidlAS testPROOF re STALKING HARRASSMENT &AH at lidlRIPPEDmyList asiWaslookingForSomething& AHthrewItOnFuckingFloor3_3$24asICameIbtoVestibuleESA ah#harrassment LOCkEDdoorButGuyWasComingOutSoIWasAbleToGetIn&ItsREPORTEDinMyVideoexhibitsWithCourt &NOTINGas i got in lidl 3_3$23this blaxk guy JUST LURKING PREDATORING NEAR ME (I DONT KNIW HIM AND IF HES THAT NJSP DET2008 I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST OR HIS RELATIVE, THEY BETTER STAY AWAY FROM ME(&my son faf)&on way there3_3_24 i was singing trying to be upbeat and NOT be upset....tharsFUD UP WJST THEY DID...bc IF they cared they woukdnt habe been ah and ripped my list, fucked with my tablet, bkacknguy just stsred at me as i was shopping (having panic attack but i wasnt tell that jo thatsWHY it appearex i was rushing 10_2023-7_17_24poAND esaSToLE mail . 12_24_2022thru10_3_2024iStateInMyltrsToESAto CEASEharrassingMe(INClUDINGforInsp &housekeepingAsIBoughtAllMyownItems ForKitchenBATHROOM &bed &removeSlanderousLies •• ESA IGNORED MY LTRS&LIED •  •ERlied8_21_94AsDid2_4_2020  ITS NOT KHARM 11_3_11_2,11_1,  10_31, 10_30 esaEVIL kiar liwlIfes vibrating floorREALLY REALLY BAD SINCE6AM 10$30, 729pm still WITH CRIMINAL MALICIOUS INTENTNJSA2C33 :4a vibrating floor 6_24_24 was motion  to RECUSE judge wells& adjourment it wasNOT a discovery mtn as liar ct emp put violating canon code of conduct.i was given no info for hearing other than"ct would contact me if hearing was at ct ' & noone contacted me    & 7-9_24 judge wells ONCE again wasNOT fair,NOT impartial, and he waa reading my complaint DURInG ct rather than before trying to MAKE it appear"same complaint" nope as FAcTS were after8-30_23 harrassment NJSA 2C33:4a which meant i could ...

my blog regarding #corruption,#discrimination,#stalking#harrassment,#hotelliabilitu,#labdlordliability,#illegalapartment,#illegalevictionredroof employeestole from my room,vandalized my clothes my room, vandslized my car, harrassed, stalked me, discriminated against me didNOT give handicapped room near handicapped parking,slanderedmy name,as did other hoteLsAFTER going to apt& giberson etal retaliated8-9-2019-7_8_20 harrassed me,slandered my name,& retaliatedzAgain 9-3$2020 AFTER i got jidgment inMY favortAGAIBST gibersob fir what they dud7-8-2020&rhey haveNOT paid me monues & returbed my property AS ORDEREDBY COURT9_2_20& HAVE not sent me ktrEXPLAINING how i canSAFELY get my properyyper my 10_2020&1_2021 cert ltrs sent to them& sogned foeAT SOUTHAMPTOred speech, nN AUTO4_5_20redroof employee orguest fucjedcwoth my car(AFTER EADTERWENDYS GASLIGHTED HARRAZED ME,LIED JUST LIIE ERICA DID csusong me emotional trauma)_mike was mechanic,115 dirtbsg woman worked on cars(3_25),,guy in pink jerp 115worked on cars(10_2020)& stephanies husband is mechanic, guy red car pa tags who was also at wendys3_2020)11_3 guy at office who touched my coat& pulled belt off it as they were behind me& all redroof employees saw& didNOTHING_ exceptc tel me my belt was on floor) was mechanic(& tgat day my steering wheel making sound it wasmt makong before i last used it)_,& giberson own sputhampton auto...theyDID THIS ST APT....& MT LAIREL DIrrvAG COps knew this10_24_20 so did redroof so they are legally liable& mikes brotger is a nj state police officer & i hBe complaimt againat nj state police for harrassment@ apt which was illegal spt & they should have cited giberson,southampton auto immediately& got me safe housing& they didnt reertyFromApt_4_3515 pm someone tampered woth my profike& took off disabked room(JUST LIKE THEY DID9_25_20..THEN GRAY CAR PULLS IN AREA LEAVES...ANOTHEE PEFSON JUST ITTING THERE WERE AT113 ..SO , THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME& FACT I HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS, AM BY MYSELF(why i tape like i told8-9-2019 njsp 8020_mt laurel cops....20 REWARDS POINTS ARE SHOEING which meams domeone st redroof did that,wont let me usethem& chargedme$80 fu..n for a room withNO microwa e& fridge when their website says my roomcomes with that ...NOTICE:~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Primt,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~&dontASKmySon ~~ ~IF NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,&dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i am ALWAYSoriginalNEVER a follower ..

  lorie sibre (princess lorissa) WARNING~NOTICE :~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Print,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,DOCUMENTS,COPING TAPES,NOTESi&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN(including stolen property at apt &fire proof safe(2020_3_7_~&dontASKmySon 4_27_21 refroof tridd yo get in my roon, i got a newcard,5_1asshooe at redropf cancelled my card...i orderedfood....theySTOKE label off one of my items& the guy wasSTARING at me(like the stalker@virtua10_10_2019& this is PRECISeLY what i meant by redroof slandering my name 2_4_2020 proof VIRTUA,LOURDES,HamPTON EMT,liars withalicious premeditated neglogent criminal intent commitedeMEDmal,Gave zero care,kidnapped me slandered my name, harrassmsnt by#redroof&cops,#virtuahealth Lorie Sibre photo i took of myself at my car10_12_21 WEARING sweater stalker11_5_21, stole out of my bag under cart After i went to atty for def giberson office 12$12...