5624 630am banginh under bathroom as i was in it &noon _1030pm vibrating Floor really bad(3_20 i passed out middle night due to this&4_30 couldNOT gobout bc dizzt from ESA #extendedstay LIAR VIBRATING FLOOR 5_5bangingHardWall308,vibrating floor5_4_24 4pm thru night esa 455 vibrating floor really bad harrassing, intent to harm &JA in room next to me banging on wall harrassing 545 am-630am ESA ah vibrating floor5_4 esa refused payment,7am,810am& thrmen threatened to not take payment (VIDRO PRooFthat esa "manager" julian was a lying ,ignoramous) THATS REPRISAL, HARRASSMENT UNDER LAW IIED, & esa took payment week before@ 715 am. so they are lying amd retaliating as i filed 4_2_24 complaint& they know redrppf 3_31_24 I filed mtn 4_1_24 re HARRASSMENT 5_3_24since630 pm esa ah room.next to me babging in wall, they bangedDIRECTKY undrr bathtyb as i was in tub harrassing me5_3_24 735pm vibrating floor really bad harrassing _ this is CRIMINAL, malicious,reckless,premeditated InTENT by #extendedstay TO HARM ME BY ESA,ETAL esa #reprisal,#retaliation #consumerfraudact, 5_3_24 wereNOT vibrating floor then about1110 am vibrating floor...someone banged on my door about845 am prob esa...i went to wear sandals and esa VANDALIZED THEM 5_3_23 went to front desk,705am ,amd theyREFUSED payment,(hours are 7am to 11 pm& since9_2022 took payments at 7am #reprisal went back down about9am..noone there, noone there when i came back(i was upset bc i miss my son so i just went to my room bc noone at front desk) ....i was NOT able to go 5_2 as they vibrated floor all day from213 am thru aftwr1030 pm 5_2_24210am WereNotVibratig 213 am start vibratinfloorharrassing 315am vibratngFloor really bad 950pm ah LIARS esa #extendedstay sTILL HARRASSING VIBRATINGFLOOR & they KNOW redroof which isWHY I FILED3_31$24 mtn against redroof for harrassment as the judge 2_14_24 said ON RECORD they cantharrass..5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad 4_30_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor so i couldNOTgoOut 430243_20_24middle of night i got up passed out ,wokeUpOnFloor&dueTOesaVIBRaTING FLOOR 3_17-3_204_27since130PM vibrwatng floor4_26-4_25600pm Esa vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm4_24_24-vibrating floor 330pmVibrtbgFloor,4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor 4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ES vibrating floor&3_25_247am-3_261_28_24 I SENT attached letter emailed TO ESA 455ch& esa CORP) with 4 video proof That( esa ignored my ltr )9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised and knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)& 4_19_23 esa gm staas and maint man lied slandered my name,11_22$22 video that esa staas gmKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN& i received NO vm or mail (&esa LIED ABOUT THAT TOO)4_26_23 VIDEO PROOOF ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE as i entered hotel locking door to hotel just as they have been doing since9-25_2022&i told esa cust svc that
- 5_2_24210am WereNotVibratig 213 am start vibratinfloorharrassing 315amVibratngFloor really bad 950pm ah LIARS esa #extendedstay evil psychopaths,STILL HARRASSING VIBRATINGFLOOR & they KNOW redroof which isWHY I FILED3_31$24 mtn against redroof for harrassment as the judge said they cantharrass..
- 5_1 1130am-530pmBANGINGOnWall&floor after630pm-11pmVIBRATINGfloor really bad
- 4_30_24 5am i woke up feeling dizzy bc of esae liars vibrating floor so i couldNOTgoOut 43024, after330pm
- 3_20_24middle of night i got up passed out ,wokeUpOnFloor&dueTOesaPSYCHOPATH VIBRaTING FLOOR 3_17-3_20
- 4_27simce130PM vibrwatng floor
- 4_26-4_25600pm Esa psychopath vibrating floor really bad ,WereVibratingIt1240pm
- 4_24_24-vibrating floor 330pmVibrtbgFloor,
- 4_22,,4_21,4_20,4_18-4_19,4_18845amto4_17 1130AM esaVibratngFloor
- 4_18sinc10amVbrtngflr.3_26,3$31-4_1ESA evilPsychopath vibrating floor&
- 3_25_247am-3_26
- 9-22_22 esa manager KNEW i have stalker, knew my room not as advertised and knew smoke detector NOT in room(9-22_22 esa maint man put it in)&
- 4_19_23 esa gm staas and maint man lied slandered my name,
- 11_22$22 video that esa staas gmKNEW11$18_22 MY MAIL FROM FT STOLEN& i received NO vm or mail (&esa LIED ABOUT THAT TOO
- )4_26_23 VIDEO PROOOF ESA HARRASSED ME IN VESTIBULE as i entered hotel lockong door to hotel just as they have been doing since9-25_2022&i told esa cust svc that&
4_9s.wMyson,(3_31_24I s.w my son &was supposed to see him4_1_24&didNOT_he didNOT call me either (&i think esaLIARSevesdropped JUSTasTheyDid5_18_23whenIWasSupposedToSeeMySonJUnE2023&didNOT),
4_9_24I s.w my son &was supposed to see him4_1_24&didNOT
(&i think esaLIARSevesdropped JUSTasTheyDud5_18_23 whenIWasSupposedToSeeMySon inJUnE2023&didNOT),
after30 days guests has same rights as tenant in apt,house& after90 days hotel must refund all taxes to hotel guest(who gains residency) & no further taxes may be charged to hotel guest
4_2_24 called911 on Esa bc i canPROVE they areLYING &2 cops 461&401prob lied(but i can prove) esac stalkkng,harrassment which i said its most likely a cop,hotel employee since2_4_2020
3_20_24middle of night i got up passed out & due to esaPSYCHOPATH VIBRaTING FLOOR 3_19-24330am-3_2024
literally put that in my pleadings, emails to ESA liars,NJDCA, state nj ethics so paper trail is there W/VIDEO PROOF
REMEMbeR this when dv advocates AJD cops say"woman didnt "reach out" bc Thats a lie as LITERALLY I HAVE A FYCNG VIDRO PAPER TRAILSPANNING2007, SInCE2019 WHEN I STARTED TAPING PROOF, RE STALKING HARRASSMENT
234pm3_16_24ESAPSYCHOPAliar RoomNextToMeBangibgWall&vibratingFloor E
3_15_24esaLIAR (snb)stole my folio printout pgs10-122,afterISaid SheDidNOTgiveENTIREprintout,Prob needsPaper, SHEliesSaysItDoesnt& SawHerPutPaperInPrinter &IaskedHerForit&SheLIEDdidNOTgiveToMe,(OnSurveillance) Const wrkrInLOBBYagain&black womanWASbehindMe@frontDesk AsThisOccurred) ..SO DID ESA ON SURVEILLANCE VIDEO
9-22_22 proof ESA LIED re my room @.17,.22(maint put in smoke detector9-22AFteRiPointedOutTo fAHliesha
3_20_24 443 am since3_19_24 830am esa LIAR evil Psychilopsth aoa VIBRATING floor _ i passed out middle night when i got up& its due to THE EvIL EXTENDEDSTAY PC criminal intent to harm vibrating floor & ESA Failed their duty if care as hotel,
1$28_24sentThisVideoToESACH&CORP(they IGNOREDmy 1$28_24 ltr emailed with 4videos including this video,4_19_23,(harrassment,stalking)4_26_23,(stalking,harrassment)11_18_22(mailtheft)&lied slandered my name
how i feel is :11$1_23 re my mom: if i were her FAV daughter ,she would have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister((& she saud10_29_23 she woukd NOT ignore my calls and would answer them...11$1$23 she fuckomg ignores my call doesNOT say anything.....& fairly certain sue wasNOT at work10_31_23 as she said she was..anyway i used my energy going there givingANOTHER chance and they let me down again ...i should have known ..2015,2008, .......
(&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i tried...ever since i was teen( i wasNOT a bad kid, ( alot of fud up sht happened to meAFTER we moved down street from thatSCUMNAG "FAMILY FRIEND" WHO VIOLENTLY RAPED ME when i was 16,& i forgave my mom when i was17 for kicking me out( as i said i was NOT a bad kid, i was one takIng care of MY SIBLINGS& my mom..as teen,..I went back STILL taking to take care of my siblings& my mom i forgave my aunt(my "adoptive mom" as she called herself including when i was teen for what her and marge pertiit did (when i was teen( which was REALLY FUCD UP& when i lived @ cedars, my aunt inferred that my parents were NOT my real parents)
So again how i feel is : i am like a piece of puzzle that does NOT fit with my "family'...i have been trying to fit in since i was little&SWoRE since age5 i was adopted(htf would i know that word?) and one day my real family would find me....
.i told my aunt when i was 16@ her apt in laundry room as i was crying _ i just wanted my mom to say she loved me and meant it.(thatsWHY i was drinking (including at apt ch when i was teen, and bc ofFAcT that family friend that raped me when i was 16 lived down street from that apt and tormented me including when i walked home from hs.( i dont remember if i told my mom or dad what he did or that other guy when i was17 _ my aunt KNEW i had suicide attemptAFTER conrad raped me when i was16)..but my sister (my moms fav)was always so jealous( or just hated me) for some reason that my mom didnt say : enough! and not let my sister do that(ever since we were kids she did this sh..t~ghmbmsb.Efwaoadnfsttte.
i am like piece if puzzle that doesNOT fit in with my family. ..
liar giberson KNEW2015 I WAS UPSET BC MY MOM NOT THERE FOR ME- WAS SUPPOSED TO cALL ME 11$2015 for thanksgiving and didNOT(ditto11_23_23(& liar gibersonKNEW i had been out on my own since teen, what my mom did when i was teen& that i worked for everything i had& that they stoleMY PROPERTY WHEN I WAS TEEN& then those LYIMG SACJS IF SHT SCUMBAGS 2021STOLE MY SAFE& ME& MY SON PROPERTY AT ILLEGAL APT THOSE LIARS KNEW I WANTED PER MY REVISED PG3 12_1_20 EMERGeNT COMPLAINT DUring time i have complaint against NJ STATE POLICE (NJSP) ), i had complaint against njsp2008(i didNOT file that, i just wanted that cop to leave me alone bc he said among other things, he was telling my exes i was his. that scared me bc even though i amNOT with my exes, i am STILL scared of them. i wasNOT his, i didNOT even callnhim by his first name. and RETROSPECT that 2008therapist WAS vindictive towards thatNJSP& (& i STILL DIDNT KNOW AT THAT POINT 8-21_94 ER LIED, SO THE ENTIRE TIME DRS, DV AH WERE making it like i didNOT have serious untreated head injury8-94&thatER LIED,SLANDERED MY NAME JUST AS THE VIRTUA,LOURDES,CFG OSYCHIPATHS DID2_4_20- i NEVER saw or s.w cfg just like i NEVER saw or spoke with them2015@ lourdes bellmawr(soneone there committed idtheft)the SAME AOA from when i was teen at my moms 10_2023,11_2_23&my mom let me down AGAIN & i think that abuser of authority had something to do wuth it JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS TEEN. .(10_29_23 when i got there i thinknthe JA aoa liar ch were there Or had slandered my name by that point
MT LAUREL AND CHERRY HILL NJ POLICE KNEW12$2022 THAT STALKER WAS aT ESA HARRASSING ME& STALKED ME TO PO CAUSING #iied, fear&12$2022 i told mt laurel re 10_24_2020 stalker who stalked me FROM ESA to po 12$2022 & they blew me off just like10_24$2020-2022 & court ,ATTYS,REDRooF KNOW I HAVE PROOF THEY LIED AS ITS my video exhibits
my proof video submitted to court 10_24_2020 cops hermsn& bell knew stalker @ redroof harrassing me_ they didNOT put in report
proof 2020 i called cops re harrassment and they went yo 148aBEFORE coming to my apt
my proof11$8_2020 re redroof emp impersonated njsp APPROACHED ME WHILE STALKER hARRASSING ME
NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs,5'6 NaturallyCurlyHair
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