ethics violations by state nj employee(i had complaint against njsp2020&2008) INCLUDING 7-8-2020STATE NJ EMP who saw steps NOT safe, did NOT cite giberson and OBVIOUSLY did NOT get me IMMEDIATE SAFE HOUSING7-8-2020 not 1 of the attorneys or court employees reported violations of #collusion, #corruption, #ABUSEOFAUTHORITY #attorneycodeofconduct, #judicialcanoncodeofconduct,#poafraud,#collusion#innkeeperduty,#hotelliability,#stalking,#identiythrgt NJSA 56:8-163 , judge harrington REFUSED to recuse& i think he knows my exhusband(whose nephew (older than me) is a cop in gloucester county prob njsp dsjg2008 &2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others USINGliesFROM8-21_1994erRecordThat LIAR REDROOF EMP stole11$2020 https://loriesibre.blogspot.com/2020 proof 9-1-2020 my testimony re 7-8-2020 what gibersonetal did forcing threatening me from #illegalapartment removing steps they failed12_9_2019 inspection for (as i was in my apartment which is false imprisonment) RATHER than repairing 7-7_2020 as told to by NJSP7174
2008 i file complaint against MEDFORD COPS FOR HARRASSMENT& they LIED as they, the fire dept ,njdot vehicles hwrrassed me (& anyone who came to see me at house 2008so noone came to see me at house anymore& i amNOT at that hoisw THEY STOLE BY DECEPTION , RPC, ATTY CODEOFCONDUCT, FRAUDONCOURT,atty filed mediation statemebt ,never let me look at it which was my right, when i said i wanted to talk to judge re that , the db atty REFUSED to let me(4_21$23,10$2022 no kediation again #ABUSEOFAUTHORITY #FRAUDBYCOURT,#ATTORNEYCODEOFCONDUCT VIOOATIONS)& (AT HOUSE,MEDFORD their cop also harrassed me AFTER i reported guy stalking my son (who was in high school at time)& harrassed me at house( i found THAT GUY WHO LIVED NEAR HOUSE SUPPOSEDLY was chief police lumberton
bc of harrassment, stalking( as some random guy and woman showed up at my 2008house when i was at honda marlton2008 who ALSO LIED, a 2008nisp det dsjg in chg victim svcs said'he was helPing me re that" bit he did NOT, the realtor was concerned for my safety said to tell police2008 , i told NJSP DSJG , THAT NJSP UNBEKNOWNST TO ME WORKED IN SAME COUNTY AS COP NEPHEW(who threatened me first day i met him)) OF MY EX THAT CHOKED ME , the therapist ALSO worked with them but NEVER told me that
6_2019 my renters ins policy STOLEN @ PO(same time estare papers from my dads estare & my qbchor necklace STOKEN FROM MY BEDROOM CLOSET(which lisa giberson knew7-2_2019, & tampered with, i reported to po AND WHARTON GROUP that they stole&tampered with my renters policy WHO BLEW ME OFF
i have REpEATEY reported stalking,harrassment since2018(toLd drs lourdes who LiED 10_2018&1_2019)&@ cedars 2009-2014( bUT i didnt realize it was stalking, but i did REPORT thefts (including from my fire proof safe THEY STOLE 2021_ & comcast employee STOLE from my apt at cedars ) vandalism to property from my apt at cedars to police AND cedars
proof door @apt 3_2020 _they LIED said "door like that AFTER 3_7_21_ WHICH iS liE AS MY VIDEO 3_2020 PROvES & 12_9_2019 TOWNSHIP SAW DOOR, SO DID CONTRACROR,& GIBERSON 12$9_2019- ITS NOT IN TOWNSHIP12_9_2019 REPORT then12_14_2019 attempted breakin AFtER my phone hacked12$13$2019 #NJSP 7174,8154,8188 CAME TO APT ,SAW DOOR BLEW ME OFF&LEFT
10_5_2020@ #redroof letags near #redroof office& liar janet redroof violating moratorium order106 jist as liars #laquinta,#daysinn,#choicehotels,#motel6,#hamptoninn thats giberson plus 6 hotels thats violated moratorium order 106 2020-2021& slandered my name
ESA ignored my 12_26,12$27$22 email&12$24_22 ltr which i attached to my 5_23,5_25,5_26_23 ltr emaiL;6_1_23 LTR MAILED6_2_23 ALSO IGNORED by esa,etal
esa LIED said they s.w me re my 5_29&6_14 bbb complaint & NO THEY DID NOT!!
my 12$14_2022,5-23,5-25,5-26 ltr,emails, 6-1_23 ltr & 5_29_23&6_14_23 bbb complaints,2_7_23&3_6_23 njdca complaints informed esa in ITEMIZED DETAIL TO CEASE HARRASSMENT & esa Lied,slandered my name AGAIN RETALIATED6_13$23 JUST AS THEY DID SINCE9-2022
person room next to me hatrassinh 6_10,6_22,6_23,6_24 (THAT WAS IMNTHAT ROOM OCT2022-3_2023) 6-20@840 pm no email from bbb re"esa response" which they LIED AGAIN, esa did NOT CONTACT ME tO DISSCUSS6_13 ESA HOUSEKEEPER11AM&2PM GM HARRASSED ME in direct viokation of my REPEATED LETTERS SINCE12$14_22 STATINGVTO NOT HARRASS ME INCKUDING FOR HOUSEKEEPING (my6_16_23 rejection of esa"respobse" below, they refuse to refund me monies & they slandered my name AGAIN sent ltr/email to esa5-23-23,5_25,5_26& i canNOTattach ltr to 5&2023email so i made ltr part of those emails& then bc esa IGNORED MY5_23,5_25,5_26LTR/EMAIL ON 6_1_23, i updated my 5,23,5,25,5_26 ltr email& mailed LTR 6_2_23 to ch esaand corp esa which they IGNORED _ SO THEabuser if authority stalker messed with it
6_23 253 pm esa ah room next to ME BANGING LOUD ON WALL harraasing me &WERE Banging under my room and room next to me since early am6_23_23& last night6_22vafter10 pm room next to me amd night before that asxwell & 6_21&6_22 they were drilling makimg noise harrassing ,
6_18_23proof esa (#extendedstay) said"couldnt find my acct" retalating trying to #illegalevict& i told them AGAIN they violated NJSA 56:8-163 #IDEntITYTHEFT ,DATABREACH law,showed my 6_1_23 ltr i mailed which esa IGNORED as well as ignored my5_23,5_25,5_26 ltr email &12_26&12_27_22 email attaching my12$24_22 ltr &5_29_23 bbb complaint with attachments
BBB said"this complaint made part of my5_29_23 complaint"_ NO IT WAS NOT _#IDENTYTHEFT, CONSUMER FRAUD NJSA56:8+163,56:8-1,8-2
esaIGNORED my5_23,5_25_23,5_26 email ltr& i tried to pay 5_25 they ignored me like9-25_22 whenLIAR at front deskLIED,discriminated( thats #retaliation bc i reported them to DCA 2_6_23&3_6_23, plus they IGNORED my5_23,5_25,5_26 ltr email &6_1$23 ltr i mailed6_2_23(&6_13_22 esa housekeepeer11am and gm 2pm harrassedme & I SAID STOP HARRASSING ME, ANSWER MY LTRS&EMAIL &YET ESA REFUSE TO CALL ME TO TELL ME IF I HAVE MAIL OR PACKAGES
9-22_22proof esaCHERRY HILL management lied,slandered my name, discriminated did NOT give room as advertised,KNEWi have stalker,
and esa are withhholding sVCs,& retaliated, LIED,SLANDERED MY NAME INCLUDING6_13_23 #IIED,#NIED,#HARRASSMENT,#INNKEEPERDUTY, NJSA56:8-163,8-1,8-2
From the Consumer on Friday, June 16, 2023
I am rejecting this response because:
I am rejecting this response because:
6_16_23 i REJECT esa response.
i attached to my5_29_23 bbb complaint PROOF.
9-22_22 i told ESA cherry hill nj ast manager i have stalker (& was emotionally distressed re same), INNKEEPERDUTy its in my letter regarding my fridge9-23_22(reimbursed me credit but didNOTindicate why (NOT keeping accurate records) & ESA REFUSED TO REIMBURSE ME4_19_23(RETALIATION)_PLUS5 PHOnes i had to get bc stalker4_15-6_10$22
. esa provided no proof.
i provided proof.
furthermore, ESA RETALIATED including 6_13_23harrassed me& slandered my name & AGAIN does NOT respond to violations databreach,identitytheft, harrassment, stalking,theft my mail11_18&11$26_22refusal by esa to inform me if i have mail , esa cherry hill location Lied& SLANDeRed MY NAME:
just bc esa says" they investigated" does NOTmean its True as theY SUPPLIED no documentation to PROVE It. their computer system would state who accessed my room and the dates, reason,how long in my room & i told esa front desk 5_16_23 that 5_15,5_14,5_7, etc someone TRIED to get in my room, the harrassment under and next to my room(iied nied, innkeeperduty, hotelliability), ESA did NOT 'investigate" thefts vandalism to my property in my room. ESA lied, slandered my name bc i reported them to BBB5_29_23& NJDCA2_7_23,3_6_23& DESpite being made REPEATEly aware PER NJSA 56:8-163 ,esa still FAILED to report data breach, identitytheft by THEIR employees
in addition, ESA cust service KNEW 9-25_22 room NOT as advertised esa harrassing me & esa LIED re that as well njsa56:8-1,8-2
Lorie Sibre
@1.17,.45 5_19_23 proof i AGAIN told esa re njsa56:8-163,11$18_22 theft my mail from bank(ft)
proof esa REPEATEDLY told since9_25_22 & they dont respond to my 5_23,5_25,5_26 email.ltr so i filed bbb 5_29_23 complaint
From the Business on Thursday, June 15, 2023
We appreciate the opportunity to further review the guest’s complaint. As stated previously, this issue(s) was escalated to management for resolution. Management has informed us that after investigation, there is no evidence to support the claims that the guest's property has been stolen or tampered with. Any concerns that the guest has brought to the attention of management have been addressed and no compensation or refund will be considered at this time
5_22- the same5_19 esa emp who lied st front desk _SHE LIED PUT I WAS AT FRONT DESK5_21 when i didNOT go out5_21-& was @ front desk5_22& COURT AND DEF REDROOF ATTY violated RPC& JUDICIAL CANON CODE OF CONDUCT 5_19_23 #extendedstayamerica front desk LIED re my card, then AFTERWARDS i called re that & same EMP at front desk WHO LIED9-25_22 WHEN ESA VIOLATED NJSA 56:8-163 #INNKEEPERDUTY, #IDENTITYTHEFT DATA BREACH LAW LIED,retaliated bc I filed complaint2_6&3_7 with njdca_&5_29&6_14bbb complaint& I wrote ltr 12$14_22 emailed12$26_22&12_27_22 to esa corp& they ignored &also emailed with my ltr email5_23,5_25,5_26
. Lorie Sibre
. Lorie Sibre
princess lorissa
I amALWAYSoriginal
&NEVER a follower
~~i haveALWAYS lived in south jersey
SINCE7-8-2020@hotels,, NJ
since9_22_22@esa stt ch nj
1_3$21 reddrppf employee JANET DISCRIMINATED, SCREAMED SLANDEROuS NAMES AT ME AFTER SHE HARRASSED ME, TOOK SPOT CLOSE TO MY ROOMAGAIN 1_3$21& I TOlD HER to STOP harrassing me, that shes getting sued for harrassment& then her and redrooffrontDesk LIED (12$11$20 redrpof were told by mt laurel nj cop messa(12$8_20)they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave agai
I amALWAYSoriginal
&NEVER a follower
~~i haveALWAYS lived in south jersey
SINCE7-8-2020@hotels,, NJ
since9_22_22@esa stt ch nj
1_3$21 reddrppf employee JANET DISCRIMINATED, SCREAMED SLANDEROuS NAMES AT ME AFTER SHE HARRASSED ME, TOOK SPOT CLOSE TO MY ROOMAGAIN 1_3$21& I TOlD HER to STOP harrassing me, that shes getting sued for harrassment& then her and redrooffrontDesk LIED (12$11$20 redrpof were told by mt laurel nj cop messa(12$8_20)they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave agai
~~fyi..STEALING IS NOT sharing~~~
&WARNINGNOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution in any way,shape, or form of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters ,journaLs, calendars ,etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleFromMe,(you doNOT have my permission (that includse abuser of authority who committed fraud,poafraud 2021 Stole my fire proof safe&me&my son property stolen BY FRAUD @apt 2019_2021tiasu2014-2021~(THEY KNEW I WANTED PER MY12$1$2020 REVD PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT UPLOADED12_24_20&...it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~&dont ask my son,~STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
Lorie Sibre (princess lorissa)
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower
Single.Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs, NaturallyCurlyHair
~~i lived in south jersey AlWAYS,
NOT AT REDROOF ANYMORE, SINCE9_22_22 AT esa stt CH NJ HOTEl whoLIED,slandered my name, withheld services,RoomNOT as advertised9-22_22 violated njsa56:8-163,8-1,8-2
no mail packages at esa since11_29_22( That is esa REFUSE to tell me if i have mail or packages since11$29_22- but i suspect there was mail for me and it was stolen by samE PERSON AS11_18&11_26
~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharma &...STOP STEALINGSLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
~single since2007 (iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
oneof Myfavmovies isTheCuttingEdge_esppartWhenTheySAYiloveyou
fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen
i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.
WARNING~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleITyoudoNOThavePermissiom,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder, iver40disneyvideos, tvvcr, stereo, screentv, cimputers,laptop, ARMOIRE,CHINA CABINETHUTCH, FURNITURE,MY SONS TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A, they KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISC DOC"4624 obviously you doNOT have my permission)....it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
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