4_19_2310_25am i called esa ,said they were coming right up half hour later they show up with FRIDGE from someone elses rolm(& they talked to esa guest between my call& when they showed up11 am tthrfood in my fridge bad 4_19_23&ESA gave me fridge ftom someone else room INSTEAD of new fridge(9-23_22 they gave me new fridge so its malicious _ 4_19_24over$200 worth lf food andESA LIARS REFUSED TO REIMBURSE ME & STOP SLANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON ....NOT@REDROOF,,NOTAPT148BRLRSOUTHAMOTONNJ @ESA STT CHNJ SINCE9-22_22since2_17_23 i haveNOTctalked to my son ( 2_2_23 A LIAR AT ESA GOVT TAGS HARRASSED ME, STALKED ME(4_15esa harrassedMeAGAIN JUST LIKE9-25_22-4_9_23 between 1_27-23 - 3_20_23 someone at esa tampered AGAIN with my acct as it says 10_2_22-11$2022& it said thru march on 1_2023 one _ NO MAIL AT ESA AFTER11_29_22(11_14&11_26_22 packages stolen& no mail at usps eho are so hrazen they stole mail that they put cert card for & stole other mail as well IGNORED USPS COMPLAINTS RE MAIL THEFT. 4-11_23@1145pm someonecwasxtapoing on my door with what sounded like hotel card(1_16_23 esaLIars wiped vard i had then gave meANOTHER key ~ proof @.40,1.379-25_22 #extendedstayamerica housekeeperANSWERED phone and i told him thatESA harassdMe locked FRONTDOORLOBBY(thatSAME housekeeper was on my floor near elevator as i went out to my car)&12$26_22 PROOF ESA GM BULLIED intimidated way into my room with housekeeper door shut (illegal,),, i said i dont NEED housekeeping i bought all my own stuff& he shut door with housekeeper, ,you can hwar him on what sounds like computer or camera in my roomwhich is ILLEGAL violation of my right to privacy in my room intrusion upon seclusion
property lorie sibre_ proOF ESA LIED, SOMEONE DELETED MY DL 9-25-9_27_22 VIOLATED NJSA 56:8-163& ESA KNEW AnD IGNORED THIS THEY ARE LEGALLY LIABLE PER NJSA56;8-163 THEY DID NOT REPORT ,THEY LIED RE ROOM 9-22_22 , they tresspassed my room including between 9-22_22-10$28_22- did NOT telle they were in my room andREASON AS REQUIRED AND THEFT MY MAIL PACKAGE11_18_22,11_26_22 SO DID PO EMPLOYEE MARLKRESS CHERRY HILL NJ
proof esa slandered my name i domnt know those people so WHY would they do that? refroof didSAME thing 4_15_23 all the people near my car harrassing me blocking back if my car AFTER #extendedstayamerica harrassed me and locked door as i was in vestibule(4_14 they eere out front as i got back from store INCLUDING 10_28_22 PERSON FROM MY FLOOR_ who was in vestibule AFTER i saw theySTOLE my phone10_28$22 which they returned just as at redroof)& i tried to guve them bemefit of doubt but i KNOW esaSLANDETED my name theyIGNORE me,REFUSE to make repaors gave me a fridge from someone elses room&2_6_23- LIAR ESANEVER returned my call , maunt NEVER fixed hot water in bathrub....they areLYING bullies, i feel hopeless and if i start fuckong drinking( i dont drink) itsON LIARS EXTENDEDSTAYAMERICA, & liars REDRooF, THEPR LIAR ATTys as i dont drink & i never smoked
esa VIOLATED NjSA 56:8-163 #identitytheft, someone deleted my dl from hotel registration9-25-9_27_22
databreach law violation
those people talk to esa who slandered my name violated njsa 56:8-163 and tampered with dl 9-25_22-0_27_22 # identitytheft and esa DID NOTHING MAJONG THEM LEGALLY LIABLE BC THEY KNEW9-27$22
4_19_23 esa REFUSED to reimburse me for food in my fridge over$200 just as at illegal apt6_3_20-6_7_20
i wrote 12$14$22 letter to them12$26_22,12_27_22 re my room NOT as advertised, the harrassment, theft my mail11_18&11_26_22 theft ,vandalism my property, my hotel phone sometimes cannot get calls (i never received any voicemail),FACT esaLIED9-22_22 as they didNOT give me room as advertised(9-23 my fridge was not working right which they replaced (4_19_23 my fridge not working which the one they gave me9-23 was new, they gave me one from ANOTHERcroom &REFUSED to reimburse me for food that wemt bad AFTER i said he cant take photo if my property & he said"youre here every day" and 4_15_23 harrassed me as i left to go to my car ,they locked front door as i was in vestibule just like they have been doing since9-25_22- which esa CUST SVC knew, they slandered my ne jist as redroof did and prior landlord.& they KNEW I WAS EMoTIONALLY DISTRESSED bC OF ESa CH NJ HARRASSING me
Lorie Sibre(Princess lorissa) NOTE:i canNOT getCalls@ esa BC liarsmesswithMyExt doNOMailAnythingtoMe@ESA(mymailstolen), sinc9-22_22@ESAchNjWHOliedslandermyNamJUSTasliarsRedroofDid BOTHviolatNJSA56:8-163 i boughtEVERYTHnGforkitchenbathroom&bed 12$2022esaPRIVACYignorLtrEmailtoTHEM @hotelsSinc78-20AftrLLForcdthreatMEFromillegallApt IamCaucasianFAIRskinNaturllycurlyhair HAZELgreeneyes5'"6'LonglegsZEROtattoosNEVERsmoked~GStfswgttsn ~IamALWAYSoriginal&NEVERafollower ihaveNOTtalkedToMysonSince2_17haveNOTseenmysonsince2020 STOPlyngSLANDERNGMynametomyMyson(HeisaGOODguy sINGLsinc2007AFTRmyExChokMe(ILikeguys,iAmJustNOTdesperatTOdate GibersonLLknewBLACKNJSPdetIHadCompAgainst2008&myEXBfiHavFROagainst 2020-2021STOLMyFireProofSAFE&Me&mySonProprty@aptTHEYknewiWantd~ STEALNGisNOTsharNg~wARNNGNOTICE~dissemnationALTRATIONcopyngPRINTdistrbutionOFmyMailEmailsPhotosVideosDOCSDrawngsBlogsPostsltrsEtcisSTRCTLY prohibitdWithoutMyspecficConsnt&OBVIOUSLYifyouStolitYouDONThavmyconsent&dontAskmySonORAny1els
~lorie sibre
I am ALWAYS original and
NEVER a follower
(nickname:princess lorissa (lorissa is a nickname someone used to call me when i was teen ,which i used when i got online to stay safe2019 but stalker figured out it was me11_2019 so i used my real name)
ALWAyS original,
NEVER a follower
&WARNINGNOTICE~~~stealing isNOT sharing~~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution in any way,shape, or form ofmy mail, emails, photoNOTES, videodocuments,,vlogs,drawings,blogs,posts,letters ,journas, calendars ,etc is STRICTLY prohibitewithout my specific consent& prior ok is NOTvalid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleFromMe,(you doNOThave my permission(return my fireproof safe&me&my son propertystolen @apt2020-22allKNEW per my 12$1_20 emergent complaint revised pg3 i wanted)
..it MUST be my authorization specifically,specifying what i say, is or is NOT ok for each item
&Prior authorization is NOT valid ~
&dont ask my Son or anyone else
&STOP slandering MyName
a month or so ago i dropped $20 at this store as i was handing it to ah cashier,& black woman begond me or employee stole it
12$26_22 PROOF esa gm (&housekeeper) bullied intimidated way into my room,soundedlikeHe had Camera or computer (which is illegal, intrusion upon seclusion)(&sometime between9-22_22-10_28_22 esa TRESSPASSED my room to "do an inspection'& NEVER told me& its illegal ,besides which ESA gave me room NOT as advertised,(consumer fraud act)& they should have done INSpection BEFORE they gave me room, which wasNOT as advertised then ESA lies,slanders my name, submittimg bunch of bogus paperwork trying to cover upFACT she LIED,did NOT do her job and inspect room BEFORE given to me9-22_22- guests have a right to privacy in ro and its ILLEGAL to touch guests property, to take photos, video of guest property to spy in guest in their room
&9-25_22 proof #extendedstayamerica housekeeper answered front desk AFTER they harrassed me,locked front door,which i told cust svc on yhis date9-25_22(& he was in housekeeping right near elevator as i went to my car_ woman from first floor whl WAS laughing waving at me AS I WAS EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED hangs out with that esa employee in his shift at night which means esa cust privacy could be violated as she isNOT an employee, in addition to FACT esa emp saod she was nurse woman at esa who gossips woth esa works at drs and i suspect they violated hipaa phi as 10$18$22 i tried,AGAIN to get medical care thru urgent care& they REFUSED to do bloodwork, KNEW someone violated njsa56:8-163 #identitytheft law bc it had i was patient there before &I NEVER WAS AT RIVERSIDE URGENT CH LIARS BEFORE & the evesdropping sh lowlifes in room next to me evesdropped as i left msg for my son bc i was upset and they made me wait iver2 hlurs REFUSED to do bloodwork&KNEW frommy3 pg typed list i needed bloodwork cbc with diff, thyroid ,kidney panel so it was MALICIOUS PREMEDITATED DEVIATION FROM STANDARD OF CARE BY RIVERSIDE URGENT CARE LIAR DRS
4-18_23@dollar general. 4_18_23 the guy behind meWAS WHISTLING SO FUCKING LIUD MY HEAD HURTS I WAS TRYING TO REMEMBER AS I COUBTED OUT MONEY ,THEN THAT AH GUY WAS AN AH &I WENT GERE 4_14_23, AFTER I WAS AT FRONT DESK WHO SLANDERED MY NAME AS I WAS GOING TOWARDS ELEVATOR THEN4_15_23 FUCKING HARRASSES ME DO I HAVENT BEEN OUT SIN S4_15_23&4_16_23 THEY HACKED 12_16_2019 PHONE& I THINK cashier stole$40 from me.I HAVE TO CHECK MY TAPE _ .i counted out money and as i was doing it anAH BEHIND ME WAS WHISTLING LOUD SO I COULDNT CONCENTRATe ..i said her drawer would beOVER and she put in wrong amount toSTEAL from me& right before they were commenting on money(& i haveNOT fycking had vreakfast yet i haveNot replaced anything they stole from apt& THEY STOLE FROM ME AT THIS HOTEL,&@ REDRPOF 4_22 THE LIAR COURT TRIED TO TAKE ASVANTAGE OF ME&4_14_23 LIAR CT walgreens TWICE cashier tried to steal& stole10 from me a month ago
since9-22$22@ esa,ch,nj
https://youtu.be/-IOZzmUSb60 ,10_24$2020 MTlaurelNJcopsBELL&HERmanLIED,didNOTvput that i called911 RE stalkerTRESSPSASINGremoteStartingmyCar_2_17_23 stalkerTRESSPASSED mycar&ItoldESA liars 9-22 i haveSTALKER as i was emotionally distressed
12$30_22 stalker tresspasser@ po, mt laurel nj cops STALKING,KNE re stalker, BLEW ME OFF LIKR10_24$20 --2022@REDROOF,&12$20_22cops,iGET BACK TO,heCAMEonmyfloor,asiwentbacktomycar10_24_20TRESSPASSEr stalker HARRASSER TRESZPASED popped trunk to my car _esa GM was out front as this occurred its MOST LIKELY A COP HARRASSING STALKING ME(RETIRED COP @ REDROOF11$2020#ABUSEOFAUTHORITYunder color of law 12$8_20mcginnisKJEWredroofempSTOLEcommitting #idtheft https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgn-x3tH5F0 7-7-2020prooFreNJsp&GibersinharasingMe&KNEWstePsnotsafe_so they areLIARS https://youtu.be/lGllPvZ5b5s 10_24$20copsSHUlDhavehadDVadvGetMeSafehousn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lBg08XYacU contraryToLIESslanderihaveNOTdatedsince2007aftermyexchokdmeSlmedmyHeadintowallAGAIN(2003) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_eahSeEfga4&list=PLvoX15FYWMr72DYeXSR4lOhlBHJiMNvYv&index=27 4_2021PROOFtcwithmichelleGREENBLATTliebermanPOHLEknewiwantme&mysonprop https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdlXXQ-RwSY 12$2020 proofCOPSmcginnis&10_24_20bell&herman7KNEWreMYproperty@apt,stalkingTHeftbyREDROOFemployeemy8-94LtrTOER 3_27_22SGTmtlaurrkKNEW10_24_29copsdidNOTputatalkngarrassmentinrepo2_25VideoExhibits d,f, j ,l, t n ,u toburcivilJudgeHarrington #@apt2014_2021?0&@redroofBANGINGonwallHarasingme https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yKBMFh_sOmU 3_26StalkrREMOTEstartngASiAmnearMyCar&3_10_22TheyKNEWstalkerHARASRvandalizdmyCar&permy911Callon10_24_20Cops163_147 https://youtu.be/9oz3HMXys38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXDG8SKANd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlhyGJxM6ZY https://m.youtube.com/shorts/qb86djEo4kE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2r79Bl53f8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Y90WE4lRQ 12$21_21copKNEWredroofSTOlMYmailFROMcourt&STOLmyvoteridpo stolmail& blackGuyLE tagsnearoffice2020CouldbeRelativOfNJSPdetihadComplaintAgainst 11_8 _2020cop147,163(saidBOTHbadge hisnametagsaid bell&factmikeredroofempLiedTo meINfrontOFcop bellsaid'henever saidheWasCOp" 'hisBrotherisNJSP& heWENTtoOFFIC&swSEAN&stephanie&guyAtEveddropper12_20202doorsDownMechancINjeep.1_8_20.t HeyLoosendmy headlight.took parttrimoffJIST LIKE ONMYsuv@APT NEAR SOUTHAMPTN AUTOsupposdlyOWNBY JaMIE&LISA GIBERSON &NJSP8020 LIED8-10_19 . (gibersonstried toinjureMe e
2_4_20 virtua,lourdes cfg liars violated 42 CFR § 482.13 - ZERO CARE12OuRS@ERMEDmal..LOSSBALANCEFALL2_4_20 , THEYNEVERLOOKEd@my BAckwhichwas bruised sollen, NO CTSCANHEAD SLURRED SPEECH STAGGERING COULD BARELYSTAND&
inept liars@virtua testedmefor drugsalcoholwhichWEREnEg&@ THAtpointThey shouldhave IMMEDIATELYBEEN CONCERND430PmNVERlet meTalkTo430pm psychiatristtotell them whatgibersinetal did&xray dept did~LITERALlYkidnapmeAS I WASlEAVINGER 4PMAFTER ZERO CARE11AM_ 4PM .BLACKWOMAN "JOAN'NOT LISTEdiINMY CHART,iNEvER saw.s.wDR THATORDED
BLOODWORK DR PONCELIAR GowFROM SOUTHAMpTIN NJ &'knewIextremely upsetBCxray gaveNO privacy&400-1145 pm ERkidnappdme_NOCARE,NO MEcSFORpain, migraineAnxiety PROVNG VIRTUA LIED, lwERENOT CONCERND ABoUTMY 11$8_20UNTrEaTD HEADINJuRY . REDROOF hKNEWTHAT harrassmntWASGOInGtO EXACERBATE PTSDanxietypanic attacks.i have extremeAnxiety ,panicAttac,&STOPLyngslanderingmynametomySon&others)3_15_22NJSPinwalmartparkngLot,&asigetbackiREALIZEtheyfucg vandalizdmyjeansiWear,l&thenIsEEnjspWHIChtraumatizedme7_2_2019-7_8_2020
)I HADcomplaintAGAINSTnjsp10yearsago&WHILEatRedrOof,thenTHEtresspassrREPEATDLYremoteStartdmycar3_25_3_26&&10_13$20womanWHITEcarWITHkeyPlacethentheyTRESSPASSmycar&copSdidNoTHING(toldMcginmisredrpoofSTOLEmyltrto8(94ER~stalkrMAYbeCOPtechSECURITYbcCOPSliedon10_24_2020reportJUSTlikeNJSPLIED&otherreportsincludng1_2021after1_3_21itoldJANETredroofshewasGETtINGsuedfirHarrassmentASsheSCREAMEDweirdoatmeInfrontofcustsempAFTERtakingcLOSEspotKNoWiNGitWOUldcausemeemotionaldistress ~Lorie Sibre (Princess lorissa) ~~i haveALWAYS lived in south jersey,currently since7-8-2020@ hotels(not at REDROOfanymore i am caucasian , haveFairskin NaturallyCurly hairHazel/Green eyesLongLegs~iaftisas,high cheekbones&ZEROtattoos~Twgfsnbftgttbcasn fyiSTEALING isNOTSharing~~~&RETURNMY FIRE PROOF SAFE~BMTASTYS~ &me&mySonPropertySTOLE@APT2020-2021thatLIARSknewiwantedpermy12$1$20revisedpg3emergentcomplaint ~ifYou stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others.tHEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharmaFSWGBHLIH &sTOPstealingLying SLANDERING MYNAMEtoMYson~&OTHERS WARNING~NOTICE~dissemination ALTERATIONcopyingPRINTINGdistributionOFmy mailEmailsPhotosNOTESvideosDocumentsdrawingBlogsPostsletterEtcIsSTRICTLYprohibited withoutmyspecific consent&priorok isNOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleFromMe,youDoNOT havemy permission-THATincludesmyFIREproofsafe&me&mySonpropertstolen@itApt2020_2021) MUSTbemyauthorization specifically specifyingwhat i sayisorIsNOTokforEach item.~&dontAskMySon&STOP SLANDERINGmynameToMySon&other
4_14_23 the hacker took screenshot of my video i took at store ~ghmbmsproof 4_14_23&4_15_23 esa harrassed me AGAIN locked front door as i went thru it(& 5_10 minutes later i came back on ..it was LOCKED Still and #iied and esa were on my floor just like3_24_23 AFTER they harrassed me like9-25_22
12$26_22 PROOF esa gm (&housekeeper) bullied intimidated way into my room,soundedlikeHe had Camera or computer (which is illegal, intrusion upon seclusion)(&sometime between9-22_22-10_28_22 esa TRESSPASSED my room to "do an inspection'& NEVER told me& its illegal ,besides which ESA gave me room NOT as advertised,(consumer fraud act)& they should have done INSpection BEFORE they gave me room, which wasNOT as advertised then ESA lies,slanders my name, submittimg bunch of bogus paperwork trying to cover upFACT she LIED,did NOT do her job and inspect room BEFORE given to me9-22_22- guests have a right to privacy in ro and its ILLEGAL to touch guests property, to take photos, video of guest property to spy in guest in their room
&9-25_22 proof #extendedstayamerica housekeeper answered front desk AFTER they harrassed me,locked front door,which i told cust svc on yhis date9-25_22(& he was in housekeeping right near elevator as i went to my car_ woman from first floor whl WAS laughing waving at me AS I WAS EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED hangs out with that esa employee in his shift at night which means esa cust privacy could be violated as she isNOT an employee, in addition to FACT esa emp saod she was nurse woman at esa who gossips woth esa works at drs and i suspect they violated hipaa phi as 10$18$22 i tried,AGAIN to get medical care thru urgent care& they REFUSED to do bloodwork, KNEW someone violated njsa56:8-163 #identitytheft law bc it had i was patient there before &I NEVER WAS AT RIVERSIDE URGENT CH LIARS BEFORE & the evesdropping sh lowlifes in room next to me evesdropped as i left msg for my son bc i was upset and they made me wait iver2 hlurs REFUSED to do bloodwork&KNEW frommy3 pg typed list i needed bloodwork cbc with diff, thyroid ,kidney panel so it was MALICIOUS PREMEDITATED DEVIATION FROM STANDARD OF CARE BY RIVERSIDE URGENT CARE LIAR DRS
since9-22$22@ esa,ch,nj iamNOT@RedroofanymoreButstill@hotels,njsince7-8-2020 https://youtu.be/-IOZzmUSb60 ,10_24$2020 MTlaurelNJcopsBELL&HERmanLIED,didNOTvput that i called911 RE stalkerTRESSPSASINGremoteStartingmyCar_2_17_23 stalkerTRESSPASSED mycar&ItoldESA liars 9-22 i haveSTALKER as i was emotionally distressed 12$30_22 stalker tresspasser@ po, mt laurel nj cops STALKING,KNE re stalker, BLEW ME OFF LIKR10_24$20 --2022@REDROOF,&12$20_22cops,iGET BACK TO,heCAMEonmyfloor,asiwentbacktomycar10_24_20TRESSPASSEr stalker HARRASSER TRESZPASED popped trunk to my car _esa GM was out front as this occurred its MOST LIKELY A COP HARRASSING STALKING ME(RETIRED COP @ REDROOF11$2020#ABUSEOFAUTHORITYunder color of law 12$8_20mcginnisKJEWredroofempSTOLEcommitting #idtheft https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgn-x3tH5F0 7-7-2020prooFreNJsp&GibersinharasingMe&KNEWstePsnotsafe_so they areLIARS https://youtu.be/lGllPvZ5b5s 10_24$20copsSHUlDhavehadDVadvGetMeSafehousn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lBg08XYacU contraryToLIESslanderihaveNOTdatedsince2007aftermyexchokdmeSlmedmyHeadintowallAGAIN(2003) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_eahSeEfga4&list=PLvoX15FYWMr72DYeXSR4lOhlBHJiMNvYv&index=27 4_2021PROOFtcwithmichelleGREENBLATTliebermanPOHLEknewiwantme&mysonprop https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdlXXQ-RwSY 12$2020 proofCOPSmcginnis&10_24_20bell&herman7KNEWreMYproperty@apt,stalkingTHeftbyREDROOFemployeemy8-94LtrTOER 3_27_22SGTmtlaurrkKNEW10_24_29copsdidNOTputatalkngarrassmentinrepo2_25VideoExhibits d,f, j ,l, t n ,u toburcivilJudgeHarrington #@apt2014_2021?0&@redroofBANGINGonwallHarasingme https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yKBMFh_sOmU 3_26StalkrREMOTEstartngASiAmnearMyCar&3_10_22TheyKNEWstalkerHARASRvandalizdmyCar&permy911Callon10_24_20Cops163_147 https://youtu.be/9oz3HMXys38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXDG8SKANd0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlhyGJxM6ZY https://m.youtube.com/shorts/qb86djEo4kE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2r79Bl53f8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Y90WE4lRQ 12$21_21copKNEWredroofSTOlMYmailFROMcourt&STOLmyvoteridpo stolmail& blackGuyLE tagsnearoffice2020CouldbeRelativOfNJSPdetihadComplaintAgainst 11_8 _2020cop147,163(saidBOTHbadge hisnametagsaid bell&factmikeredroofempLiedTo meINfrontOFcop bellsaid'henever saidheWasCOp" 'hisBrotherisNJSP& heWENTtoOFFIC&swSEAN&stephanie&guyAtEveddropper12_20202doorsDownMechancINjeep.1_8_20.t HeyLoosendmy headlight.took parttrimoffJIST LIKE ONMYsuv@APT NEAR SOUTHAMPTN AUTOsupposdlyOWNBY JaMIE&LISA GIBERSON &NJSP8020 LIED8-10_19 . (gibersonstried toinjureMe e
2_4_20 virtua,lourdes cfg liars violated 42 CFR § 482.13 - ZERO CARE12OuRS@ERMEDmal..LOSSBALANCEFALL2_4_20 , THEYNEVERLOOKEd@my BAckwhichwas bruised sollen, NO CTSCANHEAD SLURRED SPEECH STAGGERING COULD BARELYSTAND&
inept liars@virtua testedmefor drugsalcoholwhichWEREnEg&@ THAtpointThey shouldhave IMMEDIATELYBEEN CONCERND430PmNVERlet meTalkTo430pm psychiatristtotell them whatgibersinetal did&xray dept did~LITERALlYkidnapmeAS I WASlEAVINGER 4PMAFTER ZERO CARE11AM_ 4PM .BLACKWOMAN "JOAN'NOT LISTEdiINMY CHART,iNEvER saw.s.wDR THATORDED
BLOODWORK DR PONCELIAR GowFROM SOUTHAMpTIN NJ &'knewIextremely upsetBCxray gaveNO privacy&400-1145 pm ERkidnappdme_NOCARE,NO MEcSFORpain, migraineAnxiety PROVNG VIRTUA LIED, lwERENOT CONCERND ABoUTMY 11$8_20UNTrEaTD HEADINJuRY . REDROOF hKNEWTHAT harrassmntWASGOInGtO EXACERBATE PTSDanxietypanic attacks.i have extremeAnxiety ,panicAttac,&STOPLyngslanderingmynametomySon&others)3_15_22NJSPinwalmartparkngLot,&asigetbackiREALIZEtheyfucg vandalizdmyjeansiWear,l&thenIsEEnjspWHIChtraumatizedme7_2_2019-7_8_2020)I HADcomplaintAGAINSTnjsp10yearsago&WHILEatRedrOof,thenTHEtresspassrREPEATDLYremoteStartdmycar3_25_3_26&&10_13$20womanWHITEcarWITHkeyPlacethentheyTRESSPASSmycar&copSdidNoTHING(toldMcginmisredrpoofSTOLEmyltrto8(94ER~stalkrMAYbeCOPtechSECURITYbcCOPSliedon10_24_2020reportJUSTlikeNJSPLIED&otherreportsincludng1_2021after1_3_21itoldJANETredroofshewasGETtINGsuedfirHarrassmentASsheSCREAMEDweirdoatmeInfrontofcustsempAFTERtakingcLOSEspotKNoWiNGitWOUldcausemeemotionaldistress ~
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower
Single.Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs, NaturallyCurlyHair
~~i lived in south jersey AlWAYS,
NOT AT REDROOF ANYMORE, SINCE9_22_22 AT esa stt CH NJ HOTEl whoLIED,slandered my name, withheld services,RoomNOT as advertised9-22_22 violated njsa56:8-163,8-1,8-2
no mail packages at esa since11_29_22( That is esa REFUSE to tell me if i have mail or packages since11$29_22- but i suspect there was mail for me and it was stolen by samE PERSON AS11_18&11_26
~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharma &...STOP STEALINGSLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
~single since2007 (iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
oneof Myfavmovies isTheCuttingEdge_esppartWhenTheySAYiloveyou
fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen
i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.
WARNING~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleITyoudoNOThavePermissiom,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder, iver40disneyvideos, tvvcr, stereo, screentv, cimputers,laptop, ARMOIRE,CHINA CABINETHUTCH, FURNITURE,MY SONS TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A, they KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISC DOC"4624 obviously you doNOT have my permission)....it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
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