_ 4_26_23bi was up most if night, didnt get out earky asi wanted ti bc if panic attack anxiet, and then theEAA EVIL AH LIES, takes advantahe of me and garrasses me (& guy from my floor in area as was liar woman_9_22-10_2_22, esa committed identitytheft databreach ,fraud violated consumer fraud act njsa 568;163
during court stalker HARRASSED was turning my speakerphone on andOFF DURING COURT _ they HARRASSED me&, I swear5$16_22 I saw at#extendedstay lobby as I was talking to front desk the owner of #redroof(owns #motel6,#choicehotels(#rodewayinn,#sleepinn,#econolodge, who has SLANDERED MY NAME& knew10_24_2020 stalker harrassing me and he was to check surveillance10_24_20& get back to me or cops and NEVER did ( I never met him but based on what occurred,I surmise it was him)
4_26,4_22,4_21,4_18,4_19,4_15,4_16,4_8,4_4,3_24,3_20 get the picture???esa harasedme& someone tampered with my acct AGAIN between4_14&4_26_23
AGAIN As i went to my car,(bc door wasUNlockedasi,wasinvestibule&LIAR esapushedBUTTONlockedit, as icameback in5minutes laterEsA evilah LOCKED DOor AS I WAS IN VESTIBUke &sameAH liAR WIMAN IN LoBBY&WHEN I WENT DoeNSTAURS AH TAlkING toLIARwoMAN AS I WAS AT FRONT DESK WHi WAS AN AH THEN SAYS"SorRY* ,esaAH,do you THINK SAYING FUCKING SORRY MAKES IT OK TO BE AN AH?&MAlICIOUSLY CAUSE ME EMITIONAL DISTRESS?Because no it doesNOT #IIED,#NUED,#harrassmebt
&redroof stalker10_24_20, fucking trssspassed remote started my car as i was getting ready to go back into esaliars
ESA harrassed SAMeE manner as giberson& redroof USING ILLEGALLY THERMal imaging to harrassBANGINGUNDER where i am including at apt(I had complaint against NJSP(2TIMES),MEDFORD &, MT LAUREL nJ POLICE)4_19 HOWwoULD esakNOWif i usedmy fridge, was hereEVERYday&stalkingharasingmethrough VIDEO to entrance to ESA 4_22,4_21,4_15,4_9,4_4 #extendedstayamerica (esa)harassedME LOCKiNGFRONtdoorasileftESA #iied, #niederlande ,,#stalking now esaLOCKiNG ITas I ENTER ESA VESTIBULE whichis #HARRASSMEnt making it hostile ,AS lIARS #REDROOF,#CHOICEHOtels,#laquinta,#hamptoninn,#daysinnn,gibersonLIARS did 4_9 https://youtu.be/WW0SRgL4dB4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JEbL4VXyguQ 4_4 https://youtube.com/shorts/rUO0UwrYL94 9-25_22(CUSTsvcKNEWesaHARASEDme https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdlXXQ-RwSY 12$8_2020 cop mcginnisKNEWtheftvabdaliToMyprop https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua8OOmehH68 po&oR COPSsTOLE MAIL& IGNORED MAIL THEFT STATENJ dcaLIrs ignored my dca complaint #corruption & esa retaliatex which is based on the FYCD UP DHMT THEY DID AFTER I FILED WHICH I ONLY DID BC 2_6_23 TWICE ESA FRONT DESK GM WAS TOLDhotWATERBATHTUB DID NOT wORK 2_6_23gm,housekeeper&MAINT MAN LIAR KNEW IT DID NOTworj 7-8-20-3_7_21THEYstoleAllMe&MySonProperty@aptTheyThreateedmeFrom https://youtu.be/mDPZGnDskA8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgn-x3tH5F0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgn-x3tH5F https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C3kfEZ68qbg 7-8-20calltoCorruptionNumber( #njsp) re stepsNOTrepaired BEFORE Giberson harrassedthreat https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vV3DHP51lCQ redroof hiredSAME attys GREENBLATT,ETAL that rep me &ViolatrdRPC said i doNOT agreeExHIBIT C&D(who illegally checked me out of #deletedredroof all my info&11_8_20 someone at REDROOF LIED committed fraud said they were me& Mt Laurel nj POLICE KNEW& DID NOTHING,mcginnisLIAR154 saw my proof report8_21_94tgat I had serious tbi loss consciousness which easNOT treateddicumevted& HEKNEW #REDROOF employeestole fromMy roomINCLUDING MY LTR TO94ER&GIBERSON ETAL WOTH RECKLESS, PREMEDITATED INTENT STOLE DEFRAUDED ROBBED ALL ME&MY SON PROPERTY AT APT2920_2922 THAT THEY ALL KNEW SINCE11_2_20 I WANTED.11_1$20 emergent complaint uploaded to my case against giverson4624 .9-26_2020call to 211 trying to get safe housing_ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=97inRpT31s8 7-7-2020 I mention to NJSP that8-9-2019 giberson, njsp8020&3 other njsp ,GIbERSON harrassed me stating"Giberson was repairing steps and deck and DID NOT..i called re steps, harrassment7-7-2020& 7-8-2020 giberson, NJSP harrassed me& they did not repair steps 8-10_2019-8-13_2019,2_4-2_7_2020,6_3_30-6_7_2020 when I was at hotel bc of them ILLEGalEVICT&MY INJURY ON STEPS2_4_2020 DIRING WGICH TIME TheyStoleFromMY APT,WENTthruMY STUFF, VIOLATED MY ROGHTSasTenabg Giberson were told by njsp7174 to repair steps next morning at7 7-8&2020 I checked steps NOTrepaired.. ~(~NOTICE,~ALERT~BETWEEN 8-5_2020-3_7_2021 LISA AND JAMIE GIBERSON, SPUTHAMPTON AUTO BY FRAuD,DECEIPT STOLE ALL ME AND MY SON PROPERTY @ APT THEY KNEW SINCE11_2_2020 I WANTED& THEY KNEW my PO BOX 656ADDRESS SINCE2014&9_2020 DURimG COURT,$& RPTSIDE,RICHARDS,weisshoffPOHLEliebermannGreenblatt&court,ALSOknewThis Per my12_1_2020REVISEDpg3,Emergent complaint&10_25_2020 LTR to Giberson etal re SAME& uploaded to my case against them4624 in12_24"20 but NOONE told me that buattys COURT ,GiBERSON ETAL, REDRooF ETAL,,NJSP, MT LAUREL NJ POLICE ALL KNEW I WANTED ALL ME&MY SON PROPERTY FROM APT&EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED TRAUMATIZED BY that. ~~~~~~~
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower
Single.Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs, NaturallyCurlyHair
~~i lived in south jersey AlWAYS,
NOT AT REDROOF ANYMORE, SINCE9_22_22 AT esa stt CH NJ HOTEl whoLIED,slandered my name, withheld services,RoomNOT as advertised9-22_22 violated njsa56:8-163,8-1,8-2
no mail packages at esa since11_29_22( That is esa REFUSE to tell me if i have mail or packages since11$29_22- but i suspect there was mail for me and it was stolen by samE PERSON AS11_18&11_26
~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharma &...STOP STEALINGSLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
~single since2007 (iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
oneof Myfavmovies isTheCuttingEdge_esppartWhenTheySAYiloveyou
fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen
i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.
WARNING~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleITyoudoNOThavePermissiom,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder, iver40disneyvideos, tvvcr, stereo, screentv, cimputers,laptop, ARMOIRE,CHINA CABINETHUTCH, FURNITURE,MY SONS TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A, they KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISC DOC"4624 obviously you doNOT have my permission)....it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
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