3_20_23@26 BOOM! PROof #stalking,#extendedstayamerica harrassed me JUST like 9-25_22(& i told cust svc this 9-25_22 after harrassment, and front desk LIED , discriminated
@.23,.53 SHOWING REPORT FROM94 & telling MT. LAUREL NJ COP Mcginnis154 12_8_2020 that ER LIED in my8-21_94 chart&REDROOempStole my letter to94ER
7-8-20calltoCorruptionNumber( #njsp) re stepsNOTrepaired BEFORE Giberson harrassedthreatMe
just some of my prrof of the #gaslighting,#iied,liES ,SLANDER MY NAMEINCLUDING211...redroof hiredSAME attys GREENBLATT,ETAL that rep me &ViolatrdRPC AS I said i doNOT agreeExHIBIT C&D(who illegally checked me out of #deletedredroof all my info&11_8_20 someone at REDROOF LIED committed fraud said they were me& Mt Laurel nj POLICE KNEW& DID NOTHING,mcginnisLIAR154 saw my proof report8_21_94tgat I had serious tbi loss consciousness which easNOT treateddicumevted& HEKNEW #REDROOF employeestole fromMy roomINCLUDING MY LTR TO94ER&GIBERSON ETAL WOTH RECKLESS, PREMEDITATED INTENT STOLE DEFRAUDED ROBBED ALL ME&MY SON PROPERTY AT APT2920_2922 THAT THEY ALL KNEW SINCE11_2_20 I WANTED.11_1$20 emergent complaint uploaded to my case against giverson4624 so COURT KNEW, #fraudoncourt dbycourt, #attorneyethicsviolation,.9-26_2020 my call to 211 trying to get safe housing_
7-7-2020 I mention to NJSP that8-9-2019 giberson, njsp8020&3 other njsp ,GIbERSON harrassed me stating"Giberson was repairing steps and deck and DID NOT..i called re steps, harrassment7-7-2020& 7-8-2020 giberson, NJSP harrassed me....that's #reprisal, #retaliatoryeviction ,#HARRASAMENt,#stalking,#discrimination,#illegaleviction,#illegalapartment,#corruption& they did not repair steps 8-10_2019-8-13_2019,2_4-2_7_2020,6_3_30-6_7_2020 when I was at hotel bc of them ILLEGalEVICT&MY INJURY ON STEPS2_4_2020 DIRING WGICH TIME TheyStoleFromMY APT,WENTthruMY STUFF, VIOLATED MY ROGHTS AS TENANT,#fraudthefttenantproperty
SO LISA GIBErSON LIED(big surprise_ UMM NOT)& said I 'yell at them don't let them fix steps:& the NJ STATE POLICE911MADE IT APPEAR idobt let them fix steps .well7-7-2020 about6pm .Giberson were told by njsp7174 to repair steps next morning at7 7-8&2020 I checked steps or repaired..
~(~NOTICE,~ALERT~BETWEEN 8-5_2020&3_7_2021 LISA AND JAMIE GIBERSON, SPUTHAMPTON AUTO BY FRAuD,DECEIPT STOLE ALL ME AND MY SON PROPERTY @ APT THEY KNEW SINCE11_2_2020 I WANTED& THEY KNEW my PO BOX 656ADDRESS SINCE2014&9_2020 DURimG COURT,$& RPTSIDE,RICHARDS,weisshoffPOHLEliebermannGreenblatt&court,ALSOknewThis Per my12_1_2020REVISEDpg3,Emergent complaint&10_25_2020 LTR to Giberson etal re SAME& uploaded to my case against them4624 in12_24"20 but NOONE told me that but the attys COURT ,GiBERSON ETAL, REDRooF ETAL,,NJSP, MT LAUREL NJ POLICE ALL KNEW I WANTED ALL ME&MY SON PROPERTY FROM APT AND I WAS EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED TRAUMATIZED BY that..
~~fyi..STEALING IS NOT sharing~~~
&RETURN MY FIRE PROOF SAFE~BMTASTYS~ me&my son propertySTOLEn@APT2020_2021(knewiWantedpermyrevisedPg3,12$1$20EMErGENTcomplaint
Lorie Sibre (princess lorissa)
ALWAYS original &NEVER a follower
Single.Caucasian,fairSkin HAZELgreenEyes,NEvER smoked,
ZERO tattoos,longLegs, NaturallyCurlyHair
~~i lived in south jersey AlWAYS,
NOT AT REDROOF ANYMORE, SINCE9_22_22 AT esa stt CH NJ HOTEl whoLIED,slandered my name, withheld services,RoomNOT as advertised9-22_22 violated njsa56:8-163,8-1,8-2
no mail packages at esa since11_29_22( That is esa REFUSE to tell me if i have mail or packages since11$29_22- but i suspect there was mail for me and it was stolen by samE PERSON AS11_18&11_26
~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharma &...STOP STEALINGSLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
~single since2007 (iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
oneof Myfavmovies isTheCuttingEdge_esppartWhenTheySAYiloveyou
fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen
i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.
WARNING~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleITyoudoNOThavePermissiom,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder, iver40disneyvideos, tvvcr, stereo, screentv, cimputers,laptop, ARMOIRE,CHINA CABINETHUTCH, FURNITURE,MY SONS TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A, they KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISC DOC"4624 obviously you doNOT have my permission)....it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
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