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i am NOT@redroof anymore but STILL@nj hotel. UPDATED 11$29_22_ ~ALERT~NOTICE~ DO NOY LEAVE MESSAGE ON MY HOTEL PHONE AS THE LIAR HOTE MESSED WITH MY PHOJE DO I DO NOT GET MESSAGES WHICH IS DISCRIMINATKNG AND PREVENTING ME FROM GETTING MY KESSAGES, &11_26 THERE WAS UPS AND I DID NOT GET BIT HOUSEKEEPER WAS NEXT DOOR11_26_22 IN AFTERNOON...i canNOT get messages on my hotel phone _AFTER housekeeper at my room & I DID 2 TESTS& I DID NOT RECEIVE EITHER MESSAGE ON MY HOTEL PHONE WHICH KIARS ESA, INCKUDING MANAGER"CHRISTISN" KNEW AS DID OTHET FRONT DESK EMPLOYEES ...SAME THING LIARSXREDRPOF, CHOICE HOTEL(RODEWAYINN, SLEEPINN, AND ECONOLODGE LIARS DID 11-18-22-11-25-22 I RECEIVED NO MAIL AT MY POBOX 656MEDFORD NJ- PO LIED SAOD"RESOLVED INCLUDING11$18 1PM I SUSPECT THEY STOLE MAIL JUST LIKE THEY DID WHEN I LIVED AT SOUTHAMPTON NJ APT2014_2020&@ AT REDROOF SO THE CULPRITS ARE A USPS EMPLOYEE, CONTRACTOR OR COP ~~~~ Lorie Sibre (nickname: Princess lorissa) ~~JERSEY GIRL SINCE birth NOT @redroof Anymore but STILL AT HOTEL,NJ SINCE7_8_2020 ~ 9-22_22thru 11$26_22 update_iReceivedNOvoiceMail,NoCalls&NOpackagesNOmailAtHotel(except for11$14(mail from voter)&11_22(mail from 11$15 which i suspect someone tampered with based onFACT no mail since11$19_22-11_25_22(&I am expecting mail)_&11$22_22 hotelManagerSaid'11_18'heLEFTmeVmRePackage&thatIpickedItUp"&NO I DID NOT GET VM OR A PACKAGE(11_18iWas@MEDFORDnjPOwhoLIED,stoleMail&cherryHillnj&pennsylvaniaPO lied,STOLE,TAMPERED WITH 8 PRIORITY MAIL I SENT 11_5_22&11_10_22 &THEYhadMAILFROM11_15&NEVERtoldMe&11_22managerSaidHeWas"checkingSurveillanceToSEEwhoGotMyPackage11_18&NEVERcalledMeBack_IhavePRoOFItold11$16DOnotSendToMeWhereIAm&THEYliedToMe11_16&HotelsAreNOTallowedToStealMail,packages,TRESSPASSguestROOM_it saysTHEYwillTELLyouVIAMSGifYouHaveMail&theyREFUSEtodoTgat(discrimination)&theyCannotWillyNilktGoI GuestRoom?guestsHaveRightToPrivacy_theySTOLEfromMyRoom10_21,10_27&10_28_22 Manager HARRASSED me, caused me iied, humiliatiin yelling and saying"i refuses housekeeping'& she did NOT DENY THAT SHE AND.ORHOUSEKEEPEER LIED...AS NO HOUSEKEEPER CAME TO MY ROOM(bUT SOMEONE STOLE FOM MY ROOM) DURING PRECISE TIME PERIOD HOTEL HAD MAIL FOR ME& NEVER TOLDME......JUSR LIKE LIARS REDROPF DID& COPSKNEW INCLUDING OFFICER JOY12_21_21_ VIDEO PROOF!!

i am NOT @Redroof anymore,butSTILL @nj hotel

12_5_22 my hotel phone canNOT get calls bcLIAR ESA messed with it so when someone calls for me it says

..I AM WHITE& JUST LIKE AT OTHER LIAR HOTELS, THEY WITHHELD SERVICES, including not giving me my mail, not telling me i have mail, slandered my name, harrassed me, the housekeeper doesNOT coean mybroom...each time she didnt clran things or empty trashvan, clean counters, mirror&10_31_22 (ehen mail for me here but noone told me) she was askimg all kinds questions about   how i can stay here, money ,etc & a housekeeper OR employeeLIED said i refused housekeeping, theyNEVER came to my door& someone stole fr my room, tampeted with doorlatch as i checked it9_22_22to make sure it doesnt now so i have dppr set like at other hotels& apartment

112_24_2019 MY PROOF THeY tampered with brakes in my suvAFTER they failed inspection!  njsp DV PROV HOUSEdidNOT get me IMMEDIATE SAFE  HOUSING INCLUDING8_10$2019 THRU 8-13_2019  neither did mt laurel nj police beginning10_24_2020-9_6_2022(last date i called polucecre stalking harrassment, attempts by redroof to illegal constructive evict me) nor did cinnaminson nj police9-16_2022  
i have been at hotels since7-8-2020AFTERbeing forced threatened from that illegsl apt&3_7_2021 FIRE IN MY BEDROOM!! AFTER I AGAIM EMAILED COURT ASKINGABOUT ME SND MY SON PROPERTY AT APT(THEY STOLE EVERYTHING IN MY APT& 12$2020 i called providence house whoREFUSED to call union county for me so i could get  safe housing so thet arepartially liable forFACT all my oroperty at spt stolen, as is redroof,etsl mt laurel nj police whoKNEW10$24_202011_8_2020,12_8_2020-12$17_2020,etc redrpof harrassing me, 
&thet didNOTHING(cop at redropf  i suspect may be relative of2008 nj state police detective in charge of victim services i had complaint against

11$26_22 po stole mail between 11_19_22 -11_2722,& 12_2-11_29& ignored my case re that inckuding11$18_22 AFTER i was st po and saod re my mail being stolen!!!! 11$26$22 mail from11$15_22 in my mail at po _they fucking stole BOTH MY priority LETTERS enroute TO BANK11_7_22&11_12_22(lied put it'was delivered bit no ut wasNOT bc banks areNOT open@845pm amd it wasWRONG ZIP!!!& STALKER THIEF AT BANK11_7$22 


11$26_22  befire i left, i took out bag of trash...someobe was at other end of hallway went down stairs...

they fycking stalked me to store , guy pulls in burgundy car, drives around parkomg lot, then leaves, po ah in area as waa stalkers from days inn, redroof ,gibersom,etal and after thar  guy in truck justSTARING AT ME ,

  this guy with this black womwn was lokking at me, kept staring atme intently staring at me and laughing... ..then i go to my carand they messes witg it......i am fyckingover tgeor liarscumbag bullsh..t

11_18_22 i went to medford nj po_& gloria was clerk at counter they STOLE mail _ from11_19_22-11_25_22 no mail at po box& #USPS LIARS ignored over20 case re stolen mail ,2 ltrs11_5&11_10 to bank sent priority mail&STOLEN BY USPS EMPLOYEE or cop AS banks areNOT open@ 845 pm nor was it going to 19103(there was cop on second floor of hotel about this time period this occurred..but check out usps address for easement betwwwn my prior landlordWHO STOLE ALL MY FU..N PROPERTY AT APT2021_ THEy KNEW100000000000000% I WANTED 

from southampton, nj website:.
2203. 14.02Tax Account Id:1888
Property Location:1813 ROUTE 206Property Class:15C - Public Property
Owner Name/Address:UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICELand Value:127,300
1845 WALNUT STImprovement Value:924,200

11_22_22 i ask if any mail he says " just mail ftom11$16_22&that11$18_22 he left me voicemail that i had package& tgat i picked it up


 11$14$22- i ask if mail for me at hotEL _ONLY MAIL FROM VOTER REG 10_25_22 SO IT WAS ThERE OVER2 WEEKS NOONE SAID ANYTHING..  I DID NOT GET OTHER MAIL...NOTHING ELSE BuT LIARS BANK SLANDERED mY NAmE, ThEY STOLE BOTH LTRS TO BANK11_5&11_10&ALL6 LTRS TO DRS TaMPEREDCWITH...oBVIOUSLY #GASLIGHTIMG,#identitytheft,#poafrayd(moot as i revoied that years ago),#theftmymail,#innkeeperduty,#hotelliability,#premises liabikity$/_ 10$28_22 prob when my mail at front desk joone told ke, people from.tgis floor in area and stole my phine then returnedctp my car,11_7_22 tge10$24_2020 stalker at bank AFTER i pocked something up....they STOLE mail akd tampered with all8 ltrs i sent via prioroty kail JUST LIKE USPS REDRPOF THOEF STOLE MY MAIL AT REDROOF11_12_22854pmPO LIED said"delivered tobank@845pm..banks areNOT open@845pm and it wasNOT going to19103- it was going to19102_theySTOLE BOTH LTRS! @.40(11_5 7am)&@.2.28(11_10)  11_12@659AM #USPS PUT"610AM OUT FOR DELIVERY 19102"(#stalking is NOT funny neither is THEFT TAMPERING WITH MY MAIL& #USPS HAS EASEMENT(BLOCK LOT14.2(ITS ONE OF LOTSFOR LOT14,) BETWEEN 146& SOUTHAMPTIN AUTO(GIBERSON, PRIIR LANDLORD MECHANIC BIZ),  #usps, #uspis - a usps employee/contractor/lawenforcement/statenj employee (Someone with access to mail and the computer system used by USPS)stole my priority mail to bank 11/7/22- I reported it stolen, tampered with 11/5/22 & THEY STOLE IT!

10_25_22 mail noone called me re_ 11_14_22 i call and they say"only mail"_(it was sent10_21_22) well pretty sure other mail including from bank was there for me between10_22-11$14_22 besides this& thief at po stole my9-29$22 registration,10_10_22njmvc mail, &mail from liar thieves at po11_14_22...10_31_22 employee at hotel was commenting on her not having money,how do i afford to stay here(&my mail 11_10_22,10_2022 stolen as were both11_5&11_10_22 ltrs to bank)&  11_14_22 i NEEDED new hotel phone bc my phone not working(# jist like redroofliars &11$14_22 the housekeeper didNOT clean my room  as she was supposed to _ did NOT vacuum (literally stuff on floor obvious didNOT vacuum, did NOT clean toilet & sinxe housekeeper lied said i refused housekeeping..then my phine didNOT wirk right sometime after after11_6_2,2,windows,doorlatch,bathroomsink ..AND USPS ,COP ONE OF THEM STOLE EVERY FUCKONG LYT 11_5&11_10& BOTH LTRS TO LIAR BANK&6 LTRS TO LIARS DRS, HIE


#usps NEVER delivered my letter11_7_22 or11_8_22 as indicated on my screenshot _ it was STOLEN ENROUTE  just like the thief stalker did at apt 2018 with my letters to bsbank, verizon wireless& comcast!

i mailed ltr again 11_10_22_ gave to po clerk at counter_ its in 19153( NOT where it should be& i tokd clerk at counter re my priority mail11_5_22 that some usps employee us tampering with, altering scans (i am 100000000 % certain usps employees/contractors/their ip dept whoever has access to the #usps computer system is NOT allowed to tamper with,alter scans,delay,not properly deliver mail

11_5@7am @.40 &11_10@2.28

 mailed 7 priority mail 11/5/22 at 7:00 am. - a guy was coming out of the back where 

the mail is -- and he put my 7 priority mail into bin under the slot for priority mail -- 

all 7 were tampered with -- i reported to #uspis and they did NOTHING  - 

its on surveillance who was there -- that guy and a cleaner  = and i dont

know who was in the mail area -- but they tampered with the scans ON ALL 7 letters

6 of which were going to doctors regarding hipaa phi violations and my medical records

tampered with HIE opt out AGAIN -- and the other one to the BANK -- they stole the

letter to the BANK -- and today 11/10 I called regarding my letter to the bank being stolen enroute and the other priority mail tampered with 11/6 - 11/7  the USPIS AH HUNG up on me after i held 

to speak with them regarding this -- and the consumer affairs AH hung up on me

when i answered the phone -- real unprofessional behavior by #usps -- 

and theft by #USPS employees - and the USPIS COPS dont give a fuc#*#* just like 

liars NJSP 7/2/2019-7/8/2020 and Liars mt laurel cops 10/24/2020 - 9/6/2022 -- LIARS! 

(and 11/7 at approximately 11:25 a.m. date my letter to bank stolen -- the stalker was at the bank as i picked up something

and they tresspassed my car as i got near my car -- so the bank KNEW the stalker was at the bank and did NOT tell me -- and i gave them FTC report as well as gave to #USPIS -- who do NOT take

theft by USPS employees and/or contractor and/or cop and/or their tech company -- its someone who has access, clearance to the computer system within #USPS that is tampering with and altering scans:  

BELOW is the 11/7/2022 scan -- they actually had it in WRONG ZIP 19134 -- 

it does NOT state it arrived at 19102 -- yet it "was out for delivery" -- - how much more 

evidence does USPS need?  = well the other 2 priority -- they actually put "accepted 11/6/22 at 2:03 pm " and i gave the priority mail at 11/5/ 7:00 a.m. -- so its DEFINITELY A POST OFFICE employee, contractor, their ip, a cop (or state of nj employee) -- one of them!!

Lorie Sibre Proof -- my letter to bank STOLEN 11.7.22

NEVER delivered! -- my letter to the BANK -- I SUspect its SAME stalker as at apartment 2018 - that stole my bsb, verizon  wireless and comcast accounts which is in my report ----- 

MOre proof - heres another one of my priority from 11/5 - it says "arrived "USPS Kearny" then arrives "usps Edison" -- yet it does NOT show when it departed Kearny --- --- they tampered with the scans

Lorie Sibre Proof

This one says it "arrived in Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Nov 6 934 am !

the thief is at cherry hill, nj 08034 -- it does NOT even state "accepted by USPS -- nov 5 "

Literally -- they stole it and then put these scans in --- it did NOT go through the postal system -- THis was the doctor who REFUSED me care 2 hours , refused to do bloodwork, did NOT put my information in my chart from my 3 page chart document i gave to the doctor -- and PUT LIES SLANDER in my chart --- --- #uspis states they take mail theft seriously -- however, look at my proof -- this is just SOME of my proof -- and the cops USPIS did NOTHING -- the usps service confirmation i filed regarding this == they just LIED and sent multiple emails to me stating "sent to the "law enforcement " of USPS to "investigate" --- wow some "investigative "tools" the #USPIS cops have " === UMMMMM NOT!!!!!!

Lorie Sibre Proof
this is my letter to riverside_ the THIEF tampered with it& actually put'arrived cherry hill hub11_6_22 926am_ day AFTER i took to po my7 priority mail11_5_22@7am _ a guy from back where po employees mail is put my 7 priority into bin UNDER mailslot for priority_ all 7 tampered with_ should have been scanned  by pobetween9am_1pm....but wereNOT scanned until 1045 pm...
very well may be a business owner in area -- could be someone at the hotel i am at -- or a business in area -- as the letter LITERALLY was stolen 11/5/22 between 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (when all 7 of my priority mail should have been scanned as I got them there early and in plenty of time)

and it says "arrived at hub 11/6 934 a.m" -- 

from  ""

The objective of the Hub network is to allow mail to be destination entered for downstream delivery units, thus allowing customers to enter closer to destination for a service benefit. It will also reduce transportation costs for both the mailers and the Postal Service.

Presort Preparation: Anything currently eligible to be dropped at a Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) can be dropped at a Hub, but will receive the Hub (DSCF) discount

Hubs will accept direct cross-dock containers only of 5-Digit ZIP, 5-Digit Carrier Route (non-FSS zones) pallets, bundles, sacks or containers of Standard, Periodical, Bound Printed Matter, and Parcels.

Hubs will not accept: letters, FSS prepared mail, or any mailing that requires a bundle sort operation. 

Lorie Sibre PROOF -

this is my letter to Camden HIE --- more proof -- theft/tampering by usps postal employee/cop/contractor/ip department (whoever has access to mail and postal computer scan system) it says "accepted nov 6 205PM" (NOT when I delivered to po 11/5@7am(this was AFTER i filed case with USPS re stolen tampered mail -- and then it says "delivered to "agent for final delivery" and nothing else after this 

Lorie Sibre

(Princess Lorissa)

NOT at redroof.however,still at hotels...Since 7/8/2020@ hotels,NJ after Landlord FORCED threatened me from illegala partment they failed inspection for 12/12/2019 including for steps i was injured on2_4_2020 AFTER going past 2 foot gap where missing step was as i left to go to hotel to use phone as my phone was hacked like12$13_2019(day BEFORE attempted breakin) &gibersons WERE AT BOTTOM OF STEPS SAW ME GET INJURED , JAMIE SMIRKED AS HE VIDEOTAPED me& neither he NOR his wife, lisa giberson, asked if i was ok_ they harrassed me(& this was AFTER i came back from ocean county trying to get affordable apt bc step was tampered with_& i  didNOT get it_ they DISCRIMINATED&LIED so when i saw gibersonetal removed board from step, that fell below, i told them i was letting people know what giberson and njsp 8020 8-9-2019cops are like...THEN THEY (IT WAS ANTHEM NUMBER THATC cALLED)HACKED MY PHONE, so i videotaped stepson other phone which couldnt make calls, thrn left to go to hotel but was injuredAFTER going past missing step_I WENT TO HVAC PLACE ACROSS FROM PROPERTY ,THEY REFUSED TO CALL911_ SO I WENT TO RED LION RESTAURANT AND THEY SAW ME ON THEIR SURVEILLANCE KNOCKOMG IN THEIR DOOR TO ASK THEM TO CALL911_ THEY IGNORED ME_ COULD see CLEARLY I COULD BARELY STAND, & GUY DRIVING BY NAMED'DAVE"  CALLED911 FOR ME...I DOUBT 2 NJSP DID REPORT OR EMT DOCUMENTED AS RETROSPECT EMT NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT MY LEFT SIDE LOWER BACK WHICH WAS SWOLLEN , LUMP BRUISED( i saw this when i got to laurrl nj 2_4_2020 about1155pm midnight and looked in bathroom mirror and saw my back bruised lump&10_18_2022 riverside LIED, refused medical care  REFUSEDto do bloodwork aftermy waiting 2hours for them to see me_ they KNEW  per my3 pg doc chart i typed over10 years ago and use to help me NOT forget any important medical  history amd UPDATED with reason there including untreared head injury, and NEEDING BLOODWORK THYROID, KIDNEY, PARATHYROID PANEL, CBC WITH DIFF, theyKNEW someone committed id theft using my info_ aside from FACT i showed them my ftc id report (theyREFUSED to take just likeLIARS bank, po did( but i signed im at8am...and i couldNOT complete paperwork the ignoramous receptionistREFUSED to give me the paperwork to complete , and said"sign in again"_ so i did andSTILL couldNOT complete paperwork_& ignoramous receptionist still REFUSED to give me the paperwork_ took my dl &MY INS CARD _ they violated my2015,2018,2019 hie optouts from when i lived in southampton ,nj and i opted out if ALL HIE, InCLUDING camden hie & epic

STOP , lying slandering my name to my son and others, 

Contrary to the LIes/Slander, I have NOT dated since 2007 after my ex choked me, slammed my head into wall and what the other one did (He made it like he cared that my ex choked me -- but it was just a ploy to get me to see him -- ) ----- I like guys - - i am just NOT desperate to date

If I say I love you - then I love you 1000000000000% ---- i dont just say I love you for the heck of it like some LIARS did!

I am caucasian, have fair skin, naturally curly hair, hazel green eyes 5'6' long legs,  and ZERO tattoos 

My name Lorissa is a nickname someone used to call me as a teen 

WARNING~STEALINg is NOT sharing ~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleFromMethen you do NOT have my permission,INclUDING FIRE PROOF SAFE@APT,&me& my son property stolen@apt2020_2021 Including MY Graduation prayer PLAQUE i had since i was teen, photos,videos,shoes,boots,CLOTHES,handheld camcorder, over40disneyvideos 2021someGuy@,redroof(who was staying with redroof housekeeper) saidHeBought"BUNCH of90sDISNEY VIDEOS AT YARD SALE IN MT LAUREL NJ) ,tvvcr, stereo, screentv, computers,laptop, ARMOIRE,CHINA CABINETHUTCH, FURNITURE,MY SONS TOOLS,CLOTHES,desk,FURNITURE ,its all listed in my exhibit A, they KNEW I WANTED PER MY PRO SE PLAINTIFF 12$1$20 REVISED PG3 EMERGENT COMPLAINT ,UPLOADED 12$24_20 AS"MISC DOC"4624 &clothes stolen at redroof,(2 cloth belts,2 ny&co silk like blouses one blue the other offwhite, 2 pairs angel jeans, Hunter green sweater, brown sweater , &clothes hunter green capri pants, WHITE flowy blouse (too big fir me( , 2 skirts(one was sparkly but too big fir me& the other was brown)from my car (4_15_23-6_28_23 AFTER Same mediator frommy case against giberson assigned by harrington&NO MEDIATION4_21$23 OR10_2022) obviously you doNOT have my permission) MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~&dont ask my son&STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERs

#usps, #uspis,#stalking,#harrassment,#slanderedmyname,#njsp,#premisesliability,#hotelliability


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~ Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'would a reasonable fully informed person have doubts about the judge's impartiality? '.   &not God lovingbehavior by them2021 Stealing my safe that was in my bedroom closet&me& my sonproperty@apt2021(including my graduation prayer wish plaque i had since i was teen&STOLE:from my car11_2020-7_2_2023from my room@redroof2020-2022 ,stealing my mail10_16_22-5_18_24 ,Frommy room@esa9-22_22_4_10_24,vandalized myclothes in my room at esa9_22$22-4_102024 how i feel is :  if i were her FAV daughter ,she w ould have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister), (&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i  tried...ever  since i w...

6_24_24WAS my motion to to recuse judge wells& wasNOT a discovery motion as liar ct emp.put violating canon code of conduct 5_14_24 s.w my son. 5_24_24-8_17_23TrIED to get Apt(&didnt get OBVIOUSLY AS I AM STILL AT #EXTENDEDSTAY CHERRY HILL NJ&my mom& sister10_2023-11_1_23 KNEW i needed safe apt andwanted to see my son...i was supposed to see him 4_1_24&didnt, have not s.w my sonsince5_2024 )_esa.LIED&SlanderedMyName& 7_12&10_12 tresspassed my room 7-12 i hand delivered 7-11 complaint ltr to esa staas after i saw esa tresspassed my room. 5_24_22,3_14,3_21&5_6_24,5_23,5_24_24 went out DIFFEREBT time, went to apts& they wereAH . (obvious esa ,redroof,giberson ,liars slandered my name(& they canNOT )8-21_94 2 monthsAFTERnbs&rg.8-21_94 jfk(now tjuh) ch nj ERliedInChart didNOTdocTREATtbi(my thenEmployer who were med mal attys SAW 2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others uSINGliesFROM this 94ErRecord thatLIARREDROOFempStole11$2020 njsa56:8-1,8-2,njsa2c21:17. erlied2-4-20(someone at lourdes,virtua and cfg COMMITTED IDTHeFT, HIPAAPHI AS I NEVER SAW CFG (they were at drs2015 but i NEVER saw them nor did i see or speak with liarCFG dr2_4_20@430pm ()&8-21-94 er lied, my then employer KnEW as they saw chart, were plaintiff med mal pi(personal inj) attys~ 3_3_24iWentToDIFFstore lidlAS testPROOF re STALKING HARRASSMENT &AH at lidlRIPPEDmyList asiWaslookingForSomething& AHthrewItOnFuckingFloor3_3$24asICameIbtoVestibuleESA ah#harrassment LOCkEDdoorButGuyWasComingOutSoIWasAbleToGetIn&ItsREPORTEDinMyVideoexhibitsWithCourt &NOTINGas i got in lidl 3_3$23this blaxk guy JUST LURKING PREDATORING NEAR ME (I DONT KNIW HIM AND IF HES THAT NJSP DET2008 I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST OR HIS RELATIVE, THEY BETTER STAY AWAY FROM ME(&my son faf)&on way there3_3_24 i was singing trying to be upbeat and NOT be upset....tharsFUD UP WJST THEY DID...bc IF they cared they woukdnt habe been ah and ripped my list, fucked with my tablet, bkacknguy just stsred at me as i was shopping (having panic attack but i wasnt tell that jo thatsWHY it appearex i was rushing 10_2023-7_17_24poAND esaSToLE mail . 12_24_2022thru10_3_2024iStateInMyltrsToESAto CEASEharrassingMe(INClUDINGforInsp &housekeepingAsIBoughtAllMyownItems ForKitchenBATHROOM &bed &removeSlanderousLies •• ESA IGNORED MY LTRS&LIED •  •ERlied8_21_94AsDid2_4_2020  ITS NOT KHARM 11_3_11_2,11_1,  10_31, 10_30 esaEVIL kiar liwlIfes vibrating floorREALLY REALLY BAD SINCE6AM 10$30, 729pm still WITH CRIMINAL MALICIOUS INTENTNJSA2C33 :4a vibrating floor 6_24_24 was motion  to RECUSE judge wells& adjourment it wasNOT a discovery mtn as liar ct emp put violating canon code of conduct.i was given no info for hearing other than"ct would contact me if hearing was at ct ' & noone contacted me    & 7-9_24 judge wells ONCE again wasNOT fair,NOT impartial, and he waa reading my complaint DURInG ct rather than before trying to MAKE it appear"same complaint" nope as FAcTS were after8-30_23 harrassment NJSA 2C33:4a which meant i could ...

my blog regarding #corruption,#discrimination,#stalking#harrassment,#hotelliabilitu,#labdlordliability,#illegalapartment,#illegalevictionredroof employeestole from my room,vandalized my clothes my room, vandslized my car, harrassed, stalked me, discriminated against me didNOT give handicapped room near handicapped parking,slanderedmy name,as did other hoteLsAFTER going to apt& giberson etal retaliated8-9-2019-7_8_20 harrassed me,slandered my name,& retaliatedzAgain 9-3$2020 AFTER i got jidgment inMY favortAGAIBST gibersob fir what they dud7-8-2020&rhey haveNOT paid me monues & returbed my property AS ORDEREDBY COURT9_2_20& HAVE not sent me ktrEXPLAINING how i canSAFELY get my properyyper my 10_2020&1_2021 cert ltrs sent to them& sogned foeAT SOUTHAMPTOred speech, nN AUTO4_5_20redroof employee orguest fucjedcwoth my car(AFTER EADTERWENDYS GASLIGHTED HARRAZED ME,LIED JUST LIIE ERICA DID csusong me emotional trauma)_mike was mechanic,115 dirtbsg woman worked on cars(3_25),,guy in pink jerp 115worked on cars(10_2020)& stephanies husband is mechanic, guy red car pa tags who was also at wendys3_2020)11_3 guy at office who touched my coat& pulled belt off it as they were behind me& all redroof employees saw& didNOTHING_ exceptc tel me my belt was on floor) was mechanic(& tgat day my steering wheel making sound it wasmt makong before i last used it)_,& giberson own sputhampton auto...theyDID THIS ST APT....& MT LAIREL DIrrvAG COps knew this10_24_20 so did redroof so they are legally liable& mikes brotger is a nj state police officer & i hBe complaimt againat nj state police for harrassment@ apt which was illegal spt & they should have cited giberson,southampton auto immediately& got me safe housing& they didnt reertyFromApt_4_3515 pm someone tampered woth my profike& took off disabked room(JUST LIKE THEY DID9_25_20..THEN GRAY CAR PULLS IN AREA LEAVES...ANOTHEE PEFSON JUST ITTING THERE WERE AT113 ..SO , THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME& FACT I HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS, AM BY MYSELF(why i tape like i told8-9-2019 njsp 8020_mt laurel cops....20 REWARDS POINTS ARE SHOEING which meams domeone st redroof did that,wont let me usethem& chargedme$80 fu..n for a room withNO microwa e& fridge when their website says my roomcomes with that ...NOTICE:~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Primt,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~&dontASKmySon ~~ ~IF NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,&dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i am ALWAYSoriginalNEVER a follower ..

  lorie sibre (princess lorissa) WARNING~NOTICE :~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Print,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,DOCUMENTS,COPING TAPES,NOTESi&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN(including stolen property at apt &fire proof safe(2020_3_7_~&dontASKmySon 4_27_21 refroof tridd yo get in my roon, i got a newcard,5_1asshooe at redropf cancelled my card...i orderedfood....theySTOKE label off one of my items& the guy wasSTARING at me(like the stalker@virtua10_10_2019& this is PRECISeLY what i meant by redroof slandering my name 2_4_2020 proof VIRTUA,LOURDES,HamPTON EMT,liars withalicious premeditated neglogent criminal intent commitedeMEDmal,Gave zero care,kidnapped me slandered my name, harrassmsnt by#redroof&cops,#virtuahealth Lorie Sibre photo i took of myself at my car10_12_21 WEARING sweater stalker11_5_21, stole out of my bag under cart After i went to atty for def giberson office 12$12...