4_4_22 my proof REDROOF employee TAMpERED withMy acctSTOlEmy redirewards points, AND DELETED MY REDIREWARDS ACCT AFTER 4_5_22 I CALLED REDROOF ASKING WHO MADE RESERVATION IN MY ACCT4_4_22-4_8_22(&CORP SAID IT WAS MADE 3_25_22-3_31_22)&i made as echibit FACT i had 105000 redirewards poibts and that redropf TAMPERED with my acct committed fraud DELETING my info since9_25_2020 4_27_22 for13 minutes harrassed by fire dept(&my left sife head more numb ...and day before 4_27 they intentionally caused me emotionsl dustress JUST LIKE WALMART NEXT TO REFROOF DID..WHICH GIBERSON MY PRIOR LANDLORD ARE NEAR,(i didNOT know tgat when i got here or when i was ay econolodge or2_4_20-2_6_2020 hotel (4_28_22 i woke up with horrible mograine after gaving noghtnares about redroofetal)4_28_22 my remotestarton keyfob worked.. 4_30_22 115 wirking on his MOMSbeigesuv (like4_7_22)& i go to my car, the remote on keyfob does not work(it did up until 4_29_22) bbut i cgeck to make sure my car...and as SOON s i wemt to my car.. tyeLIARah....come in area121 area park & left, then at redrpof office....noone called me..4_5_22..redroofLIES vc they STOle my rewaards points,DELETED my acct, fraudulently made reservation between3_25_3_31_22 for4_4-4_8_22& 2 biz inckuding mechanic ajd pizza place said"are you in room103:?& nope ..i amSTILL IN same RIOMsince9_13$2020& THATS FRAUD, IDENTITY THEFT BY REDROOF WHICH POLICE, COURT,REDROOF, THEOR ATYYS KNOW.. surveillancue camera OFF AT entry to store that says how msny people in store...iIED..@cedars someone@acme STOLE my DL&copsKNEW &acme,copsREFUSED to look at surveillance to tell mewHO stole my dl&liar thief mailed my DL to me with NO return addresss which i showed to cops& they stole my medicare card at cedars which i reported as well (&tenabts at cedars as well as cedars employee dauggter worked at acme medford).4_27_22they KnEW this would cause meemotional distress, tgeLIAR cashier was st register than wemt to sepf checkout area....&instead of going over to her register...sge didnt... tjen just like at walmaet...they did that to MALICIOUSLYWITH RECKLESS INTENT CAUSE ME EMOTIONAL DISTRESS
proof redroof employee committed fraud STOLE my redirewards points4_4_22 i didNOTmake 4_4-4_8_22reservation, nor did i access use my redirewards points, its OBVIOUSLY a redroof employee committing identity theft4_5_22stoke them withMALICIOUS intent as it was done AFTER court3_25-3_31_22 made reservation in my acct for4_4_22-4_8_22 under my name, room number and then stole my redirewards points(like9_25_2020) and after i called4_5_22 regarding this deleted my acct& i made as exhibit FACTi had105000 redirewards points, what redroof corporateand janet, front desk did9-25_2020
6_25_21myTcWithSgt@mtLaurelPoliceREredroofTryingtOViolateMoratoriumOrder&he KNEW RE10_24_2020...
1_3$21 harrassDiscrminated againstByjanetFRNTdesk(black)1_3_21#redroof itellHerTostayAWAYfromMe_&Shes getting sued for harrassment,..
the cashiersLIED, and PURPISELY upset me and then theyLIED....i taped entire thing.. so i saw the woman gobto register wothOUT asking custs AFTER she LIED to me...bc she Knew i asked about other registers OTHER than selfcheckout....acme was one p
of the few stores i could shop at after coming to redroof and redroof,gibersonetal LYING slandering my name .at :walmart, dollartree, chikfila, wendys, starbucks, mcdonalds, royalfarms,wawa..and patientfirst,atlanticare(Refused me urgent care).,americasbest..
the PSYCHOPATHS HARRASSSDE13 MINUTES4_29_22& MY KEYFOB WORKED YESTERDAY SI DID REMOTE START:& TODATABOUT330PM 115liar son at his moms working on beige suv and my keyfob remote start doesNOTxwork...it did yesterday4_28_22.. as soon as i went out tge LUAR AT OFFICE..NEAR121_125&
I diDnot give a key to anyone at redroof& poSTOLE LETTER3_2022 MEANT FOR ME FROM GIBERSON ATTY THAT I Did NoT GET BC psychoapyh liars at redroofessed with my car 3_15_22_4_7_22,(so that means stalker STILL STALKING MY SOCIAL MEDiA...STALKeR STILL AT REDRoOF, STALKER STILL HAS KEY TO MY CAR(which i left message for cops IA that tHey are to find out who has it and give the key to me
almost midnight.4_28.people in room next to me blasting their tv .....before that1130pm...ah above my room stomping...all day ah banging on wall...includkng pervert sexually harrassing me, banging on wall as i wasin bathroom.(NOT FUNNY). just like my prior landlord did who redroof know
my pointing to FACT surveillance monitor OFF in entryway to acme which shows how many people already in store ,etc...just like they did at cvs medford nj(who fraudulently created cvs card using my name po box)& at acme medford where someome stole my dl(cedars employees daughter worked there as did tenants at cedars)...
4_27_22theyLIED@ ACME which i taped...the woman who was at register went in selfcheckout &didnt go to her register...but after she did that...she then went to her register NEXT TO selfcheckout& & noting when i lived @cedars..wheni went to @acme@cedar they stole my dl &$100&COPS&ACME REFUSED to look at surveillance& tell me who stole my dl....and theTHIEF mailed my dl back to me with NO RETURN ADDRESS& THEN STOLE MY MEDICARE CARD from my apt...all of which i reported.i videotaped PARKINGlot,FactSURVEILLANVE tv OFF in EnTRYWAY TO ACME,fact all the registers there was noone(walmart securityLIAR STALKER HARRASSER DiD SAME THING)& fact
i was distressed bc they did that.....thatLIARcould have JUST RANG IT UP AND TOOK PAYMEnt aND BROUGHt ME RECEIPt...I GOt SAME LIAR COP FrOM3_12_2022&2020,2021 going by my room to office other day after i took out trash went to my car..
so tHEY KNEWI WASgoing to go to regular register like i AlWayS do@this store....&they maliciously PREMEDITATED intent to cause me emotional distress did that.SAME THING LIARS PRIORLANDLORD&AT REFRooF DID...JUST LIkE3_7_2021, 2OFFDUTY FF,NJSP ARE PREDAToRInG ABOUT PROPERTY...DONT USE WaTER,HOSE,LADDERS at diamond detailer( who harrassed me)under my apt TO PUToUT SUPPOSED FIRE3_7_21...BUT HAVE TIME TO MOVE A CAR UNDeR GARAGE aPT AnD THEY LEFT FRONT DOORUNLOCKED BUT LOCKED MY BEdROOM DOOR...KNOWInG I EMAILED called COuRT RE ME AND MY SON PPROPERTY AGAIN...just like redroof,etal and walmart SECURITY,CASHIERS did ...and my prior landlord did....and thesurveillance video at entrance to store was off(that says how many people in store....just like at acme that stole my dl when i lived at cedars.
Lorie Sibre
(nickname: Princess lorissa)
I amALWAYSoriginal
&NEVER a follower
~~i haveALWAYS lived in south jersey,currently since7-8-2020@ hotels, nj not@redrooofanymore since9-22$22@ esa stt ch nj redroof DISCRIMINATED, SCREAMED SLANDEROIS NAMES AT ME AFTER SHE HARRASSED ME, TOOK SPOT CLOSE TO MY ROOMAGAIBMN 1_3$21& I TOKD HER to STOP harrassing me, thats shes getting sued for harrassment& then her and redrooffrontDesk LIED again.after1_3_21
~~fyi..STEALING IS NOT sharing~~~
&RETURN MY FIRE PROOF SAFE&me amd my son property~BMTASTYS~ YOU STOLE@APT2008 to 2021
~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN STOPstealing&KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharmaNBFTISLIHNTTT &...STOP stealing,lying SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
~contrary to THE LIESslander, I have not dated for 14 yearsAFTERmyEx choked meAGAIN(6-2003)(iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
I have hazel/green eyes ,fairskin,am Caucasian, 5'6", Italian,German&french~IHBTAISMSISTFAW
oneof Myfavmovies isTheCuttingEdge_esppartWhenTheySAYiloveyou
fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen
i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.
i graduated high school at age 17(where: nj, otherwise... none of your biz.)
i have been out on my own since age17+THE NSSWstole aplbmy stiff rhen JUST LIKE AT APT2019-3_7_21&TRUST ME, GOD AINT OK WITH THAT
...i am caucasian , have fair skin , naturally curly hair, hazel/green eyes,longLegs,high cheekbones,&ZEROtattoos~wgthcw~
WARNING~STEALINg is NOT sharing ~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,
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