Lorie sibre note~7-8-2020 -After I called corruption number,. A state if nj div health , talking to Giberson &2 njsp (&det car at 148A A state nj employee did not cite Giberson 7-8-2020IMMEdIATELY for UNSAFE the steps Giberson failed inspection for 12$12_2019 WHICH WERE NOT safe to use& ( LISA GIBERSON was told 7_7_2020 by njsp7174 to FIX THE STEPS, THEY DID NOT FIX THE STEPS 7-8-2020 & that state nj employee, 2 njsp talked to Giberson Who then threatened forced me out of my apt….7-82020 DURING MORATORIUM& Redroof LIARS know Giberson ET AL. & hire SAME ATTYS GREENBLATT,WEISSHOFf, ET AL. … &all me and my son property at apt stolen 8-5_2020-3_7_2021_, they ALL knew4624_20 I wanted SINCE11_2$2020 …..and when I was teen, black state nj employee at our apt, then they fuckomg steal all my property when I was a teen and state nj does that AGAIN,? WHILE I HAVE COMPLAINT AGAINST NJSP? RE #william mwatt, esquire, #redroofmtlaurelnj, #greenblattliebermanweisshoffrichards,Cop@redroofHotel,#redroofemployeesi put this on google maps& watt deLETED but ATTORNEY VIOLATED RPC 8.4 AS GREENBLATT LIEBERMAN(POHLE) KNEW I WANTED ALL MY PROPERTY SO DID WILLIAM WATT ESQUIRE, AS DID WEISSHIFF LIEbERMAN RICHARDS (SAME LAW FIRM AS OF5_2021& REDROOF,GIBERSOB,ETAL, NJSP,MT LAUREL NJNPOLICE INVLUDING HERMAN10_24_2020,MCGINNIS12_8_2020 ETC ALL KNEW I WAnTED ME AND MY SON PROPERTY #usps, #redroof, state nj employee7-8-2020 knew& left!!!!! didNOT cite giberson etal forUNSAFE steps,structure,virtua,lourdes,Amerigroup,GIBERSONETAL8-2019_7-8-2020,3_7_21 #ATTORNEYCODEOFCONDUCT VIOLATION, #POAFRAUD (THEY LIED ,PUT I WAS IN ER WHEN I WAA AT DRS2018_2020&lied 2_4_2020 SLANDERED MY NAME,I NEVER SAW OR SPOKE WITH430PM DR WHO COMMITTED FRAYD,SO DID VIRTUA,LMA ER AS ZERO CARE GIVEN 2_4_20, #innkeeperduty ,#redroof, #hotelliability,#premisesliability, #LANDLORDLIABIlITY,#HOTELLIABILITY,#PREMISESLIABILITY,#FRAUDBYCOURT, #COLLUSION
my ltr to Redroof,& po put SAME thing as 9-8-2020 wheb they FRAUDULENTLY kept my mail from9-8-20-12$29_20 then put"return to sender'-& redroof STOLE my mail 10_2021 voter id, from court9-2021-11_2021 stole documents from my hotel room so NOT allowed in my room...as NEFARIOUS reasons..NO housekeeping& guess who puts where housekeeping goes? the front desk liars
~alert~DONOT sendAnything ToMe@Redroof AsThey STOLEmy MailINClUDING10_2021voterId& do NoT call me bc REDROOF LIES doesNOT put calls through & my hotel phone doesNOT get voicemail messagespo lied said"giving to agent'(i dont have agent
THE ATTYS WeRE REQUIREDRPC8.3 TO REPORT WHAT ATTYS WERE DOING INCLUDING POHLE,ROTSIDE, COURT AS MY 12$1_20(REVISED PAGE3) WAS UPLOADED 12$24_20 4624$20& CLEARLY STATES I WANT ME & MY SON PROPERTY , THE ATTYS WHO KNEW WHAT ROTSIDE,POHLE, GREENBLATT WEISSHOFF LIEBERMAN RICHARDS, ALLWES, OTHER COURT PERSONNEL WERE DOING TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME AS I AM BY MYSELF ,AND GIBERSON, ROTSIDE KNEW MY POBOX656MEDFORD NJ AS ITS ON MY 4624_20 9-3_20 judgment in my favor against giberson etal ,judge richmond corrected my address on the record9_2_20(& giberson were to put the property tgey stole in storage & tell me where it was & theyNEVER did (10_2020 ltr to them uploadedwith my pro se complaint12$24_20&)they STOLE ALL ME AND MY SON PROPERTY THEYKNEW I WANTED
my prior landlOrd giberson etal STOLE my fire proof safe in my bedroom(they stole out of it @cedars ,also represented by weisshoff,etAl) & stole ALL ME_& MY SON PROPERTY IN APT THEY KNEW SINCE11_2_2020 I WANTED ME AND MY SON PROPERTY AT APT, AS DID COURT, REDROOF, MT LAUREL, NJ COPS10_24_202,12_82020,ETC, NJSP(& REDROOF11_8_2020 EMPLOYEE WAS NJSP& HE WAS DRIVINGWHITE MARWUIS CAR OWNED BY COP STAYING AT REDROOF11_8_2020)po lied said"giving mail to"agent"&9-8-2020& then12$29$2029 put"return to sender' WHAT OTHER MAIL DID PO TAKE STATING GIVIBG TO AGENT(& THEY LIED BC THE DRS PUT I WAA IN ER, AND VIRTUA2_4_2020 COMMITREDCFRAUD BC I NEVER SAW SPOKE WITH PSYCHIATRIST@430PM, THEY KIDNAPPED ME AS 400PM I WAS LEAVING BC ZERO CARE GIVEN SINCE11AM_ THEY RANSACKED STOLE FROM MY APT WHILE I WAS IN ER &@ HOTEL2_4_20-2_7_2020 I TRIED TO FIND SAFS HOUSING BUT DIDNT&2 NJSP ,emt AND er all knEW it wasnot safe@ apt
iNEVER gave po permission esp when theY IGNORED my telling them my mail stolen DURING PRECISE TIME PO SAID'DELIVEREDTO AGENT"& THEN12_28_20 PUT'RETURN TO SENDER UNABLE TO FORWARD'
9-27_21 proof greenblatt lieberman violating rpc including1.9,8.4
VIOLATION RPC~Atty deceived me re trust etc..told me to get doc which was stolen bymy landlord giberson or their employees,SOUTHAMPTON auto, and I was threatened , imtimidated landlordby njsp& giberson etsl tried to physically injure me and I left7-8_20 to go back next day.(7-7-20theyWrreToldBYNJSP7174TOrepairSteps&didNOT). they took steps off .. I told them I want my property&MY SON'S FROM APT10_25& ltr signed for 11_2_20 by Lisa giberson@southampton auto..who ignored my ltr& NEVER SENT ME LTR HOW TO SAFELY gET PROPERTY OUT OF APt ...I filed handwritten emergent complaint thru emergent email@court which court would not file KNOWING giberson etal stole from me7-8&NEVER returned that property&. Monies owed per 9-2_20judgment I OBTAINED PRO SE PLAINTIFF in my favor I obtained9-2020(it took me 5 weeks to get document bc NOONE would help then Debra ,COURT DELAYED my emergent complaint put WRONG PO box650 on my complaint and ignored all emails, voicemails re same until8-28-20(9-2_20judgeRICHMONDCORRECTED-&GIBERSINKNEWiuseMyPobox) .
.5_25 I toldcourt,attys i want need my property...they&this atty areIGNORING my calls, vm. I am emotionally distressed, traumatized bc THEY LITERALLY have all my property from apt THEY KNOW I want, need...MT LAUREL NJ COP HERMAN KNEW AS DID OTHER COPS, NISP& HOTEL I AM AT
There are laws to protect tenants. iNEVER did this to anyone. I made sure my abusive ex got ALL ThEIR propertyafterIGotFRI.& giberson, cedars know my ex I have fro against& nisp I had complaint against.
I left home@ age17 WITH NOTHING.I worked hard for that stuff@apt& GIBERSONS KNEW that...don't think they are nice...bc I HAVE VIDEO PROOF OF THEM VANDALIZING MY SON TRUCK2017& VIDEO PROOF OF hARRASSMENT BY THEM AND THEIR EMPLOYEES OTHER TENANTS(EHICH I SHOWED to NJSP including8-9-2020 njsp8020)& harassment ,stalking including at hotel I am at who I suspect know giberson
I WANT ME& MY SON PROPERTY FROM APT PER MY 10_25_20&1_28_21, LTRS& 11_27_20-6_1_21Emailsto court
this is messed up&rotsides AND pohle KNEW I FILED THAT AS IT WAS UPLOADED BY COURT12$24_2020 & POHLE KNEW THAT& KNEW PER12$24_20 CONV I AGREED TO NOTHING, FIND OUT HOW I CAN SAFELY GET ME& MY SON PROPERTY FROM APT& HE NEVER called me back & accepted settlement he NEVER spoke with me about but KNEW12$24_2020 I WouldNEVER agree to&redroof & giberson HIRE greenblatt weisshoff lieberman richards(pohle&rotside)2021 knowung its VIOLATION RPC AND I DO NOT AGREE PER MY LTR TO GREENBLATTETAL6_2021A COPYOF WHICHredroofReceived
ethics violations by state nj employee(i had complaint against njsp2020&2008) INCLUDING 7-8-2020STATE NJ EMP who saw steps NOT safe, did NOT cite giberson and OBVIOUSLY did NOT get me IMMEDIATE SAFE HOUSING7-8-2020 not 1 of the attorneys or court employees reported violations of #collusion, #corruption, #ABUSEOFAUTHORITY #attorneycodeofconduct, #judicialcanoncodeofconduct,#poafraud,#collusion#innkeeperduty,#hotelliability,#stalking,#identiythrgt NJSA 56:8-163 , judge harrington REFUSED to recuse& i think he knows my exhusband( who choked me & whose nephew (who ks older than me) is a cop in gloucester county prob njsp dsjg2008 12$2020 i file complaint agaINSTnjsp)&4_2021 AGAINST MT LAUREL NJ POLICE Bc 1) njsp KNEW it was illegal.garage apT failed12_9_2019 inspectioN , 2) giberson,etal TRIED TO PHYSICALLY INJURE ME including12$24_2019 AFTER INREPORTED THRM TO TOWNSHIP(who are corruptas is njndca emp i reported this to2019-2020) , 3) #redroof employees brother is njsp & redroof LIED, slandered my name, dId NOT give me room as advertised, tried to illegalevict me REPEATEDLY 10_2020-2022 4) mt laurel nj cops including bell & herman(& #redroof front desk) KNEW10_24_2020 REDROOF STALKER HARRASSING ME,TRESSPASSED MY var , tresspassed rOOM,STOLE FROM MY ROOM INCLUDING 8-21_94 DV ER CHART, VIOLATED NJSA 56:8-163 #IDENTItYTHEFT DATABREACH 5)&mt laurel nj cop 154 mcginnis KNEW 12$8_2020 THAT REDROOF EMPLOYEE IMPERSONATED NJSP AND HIS BROTHER is NJSP AND THAT HE WAS DRIVING CAR OF RETIRED BLACK cop staying at redroof which i KNEW BC 12_8_2020 MT LAUREL NJ COP MCGINNIS154 TOLD ME RE RETIRED COP AND THEY VIOLATED MY RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW LYING IN POLICe REPORTS, 2020_2021DEFRAUDED LarcENY ALL ME AND MY SON PROPERTY2020_2021 AT #ILLEGALGARAGEAPARTMENT FAILED they KNEW i wanted per my 12_1_2020 revised pg 3 emergent complaint uploaded 12$24_2020 4-2021 greenblattweisshoff lieberman richards(pohle, ritsides) 4_2021 KNEW i wanted my property ignored my calls(after 4_2021 tgeONLY time besides12$24_2020 i s.w pohle who said gibersonsSTILl had my property, he was calling weisshoff to find out where it was ,then SLAMMED PHONE DOWN ON ME & ignored all my calls INSPECTION ON COMMERCIALLT ZOneD PROPERTY , therefore NEVER registered no coo they LIED , AND THEY VIOLATED MY RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW LYING IN POlICE REPORTS, 6) duriNG PRECISE TIME I HAVE COMPLAINT AGAINST NjsP RE 8_2019-7-8-2020, LANDLORD,GIBERSON,ETAL DEFRAUDED LaRCENY ALL ME AnD MY SON PROPERTY2020-2021 AT #ILLEGALGARAGEAPARTMENT FAILED INSPECTION ON COMMERCIALLy ZOneD PROPERTY , therefore NEVER registered no coo they LIED , (&i did NOT get all me_& my son property and fire proof safe from apt2020-2021 per my 12_24_20 revised pg 3 uploaded as" misc doc" emergent complaint&10_2020 ltrs to giberson UPLOADED with my emergrnt complaimt as well ..RPC VIOlATION.. redrppf2020_2022 VANDALIZED MY CLOTHED_ PUT HOIES RIPOED MY CLOTGES_ NONE OF MY CLOTHRS HAD HOLES IN THEM OR WERE RIPPED_ REDROOF EMPLOYEES DID THAT 4-2021 PROOF greenblattweisshoff lieberman richards(pohle, ritsides) 4_2021 KNEW i wanted my property ignored my calls(after 4_2021 tgeONLY time besides12$24_2020 i s.w pohle who said gibersonsSTILl had my property, he was calling weisshoff to find out where it was ,tgen SLAMMED PHONE DOWN ON ME & ignored all my calls &i did NOT get all me_& my son property and fire proof safe from apt2020-2021 per my 12_24_20 revised pg 3 uploaded as" misc doc" emergent complaint&10_2020 ltrs to giberson UPLOADED with my emergrnt complaimt as well ..RPC VIOlATION.. 2020_2022 redroo PUT HOIES RIPOED MY CLOTGES_ NONE OF MY CLOTHes HADf HOLES IN THEM OR WERE RIPPED_ REDROOF EMPLOYEES DID THAT &so did #extendedstay , between9-2022-5_2023 vandalized my clothes in my room putting holes in them, ripping vandalizing them, stole from my roomwho LIED slandered my name JUST AS #REDROOF,#CHOICEHOTELS,#DAYSINN,@#LAQUINTA,#HAMPTONINN DID 2020 4_2023 -7&2_2023 someone stole out if my car clothes i had from7-8-2020(& this AFTER same mediator from my case against giberson 4548) os assigned by judge harrington 4_11_23& no mediation 4_21_23 (NOR 2022) corrupt system RPC INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO VIOLATIONJUDICIAL CANON CODE OF CONDUCT RPC 1.9, 1.15,3.4,8.3, 8.4 ROThmel attorney for defendant gibersons(4548 FILED docs violating RPC stating he represents me ( no he doesNOT,as i am pro se plaintiff & atty ROThmel represents defendants LISA GIBERSON, JAMIE GIBERSON...that has to be v Correctedby order to correcr&ROTmel REFUSES,, ct REFUSED...tHEres literally order stating it must be corrected by order... per#04_19 ORDER TO CORRECT DATA ..'.. context refers to information, such as a party name, address, or case type, submitted to eCourts directly by the filer. ' i filed ,as pro se plaintiff, as exhibit the very doc referenced & defendant attirney rothmel rEFUSES AS DOES COURT STAFF TO CORRECT.....SERIOUS RPC VIOLATION......& he insulted me put me diwn AGAIN on record....(lisa giberson was tgere and she LIED to court&NJSP since7_2_2019 i showed njsp PROOF the wall, deck, steps NOT in their reports INCLUDING7-2_2019, ,8-2019)and inferred that my fire proof safe TGEY STOle FROM MY BEDROOM CLOSET IS"ALLEGED"...its in police report that it was stolen out of @cedars...also my exhibit..... .THats RPC VIOLATION SO ARE TGE ATTYS VIOLATING RPC,COLLUDING, COMMITTING FRAUD AS THEY KNOWINGLY DEFRAUDDD ME OUT OF MY PROPERTY AT APT2020_2021& THEY KNOW MY EXBF I HAVE FRO SGAINST AND NJ STATE POLICE DET IN CHARGE OF VICTIM SVCS not@ redroof anymore Lorie Sibre(princess lorissa)
never a follower
caucasian,hazel,green eyes, fair skin,long legs,, 5'6
NEVER smoked,ZERO tattoos
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