~Tge court staff kept hanging up for1 straught hour i have video proof theresa corson saumying"she will let me participate&2_25_22 redroof wereNOT prepared..&9 they transferred me to judges chamvers said"judge is "digning in"& then transferred me to "breakout ropm & hung up on me& guess whobis harrkngyon's secretsry? d. allwes whp sabatoged EVERY one of my emergent complaints against lisa and jamie giberson. 2_25_22 i submitted proceedings docs exhibits,trial info ,& redroof attys didNOT ejter apoearajce & judge harrington had expartecommunication with rotsides who KNEW since6_27_22 and during my complaint againstgiberson i do NOT agreean&d begnar gray KNOWINi FIleD Docs AND WAS THERE since855am.... violated rpc~~~~~~~~~
court employees areNOT allowed to sabatoge impede a pro se litigants right to be heard involved in court proceeding like they did2_25_2&3_11_22& dud2020,1_2021 ,7_2020-8_28_2020 .
attys fir redroofVIOlATED RPC
fraudbycourt, attorneycodeofconduct violation 1.9,3.4,8.3,8.4
this is NOT fair, NOT impartial,
and is iied
Section 1:1-14.5 - Ex parte communications judge may not have exparte communication including for scheduling& that was done by attys for Redroof& judgeharrington 2_25_22&3_11_22 WHILE COURT EMPLOYEES IMPEDED MY RIGHT TO BE HEARD DURING THAT and kept hanging up on me,3_11_22 855 am_945am ,9-25amput in judges chambers then they moved me to breakout room & hung up on me, 2_25from9-11 am had me in breakout room.
Lorie Sibre
(nickname: Princess lorissa)
~~i haveALWAYS lived in south jersey,currently since7-8-2020@ hotel,since9_13_20@SAME redroofDOWNSTAIRShotelSAMEroomNofridge/microwaveDISCRIMINATEDnotNearHANDICAPPEDparkingNotHandicappedRoom
~~fyi..STEALING IS NOT sharing~~~
~if you stoleLiedSlanderedMYnameToMYson&others...THEN KEEPyourBADnegative ENERGYkharma &...STOP stealing,lying SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
~contrary to THE LIESslander, I have not dated for 14 yearsAFTERmyEx choked meAGAIN(6-2003)(iLIkEguys..iamJustNOTdesperatetoDATE)
I have hazel/green eyes ,fairskin,am Caucasian, 5'6", Italian,German&french
I amALWAYSoriginal&NEVER a follower.
Myfavmovies : Princess DIARIES, TheCuttingEdge_esppartWhenTheySAYiloveyou and
fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen
i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right.
i graduated high school at age 17(where: nj, otherwise... none of your biz.)
i have been out on my own since age17+THE NSSWstole aplbmy stiff rhen JUST LIKE AT APT2019-3_7_21&TRUST ME, GOD AINT OK WITH THAT
...i am caucasian , have fair skin , naturally curly hair, hazel/green eyes,longLegs,high cheekbones,&ZEROtattoos~wgthcw~
WARNING_5_18$21,hotelviolatedMoratorium,checked me outOfHotel& REFUSEDtoTakePayment5_29&6_1,REFUSEDtoReimburseMeForClothingRuined,vandalized,Destroyed,Stolen,Carvandalized,moniesForSheets,Towels,Blanket,etcIboughtBcTheyHaveNOTguvenHousekeepingSince10_2020&discriminated&REFUSEDtoGiveMeHandicappedRoomNearHandicapledParking #illegaleviction,#reprisal
WARNING~NOTICE~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos,NOTES, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid(&OBVIOUSLY,ifYOUstoleFromMe,(you doNOT have my permission) MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~STOP SLANDERING MY NAMEtoMYson& OTHERS
4_28its832pm since330pm ESA #EXTENDEDstAY evilnPsychopath W/malicious,reckless, criminal,premeditated Intent to harm are vibrating floor. i toLDliarcesa cherry hill455&corp and STATEnjethics,NJDCA,court, its in my pleadings ghmbmsb~gdnlN#IIED,#NIED,#STALKING,#HARRASSMENT ,
~ Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502 Per JUDICIARY code of comment(2) 'would a reasonable fully informed person have doubts about the judge's impartiality? '. ¬ God lovingbehavior by them2021 Stealing my safe that was in my bedroom closet&me& my sonproperty@apt2021(including my graduation prayer wish plaque i had since i was teen&STOLE:from my car11_2020-7_2_2023from my room@redroof2020-2022 ,stealing my mail10_16_22-5_18_24 ,Frommy room@esa9-22_22_4_10_24,vandalized myclothes in my room at esa9_22$22-4_102024 how i feel is : if i were her FAV daughter ,she w ould have called me back bit she didNOT (neither did my sister), (&2015 MY AH sister my moms FAV told my mom NOT to talk to me(she THOUGHT my ex that choked me was soooo nice(hesNOT)& she KNEW cedars(always TRYING TO BE ME& WAS THErE AFTER I WAS OF COURSE)_ ever since we were kids, she has ALWAYS done thos sh.t to me...i am fuckkmg over it... i tried...ever since i w...
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