7_15 i have VIDEO proof #redroof about4pm going by my room towards handicapped area thrnBANGING on my door as they walked by saying"you have mail"& i call office re this andFACT since1pm someone has been calling my rolm all day...i answered they said nithing& stephanue says"theres no mail forme"& they LIE about everything else...so prob lying about this& 10_5 stephanie was emplotee who was with sonya at office when my acct tampered woth&someone added resrvation i did NOT make whicg i deleted... redroof keep harrassing calling my room 1 ring 115pm..2pm...7_13,7_11)i have video proof plus vidrobprppf jaAHde sayongPH SHuT UP AFTER I SAID I AM PUTTING THEM ON NOTICE(6-29 TOLD HER THAT BC SOMEONE IS HATRASSING ME...I SUSPECT ITS REDROPF EMPLOYEE(hAHD is who was woth mike redroof employee who LIED impersonatedNJSP as i was being harrassed by stalker tresspasser(7_15 i got police on video goimg by dyring this time...which i say bc tgerescop at tgis hotel~GSBNKBTTBNT11_2020
lorie sibre(princess lorissa) 6_27 i was physically threatenedby a redroof mt laurel employee or guest upstairsAFTER janet hotel manager harrassing me, took note i had on my door they discriminated, didNOT give handicapped parking,didNOT reimburse me for my property vandalized& towels,sheets ,etc i boughtbc they withheld svcs (5_14 i asked janet re this, she hung up, tgen checked me out ofhotel AGAIN12$7_20(thisAFtER6_25 janet harrasing me, &saying loud for everyone to hear'I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE GOING TO BE OUT OF HERE '7_3 they tookclose spot to my room AGAin, stalker tresspasser remote starting my car REPEATEDLYharrassing melike10_24_20,11_8_20,,3_25_21 etc..i was upset and black guy upstaors&113 videotaping me as i was upset (&to make fun of me bc i do coping tapes...which janet manager has made fun of me since10'18_20&1_3_21 calling me weirdo bc i do coping tape, hotel knew via letter dated7_1_21& ignored ltr JUST LIKE THEY IGNORED MY12_28_20&1_2021 LTRS RE SAMe.. .6_21 i placed in emergent dropbox@court emergent complaint,$75filing fee,,&, postage prepaid return envs, teCOURT DUD NOT FILE MY EMERGENT COMPLAINT AGAIN STATInG",FEE WRONG"WHEN 3 EMPlOYEES INClUDING ThERESA CORSON HEAD OF CIVIL DIV SAID ITS$75,. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1tvF0esUVrEtheresa corson,civil division,lawrence bethese, all ignored my calls, emails re same,..,.Court impeded sabatoged my RIGHT to EMERGENT relief AGAINdid NOT file my EMERGENT complaint 12_2020& 1_2021,,3_2921,6_1_,2021 during time I had complaint against nj police(12__2020)& giberson etal ignored my 10_2020 &1_2021 LTRS RE SEND ME LTR HOW I CAN SAFELY GET MY PROPERTY ~6_14, patientfirstLIED.. i taped dntire appt https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-fIXDyyMmPUtoPROVE they lied,_, toook3, visls blood... no cbc with diff ,no thyroid ,no kidney panel.,& le tags cop tgere_3 hours ..i never saw dr...saw p.a ..noone called me re what they did& when i git back to hotel.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-IOZzmUSb60https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lGllPvZ5b5s..the harrasser came up to me and ssid,"hotel moved bumch if peoppe in my area to diff area of hotel_the peoppe they moved harrassdd me&, had polive insignia on their windshiekd.mmTHERES COP HOTEL.....6_6 I SIGNED IN FOR URGENT CARE APPT, URGENT CARE DR REFUSED TO GIVE ME URGENT CARE STATING',THEY DONT take my Ins& yeah they do&' le tags at DRS...just like at drs1_,2020 who refused me care gaveZERO care for loss of balance fallGiberson, stravelli, NEVEr sent ltr to me per my ltr & REQUIRED BY LAW ..HOW I CAN GET ME(&MY SON) PROPERTY OUT OF APT...GIBERSON ABD ATTYS,COURT USED INTIMIdation ThREAT OF MONEYS owed Fir RENT TO MISLEAD MY SON AS TO WHAT REALLY IS THE LAW:....They couldNOT list my son as it was month to month ....no lease....GIBERSONS WERE REQUIRED TO paY ME-6 TIMES REnt TO RELOCATE, ABD THEY, TGEIR EMPLOYEES OTHER TENANTS USED THREATS, INTIMIDATION ,BUllYKNG, HARRASSMENT,AND VABDAKISM TO MY SUV INckUDING TAKiNG BRAKES offsuv12$2_2019& TAMPERING WITH STRPS THEN TGREATENKNG to FALSE IMPRISON ME in APT IF I DUDNT LEAVE7-8+2020, AS THEY WERE STESLKNG MY PROPERTY OFF MY DECK& TAKKNG STEPS APART...AND NJSP WHO I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST ..DIX NOT IMMEFIATELY CITE GIBERSON ETAL FOR haRRASSMEBT AND TO STOP CEASE TAKKNG STEPS DECK APART ..NJSP MARTIN LIED LIKE NJSP KOwALSKI ETAL DID. SLANDERED MY NAMETHE COURT. GIBERSON,SOUTHAMPTON AUTO,NJSpMT LAUREL NJ POLICE INCLUDING HERMAN10_24_20& RREDROOF ALL KNEW I WANTED MY PROPERYY AND MY SON FROM APTTHOS AINT RIGHTIN TOP OF ALL THIS, I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO....the . DEPT COMMUNITY AFFAJRS,211 ETC IGNIRED MY REQYESTS ASSISTANVE GETTING SAFE HOUSING ANX VIRTU,Lourdes, tjih, Cooper, anthem..ALL KNEW simce2019 I needed safe place.....so I am putting this here .bc it's truth.....amd .bc people have lied slandered my name to my son and others . i haveNOT gotten me,& mY Oroperty from apt gibersonNEVERsentlyrToMyPoBoxTellingMeHowICanSAFELYGetMe&mySonpropedtyFromAptPERmy10 -25-20ltr signedforByLISAgiberson@southamptonAuto11_2_20 which theyIGNORED&courtIGNOREDmy12_1_20emergent complaintReMe&mySonPropertyatApt..&my emails& voicemails as well bc debra@court,emergent&civil Knew i wantedMyProperty...&GIBERSONSKNEWiWantedMyProperty~``...i didNOT abandonMyProperty...i told them in writing10_25_20 i want my property&myson's from Apt... this isNOT fair justice...debra@courtIMPEDED my right to obtain my property... weisshoff richards rep my exlandlord& giberson KNOW them..&both know my ex I HAVE FRO: againstJamie& Lisa giberson, Southampton auto DEFRAUDED ME ,lied, bc they knew I wanted me & my son property out of apt .....they sent no ltr to me and it's illegal apt...they violated so many if me and my son right as tenants ...no heater,no co2,smoke detector,aptshaoes when using washer can't drink well water must buy bitoed water never finshied wall window in bedroom, wires hanging out if all's all over the apt, front door needed to be repaired, checials and car exhaust from aresdher box comes into apt, AND they babged under shower bathroom as I was in shower ..which is disgusting . Sexual harrassment....ANDD STOLE ME)& MY SON PROPERTY FROM.APTTHEY knew by 10_25 ltr I sent ..signed for by Lisa giberson@ Southampton auto KNEW i WANTED ALL property out of apt&~~ they never sent ltr to me..~~THEY LIED TO CIURT& SAID I "ABAnDONED" MY PROPERTY WHEN I FlED BC THUG GIBERSIN ETAL WERE THREATENING ME...KNOW I HAVE NO ONE SINCE GETTING AWAY FROM MY ABUSIVE EX& MOVING YO THAT APY2014...REDRPPF HOTEL PUT MY SAFETY ST RISK. STOOE FROM ME,VANDALIZED MY CLOTGES10_24 MT lAUREL NJ COP163&147 KNEW I aM BEING STALKED, hARRASSED..KNEW I NEEDED MY PROPERTY & HAD NO ONE TO GO WITH ME& THEY DUD NOT ASSUST ME GETTING MY PROPETTYI AM EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGGT, TRAUNATIZED BY EVIL ACTIONS OF THEM FOR lYING TO MY SON, THE COPS,& COURT..WHEN THEY KNEW I WANTED ME(& MY SON: PROPERTYTHIS AINT RIGHT..I NEVER DUD THIS TO ANYONE ..I MADE SURE MY ABISUVE EX GOT THEIR PROPERTYLorie sibre(princess lorissasince7_8@hotel, since 9-13_20@SAMEhotel,SAmeroom,NOmicriwave,NoFRIDGE,NOTHandicappedRoom&NOTnearhandicappedParkiNgiAMcaucasian,have fair skin,Hazel/ GreenEyes, NATuRALLYcuRLYhair,LONGlegs,High cheekbones,~TF~twgStb&ALWAYS original&NEVERaFOLLOWERWARNING~no1mayUseALTERcopyDISTRIBUTEprintMyPosts,PHOTOS,Videos,Drawings,avators,documents,notes&dontAskMySon~~NOTE~$£~~IF you stole,lied,slandered my name to my son& others,then KEEP your bad kharma,negative energy,NBFT&STOP stealing,lying, slandering my name to my son&others ~ Lorie sibre(nickname:princess lorissa)Lorissa is a nickname from when i was a teen.~NOTICE:NO1MAYuseALTERcopyDISTRIBUTEmyVideos(INCLUDINGstolen videos)~~i put these videos on here to prove WHO discriminated against me lied slandered my name to my son&others(all videos posted TAKEN BY ME)~~~fyi,i didnt just make up a name,my name lorissa is a nickname someone used to call me when i was teen..i have naturally curly hair, , fair skin, 2or4,depending on designer&and i do not have any tattoos....~~~I graduated high school at age 17(where: nj, otherwise... none of your biz.) i have been out on my own since age17 ..~ I am the MOST loyal person & if i say i love you_ i love you 10000000000% (& dont try to TWIST my words , because OBVIOUSLY , i am NOT with my exes, whom i did love but THEY did NOT treat me right , so i am NOT with them). Like i said if I say I love you, i mean it..i dont just say"i love you" for the heck of it( like some people do),~~~~~~~contrary to the LIES slander posted re me... i have NOT dated since 2007 AFTER my exhusband choked me slammed my head into wall ~I have lived in NJ since i was born. ~~i prayed fir a friend,bf and YOU jerkoffs made fun of me to my son,&others SO takeYourLIEsorry&SHoVEItUpYoir&_)~NOTICE: i had complaint agajnst njso det in chwrge if victimsbcs&, gjberskn etal harrassed me with njsl..TIP:IFyouFIlE complaint againsg cop& goto tgetspyMAKEsureTheyDONt work withCOPS..2_4 ,430pm drLIED..iNEVERsawOrspoke withLIARdr@430pm..virtuaLIED in mychatt&gaveNO CARE12hours@er... steps(which ifTGEIRharrassmsnt,Tamperong with steps 2_4i wasSERIOUSLYinjured) ~ thePHOTOS,VIDEOS,MEMORYCARDS STOLEN areMY videos,photos&you doNOThave permissionToUseThem~)~ i have ALWAYS lived in NJ)~since2007 i have been single AFTER my exhusband choked me#corruption, #landlordliability,#premisesliability, ..this has causedMeUndueHardship,emotionalDistress,~since9-13,i amSTILL@SAMEhotelRoom 5_18RedroofCheckedMeOutVIOLATINGmoratoriumOrderAGAIN just like they hsve been doing since10_24"2020,~ GIBERSONareLiarssoAREredroof(as theyWITHHELDservices(NO HOUSEKEEPINGsince10_24 they go rightBybyRoom,i bought myownsheets,Towels,blanket,toiletpaperEtc),,theydiscriminated GaveNOhandicappedRopm,NOTnearHandicappedParking,HARRASSEDmeLIKEliarLisagibrrson, NJSPdid@apt, slanderedMYname,HarrassedMeINClUDING4&27-5_21CAUSING ME EMOTIONAL DISTRESS&I told copsToGetMeSafeHousing&THEYignoredThat,10$24*11,8,12_8-12_17(,5_2-5_21_21~~i haveNOwhereToGo.theyHackedEVERYfuc..n phone&vandalized my carJUSTLIKe LIAR GIBERSOn NOT HONEST SOUTHAMPTON AUTO VANDALIZED MY SUV,clothes,,STOle my property7-8-2020&NEVER sent me ltr to my po box how i canSAFeLY get me& my son property from apt.. no papers sent to me at all from giberson or court re my12_1_20 emergent complaint, which tHEY DID not file& THE BIASED ACTIon OF DEBRA, OTHER COURT PERSONNEL WHO APPEAR TO have personal relationship with giberson(as they had PERSONAL cHATS WITH THEM@ COURT) has DEPRIVED me of getting me,& my son property from apt which iREPEATEdLY told court emergent& civil &JAMIE:& LISA GIBERSON,SOUTHAMPTIN AUTO I WANT property ftom apt SINCE2020& GIBERSON (&cedars prior landlord),KNOw MY EX I HAVE FRO AGAINST(HE WAS AT SOUTHAMPTON AUTO5_2020)& THEIR ACTIONS& THAT OF REDROOF ARE CLEARLY VIOLATION OF FINAL RESTRAINING ORDER I HAVE...no ltr sent to my po box from giberson ..DESPITE GIBERson GETTING MY cert lTR11_2@SoUTHAMPTIN AUTO, SIGNED For BY LISA GIBERSON&VIA FAX10_31@SOUTHAMPTON AUTOiN ADDITION, OCT2020 DEPT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS IGNORED MY EMAILS ASKING FOR ASSISTANCE GETTING SAFE HOUSING4_6,5_4,5_9,5_14, redroif employee or guest VANDALIZED MY CAR...WHICH 10_24 I CALLED COPS RE TRESSPASSER STalKER& cops 163&147, BELL AND HERMAN WERE JERKOFFS. &HERMAN KNEW I WANTED MY PROPERTY, IT WAS NoT SAFE FOR ME TO GO bY MYSElF, I HAD NOONE TO GO WITH ME& HE DID NOTHING.(&i canPROve).copsAND VEEJAY OWNER ,LITERALLY NEVeR LOOKed AT SURVEILLANCE10_24 WHO TRESSPASSED MY CAR,HARRASSED,STALKING ME ...(THE STALKER WAS at REdROOF OFFICE.. BURGUNDY CAR(since7-8@hotel, nj,since9_13 SAMEhotelroom#redroof discriminated ,nomicrowave,fridge,notHandicappedRooNOT near handicapped parking(iHaveLeftSidemuscleWeskness,numbness, 4_27-5_4 refroof harrassed ke,5_2@1145pm ashole cops harrassed Me AFTER some guy woman redroof empkoyee tried to breakin my room. ABouT730PM,5_2 , .just like12_14_2019 cops were Ah...redroof lied_ they either turned off surveillance or deleted that portion& there would be proof in computer system who accessed my room(whether an employee orsomeone they gave key to) 5_9theAHliars2_4_20, Virtua,WEREinArea~~~BEFORE i movedToAPT2014,NONEofMyInfoOnline,Giberson,redroofetal,SLANDEReDmyname&KNOWmyAbusiveExi have FRO against&giberson DidNOTsendMeLtr to my po box sayingHOWiCanSAFELygetMe&,mySon"sPROPERTYfromAPT&NJSP,MTlaurelCops,211,PROVhouse,VIRTUA,LOURDES(10_2018,)amerigroupKNEWitWasNOTsafe@thatApt_theyDidNoTHInGto getMeSafeHousing& myFuvkomgCarVandalizedAfterAttemptedBreakinByRedroofEmployee5_2@about730pm,harasing meAFTERredroofTRIEDtoILLEGaLevictME&then5_2 @1145pmat fyvkomg nighfCopsBangingOnMyDoor HarasingMe(& i was sleeping but the fmd. in area, bunch if cars, people,cops went toward handicapped area ,then5_7minutes later banging on my door ,cops,redroof,virtua,harrassing me, thenBETWEEN5_3&5_6@,,7am someone vandalized my car,NOTICE:~NOONE may ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,print, uSE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING,STOLEN~&dont ask my son ~~~NOTE~IF you stole,lied,slandered my name to my son& others,then KEEP your bad kharma,negative energy,NBFT&STOP stealing,lying, slandering my name to my son&others ~5_6 before7am my car vandalizwdAFTER redroof liar aahoke hotel& mt laurel nj cops harrazzed me including at fycking1145 pm 5_2, 5_3,5_4 ..no dv advocate fir safehoising...they harrassed me....& KNOW since10_24_20 hotel employee or guest tresspaased my car ...njsp&mt laurel nj police KNOW that redroof&giberson know my exi haveFRO against cops harrasssd me withSCIP after some ashoke woman &man tried to breakin my hotel room5_2....they areTRYING TO HARM ME...JUST LIKE LIAR GIBERSON ETAL DID8+9-2019, THRU7-8+2020LIARS not honest,jamie& lisa giberson southampton auto have NOT given me thr property &, monies ftom my jidgment sgsinst thfmz,9-_2_2020& have &(my son's )propertyfrom apt which i REPEATEDLY requested they inform me In writing how i can safely get it....,Dont thInk cops, coirt, liar &&__7_8_30 evil dirtbags, dv advovates, give a fuvk ..bc they dont ...msybe thry dhouldGRT TREaTED SsME WAY...,BC THeY KNOW I WanT MY PROPERTY,& MY SON'S.mt laurrl nj cops,&, nj state police, prov houseKNEW_, thry wete sshpoed......THEY HAVE A WgAF ATTiTUDE.seem to find it funny(,itsNOT......THERE ARE LsWS TO PROTeCT TENANTS.. IT IS aN ILLEGAL aPARTMENT, THEY FAILED INsPECTION_i was injured on steps&#virtuahealth LIED COVERED UP CRIME COMMITTED aGAINST ME BY LISA,,,& JAMIE GIBERSON,2_4_2020?#REPRISALLAW,#ILLEGsLEVICtION,#PReMIseSLIABIlITY,&, DOnER BulLIED CoERCRD ME intO A ILLEGAL SETTLEMENT I NEvER AGREED to, (&HE IGNORED MY 3 LTRS,& VM RE THAT)#njcorruptstate...8-21_1994~~~since7_8_20 i have been by myself, at hotel, since9-13_20, i have been in SsME room at hotel, no fridge,no microwave in room,THEydiscriminate, didNOT give me handicapped room near handicapped parking&BOTH employees saw me having trouble standing, walking, using cane,(& 2015, lourdes enteredSLANDERous discriminatory insults bc i need a cane, just like cedars neighbor did&contrary to lies...~~~ THE facts ARE giberson etal ILLEGALLY FILED illegal evictions2 times&LIED both times, as they NEVER obtained cert of occupancy 2014,no landlord registration statement,its ILLEGAL apt in commercially zoned lot_ theresNO cO2DETECTOR, NO SMOKE DETECTOR, CANNOT DRINK WATER(MUST BUY BOTTLED WATER), wires hanging out if wallsTHROUGHOUT apt,,multiple outlets doNOT work,, theresillegal biz under apt running cars which car fumes& chemicals from that illegal biz come into that apt, tHeresNO HEATER, no ac(only1 window opens), the gibersons wrre TOlDby township i reported them& township KNEW i was scared gibersin would retaliate & when i called backSAME date8-9-2019 to find out if illegal apt, michelle at township CALLED giberson&told them....&gibersons LITERALLY retaliaTedSAME date8-9-2019& harrassed me through7-8-2020... theyKNEW they are required to pay me6 times rent(NEVER did7-8-2020, ),theyNEVER GAVE ME MY SECURITY DEPOSIT+7%INTERESt,NEVER gave me money they owe me re7-8-20 &LIED regarding them harrassing me, the steps(gibersin said to judge SOMEONE DID TAMPER WITH BOLTS iN STEPS INCLUDING7_7_2020), which i fled apt 7-8-20 bc GIBERSON ,ETAL WERE ThREATENING ME banging on my door & they know my JERKOF exbf robert, bob,bodi i have fro agains(WHO VIOLATED FRO BEFORE)&, i got judgment in MY FAVOR RE THIS BEFORE...certain horrible employees@ redroof hotel have slandered my name POSTed info to FURTHER put my safsty at risk violating dvlaw AS DID CEDARS AT MEDFIRD& JAMIE& LISAGIBERSON HAINESPORT NJ,SOUTHAMPTON AUTO )&ruined my clothes,vandalized my stuff(&NO HOUSEKEEPING GIVEN SO THEYILLEGaLLY ENTErED for nefariois intentions which i canPROVE they vandalized my clothes)&2_17 scunbagsonce again stalked me to store& fyckong tgreatened me&2_18 ASHOKE FROM OFFIcE HARRASSING ME i HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN SOUTH JERSEY. (currently live at hotel, burlington county nj (by MYSELF)NOTocean cty which LIARS@ INS CO PUT FOR DR TO BE THE CORRUPT LIARS THEY ARE LIARS&_STILL HAVENT CORECTED&2_13_21 SOME ASHOKE TAMPERED WITH LTR FROM IMP PEOPLE INS CO&PUT IT IN FYCKOM SPANISH WHICH IS NOT LANGUAGE I CHOSEOR SPEAK ,OBVIOUSlY , JUST LIKE2_4_20@ER...LIARS.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx-x-_3iT3Y&t=0sTHE OWNER WAS OUTSIDE MY DOOR LATE THIS DATE12_8_20 , WITH AN EMPLOYEEjerkoff who i call'frontdeskfromtdesk' bc he Would NOt give his name& said tHAT WAS HISNAME ),EVESDROPPRING OUTSIDE MY DOORTO ME UPSET BC IF THE STALKING, HARRASSMENT, MY CLOTHESETC RUINED, SOMEONE CAME IN MY ROOM wheN i wasNOT HERE( they dont come to my room asking me re hoisekerping so itsILLEGAL AS TEIR INTENTIoNS ARE NEFARIOIS :&2_25THE JEALOUS ENVIOUS WANNABES THAT WILL NEVER BE ME WHO LIEd SLANDRREDMY NAMETO MY SON & OTGERS RUINED SANDALS I HAve HAD SINCe MY SON WAS7&REDROOF SRE FYCKONG PAYING FOR THAT AS WELL..LIKE2_13_21PRECISE DATE TGEY PUT ON LTR IN SPANISH& REDROOF STOLE FROMMY ROOM)& OWNER NEVER S.W ME.....HE IS LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO DO SiMETHING LIABLe RE MY SAFETY BC HE HAS KNOWN SINCE10_24_20 STALKER HARRASSER TRESSPASSER GUEST OR EMPLOYEE ST HOTEL & DID NOTHING....OBVIOUSLY )redroof ard horribke and so are the otger guests here who gavd harrasssd me. ~~~ i have NOT gotten my property(or my sons property) from apt yet bc LIARS jamie,lisa giberson (southampton auto)NEVER responded, AS REQUIREDBY LAW,per my ltr, IN WRITING TO MY PO BOX, how i can safely get my property & my sons) out if my apt per my10_25_20LTR received&signed for by lisa giberson@ southampton auto 11_2_21;10_31_20&Y1_2021 LTR#ILLEGALAPARTMENT #ILLEGALEVICTION,#LANDLORDLIABIKITY,#CORRUPTION,#BADLANDLORD,#STALKING,#HARRASSMENT,#ERLIED,#DRSLIED,#DV_STALKINGLAWFAIL (&1_21,1_22 i believe that was moule at hotel&1_24,LIAR INS CO PUT WROMG ADFRSSS COUNTYFIR DR & STILL HASNT CIRRECTEX& TGEPO,VWSOUTH CAROLINA THIEFVIOLATRDMY HIPAA PHIthe stalker was at hotel& stalked me to cvs mapke shadeAFTER COPS ST HOTEL RE HARRASSMENT & remote started my car& whem i took my phone out videotaping & who was in area at the time,they turned it off...SO THEY WERE LITERALLY AT CVS WSTCHING STALKING&10_24_20(i reported FACT TOCOPS&HOTEL someone@hotel THAT was tresspassing my car remote starting it& iNEVER gave keys to anyone(after10am someone callonv my ropm ..i didNOT answer bc night befire sonya WHO WAS housekeeper ,harrasssx me,THREATenED me bc shekNEW harrazsmsbt,& i canPRoVE her malicious intent of what she did))-1_24_21 cops KNEW i needed to get my property at apt, that it wasNOT safe& made NO EFFORT to assist me in getting my property(_my sons ,) from apt &10_24_20 cops KNEW i had noone to go with me since7-8-20 i have been living at motels bc 1) giberson etal harrassed THREATENED me, illegal constructive evict.. tried to kidnap me by removing my ONlY way out of apt which is false imprisonment(; they KNOW my exbf i have fro against). .i left 7-8-20 to go to hotel bc of the threats by giberson etal (911 were jerkoffs JUST LIKE8_21_94); giberson etal KNEW i was returning 7-9-20.. .i returned7-9-20; giberson etal REMOVED the steps to my apt which is ILLEGaL LOCKOUT.... 2)gibersins; NJSp8204 KNEW I WANTED TO GET IN MY APT7-9-20,etc ...SO NO STEpS all the way until approximately 8-1_20 . 3)THE STEPS PUT IN ARE NOT safE, NOT for residential, made if steel for a warehouse NOT for an apt ; they areQUITE slippery; i could BARELY walk after using the; gibersin KNEW i have muscle weakness, loss of balance falls so they put in temporary steps they KNEW would make it difficult for me to use...that was BEFORE car accident8_18_20 4)theres NO FRIDGE, MICROWAVE in my room at hotel i have been at since9-13_20, which is affecting my health as i have to eat a certain way bc of my kidneys, thyroid, ;fatigue, etc... .. since7-8;20, EVERY AGENCY i contacted for assistance getting safe housing ...has NOT helped me get safe apt..theyhave been LYING gASLIGhTKNG ASHOKES.. .. since1_6_21 ins co Putting WRONG address;number (tuckerton, nj ocean county ) for dr i chose...they did ANOTHER id card1_24_21 forWRONG address,so i STILL cannot get medical care which is malicious intent by health ins co who has been ILLEGALLY using 8-94 chart when i was victim of dv to dicriminate against me like virtua, cooper did2015-1_2020 ,2_4_20@ po a bunch of grievances i NEVER filed through rather than resolvimg prior grievances i filed 12$2028-5_2020(which they were doing SAME thing.. NOT resolving grievance filed, filingANOTHER grievance ,then doing NOTHiNG AGAIN . i received like6 pieces if mail NO notification for(which means south carolina vw,virtua thief STOLE mail, id cards; possibly chc bc they hadWRONG email i told them to delete AGAIn1_15_21;, putNO ONLINE ACCT, NO EMAIL ADDRESS1_15_20...1_6_21...EMAIL ADDRESS STILL THERE... COOPER EMAILeD MY HIPAA PHI INFO TO PERSON WHO STOLE THAT EMAIL AT APT...COOPER IGNORED MY VM RE THis ALL THoSE 'GRIEVANCES' HAD GEORGIA ADDRESS; A SOUTH CARILINA POSTMark (SAME THING DONE AT 94 INS CO IN2015(THE REP THAT TOOK MY INFO KNEW I WAS SINGLE .. HE KNEW WHAT HE DID WAS ILLEGAL ..BC I SAID I WAS SINGLE; ASKED WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT BC I DiDNT REMEMBER THAT WAS94 INS CO ; UNTIL.2015 WHEN POTTSTOWN PA HIPAA PHI VIOLATOR MAILED GRIEVANCE KTR WIT PHILLY ADDRESS WITH POTTSTOWN PA POSTMARK SO I CANNOT GET CARE...THE INS CO IGNORED MY MESSAGES RE THIS& GASLIGHTED ~lorie sibre (nickname: princess lorissa~...i am single, have lived IN SOUTH JERSEY since i was born, have fair skin, caucasian, hazel/green eyes,size 4.. and if i say i love you.i mean it a gazllion 100000000 percent(dont try to twist my words bc i am NOT with my exes whom i did love but did NoT treat me righttl..STOP LYING SLANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON&others.. that includes giberson etsl who have lied slandered my name, no info re me was oine befire i moved to that apt 2014,7_8_20 giberson etal threatened me and tried to kidnap me with their harrassing threatening behavior of giberson etal7-7-,,~NOTICE: NOONE MAY USE IN ANY WAY,SHAPE, FORM ,Copy, distribute, alter my email, photos, videos ,documents blogs,posts,drawings,notes etc,(including anythig stolen) AS ITS STRICTLY PROHIBITed withouT MY SPECIFIC CONSENT ....and PRIOR OK IS NOT VALID...IT MUST BE MY AUTHORIZATION SPECIFYING SPECIFICALLY WHAT I SAY IS OR IS NOT OK for each item~~~~~~~~~~1_11 SOMEONE@INS CO FRAUDULENTLY DELETED MY INS CARD DATED,1_10 WITH CORRECT DR&1_11 PUT CARD DATED1_11 FOR DR I JUST DELETED, 1_12 330AM INS CO DID NOT CORRECT...ANTHEM ARE liars& one f their employees us tampering with my info, ins co has doneNOTHING re serious hipaa ohi viokations & INS CO GASLIGHTING I CAN PRIVE... 1_11 my car vandalized, call to my hotel room, then from'UNKNOWN" to my cell phone, stalked to chickfilet who TAMPERED WITH MY ORDER, THEN HARRASSED BY JANET WHEN I TOLD HER,12$26 & SHE KNEW SOMEONE WITHIN HOTEL CALKED MY HOTEL ROOM 1_3 harrazssd by janet hotel manager who wasSCREAMING names at me IN FRONT IF EVERYONE(I CAN PRIVE BC I WAS DOING A COPING TAPE)1_7_21 DR ignored my requestAGAIN formy thyroid med which i havent been taking due to MALICIOUS negligent actiuns of dr since5_2020 refusing to give me my thyroid med which they KNow affects my emotional healtj, causes more muscle weakness, fatigue,etc its PREMEDITATED malicious NEGLIGENCE MED MAL BY LIARS drs @ COOPEr(NOT doing stabdard of care fir treating tgyroid by guvinv meds i had been on &nEEDED , doing nithongcre loss of bakance falk1_15_20(no pt fir muscke strength&, balance is MALICIOUS NEGLIGENCE(disgisting dr put u was tgerd fir sonethingNEBlvER discussed& just lle liar perberts dud@11_2019 drs appt for wguch bw done but tanoeredxeith ny LIAR thug lab employee at drs(i was there for lossof balance fall, migraine, left side head numbness swelling behknd left eae, thyroid med, migraine med_ DR DID NOTHING, GAVE ZERO MEDS(meds i took were from refill by prior dr& dr iGNIRED MY CALLS ASKING FoR meds&8_18_20 I WAS IN CAR ACCIDENT& no emt at scene of accident &BC OF MALICIOIS LIES ,SLANDERBY VIRTuA,LMA,TJuH,COOPER SIMcE2014, I CANNOT GET MEDCARE& INSCO KNOWS &IGNORED GRIeVANCES SINCE12'2017))1_10_21 i still doNOT have my property,(clotges, boots, etc,paperwork bc lying giberson ,southampton auto, iGNorED my10_25_20 ltr asking for my property whuch lusa gibersin signed for on 11_2$20@ southanpton auto&money they owe me1_7_21 ,1_8_21,1_9_21,1_19_21early mirning sojrine at hitrl vandalized my car tgrewstuff on my car(its in fuc..n surveillance just like10_13-14_20,10_24_20 ) 12$23, SOMEONE TRIED TO GET INNMY ROOM12_23_20. THEN WENT TO ROOM NEXT TO ME, KNOCKED& WENT INNTHEIR ROOM..12$17 COpS HARRASSING mE AGAIN, ....I DONT HAVE FOOD, MY CLothES ETC FTOM APT(still dont have MY PROPERTY BYLAW 1_10_ 21(11_2 liar gibersons got my cert rrr, ltr at southampton auto, 12_11HOTEl MANAGEMEnT supposed to call me never did but jabet manager called THREatEned,HARRAsSING ME &1_3AGaiN,janet garrassing me, scresming names at me as she went towards iffuce& i was in my car gokng tiwards my room doing coping tapebc of HOTEK harrassmebt& 12$26 HOTEL TRYiNGVTO DEFRAUD ME OUT OF MONEY THEY OWE& SHOULD HAVE BEEN CREDITED since 12_13 & as of1_10_21,HOTEL REFUSES TO credIT ME THAT MONEY OWED& ARE STI LL CHRGING TAXES TO MY ACCT1_2$21&, THEY KNIW AS OF12_13 by law THEY CANNOT& were REWlqUURED by law to credit me the monies to my acct& dudNot but12$28 @638am hotel employee inn info&NEVER called me... 12_16 STALKER CALlED HSRRASSING mE ON MY PHONE 12_16& thencalled HOTEL PHoNE.in my room harassing me sayungvtm"they cancelled my card beitcg",(i gyess the cc bc tgey stole that cc statement& my birthday gift cards,, discounts,),,JUst like12_13,12_8(aFTER cop mcginnis left,)12_17 i took screenshots if my hotel acct to PRIVE it is being tamperedcwith,&12_17 they trespassdd my car again, when i saw ,and was upset, hotel employees, guests predatoring aboit& HHHMMM..mike hitel employee who LIED11&8& SAUD HE WAS COP BUT ISNT BUT IS MECHANIC (,hus brothed is a njsp) HOTEL EMPLOYeES HUSBSND IS MECHANIC, GIBERSIN HAvE MECHANIC PLACESOUTHAMptON AUTO, MY EXBF ROBAKABOB AKABODI I HAVE FRO AGAINST@SOUTHsmPTON AUTO 5_2020 TALKING WITH MOULE,WHO HARRASSED ME&12_8COP KNEW I AM BEINGSTALKED ,&12_, 13&12_17, THEY HARRASSED ME, I DONT HAVE FOOD , MY PROPERTY FROM APT(COAT,GLIVES BOOTS ETC PAPERWORK.... 10_24 COPS KNEW I NEEDED MY STUFF..SO DOES COURT.... I SM SICK IF THIS HARRASSMENT.. .SINCE YESTERDAY12_8 THEY ARE CONTINOUDSLY HACKONG MY OHONE&COP NCGINNIS SAID HE HAD BSCKGROUND IN COMP....THIS IS F..UP12_9 COIRT IGNIRED MY ENERGENT COMPLAINTVRE MY PROPERTY _ I DONT HAVE MY WINTER CLOTHESVWHICH I NEED& THIS HOTEL HARRASSED ME BC I CALLED COOS BC TGEIR EMPLOYEE MIKE11_8 SAUD HE WAS NJSP DET& HES NOT(HIS BRPTHER IS& I HAD COMPLAIMT AGAINST NJSP) & AFTEE HE DUDVTHST11_8 SOMEONE POSTED MY PHINE NIMBER& JANET HOTEL MABAGER KNEW THAT11_26 _& DUD NOTHING, & JANET HARRASSING ME CSLLING ME UP 12_8 SAYING",I MADE TROUBKE FIR HOTEL BC I SAID WHAT MIKE DID,& I AM A LIAR"& THE HOTEL NEVER CALLED ME12_11-12_13 RE MY ROOM RESERVATIIN YET12_7 SOMEINE IN MYBINFO USING CC NOT MINE& TGEN12_8 930 PM SIMEOKE CALLED MY ROOM12_8 EARLY THEY CSLKED MY ROOM& HUNG UP ON ME WHEN I ANSWERED& I CALL HOTRL,ASK WHO CALLED MY ROOM,(BC THET PUT CALL THROUGH)& SHE DOESNT ANSWER& ASKS WHY I ASJED WHEB SHE WORKED ....HEY EINSTEIN IT WAS TO AVOID HAVKNG TO TALK WOTH JANET &, SHE CALLED ME BACK SAID I SM A LIAR...THE MANAGER IS HARRASSIMG ME,&SONYA SAID SHE WOUKD TELL',MR KIMMEL', TO CSLL ME RE MY INFO BEIMG COMPROMISEX, MIKE' JANER DISCRIMINSTIMG, PUTTOMG ME DOWN ... 12_9...NO CALL FROM MR KIMMEL& VJ WAS TGERE12_8& HIS EMPLOYEE KNEW PRECISEKY WHAT WAS WRONG IN MY ROOM(OUTLET LOISENED WIRSE_IKE ST CEDARS& APT(&THAT GIBERSIN HIRED TGE STTY WHO HARRASSED ME AT COURT) INSTEAD OF FIXING IT THEY JUST TURNED LIGHT SWITCH IFF&, ON & LEFT,(,&, THE GUY WAS PUTTING ME DIWN OUTSIDE IN FRONT IF VJ AND OTHERS.. 12_3 PO EMPLOYEE,CONTRACTOR STOLE MAIL AGAIN FROM COURT RE MY ORDER IN MY FAVOR AGAINST LANDLIRD GIBERSON ETAL, HOTEL STOLE FROM ME& janet at hotel ONCE AGAIN12_4&12_5 discriminated against me, called me names&REFUSED to part ofher job, she also knew11$26 hotel empliyee mike aporoached me& LIEd impersonatinb njsp detective 11_8 AS THE STALKER(could be him) was remote starting my car which is tresspassingi have judgment against ,lisa and jamie giberson, southamoton auto who REFUSE to give me my property at apt..they KNEW i wanted my property bavk in july2020& they IGNORED my ltr requesting in writing from them how i can safely getmy property(as STALKER is atsoithampton auto, 148a boyledobbins,diamond detailer....GIBERSON ETAL IGNORED MY 10_25LTR lisa gibersin signed for11_2@SOUTHAMPTON AUTO THEY ARENOT HONEST PEOPLE, 6_2014THEAPT WAS NEvER REGISTERED, NO CERT OF OCCUPANCY ,NO HEATER, ETC....5 YRS THEY ILLEGALLY COLLECTED RENT2014-201910_5 I SUSPECT SOMEONE FROM THIS HOTEL STOLE MAIL_10_13 THEY STOLEoUT OF MY CAR, MIKE, hotel employee, PA TAGS HERE LIED11_8&s said he is a col&HES NOT, 11_29 ASOLE BLACK WOMAN FROM PA BLOCKED MY CAR _ OVER AN HOUR ...ENTIRE PARKin LOT OF SPOTS BuT TO HARRASS ME , SHE PARKED BEHInD MY CAR NOT A PARKinG SPOT& I ASKED HOTEL WHO IT WAS & HOTEL SAID"CALL COPS" RATHER THAN TELL ME WHO IT WAS..HAVE GUEST MOVE CAR...I HAVE VIDEO PROOF, MIKE ,PA TAGS,HOTELEMPLOYEE IMPERSONATED A NJSP DETECTIVE TO DECEIVE GET MY INFO& THE HOTEL&COPS ARE AWARE&LIABLE AS10_24 I REPORED SOMEONE AT HOTEL TRESSPASSING MY CAR& HOTEL LEGALLY LIABLE&COP NEVER TOLD ME10_25& )MIKES BROTHERSUPPPSEDLY COP& THE COPS DID NOT KNLW MY NAME BC I SUSPECTMIJES BROTHER IS HARADOMG ME...I HAD COMPLAINT AGAIMST BLAXK NJSP DET IN CHARGE LF VICTKM SVCS11$28 STALkER atwalmart NEAR hotel_TRESSPASSED&remote started my car,stalker ILLegally10_24_20 is whenSTALKER @HOTEL starteddoing that AFTERhitel employee or guest stole out of my car10_14_20,hotel employees made aware& thathotel employee IMpERSONATEDNJSP DETECTIVE to fraudulently obtain my info&hotel didNOTHING...11_25 GIBERSON STILL HAVENOT ANSWERSD MY LTR WHEB I CAN SAFELY GET MY PROPERTY ,ETC..11_17-11$18 the hotel harrassed me,&LIED wgjvh i canPROVE just like i can PRIVE,11_8as i was doing coping tapebc cops,911 igmored factSTALKER AT OR NEAR HOTEL, THE hotel employee,mike ,approachsd me LIED said he was a detective njsp& talked to dispatcher UNDER GUISE HE WAS A NJSP DETECTIVE SO HE HEARD ALL MY INFO& THEN AFYER THST CALL , A COP BELL DIDNT KNOW MY NAMES, & refused to call dispatch to get my info & he was cop SUPPISSD TO REDOIND GO MY 911 CALL..( ..i had complaint agaibst black njsp in charge of victim svcs who took advantage of me&revivtimized me& when he got mg cert ltr rrr 2008 saying do not contact me again...he LITERALLY valled me when he got it& then a bun h ofmarquis cars @ my house harrassing me...i say this bc @ apt lisa giberson HARRAsSED me with NJSP for' well visit"WHEN obviously her&njsp didNIT care as 8-9-2019-7_8'_2020 they harrazsed me,itsILLEGAL APT,no co2/smoke detector ,wires hanging out if walls, cannot drink water,must buy bottled water,NO HVAC , only 1 window opens, zoned commercial, NO cert of occupancy,landlord registration dons BEFORE6_2014 AS REQUIRED BY SOUTHAMPTON OWN ORDINANce...yet NOT citedby township,cops,STATE NJ EMPLOYEE,7-8 GIBERSONETAL THREATENED ME TAKING OUT MY ONLY WAY OUT OF APT WHICH IS FALSE IMPRISONMENT,HARRASSMENT.....AFTER I CALLED CORRUPTIOM NUMNER TO REPORT GIBERSON DID NOT REPAIR STEPS7-7 AS TOLD TO NY NJSP7174 (who ALSO should have IMMEdIATedLY cited giberson for an uninhabitable apt & they harrassed me with virtua that date7_7 so theyALSO saw unsafe condition of steps...however theyLIED2_4_20& covered up crime committed against me by giberson etal. as step needdd to be repaired& they didNOT repair....i got injuredAFTer going past missing stepAS JAMIE GIBERSON WALKING BY VIDEOTAPING ME. & his wifs lisa was right there as well, virtUA LIED,GAVE ZERO CARE...VIRTUA WITG MAlicious premeditated,negligent intent failed to do standard of care for injury to back& head, deviated from the standard of care, fraudulently put i saw a psychiatrist i NEVER saw,NEVER spoke with(& dr schiff REFUSED to let me talk to that dr AS WAS MY RIGHT), i NEVER saw or spoke with dr ponce who ordered bloodwork NEVER discussed with me(&1_2029 dr ponce lied in my chart),4-1145PM KIDNAPPED, FALSE IMPRISONMENT BY ER STAFF....NEVER LET ME TALK TO DR430PM& SLANDERED MY NAME, NEVER WENT OVER MY DISCHARGE SUMMARY WITH ME. 2_4..I LEFT ER, NO MEDS, IN ALOT OF PAIN BADLY INJURED,_& DROPPED OFF ON A DARK STREET TO GET MY SUV.. where stalker was most likely waiting . it was dark at apt parking lot..so i didnt go there. went to hotel...wherE.. gee ...stalker was.. .. .so no care, never looked at my back, tested me for drugs& alcohol...ALL NEGATIVE .bc....QUACK DRS@ VIRTUA,EMT. I COULD BARELY STAND,SLURRING MY SPEECH BC I WAS SERIOUSLY INJURED, PLUS MY BLOODWORK SHOWED I WAS ANEMIC (i have history of that since teen),calcium elevated& dehdrydated bc nothing to eat drink 11AM&7PM WHEN I ASKED BC ER STAFF GAVE FOOD TO ALL OTHER PATienTS but notme.. when i saw that i realized i hadnt hadanything to eat&by that point my stomach hurt really bad&no iv for dehydration...i canNOT feel my back . burning in my spine ,back of head hURTs, left side weakness numbness, blurry vision, & virtua fuc...in LIED, COMMITTED MED MAL ,: AMERIGROUP KNEW.....BC GUY I SAW FOR3_5 MINUTES @1045PM IS NOT IN CHART ..HES LISTED IN EOBnurse@148aboyle who works for giberson
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