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11$8 re911&factTHEYbkewMeIffRE10_24_20STALKER@HOTEL my further proof, tc with cop today..lorie sibre(princess lorissa)

11$8 _AFTER10_14 MY DOCS STOLEN, the stalker19_24@hotel  remite starting tresspassing my car& i watcged from parking lot...NO CIOS WENT TO MY DOOR...TGEY WENT TO OTHER SIDE IF BLDG

my further proof, tc with 911dIspatcher 36180gregirio  today WHO CALLED ME FROM NUMBERBEGINNING 60925665-- number,said sge was police disPatch&SGE WAS ASHLE...JUST LIKE911@APT  ...And askeD if i 'was in hotel lobby'..and i REPEATEDLY tOLd them, someine in hotel is ILLEGALLY TRESSPASSING remote starting my car,its MY CAR I OWN..I JUST GOT IT WHILE AT THISHOTEL & 10_11 ThERE WAS WOMAN SITTING IN LOBBY @redroof ,shE LOOKED upSeT...I GAVE HER A RIDE TO ECONOLODGE(ehich they stslked me tgere& tgere were3guys stanfing outsufe my roo mwhen i gitback frim store &they tried to get in myroomin broaddaylight(they werespeaking in another language ) & LEFT(SHE WENT TO ROOM133 'JAMES KERRIGAN' ...I HvBE NO IDEA WHO HE IS OR WHO SHE Was.. i just gave her ride bc of 9_13 i was in walmartparkimg lot distraught andNO ONE CARED amd i wasdespondentbc this sgit giberson etal,hiteks aredoing is traumatizing meand giving meflashbacks of when i was teen on my own  
PROOF re harrassment, progressively worse& how cops,dv advovatesBLEWme off
 fact i showed cop 154 mcginnis PROOF re8-94 that i had serious head injury-& that thief at hotel stole ltr i wrote to er 1994
2_9_21 my phone hacked via bluetooth
&mcginnis 154 cop has background in computers&VERY date he was here, owner&hotel employee harrassing me(bc owner,manager KnEW SINCE10_24_20& DID NOTHING), my phone hacked, email hacked& hotel acct& mcginnisKNEW & didNOTHING& NEVER got back to me  re my medical , ins, and prescription records tampered with, or fact stalker at hotelsince10_24_20 harrassing tresspassing my car ,madeNO attempt to have dv aDvocate relocate me to safe housing..mcginnis & other cops After i filed complaint against cops, wereharrassing me INFERRING I CALLED911 FOR NO REASON...WHEN I CALLED DISTRAUGHT BC STALKEr HARRASSING ME, copsAND hotel harrassed me usingSKIP AS IF I AM MAKinG UP BEING STALKED HARRASSSD...JUST LIkE2_4_20 LIARS EMT&@ER...GASLIGHTING,NARCiSSIST ABUSe& SLAnDERED My Name
(& theres  retired cop in other bldg PA tags)

@ po , the vw,po  or bcbs employee south carolina thief who stolemy vw4561 number (&1_8_20was@virtua er)tampered with my mail from ins co bc it was from ohio& south carolina postmark& they dont have sc plan, my health ins card has tuckerton nj ,ocean county  for dr&2_4_20 i wemt to ocean county nj to try to get apt...i didNOT get apt. bc giberson ,etal slanderedmy name, ruined my credit. which is why i am still at hotel.& dr i  chose is inburlington county nj & i canNOT get carejust like aetna did,lisa fraudulently 12_7'2017  put through application &put dr in mercer county nj &i NEVER chose,NEVER saw.
based on above, i deduce the stalker is southanpton auto(giberson since he wasON MY FACEBOOK DURInG COURT-& I BLOCKED HIM, HIS WIFE,BOYLE,MOULE)or a cop, internet/tech person, OR someone in security.

& i still do NOT have my property(& my sons) from apt as i REPEATEDLY requested since2020 giberson provide in writing at my pobox how i can safely get my property & they FAILED to do that AS ReQUIRED BY LAW

~lorie sibre (nickname: princess lorissa)
I have ALWAYS livedin South jersey(currently burlington county)


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  lorie sibre (princess lorissa) WARNING~NOTICE :~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Print,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,DOCUMENTS,COPING TAPES,NOTESi&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN(including stolen property at apt &fire proof safe(2020_3_7_~&dontASKmySon 4_27_21 refroof tridd yo get in my roon, i got a newcard,5_1asshooe at redropf cancelled my card...i orderedfood....theySTOKE label off one of my items& the guy wasSTARING at me(like the stalker@virtua10_10_2019& this is PRECISeLY what i meant by redroof slandering my name 2_4_2020 proof VIRTUA,LOURDES,HamPTON EMT,liars withalicious premeditated neglogent criminal intent commitedeMEDmal,Gave zero care,kidnapped me slandered my name, harrassmsnt by#redroof&cops,#virtuahealth Lorie Sibre photo i took of myself at my car10_12_21 WEARING sweater stalker11_5_21, stole out of my bag under cart After i went to atty for def giberson office 12$12...