11$22 proofhow janet treatedme this morning & i think someone was st office &they didNOT tell me. redroof LIED11_18. they moved people to other rooms11_18&NEVER said a word to me as i was outside 11_18until130am&woman 2doors down talked to LIAR mike& he was here yesterday11$21& i call her up janet bc she hung up on me& she says'did who come back '?(wgich is why i said i think someone was at office and they NEVER called to tell me.& stephanie was in office DURING THAT TIME AS WELL &janet was harrassing me & theyNEVER called me11_8,11_18 sheNEVER apologized fir HEr discriminatory behavior&MAKING FUN OF ME,PUTTING mE DOWN IN FRONT IF EMPLOYEES& CUSTOMERs including10$10,10_18, & contrary to what janetTHINKS.. she doesNOT get to make fun of me, humiliate me, slander my name& then say'thats the end of it' bc WRONG , this is NOT the end of it .. janetSLANDEREDMY NAME, LIED10_18&11_18,AGAI 11_22& REDROOF IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR EMPLOYEES INCLUDING MIKE(MECHANIC) WHO LIED saidhe was a detective11_8(& hesNOTbut HIS BROTHER IS)& some mechanic at hotel was TRESSPASSING illegally remote starting my car& tresspassing wemt in my car from10_14 thruthizsmorning...and hhhhmmmm whathotel employee is SUPPPSEDLY married to a mechanic....redroof is LIABLE..... FOr THE ACTIOMS OF TG HEIR EMPLOYEES&GUESTS(STOLE FROM ME10_14 WHILE I DIDWASH), VIDEO TAKEN BY ME lorie sibre(princess lorissa) NOONEmayALTERuseCopyDistributeMYvideos,blogsPOSTSdrawingsPHOTOS
11$22 proofhow janet treatedme this morning & i think someone was at office& hotel did NOT call &tell me . &janetmade another disparaging remark vc i stsy in my room...i gave been MORE depresded,anxiety panoc attacks,flashbacks bc of THEiR harrasment& i told janet11_18 i could barely move bc muscle weakness bc of all that standing11_18&11_18 she said she would call me back & didNOT just like stephanie&sean did..yet today 11_22 i tell stephanie i am coming to office re my key& then janey harrssses calls me back(yetnEVER called me back11_18AFTER MANAGER &HOTEL OWNER were in re 11_18&fact NOONE told me what was going on(after 11$1)7 but told other hotel guests
.redroof LIED. & no coffee, toilet paper, etc which is constructive ILLEGAL eviction..taking
away services, NOT giving me SAMEservice as other guests here...JUST LIKE THEY HAVE BEEn DOING...HOuSEKEEPER GOES TO ROOM ON OThER SIDE oF ME THEN SKIPS mY ROOM THEN GOES TO eVEsdROPPER ON OTHER SIDE IF My ROOm. WHO WAS HERE10_5 WHEN STALKER CALLED MY ROOM...STAkLER aTBURGER KING( I THINK THEY ARE aT THIS HOTEL)they moved people to other rooms11_18&NEVER said a word to me&woman 2 doors down talked to LIAR mike&SHE SAiD11_8'MIKE IS A GOOD GUY"& NO HE IS NoT ..He LIeDSAID HE WASA DETECTIVe NJSP && HESNOT...BUT LIED SAID HE WAS & WAS'HELPINGME" AS HE tALKED tO DiSPATCHER..& then LEFT...SO HE LIED SAID HEWAS A COP TO GET mY INFo...like i said...thatsNOT helping...look uphelp in dictionary..here i will HELP you liars by providing link to dictionary re help(see thats helping...you ashokes didnt help bc IF you dud.
i would be in safe apt, got my propertyfrom my apt..wgich by law GIBERSONS HAVE TO DO..correctedlies errors in my mefical,prescription,ins records& i would have gotten standardof carefor my injuries that wereNEVER treated plus my other health issues .etc..i would have NOTbeen harrassed8_10_19-8"13_19 etc.....all the way to7-8-20& then the harrassment, stalki g at hotels
he was here yesterday11$21& icallher up janet bc shehung upon me& she says'did who come back & stephanie was on office &janet was harrassing me & thetNEVER called me11_8,11_18
sheNEVER apologized fir HEr 10_18 discriminstory behavior&MAKING FUN OF ME,PUTTING mE DOWN IN FRONT IF EMPLOYEES& CUSTOMERs & contrary to what janetTHINKS.. she doesNOT get to make fun of me, humiliate me, slander my nane& then say'thats the end of it' bc WRONG this is NOT the end of it .. janetSLANDDREDMY NAME, LIED10_18&11_18,AGAIn 11_22& REFROoF IS RESPONSIBLE FOr THE ACTIONS OF THEIR EMPLOYEES INCLUDING MIKE(MECHANIC) WHO LIED saidhe was a detective11_8(& hesNOTbut HIS BROTHER IS)& some mechanic at hotel was TRESSPASSING illegally remote starting my car& tresspassing went in my car from10_14 thruthis morning...and hhhhmmmm whathotel employee is SUPPPSEDLY married to a mechanic....redroof is LIABLE..... FOr THE ACTIOnS OF ThEIR EMPLOYEES&ither GUESTS(STOLE FROM ME10_14 WHILE I DIDWASH), VIDEO TAKEN BY ME lorie sibre(princess lorissa) NOONEmayALTERuseCopyDistributeMYvideos,blogsPOSTSdrawingsPHOTOS
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