12_14_19 911 njsp7174,8154,8188"Response " AFTERAttempted breakin@my apt)VideoBy lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa
Lorie Sibre(nickname: princess Lorissa) video proof re 12_14_19 attempted breakin @my apt AFTER 12_9_19 township,'jon'& giberson at my apt for "inspection'
~NOTICE:no one may alter, distribute ,copy ,use my videos
mY video proof 12$14_19 I CALLED 911 AFTER ATTEMPTED BREAKIN( i was LITERALLY on my deck for a minute and then someone tried to breakin& this was afyer,called 911&3 NJSp 7174,8154,8188"response" as they stood on my deck &fu__n left..
& it should be noted ..i had a complaint against a NJSP DETECTIVE IN CHARGEOF VICTIM SVCS WHO, AFTER TELLING ME I WASGULLIBLE & NAIVE", TOOK ADVAnTAGE oF ME aND REVICTIMIZED ME..and when he said"he was telling my exes i was his' i told him "do NoT ConTACT ME AGAIN" bc i was NOT his ..i NEVER called him by anything otier than his title DSFCJG which he did NOT deserve for what he did.. no diff than my abusive ex butWORSE bc he used his badge to gain my trust& then took advantage if me and revictimized me
lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa) live in nj since i was born.. ~~~NOTICE:no one may alter, distribute ,copy ,use my videos
~NOTICE:no one may alter, distribute ,copy ,use my videos
mY video proof 12$14_19 I CALLED 911 AFTER ATTEMPTED BREAKIN( i was LITERALLY on my deck for a minute and then someone tried to breakin& this was afyer,called 911&3 NJSp 7174,8154,8188"response" as they stood on my deck &fu__n left..
& it should be noted ..i had a complaint against a NJSP DETECTIVE IN CHARGEOF VICTIM SVCS WHO, AFTER TELLING ME I WASGULLIBLE & NAIVE", TOOK ADVAnTAGE oF ME aND REVICTIMIZED ME..and when he said"he was telling my exes i was his' i told him "do NoT ConTACT ME AGAIN" bc i was NOT his ..i NEVER called him by anything otier than his title DSFCJG which he did NOT deserve for what he did.. no diff than my abusive ex butWORSE bc he used his badge to gain my trust& then took advantage if me and revictimized me
lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa) live in nj since i was born.. ~~~NOTICE:no one may alter, distribute ,copy ,use my videos
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