11_4_19 my proof lisa gibersin harrassing me with NJSP..video by lorie sibre(princess lorissa)NO1MAYalyerCOPYuseDISTRIBUTEmyVIDEOS,postsBLOGSphotos
11_4_19 lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa video blog ) PROOF that 11_4_19 LISA GIBERSON CALLED MY VM & heard they are legally liable to relocate me, then she harrassed me "to see if i am ok"(trying to infer she liked me when she stated multiple occasions she does NOT like me&'neither do boyle,moule,dobbins,southampton auto employees(whO ALL TALK TO EACH OTGER& MADE NO ATTEMPT TO TALK TO ME(except few occasion someine was there who must have been watchjng ...then they said'hi' to try toAPPEAR they are friendly ajd i am NOT wheb thet IGNOREDme, harrassed me,slanderedmy name) , 11_4_19 njsp HEARD re 8_10_19 steps,railimgNOT FIXED, 8-9-19 putwindowUNDER my steps where guys UNDER my garage apt could VISIBLY see as i walked up,down steps& ) dId NoTHING,..then my medical AND pharmacy records tampered with, mail stolen, 12_13_19 stslked from atco dr to store, phone hacked12_13_19,attempted breakin12_14_19(njsp7174,8154,8188blew me off _ dIdNOTHING), 12_24_19 my brakes taMpered with, 2'4_20 steps tampered with, stalked to hotel 2_4_20, 2_6_20 stalked from hotel to apt to mitel maple shade, stslked from store to apt2_2020,5_20206_3_20(@motel6_3-6_7_20 bc gibersin etal constructive evicted me), 6_11_20 harased another attemot at illegal eviction by gibersin etal, 7_2_20 stalked from store, step tampered with , 7_6_20 went out and came back as i went uo steps you hear them creak like2_4_20, i was GOING to leave this date takkmg all me &my sons things but steps were NOT safe, and gIberson ETAL KNEW, 7-7-20HARRASSED BY11_4_20 NJSO,7274 12_14_19 NJSP& VIRTUA TGE 2_4_20 LIARS WHO GAVE NO CARE,SLANDEREDMY NAJE ,SEXUALLY VARASSED ME& KIDNAPPED ME FROM4-1145PM...NO CARE, NO IV FIR DEHYDRATION, no ct scan head injury, no xray left side back& theyNEVER looked at my back whivh was bruised ,swollen LEFT SIDe anemic, dehydratex NO PAIN MEDS, NO MIGRAINE MED...THEY DID NOTHing, lisa giversin told to repair steps7_7 she LIES SAYS:I DONT LET THEM FIX STEPS(UMMM see above datez i eas NOT at apt due to theor negligence& harrassment durimg which time steps SHPUKD have been repaired but wereNOT...7-8-20 harrassed by gibersin etal AFTER i called corruption nimber to report they didNOT fux steps& then gibersin harrasses, threatens me...causing me to fear for my life and safety...911_20 minutes on ohone &NEver came to my door.. it is ILLEGAL apt...no rent may be collected& gibersin etal areREQUIRED to provide me monies and rekication assistance..thet NEVER did thst lied slandered my name to my son and others
lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa)videoblog
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