10-9 videoblog re my day..~lorie sibre (princess lorissa)NO1mayALTERuseDISTRIBUTEcopyMYvideos,Blogs,Photos,i ALWAYSlivedInNJ
lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa)
videoblog 10-9 videoblog re my day what PO stalkerLIAR harrasser did&10_11, LIARS,r,el,jb &RR& nect day they wereAs___AGAIn just like9_25&@ hotel near here which i PROVED hOTELs LIED JUST LIKE GIBERSON ETAL LIED...
~lorie sibre (nickname:princess lorissa)
so it may APPEAE to some, i am upset for no reason, however , looking at my video proof of how giberson etal harrassed me, slandered my naks, illegal evocted me causing me emotional trauma and flashbacks wheb i was teen..just like bejng at hotels has done& the trauna harrassment by liar hotels ,8-18_29 car accident, AGlfTER call from harrasser, the stalking , what hotels did like19_10,9_25,9_6,9_13,8-187,13,7_17,uts traumatizing me& thats MALICIOUS INTENT BY THEM...
I ALWAYS lived In NJ
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