Lorie Sibre(Princess Lorissa :
iLIVEinNJ.&noONEmayALTERcopy myvideos,PHOTOS,posts&dontASKmySON~~
I dont feel good. behind my left ear swollen ,red ,, baxk if neck, head, hurt horribly from car accidenr, as does my back which was swollen, hurt bc if2_4_20 untreated loss of balance fall that LIARS , MED MAL.COMMITTIMG VIRTUA,LMA ER LIED & NEVER LOOKED AT, slandered my name,
i dont have anything to eat , i was too fatigued uesterday...i wantedvto go to store...i didnt do anything on my birthfay AGAIN bc if the liwlifesharrassers horribls peopls who slandered my name to my son & otgers
NOTHING re me was online BEFORE i moved to that apt 6_2014_ they slandered my nake, postedlies re me, posted info, altered my charts medical recodds AND LISA 2017 ILLEGALLY SUBMITTSD APPLICATION WITH dr i NEVER chose in hamiltin nj...i told 2017 ins co to use MY application_& they did NOT...someone ar ins co deleted grievance re hipaa phi privacy violation 12_2017 just like current ins co has done
thr food i biught7_2_20, gibersin, etal harrassed me just like6_3_20 when i got back from store ..the steps were tampered with 7_2_20 when i was at store, when i gotback diamond detailsr carwasher was there...ittook me time to get that but becayse gibersons ,etal are horrible peopl they harrassed me, made fun of me, slandered my name, caused me emotional trauma and injuries from their harrassmenr, slandee and injuries from their malicious neglect failure to repair thise steps8-10_19
i have been having nightmares, left side is numb, literally 8&9_19-7_7_20 the gibersons, etal(including, southampton auto,148a biyle,dobbins,.moule, beige truck guy carwasher diamond detailer who was tresspassing on my steps7_29_19) harrassed me ,they would laugh AFTER i got upset
i was barely hanging in thereBEFIRE 7_8_20, extremely fatigued, muscle weakness, deoressed , anxiety, panic attacks, migraines, head numb, and because if thefts at that apt AND VIRTUA ER10_1)_19, i gabe been unable to get medical care, my ins, prescription, medical records tampered with
i sent ltrs, called, trying to get resolved , thet either lie SLANDEE MY NAME or ignore, that includes drs, ins co
8_18_20 they KNEW i waa trying to find hotel on8-18_20 place to live so gibersons are liable for that as well
NO ONE offered assistance helping me find safe housing ,apt: VIRTUA,LMA KNEW this, as did ins co ,whose 'case manager" IGnOREd my calls ,_ someone at ins co violated my privacy
the harrassers,slanderer, giberson,etal have called me lazy, said nothings wrong with me...my health has gOttenWORSE bc if what they did7-8-20....i didnt leave apt mucg as it waa bc of my panic attack, anxiety, untreated2_4_20 loss of balance fall ,untreated head injuries
its really frightening when er staff cause yiu to fear for your safety bc if THEiR behavior&2_4_20 i was fearful...the emt,911 and er were horrible
8-9_19 8020 cop slandered my name8-10_19 with jamie and lisa giberson who also LIED bc i said 8020 for sexuallt harrased me...WGICH JUST CAME OUT BC I WOKE UP FROM NIGHTMARES TO GIBERSONS HARRASSING ME
so AFTER that, lisa giberson and8020 cop would harrass me saying' are you ok"? when OBVIOUSLY lisa gibersin sajd she did NOT like me&8020 8-9-19 cop stormed off to 148a boyle apt AFTER i said i was sexually assaulted by njsp ( i didnt say his name but my words were getting twisted, troubLe talking LIKE WHEN I WAS WITH MY EX)...SO 8020 NEVER GAVE ME REPORT 8-9-10 NUMBER, NEITHER DUD7_8_20 8204 COP...AS I left,7-8_20 that harrasser, lisa boyle, who evesdropped in me , wasvideotaping me as i left...to humiliate me...just like lisa boyleAND helen dobbins dud20 18AFTER i just told them.to stop harassing, evesdropping on me...then as i was at my car going towards apt, helen dobbins stood on her stela, videotaping me as lisa boyle CAME IN MY AREA TL ANTAGONIZE ME ,as i went to my apt and they, and southampton auto were yelling stuff at me.....THEN LIED TO MY SON RE THEM HARRASSING ME
&7_8_20 right AFTER i left, the stalker85684600
called and said nothing...SAME stalker who stalked me from my apt2_6_20 to hotel i went to bc giberson,etal went in my apt
yesterday i went to po, i got back to hotel , someone calledmy room, i answs
ered , they said NOTHING& the front desk said they did NOT call me
& woman next room obersmoking cigs so was some guy...i dont smoke...NEVER...i KNEW other day someone was in my room...i coujd smell cig smoke which i hate...i am allergic to...my throat hurts, eyes burning...really fy$_$d up...i already felthopeless...i have LITERALLY been barely hanging in there since2007
and i dont have anyone to talk to , a friend, and the harrassers LIARS thar slandered my name to my son& others, seem to find that funny& its NOT funny
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