firealarm FOR'A CIG" 11220am11_1_20 REDROOF GORE ALARM GOIMG OFF'FIRCIG"OVER15 MINUTES SIMCE1220 AM ITS 1235AM..STILL GOIMG OFF was singing to try to center myself and as soon as 115 got herethet MESSED with my phone...the ashokes113,115,109,110 in this area,stalkers cops,ff, southampton auto, mustThINK i am singing to them...uuummmNOPE.....dont flatter yourself stalker by lorie sibre(princess lorissa)NOOnEmayALTERcopyUSeMyPOSTS,photosVideos,DRAWINGS,blogS~~~~{THAT ESP MEAns THE HACKER,STALKER,ThieF ASHOKES MAY NOT .....
11_1_20738am...UPDATE bc of TGEIR doing tgat(its on surveillamve eho did it) tge pressirein my headisWORSE...into left sideforehead(i checked my coping tapes ..they wereSTILL making ton of moise1154pm...and ifell asleep then1217am...sotheyKNEWwwho did it.. white suv in walmart parkkmg lotWATCHInG could be coincidence but10_9 white suv stalker in medford DAY MY MAIL STOLEN amd white suv stalkerat neighbor next to my moms2015 wheb my exbf next to me in traffic as i headed home...thimga goWORSE afteri went to seemy mom..) peoplw were just milling about asthis occurred...goimg towards OTHER end of bldg ..theblacks were the ones outsudeMAKING TON OF NOISE 10_31,10_30.... i didnt realize but on the phine i git2017 that tgey hacked was proofcre tgis hotel this sets me back.. they KNOw it..i hadnightmare...i woke up crying..... and i needed to go out today.. but i am not doing somergimg when i know right now i cant handle it... WYF coukd,? they KNEW my being in hotel not...