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Showing posts from October, 2020

firealarm FOR'A CIG" 11220am11_1_20 REDROOF GORE ALARM GOIMG OFF'FIRCIG"OVER15 MINUTES SIMCE1220 AM ITS 1235AM..STILL GOIMG OFF was singing to try to center myself and as soon as 115 got herethet MESSED with my phone...the ashokes113,115,109,110 in this area,stalkers cops,ff, southampton auto, mustThINK i am singing to them...uuummmNOPE.....dont flatter yourself stalker by lorie sibre(princess lorissa)NOOnEmayALTERcopyUSeMyPOSTS,photosVideos,DRAWINGS,blogS~~~~{THAT ESP MEAns THE HACKER,STALKER,ThieF ASHOKES MAY NOT .....

 11_1_20738am...UPDATE bc of TGEIR doing tgat(its on surveillamve eho did it) tge pressirein my headisWORSE...into left sideforehead(i checked my coping tapes ..they wereSTILL making ton of moise1154pm...and ifell asleep then1217am...sotheyKNEWwwho did it..  white suv in walmart parkkmg lotWATCHInG could be coincidence but10_9 white suv stalker in medford DAY MY MAIL STOLEN amd white suv stalkerat neighbor next to my moms2015 wheb my exbf next to me in traffic as i headed home...thimga goWORSE afteri went to seemy mom..) peoplw were just milling about asthis occurred...goimg towards OTHER end of bldg ..theblacks were the ones outsudeMAKING TON OF NOISE 10_31,10_30.... i didnt realize but on the phine i git2017 that tgey hacked was  proofcre tgis hotel this sets me back.. they KNOw it..i hadnightmare...i woke up crying..... and i needed to go out today.. but i am not doing somergimg when i know right now i cant handle it...  WYF coukd,? they KNEW my being in hotel not...

10_31mudniggt_530ampmgBANGINVyelli g above my roomlog by 10-29-20Lorie Sibre~ (nickname:princess lorissa~)

Lorie Sibre~ (nickname princess lorissa 10_30$20@1135 pm...right outside my room..hotel employees yellung to each other(itsSAME jerkoff guy 109 who moved to diff room and talks tooffice staff.. than having LOUD conv  rightOUTSIDE MY ROOM...WAKINg ME UP..10_31_20mosnighf into morning PEOPLE above my roomyellimng all NOGHT LINGMIDNIGHTo early morning.... thehotel staff, prob pcopsbc thetSTOLE from me 10_14 at cedars afyer i filed complaint against their det douchwbag in charge if victim svcs 10_14 they went in my car they stole my med records, ltrs to attys, its a boundary viokation and THEFT OFmY PROPETYY...THEY DONT GIVE A FYCK ABOUT MY WELLBEInG BECAUSE ThEY LIED AT ER 2_4'20 THE430 PM DR I NEVER SAW IR SMW..  DR LIAR SCHIFF KNEW A NURSE AT HOSP LIEDAND SAID' THAT I SAID GIBERSON PUSHEX ME"& I NEVER SAUD TGAT   I SAUD HE VJDEOTAPED ME GETTING INJURSDON STEPS, ITS NOT SAFE TGERE& SHE SAID'THEY CANT DO ANYTHING blut ubsafd apt:& ghe tgerapist i saw st end ...

rehotel9-24 _2020 someone broke coffemaker WHIlE i was @chikfilet~WGTSW

Blog by Lorie Sibre 9_25_2020 proof redroof areLIA NJSA 56:8-163 #IDENTIYTHEFT DATABREACH LAW, NJSA56:8-1,8-2 CONSUMERFRAUDACT,#INNKEEPERDUTY ( 9-13 card from "taxi" in unmarked car& that day my phone REAL STATICY&  then,9_24 _2020 janet,redroof front desk VIOLATES NJSA56:8-163 DATABREACH IDTHEFT LAW,COMSUMERFRAUD ACT, INNKEEPERDUTY DELETES my dl,phone nimber address AGAIM...tgen9_25_20_ they harrass me...then10_5_20 stalkerover PRECISELY WHERS THEY DROPPED ME OFF9-13_20, wgich laquinta, giberson cops ,dv ,211 on tgd hook for mhsemotional distress trauma fr being stalked, etc   nickname: Princess Lorissa) STOP spelling my name wrong name is NOT spelled"lori" or"laurie'(& liar  HORrUBKElisa giberson did that& i haveBPRoOF OF MY CORReCTING JuDGe & THAT THECOIRT iGNORED MY VM RELISA GIBERSIN NAME WRONG...HER NAmE iS NOT LORI(JUST SHkWS HOWHORRIBKE LIAR JEALOUSTHEY ARE)  noone may  DISTRIBUTE, COPY, PRINT MY BLOG WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSIO...

myblog re how i feel

 so i already said....i amNOTchanging for anyone ..if you cant accept me as i am now.. you certainly will not get me at my best ~i feel so hopeleszbc if LIAR janet 9-25_ what starbucks well as gibersin etal& thefyc_&$n 6 priorLIAR HOTELS...plus8-18 accident....they were horrible to me in my birthday....i didnt have breakfast...had lunch....they were sych as$&$ at starbucks....and7_11 takes my  little bit if energy to get to wherever iam going that day& they were as"_$s....its a tech,security co bc well WTF could stalk? since i moved to that apt.....i blocked my exes,gibersin etal & giberson was on my facebook which he stated ON THE RECORD...2_4_20 i specifically mentiined my facebook bc giberson  REMOVED board from step that fell beliwat when i gotback, saw they werein area, removex board&did NOT repair step, i was upset...who wouldnt be? the stalker was lurking2_4 near apt& pRob at ER2_4 ~~~whatdo you th...

starbucks EMPLOYEE lied10_17& said'no croissants, then says"tgey are frizen"& i say i will take it anyway& it wasNOT COLDNOT FROZEN SGE LIED..LORIE SIBRE (PRINCESS LORISSA)"

 10_17IHAVE VIDEOPROOFblackWoman@STARBUCKSliedTo me saix'NO CHOCOLATE CROISSAJTS' 'they are frozen" and i said i will take one anyway.. she hands it to me...itsNOTfrozen ..not cold SHE FUCMM LIED TO ME... HOW WOULD FAcEBOOK,starbuxks, techstalkerharrassers,  LIKE TO HAvE SOMELME LIE TO THEIR MOM And TREAT HER THIS WAy? THAT GROUP OF WOMEN AT STARBhCKS LIED TO ME...THEN THEBLACK THUGS WALK BY LAUGNING.. THOS ISNT FUNNY   I FEEL LIKE AFTERCONRAD RAPED ME ...YOUGUYS aRE HOrRUBLE PEOPLE forlyomg badmouthing me to my son&ithers  ESP REDROOF ,laquibta,hamoton,ecinolodge, THIGSAND GUBERSon , NJSP KOWALSKI, DSJG DET DOUXHEBAG WHO SAID I WAS GULLIBKE AND NAIVE AS HE REVOCTIMIZED ME2008 & i went in there starvucks yesterday10_21 &SAME black woman cacklimg in drivethru& they asked for my name put so much sugar in my iced tea my kidneys hurt& they dont want to be mistreated bc they are black but their behavior riots, and stuff like this PROVES it wasNEVE...

10_20UODATE.starbucjsSAKEemployee OUT ton of sugar in my drink wgen ibsaudNO sugar HBSLRIH10_17 PROIFblack beotch st starbucksLIED...LORIE SIBRE (PRINCESS LORISSA)

10_20 update apparently this is typeof empkoyee starbucks wants their employes caclke purposely fyck up orders for OVERPRiCED drinks 10_20 UPDATE..I went to this starbucks2 times after10_17 bith times the guy at drivethru window were extremely nice... however today,10$20, the women asked my name& were gossiping, shrilling laughing when igot to window i asked for icedtea NO SUGAR they put so much sugar in my iced tea i cannot drink it.. & they did it to be vindictive no class women they are as DANNY saud'she cant give refund over the phone.i didNOT ask fir refund. i said i have fatigue and couldnt go in stire at this timetoget correct drink . that black employee was there as they ALL CACKLED and put a..ton of augar in my wouod think starbucks would want to retain customers rather than be vindictive cackling hens 10_17 PROIFblack beotch st starbucksLIED& said'nochocolate croissants'& when i asksd again she said'they just pulled them...

10_16lorie sibre,(princess lorissa videoblog) they keep messimg witb my vm...

10_16 yesterdayhanet gotel harrassed me tryjng ti viokate miratorium.order AGAIN ..jist liie9-25,10_11, it tajes me dats to try to get back to kinda ok...that beitch KNIWS her actions sends me to the edge.. there areCOUNTLESS OTHER PEOPLE HERE BEFIRE I GIT HERE. I HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE9_13 .they keep fyckong witb my vm.. texas tags here10_14 ..i NEVER lived intexas...the tezas stALker athotel i was at 2_4-2_6'29-2&6;2_7_20 i get threatenrd by ashole janet who is tryimg to violate moratorium AGAIN jist like9-25(day agter she deleyed mu infk ftom profile & i added it bavk)& todayphond co is gasliggtkng...just LIKE AT COiRT9_1& _-&_PC FF LOEKIFES apparently LIKEguys wHO TRY TO KILLL THEIR WIVES & bodi that thig eho drugged me2006, ..they are LURKKNG(8-94&2003.. BC THEY DID NOTHING...THeY SUCK ..DONT GO TO REDROOF INMT LAUREL IF YOU ARE A VICTIM.BC THE HOTEL ARE ASSHLKES....JUST LIKE CEDARS ST MEDFIRD& GIBERSKN ETaL ~~LORIE SIBRE (NICKNAME PRINCE...


my proof 6_5_20 th5at hotel employee lied @rodeway inn slanderimg my name PROOF HOTELemployeeLIED slandered my name(this AFTER i went to my apt& saw theySTILL Had electric off 6_3-6_5 and all the food i bought6_3_20 was bad. SAME date6_3_20 giberson, moule, boyle, dobbins harrassed me asSOON as i got back from store6_3_20..i was at hotel6_3_20:6_7_20& that hotel discriminated against me, gave me room upstairs@hotel,blaxk guy watchdd me struggle to get my things upstsirs as THE BLsCK GuY LAUGHeD.. & cleaner& hotel guest 10_14 commented on my disability askkng what is wrong , my disability so did stephanie hotel employee..THAT IS DISCRIMiNATION...THE HARRssment by redroof employees guests( bc they would stand outside my room LOUD middle if night..walk by hit my door etc) has caused me emotional trauma LORIE SIBRE(NICKNAME, PRINCESS LORISSA) NOTICE: NOONE MAY USE, ALTER,COPY MY VIDEOS BLOGS,POSTS

7-8-@7am giberson,etal did NOT repair steps ~lorie sibre (nickname: princess lorissa(NO1MAYalterCOPYusemyPOSTS,videos,blogz.

7-8-@7am MY PROOF THAT LiSA&jamie giberson,etal did NOT repair srtps as TOlD TO BY NJSP7174 in7-7-2,0 &8-10$19 giberson etal harrassed me trying to constructive illegal evict me, NEVER repaired steps railing deck as they said they were& all that dogpoop on my deck is PROOF 148a boyle,dobbins, southampton auto tresspassed on my deck PRECISE time period steps tampered with WHILE i was at store...i do NOT have a dog.... lorie sibre (nickname: princess lorissa) NO1mayALTERusecOPYmyvideos,blogs)..

10$10 &10_15re redroof inn viokatngmoratorium lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa)NI1MATalterCOPYuseMYvideos,bloh

the redroof inn knows my exbf   rr aka bodi rowlet who i have FRO against.(&EHO WAS ST SOUTHAMOTON AUTO VIOLATING FRO). i waa just ONCE AGAIN threatened by janet, telling me i have to leave saturday'or thet are calling cops" UUUMMM ThERES A FYCKOMG MORATIRIUM..bY LAW IF SHE CALlS COPS .THEy HAVE TO StoP HER FROM MAKInG ME LEAVE CAUSING ME TO BE HOMELESS.. BC eVERY FYCKKMG HOTEL HAS DONE THIS& ITS ILLEGaL&discrimination...THERE aRE COUNTLESZ OThER PEOPLE HERE who were here BEFIRE i got here9_13& they are still here...and they tampered eith my redroof acct...identity theft REDROOF OS IN THE HOOK FOR THAT AS  WELL YESTERDAY HITEL GUESRSSTOLE FROM ME.. & i was up all night muscle spasms, back paim, and i took wuick shower ,put trash in trashcan& LITERALLY as soon as i went back in my room TODAY10_15 JANET   calls HARRASSES mE& tHREATENS ME causing me emoto ional trauma lorie sibre (nickname: orincess lorissa) NO1mayALTERusec...


my10_13videoblog re what po, hotel, jerkoffs comp co did(got name of CO AT7_11)(& virtua emt lowlofes left area as well) and10_11 i offered to buy breakfast,drinks for 'roxy"( my tank top stolen) "sam(whatever her name is bc sheLIED about that("on10_10 she refused and said no when i offrred to buy her breakfast , she saud no, then she said she was thirsty. i iffered to take her through drivethru and get her something(rather than just give her water i figured she could choose what she wanted....she said NO(& right befire i got to office i saw who lefr the hotel lobby)..she lied to me....even though i was emotionally traumatized bc of hotel,po, ins, dsjg liar thugs dud19_6-10_10 ..i STILL offfered to help her...i didnt know how i could help her bc i wasAlREADY upset . but i tried(&NOt 1 of the hypocrotucal lowlofes DID THAT AS I WAS aT LAqUINTA& WALMART PARKOMG LOT offered or said anything.. )...roxy,samantha, wtf her name is,LIED to me...DELAWA...

njsp7174toldGiberson tofix step&THEY didNOTfix it_7 part of my proif re GIBERSON harrassing ME..lorie sibre(nickname, princess lorissa)NOTE:NO1mayAlterVPPYuseDISTRIBUTEmyVIDEOS,blog

LORIE SIBRE(,nickname:princess lorissa) video proof ~NOTICE; NO1 MAY ALTER ,COPY,USE,DISTFIBUTE MY VIDEOS,POSTS,BLOG~~ MYproof 7_7_20 lisa giberson harrassing me 'to see if' i am ok" and calling cops to do that whichIS HARRASSMENT..SHe she doesNOT LIKE ME&KNOWS MY EXi haveFRO agaiNST& THEREORE THE LIAR LISA GIBERSON WAS NOT CONCERNED IF I WAS OK.. SHE wAS HARRASSiNG me , calling, then banging on my door& i told Her to STOP HARRASSInG ME7_2_19 i am listening to my12$24_19 proof my asking mechanic re my brakes 12_24_19 giberson own auto shop right on property (day giberson etal FAILED to abate property they NEVER registered or obtained cert of occupancy for& therefore NOT allowed to collect rent & must pay to relocate me), giberson et al.,southampton auto tampered with my brakes12_24_19 amd AS I WAS LISTENING TO THIS..NJSP 11_4_19&njsp 7174,(12_14_19njsp)AND LISA GIBERSIN HARRASSING ME "TO SEE IF I AMOK" which lisa giberson...

12_14_19 911 njsp7174,8154,8188"Response " AFTERAttempted breakin@my apt)VideoBy lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa

Lorie Sibre(nickname: princess Lorissa) video proof re 12_14_19 attempted breakin @my apt AFTER 12_9_19 township,'jon'& giberson at my apt for "inspection' ~ NOTICE:no one may alter, distribute ,copy ,use my videos mY video proof 12$14_19 I CALLED 911 AFTER ATTEMPTED BREAKIN( i was LITERALLY on my deck for a minute and then someone tried to breakin& this was afyer,called 911&3 NJSp 7174,8154,8188"response" as they stood on my deck &fu__n left.. & it should be noted ..i had a complaint against a NJSP DETECTIVE IN CHARGEOF VICTIM SVCS WHO, AFTER TELLING ME I WASGULLIBLE & NAIVE", TOOK ADVAnTAGE oF ME aND REVICTIMIZED ME..and when he said"he was telling my exes i was his' i told him "do NoT ConTACT ME AGAIN" bc i was NOT his ..i NEVER called him by anything otier than his title DSFCJG which he did NOT deserve for what he did.. no diff than my abusive ex butWORSE bc he used his b...

11_4_19 my proof lisa gibersin harrassing me with by lorie sibre(princess lorissa)NO1MAYalyerCOPYuseDISTRIBUTEmyVIDEOS,postsBLOGSphotos

11_4_19 lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa video blog ) PROOF that 11_4_19 LISA GIBERSON CALLED MY VM & heard they are legally liable to relocate me, then she harrassed me "to see if i am ok"(trying to infer she liked me when she stated multiple occasions she does NOT like me&'neither do boyle,moule,dobbins,southampton auto employees(whO ALL TALK TO EACH OTGER& MADE NO ATTEMPT TO TALK TO ME(except few occasion someine was there who must have been watchjng ...then they said'hi' to try toAPPEAR they are friendly  ajd i am NOT wheb thet IGNOREDme, harrassed me,slanderedmy name) , 11_4_19 njsp HEARD re 8_10_19 steps,railimgNOT FIXED, 8-9-19 putwindowUNDER my steps where guys UNDER my garage apt could VISIBLY see as i walked up,down steps& ) dId NoTHING,..then  my medical AND pharmacy records tampered with, mail stolen, 12_13_19 stslked from atco dr to store, phone hacked12_13_19,attempted breakin12_14_19(njsp7174,8154,8188blew me off _ dIdNOTHING)...

10-9 videoblog re my day..~lorie sibre (princess lorissa)NO1mayALTERuseDISTRIBUTEcopyMYvideos,Blogs,Photos,i ALWAYSlivedInNJ

lorie sibre(nickname: princess lorissa) videoblog 10-9 videoblog re my day what PO stalkerLIAR harrasser did&10_11, LIARS,r,el,jb &RR& nect day they wereAs___AGAIn just like9_25&@ hotel near here which i PROVED hOTELs LIED JUST LIKE GIBERSON ETAL LIED... ~lorie sibre (nickname:princess lorissa) ~~notice~~NO1mayALTERuseDISTRIBUTEcopyMYvideos,Blogs,Docs,Photos~~, so it may APPEAE to some, i am upset for no reason, however  ,  looking at my video proof  of how giberson etal harrassed me, slandered my naks, illegal evocted me causing me emotional trauma and flashbacks wheb i was teen..just like bejng at hotels has done& the trauna harrassment by liar hotels ,8-18_29 car accident, AGlfTER call from harrasser, the stalking ,  what hotels did like19_10,9_25,9_6,9_13,8-187,13,7_17,uts traumatizing me& thats MALICIOUS INTENT BY THEM... I ALWAYS lived In NJ

10_11 MY VIDEO BLOG...MY DAY...~.LORIE SIBRE(nickname: princess lorissa) NO1MAYuseAPTERcopyDISTRIBUTEmyVIDEOS,blogs,POSRS,photos~~~

20191229my vidro proof re my brakes12_24on my hondaSUV afterGIBERSON soithampton autoFAOLEDtoAbateMyApt&failedINSPECTION (lorie sibre(nickname, princess lorissa) NO1mayUSEaltercopyDISTRIBUTEmyVideos..

9-26 proof 211 LIED&gaveNOinfo ~LORIE SIBRE(APRIMCESS LORISSA)no1MAYuseAlterCOPYmyVIDEOS,blogs,photod,photos.

  9-26 proof 211 LIED&gaveNOinfo AFTER she said i didnt have to give to get info from211 so 211 gave NO INFI NO assistance for homeless as i aKjed..AGAIN...just like9'13_20...and all the other times i called7-8-20_ 9-26_20  ~LORIE SIBRE(PRINCESS LORISSA)no1MAYuseAlterCOPYmyVIDEOS,blogs,photod,photos .

9-26 proof 211 LIED&gaveNOinfo ~LORIE SIBRE(APRIMCESS LORISSA)no1MAYuseAlterCOPYmyVIDEOS,blogs,photod,photos.

7_17myproofThat connor@ hamPtonLIED, lorie sibre(nickname:princess lorissa)No1MAYalterCopyDISTRIBUTEmyVIDEOS,BLOGS,POSTS,PHOTOD

ANOTHER hotel violated moratorium order106 .lorie sibre(princess lorissa) NO1mayALTEEuseVOPYdistributeMYvideis,posts,BLOGS,PHOTOS

2_4 PROOFreSTEP,@.36youHEARboardfallBelow..lorie sibre(nickname:princess lorissa)NO@MAYuseALTERcopyDISTRIBUTEmyVideos

2_4  my PROOF re step@ 7am,@.36youHEARboardFROMstepIWasJUSTonFallBelow& er LIED didnt believe me  & i said gibsesons but thst got cut off fir some reason(gibersom & kowalski harrassed intimidated made fun of me8_10_19) , lorie sibre(princess lorissa )no1MAYuseAKLTERcopydistributeMyVideos~

10_5@3amSOME1 calledMYhotelRoom&said NOTHING&SAME date the hotel ployee made reservatiom&putEROMGphone number(even thougH I GAVE CIRRECT NUMBER) just proof, LORIE SIBRE(NICKNAME 'PRINCESS LORISSA) VIDEO..~~NOTICE~NO1MAYuseAlterCopyDistributeMyVideos