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Showing posts from March, 2022

ExparteCommunication_Judge&atty~COURTstaffPREVENTEDmefromBEINGheard @.46... ~Tge court staff kept hanging up for1 straught hour i have video proof theresa corson saumying"she will let me participate&2_25_22 redroof wereNOT prepared..&9 they transferred me to judges chamvers said"judge is "digning in"& then transferred me to "breakout ropm & hung up on me& guess whobis harrkngyon's secretsry? d. allwes whp sabatoged EVERY one of my emergent complaints against lisa and jamie giberson. 2_25_22 i submitted proceedings docs exhibits,trial info ,& redroof attys didNOT ejter apoearajce & judge harrington had expartecommunication with rotsides who KNEW since6_27_22 and during my complaint againstgiberson i do NOT agreean&d begnar gray KNOWINi FIleD Docs AND WAS THERE since855am.... violated rpc~~~~~~~~~ court employees areNOT allowed to sabatoge impede a pro se litigants right to be heard involved in court proceeding like they did2_25_2&3_11_22& dud2020...

re 3_11$22 court DISCRIMINATED, GASLIGHTED, Maliciously caused me emotional distress, from850am to 945 am 1 hour kspt hanging up on me, & REDROOF OUTSIDE MY ROLM BANGING ON WALL HARRASSING ME& TGE HARRASDER ABOVE MY ROKM STMPINGTFNPsa ,

  not @ redroof anymore , redroof told by mt laurel nj cop messa 12$11_2020 they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave again my proof NJSA 56:8-163 # IDENTITYTHEFT,DATABREACH BY #REDROOF they were REQUIRED to report &did NOT report   9_25$2020 my email to redrpof corp i submitted through redirewards website re redroof janet, sean areLIARS as they tried to illegal evict me since9_24_2020& this was ALSO my proceeding document i filed, exhibit 2_25_22 which burcivil IGNORED as did court @.04  tc to corson then they it says"you will be moved to the meeting" my proof i called liars case management who MALICIOUSLY 1hour kept hanging up on me to PURPOSELY with reckless intent to cause me emotional distress while redroof etsl outside my room during that hoir violatimg my right to privacy which is a tort i can sue redroof for    cert ltr to atty watt revocation poa(& told him by phone10_2020 as well. he ignored my calls, vm) (poa in fire proof safe ...

redroof TOlDtheyCANbeSUEDbyMeiftheytryToKickMeOut~12$12_20@3.09,3.26,3.48

7_29_2020 dv adv hotline being ah...kept hanging up one....i had complaint against njsp detective im charge of victim svcs...dv adv should knoW better but wereABUSIVE AS..LES...hung up.on 3_11$22 SUPPODEDCTO BE CMC BUT IT WASNT.. IT WAS HARRASSKENT THROUGH COIRT...3_11_22 the court kept hanging up on me from850 am through945 am_1 hour of court #gaslighting,#intentionalinflictionemotionaldistress WHILE REDROOFWERE EVESFTOPPING VIOLATING MY RIGHT TO PRIVACY ~lorie sibre proof redroof vandized my sweatpantsMore&they,and giberson AND cedars all hirdd weisshoff richards(greeblnblstt lieberman    who comnitted fraud stole all ke amd my son property at apt_ theyKNOW who has it&wereORDEREX to return property amd fire proof safe&didNOT 12$12$2020 proof mt laurel nj cop told redroof they can be sued by me if they try to make me leave again ~~~~~~~~~~ Lorie Sibre (nickname: Princess lorissa) I amALWAYSoriginal &NEVER a follower ~~i haveALWAYS lived in south jersey,c...

Lorie sibre note~7-8-2020 -After I called corruption number,. A state if nj div health , talking to Giberson &2 njsp (&det car at 148A A state nj employee did not cite Giberson 7-8-2020IMMEdIATELY for UNSAFE the steps Giberson failed inspection for 12$12_2019 WHICH WERE NOT safe to use& ( LISA GIBERSON was told 7_7_2020 by njsp7174 to FIX THE STEPS, THEY DID NOT FIX THE STEPS 7-8-2020 & that state nj employee, 2 njsp talked to Giberson Who then threatened forced me out of my apt….7-82020 DURING MORATORIUM& Redroof LIARS know Giberson ET AL. & hire SAME ATTYS GREENBLATT,WEISSHOFf, ET AL. … &all me and my son property at apt stolen 8-5_2020-3_7_2021_, they ALL knew4624_20 I wanted SINCE11_2$2020 …..and when I was teen, black state nj employee at our apt, then they fuckomg steal all my property when I was a teen and state nj does that AGAIN,? WHILE I HAVE COMPLAINT AGAINST NJSP? RE #william mwatt, esquire, #redroofmtlaurelnj, #greenblattliebermanweisshoffrichards,Cop@redroofHotel,#redroofemployeesi put this on google maps& watt deLETED but ATTORNEY VIOLATED RPC 8.4 AS GREENBLATT LIEBERMAN(POHLE) KNEW I WANTED ALL MY PROPERTY SO DID WILLIAM WATT ESQUIRE, AS DID WEISSHIFF LIEbERMAN RICHARDS (SAME LAW FIRM AS OF5_2021& REDROOF,GIBERSOB,ETAL, NJSP,MT LAUREL NJNPOLICE INVLUDING HERMAN10_24_2020,MCGINNIS12_8_2020 ETC ALL KNEW I WAnTED ME AND MY SON PROPERTY #usps, #redroof, state nj employee7-8-2020 knew& left!!!!! didNOT cite giberson etal forUNSAFE steps,structure,virtua,lourdes,Amerigroup,GIBERSONETAL8-2019_7-8-2020,3_7_21 #ATTORNEYCODEOFCONDUCT VIOLATION, #POAFRAUD (THEY LIED ,PUT I WAS IN ER WHEN I WAA AT DRS2018_2020&lied 2_4_2020 SLANDERED MY NAME,I NEVER SAW OR SPOKE WITH430PM DR WHO COMMITTED FRAYD,SO DID VIRTUA,LMA ER AS ZERO CARE GIVEN 2_4_20, #innkeeperduty ,#redroof, #hotelliability,#premisesliability, #LANDLORDLIABIlITY,#HOTELLIABILITY,#PREMISESLIABILITY,#FRAUDBYCOURT, #COLLUSION

#poafraud  not@ redroof anymore   ~HTBTWSLHTTS 8-94 my proof photo cops took of injury left side head&report & i tokd mcginnis12_2020 that redroof employee stole my leTtEr to8-94 ER WHO LIED, COMMITTED FRAUD, MED MAL(WHICH I DID NOT KNOW)& REDROOF STOLE OTHER MAIL OF MINE...IDENTITY THEFT& COPS& DV ADV BLEW ME OFF AGAIN....~ and hacjer stole photos off my phone&, STOP FUVG HAVKONV MY PHONE, STEALING MY PHOTPS..MYOU AH STOLEALL ME&MY SON PROPERTY AT APT...YOU ALL KNEW I WANTED ......ITS NOT FUNNY.. IHTBLSAOALRIH my bedroom closet1$2019~my clothes STOLEN INCLUDING COATS,JACKETS,COWBOYSCOATS, ALL THOSE SCARVES (EXCEPT 2 I TOOK WITH ME7-8-2020 BC i said i was going to hotel bc i was told by NJSP8204 that "giberson were repairing steps so SAFE& i could return next day'MY BEDROOM CLOSET1_2019 BEFORE GIBERSON,ETAL RANSACKED MY APT& STOLE FROM MY APT(including ~2$1_2019 stole my anchor necklace From sealed box  my ltr to Redroof,...