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Showing posts from June, 2023

5_18_23 my son said he would see me in june& i did NOT get to see my son or talk to him & 5_18_23 tye LIAR extendedstay jo were evesdropping as i talked to my son5_18_23(whichvis #intrusionuponseclusion)( i was emotionally sistressed bc of stalker did to my phone at precise time liar redrokf atty shimberg files doc (& its fraudoncourt,#rpc violations which attys,court staff MUST report and did NOT haveNOT seen my son since2020& havent spoken to him since5_18_23 _ wexwere close& AH CACKLONG LOWLOFES LAUGHINGBTHINKOMGVIYS FUNNY...TRUST ME, ITS NOT FUNNY& GOD DOES NOT THINK ITS FUNNY. I miss my son ~ghmbmsb.ntb . liars KNOW i want to see my son ,talk to him(he said he was going to see me in june and i didNOT get to see him ~wgrsvtbstaoa and have NOT spoken to him since5_18$23.. (&5_18_23 LIARS STALKER HARRASSED ME THIS DATE SAME PRECISE TIME5_18_23 REDROOF ATTY VIOLATED RPC JUDICIAL CANON CODE OF CONDUCT( this is NOT right NEITHER IS ESA,REDROOF,CEDARS,GIBERSON,ETAL LYING SLANDERING MY NAME(~GHMBMSB.NTB _ me& my son were ALWAYS close, & they SLANDERED my name to my son , his friends, our family, biz i go to ALL AFTER 2008 filing complaint against cops and moving to cedars(whoni THOUGHR were nice but NOT anymore after how they treated me& my son at apt2008-2014 )& want a friend,boyfriend , 6$18 esa TRIED to illegalevict sayijg"could NOT find my acct"& i told esa AGAIN re stalking, harrassment, my 5_23,5_25,5_26ltr emsil,6_1_23 otr which i showed and showed my5_29_23 bbb complaint with mybattachmebts (proof no smoke detector 9-22,, bathroom fan, hotel registrations9_22&9_27 proof dl tampered with on that)& ah at esa front desk was saying "dobyou have conf nimber'& i said i have been here since9_2022& after1 hour i tood esa i amKITERAKKY SCARED TO GO NEAR THRM BC THEY KIED, SLANDERED MY NAME, HARRASSED ME , STALKER AT ESA AND ESA KNEW didNOTHING, KIED, as did prob cops bc i tokd them12$2022 and....2020 (they bkew ne iff and after that ibwas in car accident staljer was kurjing tgat woman who did it beige highlander had no ins )6_24_23stalker @ esa, 6_25_23 stalker messed with my phone AGAIN11AM CAUSING #IIED,& 6_24_23 AFTER10 OM.PERSON ROOM NEXT TO ME BANGING MAKING TON OF NOISE LIKE 10_28_22-3_2023, PERSON WITH KODS DID & ESA KNEW, #EXTENDEDSTAY, (esa),#redroof,#choicehotels violated NJSA 56:8-163 #IDENTITYTHEFT DATabreach law they are REQUIRED to report & did NOT , they LIED,SLANDERED MY NAME, RETALIATED JIST AS LIARS CEDARS ,GIBERSON DID,#laquinta,#daysinn,#motel6,#choicehotels,#hamptoninn,(6_24_23 i am having muscle weakness left side bc of stress and so esa AH WATCHED me struggle(like liars redroof,sleepinn, etc did& at target last wwwk i was dropping things)_ the stalker is at esa6_24_23 so i was struggling but knew i had to do it without going back to my car bc AH AT ESA watching beingah...i get on elevatir(9-25 liar front desknin area)& as i get off i am struggling and the guy was a JO( not that i would ask fir help OBVIOUSlY bc ah esa,etal dont care and i amNOT asking as noone had to ask me, i just TRUlY helped & was NOT an ah(maybe thats what my mom meant2005 she said that i am an angel and most people arent like me) they are ah who slandered my name to my son, our family(2015 ah stalked me to my mom's),&my son friends but ENTIRE PIUBT IS THEY VIOKATED #RPC, #POAFRAUD COMMON DEMOMINATING FACTOR: NJSP, mt laurelnj&cherry hill nj cops(2020&2022), (redroof atty shimberg is CH MUNICIPAL JUDGE, attys@ his office njsup ct mediator& STARENJCAMDENCOUNTYHHS EMP) judge harrington(&his staff)SAMEcjidge as11$2019 re giberson(illegal garafe apt failed inspection)& law firm of greenblatt weisshoff lieberman&richards(pohke ,rotsides )simce2014@ cedars , giberson_&redroof

my son has NOTHING to be sorry about( my son is a good guy)      t his is re ah who slandered my name to my son: take your NONsincere sorry & SIUYA , bc IF you were TRULY SORRY, YOU would RIGHT your WRONG &  return my fireproof safe & me& my son propertySTOlEN@ APT 2021 & redroof LIARS wouod give me monies owed per my12$2020,1_2021,6_2021ltrs etc and esa woukd give me MoNIES they OWE me per my12$24$22 ltr, 2_7&3_6_23 njdca complaint, 5_23,5_25,5_26,ltremail, 5_29_23 bbb complaimt, 6_1_23, ltr, 6_1423 bbb complaint ( including lies slander in8-94 chart that REDROOF emp STOOE11_2020,2_4_20&apt2014_2021(#illegalapartment,   stoLe my fire proof safe,&all me& my son property 2021 WORTH OVER $30,000 AS ITEMizED liSTED IN MY EXHIBIT A& UPDATED EXHIBIT 'A'8_31_21   (& pohle said giberson STILL had it4_202 1)& would STOp s LANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON   & IF YOU DONT LIKE ME ,  THEN TELL ME, ...


d uriNG PRECISE TIME2020_4_2021 I HAVE COMPLAINT AGAINST NjsP RE2019-7-8-2020, LANDLORD,GIBERSON,ETAL  dEFRAUDED LaRCENY ALLme&myson PROPERTY2020-2021@  #ILLEGalAPARTMENT  FAILED INSPECTION ON COMMERCIALLy ZOneD PROPERTY2014-7_8_2020 , NEVER registered   no coo they LIED ,  ethics violations by state nj employee(i had complaint against njsp2020&2008) INCLUDING 7-8-2020STATE NJ EMP who saw steps NOT safe, did NOT cite giberson and OBVIOUSLY did NOT get me IMMEDIATE SAFE HOUSING7-8-2020 not 1 of the attorneys or court employees reported violations of #collusion, #corruption, #ABUSEOFAUTHORITY #attorneycodeofconduct, #judicialcanoncodeofconduct,#poafraud,#collusion#innkeeperduty,#hotelliability,#stalking,#identiythrgt NJSA 56:8-163 , judge harrington REFUSED to recuse& i think he knows my exhusband(whose nephew (older than me) is a cop in gloucester county prob njsp dsjg2008 &2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others USINGli...