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Showing posts from March, 2023

9-2022 cops @ #sleepinn (#choicehotels who viokated #njsa 56:8-163 6_3-6_7_2020,8-18$2020-9-6-2020,) cops BLEW me off re 10_24_20 #redroof stalker tresspassed my carthey LIEd just as #redroof did re 10_24_2029 stalker harrasser tresspasser ,oh wait sleepinn liars said REDROOF, KIMBKE PATEL CALLED THERE SlandERING my name& SlEEPINN VIOLATED L2021,C189 #INNKEEPEErdUTY, &#CHOIcEHOTElS,#REDROOF,#EXTENDEDSTAYAMERICA violated NJSA 56:8-163(& SLEEPINN FRONT DESK LIED AS DID REDROOF 1_2021 SAID"THEY CALOED COPS FOR ME BUT 3 COPCARS, YET ONKY 2 were talking to me, and i suspect third cop was unknowingky talking to the stalker liar from redroof, #IDEnTITYTHEFT,#DATABREACH LAW ~Lorie Sibre(princess lorissa NOT@redroof since9_22_22@ esa stt ch nj

  2015SomeAh wasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others USINGliesFROM8-21_1994erRecordThat LIAR REDROOF EMP stole11$2020 8_21_94,2_4-20 is NOT funny..NEITHER  LIES,SLANDER in my charts,prescriptionins records,&liesslanderpostedre me online aftrnmovingto apt2014_2020, NJSA 56:8-163, #abuseofauthority #identitytheft   njsa56:8-163 AM PRO SE PLAINTIff, i tried getting atty since2014- but LIARS cedars,etal, giberson,etal,redrpof etal slandered my name as did VIRTUA,LOURDES,CFG,anthem,amerigroup NJSP, mt laurel nj police     ( if i could undo all i did above& beyond at mmh(15 years) ,i would bc MMHmedmal pi attys&SAW my er 8-21_94 chart&RETROSPECT knew erLIED,didNOT doc/treat my tbi   therefore if i WOUld undo at mmh all i did ABOVE &  BEYOMD (including taking fop calls,referencecounsel,opposing counsel, coworkers, who ALWAYS asked me for info and i ...

3_20_23@26 BOOM! PROof #stalking,#extendedstayamerica harrassed me JUST like 9-25_22(& i told cust svc this 9-25_22 after harrassment, and front desk LIED , discriminated 9-25_22@.35 @.23,.53 SHOWING REPORT FROM94 & telling MT. LAUREL NJ COP Mcginnis154 12_8_2020 that ER LIED in my8-21_94 chart&REDROOempStole my letter to94ER #VIRTUA,#NJSP, Giberson HARRASSNG me 7-8-20calltoCorruptionNumber( #njsp) re stepsNOTrepaired BEFORE Giberson harrassedthreatMe 7-8-2020@7am..stepsNOTrepaired 7-7-2020 NJSP,VIRTUA, Giberson HARRASSING me 7-8-20-3_7_21THEYstoleAllMe&MySonProperty@aptTheyThreateedmeFrom just some of my prrof of the #gaslighting,#iied,liES ,SLANDER MY NAMEINCLUDING211...&#redroof hiredSAME attys GREENBLATT,ETAL that rep me &ViolatrdRPC AS I said i doNOT agreeExHIBIT C&D(who illegally c...

Lorie Sibre (nickname: Princess lorissa) I amALWAYSoriginal &NEVER a follower I am caucasian , have fair skin , naturally curly hair, hazel/green eyes,longLegs,high cheekbones,&ZEROtattoos~wgthcw~

  #extendedstayamerica are harrassing me, evesdropping (intrusion upon seclusion tort) Violated NJSA 56:163 #databreach, #identitytheft law as did #redroof ,#RODEWAYINN,#ECONOLODGE,#SLEEPINN 2$26&2_27_22myvideo proof #redroof stalker harrasing me@esa 12$8_2020@ #redroof prpof copsKNEW &lied 2_28_23 3/5,3_6,3_9ESA harrasse,d me, 10_24_2020 officer herman KNEW re stalker& my property@ apt 11$22_22 esaGMvkmew11$18$22 someone@ esaSTOLE MY MAIL&NEVER CALLED ME RE THAT 9_22$22 PROOF ESA KNEW NO SMOKE DETECROR BEFORE they gave me room& maint put inAFTER i said sonething9-22_22 EVERY TIME hoUsekeeper didNOT CLEAN MY ROOM RIGHT & i boughtEVERYTHING FOR MY KITChEN,BATHROOM, BED SO I DONT NEED HOUSE...