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Showing posts from July, 2021

7_17 am emplyee redroof office whoIGNORED, mE,_&JANET AND JAHDd at office so i left, mail was dated7-1&7-6 unsealed envelope, redroof NEVER told me & harrassing REPEATED phone calls to my hotel roon, cop@ redroof, # redroof know LIAR jamie, lisa giberson, southampton auto, 7_18mail which wasNOT in bin for my room bit out on counter, dated7_1 UNSEALED ENVELOPE & HARRASSING CALLS7_14,7-157_16,7-17 ALL DAY...THEY SAY NOTHING....REDROOF&GREENBLATT IGNORED MY LTRS received by them7-1_21 _ATTY ETHIcS VIOLATION..THEY KNOW JAMIE&LISA GIBERSON WHO KNOW MY EXBF I HAVE FRO AGAinST&WAS@SOUTHAMOTIN AUTO 5_2020 715_21my proof #redroof mt laurel nj employees harrassing me@ 41banged on my door said i had mail and stephanie said"no mail&PROOF #USPS tampering with,delaying, NOT promptly delivering my mail"...

7_17 harrassing callsALL DAY...TGEY KEPT CALING HARRASSING ME, WHEM I ANSWERED they saidNOTHING..then i call7-18@ABOUT9AM hotel guy says'mail on counter"(why is MY mail on cpubter &NOT in slot for my roo(bc SOMEOME at hotel read it..prob had it ...KEEPING envs for evodenve as to who touched my mail)&7-17  i go up a little whi/e after, i get in office hotel employee sees me ,ignores me ,& i was on surveillanve whichSTALKER i left bc janet there,and jAHde NEITHER of whom i want to even talk to given their harrassing, discriminatory,unprofessional, rude, ignorant behavior so i went back to my hotel room...harrasser kept calling REPEATEDLY saying nothing . including again 1220pm....i cant even answer hotel phone bc #redroof harrassing me&they KNEWjahde was an was janet,sonya, tj, etc &rightAFTER woman who was i my area, about11amupstairs..left5 minuteslater7_15_21my proof #redroof mt laurel nj employees harrassing ...

7_16 #redroof mt laurel, nj employee shoving cart DIRECTLY AT MY CAR AS I PULLED INTO DRIVEWAY...AND GARRASSING CALLS TO MY HOTEL ROOM ALL NIGHF DAY7_14 TGROIGH7_18,7_24 @514 PM..SOMEONE KNOCKED ON MY DOOR AS SUV WENT CREEPING BY..TOWARDS OFFICE........thatsxwren #redroof mt laurel, nj mployee who12_8 evesdropped on me with veejay ownerAFTER i reported tgrm fir tryimg to illegsl evict me_7-16 the guy said tgere was"mail on coubtet"AFTER someine kept calling my room gareassing SAYING NITHONG wheb i answered....7_27@9 am...i go diwn tgere and tge scumbag jabet is there ..i amNKT dealingcwith tgat garrassing LYING BULKY THUG SO I LEFT...THE GUY IN ROOM DOEN NEAR OFFUCE WOTH SOME WOMAN BEING ASSHOOES...I AIMT JEALOUS...YIU ASShokEA ARE THE ONES WHO LIED SLANDERSD MY NANE TO MY SON AND OTGERS,VANDALIZEDY CLOTHES...LIARCHURCH ASSHOLES GOD SEES YOURBULLY NO KIND HEARYS...JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS A KID...SO STOP LYING SLANDERING MY NAME TO MY SON& video proof_ #redroof mt laurel nj hotel BLACKemployeeON videoSHOVuNGcart TOWaRDSmyCarAs i pulled into drivewayparking lot of hotel(stalker at cvs,and in area...theres cop athotel...i had complaint against njsp&redroof employee in nov 2020 who LIED impersonated njsp_hesNOT his brother is(&JAHD was with that jerkoff guy), i had complaint against mt laurel nj police as well bc they have KNOWn stalker harrasser@#redroof and didnothing...NEITHER did#redroof which makes them LEGALLY LIABLE AS ThEY FAILED THEIR DUTY TO kEEP PREMISES SAFE, REVIEW SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE10_24$2020.....

  (7-17my car ins bill stolen_STILL not st po7_26_po employees are tampering with mail ,altering scans NOT PROMPTLY DELIVERING MAIL delaying mail ,OR NOT DELIVERING my mail (my bath&body works, kohls, victoria secret ,etc mail STOLEN) ...MY CAR INS BILL NOT AT PO7_17... STILL NOT THERE7_26,(its always there by 17th), OTHER MAIL STOLEN i got po box so my nail WOULD BE SECURE&NOT TAMPERED WITH,.. since po knows my landlird who is trying to defraud me out of my property(&i at apt_tried appealing to po employees "heart' 7_12... i consider this malicious intent to harm me' mail semtto labdlird7_12 wasin mt laurel nh(NIT where i sent it)& said'return to sender&isNOW AT PO...BUT NOT MEDForD NJ PO WHErE IT SHOUlD BE 7-16 VERY DATE THIS LTR TOLANDLORD was in MT LAUREL NJ PO (not where i sent it)AND #REDROOF EMPLOYEE SHOVEd A CART DIRECTLY AT MY CAR AS I PULLED INTO PARKING LOT(VIDEO PROOF) AND HARRASSING CALLS TO MY HOTEL ROOM 7_14-7_18& TH...

7_15 i have VIDEO proof #redroof about4pm going by my room towards handicapped area thrnBANGING on my door as they walked by saying"you have mail"& i call office re this andFACT since1pm someone has been calling my rolm all day...i answered they said nithing& stephanue says"theres no mail forme"& they LIE about everything prob lying about this& 10_5 stephanie was emplotee who was with sonya at office when my acct tampered woth&someone added resrvation i did NOT make whicg i deleted... redroof keep harrassing calling my room 1 ring 115pm..2pm...7_13,7_11)i have video proof plus vidrobprppf jaAHde sayongPH SHuT UP AFTER I SAID I AM PUTTING THEM ON NOTICE(6-29 TOLD HER THAT BC SOMEONE IS HATRASSING ME...I SUSPECT ITS REDROPF EMPLOYEE(hAHD is who was woth mike redroof employee who LIED impersonatedNJSP as i was being harrassed by stalker tresspasser(7_15 i got police on video goimg by dyring this time...which i say bc tgerescop at tgis hotel~GSBNKBTTBNT11_2020 /watch?v=bljc39RmrrM& 7_16 #REDROOF mt laurel nj shoving cart at my car s i pulled in driveway @.41BLACK woman BANGS on my dpor harrassing me saying'i have mail"(i dont get mail sent to#refroof bc you cant trust them)& i call office and stephanie saus"tgeres no mail"& i tell her someone is harrassing me calling my room ALL DAY REPEATEDLY, SAYING NOTHING...#REDROOF #HOTELLIABILITY,#STALKOMG,#HARRASSMENT,#PREMISEZLIABILITY,#DISCRIMINATION ADA NONCOMPLIANT REFUSED TO GIVE ME HANDICAPPED ROOM NEAR HANDICAPPED PARKING  lorie sibre(princess lorissa) 6_27 i was physically threatenedby a redroof mt laurel employee or guest upstairsAFTER janet hotel manager harrassing me, took note i had on my door they discriminated, didNOT give handicapped parking,didNOT reimburse me for my property vandalized& towels,sheets ,etc i boughtbc they withheld svcs (5_14 i asked janet re thi...

7_3, i get back to hotel& they took clise spot and stalker harrasser at hotel kept remote starting my car tresspassing harrassing me.....

  7_3 i getback from going to po &biz who know cedarsAND giberson...they take close spot(blacksin spot)& thrn harrassimg remote startomg my car tresspassing...i tape everyone in area.bc its someone at hotel since10_24_20..blaxkguy upstairs tapimg me(he same areaas6_27 woman who threatened me, blaxk guy near her&wren was talking to them &JANET HARRASSED MEAND WEnT TOWARDS ThAT AREA LIKE1_3_21 WHEN SHE hARRASSED ME SCREAMINg WEIrDO AT ME AS I DIDCOPINg TAPES BC TGEY TOOK CLOSE SPOT) pressure in my head bad and i was having tremors.AFTER tge dirtbagsredroof hypocrites  harrassed discriminated against me.cant sleep in either side head(like8-21_94 bc like i told LYING NOT HEROS EVIL PATIENTFIRST, LOURDES,VIRTUA...MY FYVKOMG HEAD HuRTS, PAIN IN NECK,BACK BURNING..NUMB ...THEY ARE EVIL...SO IS REDROOF BC TjEY ARE LIARS ....... this is me...i just moved my car bavk AFTER REDROOF ETAL HARRASSERS parked in CLose spot AFTER getting my letter7_1- they areSTILL DISCRIMINA...