7_17 am emplyee redroof office whoIGNORED, mE,_&JANET AND JAHDd at office so i left, mail was dated7-1&7-6 unsealed envelope, redroof NEVER told me & harrassing REPEATED phone calls to my hotel roon, cop@ redroof, # redroof know LIAR jamie, lisa giberson, southampton auto, 7_18mail which wasNOT in bin for my room bit out on counter, dated7_1 UNSEALED ENVELOPE & HARRASSING CALLS7_14,7-157_16,7-17 ALL DAY...THEY SAY NOTHING....REDROOF&GREENBLATT IGNORED MY LTRS received by them7-1_21 _ATTY ETHIcS VIOLATION..THEY KNOW JAMIE&LISA GIBERSON WHO KNOW MY EXBF I HAVE FRO AGAinST&WAS@SOUTHAMOTIN AUTO 5_2020 715_21my proof #redroof mt laurel nj employees harrassing me@ 41banged on my door said i had mail and stephanie said"no mail&PROOF #USPS tampering with,delaying, NOT promptly delivering my mail"...
7_17 harrassing callsALL DAY...TGEY KEPT CALING HARRASSING ME, WHEM I ANSWERED they saidNOTHING..then i call7-18@ABOUT9AM hotel guy says'mail on counter"(why is MY mail on cpubter &NOT in slot for my roo(bc SOMEOME at hotel read it..prob had it ...KEEPING envs for evodenve as to who touched my mail)&7-17 i go up a little whi/e after, i get in office hotel employee sees me ,ignores me ,& i was on surveillanve whichSTALKER saw...so i left bc janet there,and jAHde NEITHER of whom i want to even talk to given their harrassing, discriminatory,unprofessional, rude, ignorant behavior so i went back to my hotel room...harrasser kept calling REPEATEDLY saying nothing . including again 1220pm....i cant even answer hotel phone bc #redroof harrassing me&they KNEWjahde was an ignoramous...as was janet,sonya, tj, etc &rightAFTER woman who was i office.7_17..in my area, about11amupstairs..left5 minuteslater7_15_21my proof #redroof mt laurel nj employees harrassing ...