REDROOF hotel mt Laurel nj that woman with blaxk guy next to her harrassd threatening me after kiar janet in my area AS SION AS I GIT BACK FROM STORE_ SGE WAS HARRASSING ME ANTAGONIZING ME .by their employees & threatened by guest who was talking to REDROOF employee wren RIGHT BEFORE THIS.....&MT LAUREL NJ COPS REDROOF NJSP ARE LEGALLY LIABLE .10_24_2020_12_14_2019TO PRESENT #STALKING,#HARRASSMENT,#PREMISESLIABILITY,#HOTELLIABILITY,#CORRUPTION, 6_27 woman who threatened to" up'after Janet in my area HARRASSING me as I got back from store 115 saw...heard...went to office...said nothing...she talks to cop who harrassed me and is staying at hotel I posted this..hacker LOWKIFES stole my photos from LAUREL AND NJ STATE PoLICEKNEW so did nj but cty court. STATE NJ ... AS DID VIRtUA, AMEEIGROUP LISR CASEWORKEE, PROV HOUSE.,COURT # CORRUPTION....WIMAN WITH BLACK GUY WHO TGREATENED TO FY..K ME UP ADTER JANET ON MY AREA HARRASSING ME No call from court. ..they ignored my emails vm ...TOTAL CORRUPT STATE STATE NJ DOESNOR GIVE A FUV..ABOUT VIVTOMS DV...NEITHER DO STATE NJ PPLICE MT LAUREL NJ POLICE AMD CERTAINLY NOT MER HANTVILLE. MEDFORDPOLICEe,sup court, burl cry.....don't hite DONER or watt...they receive and took advantage of me...REDROOF mt Laurel nj discriminated, withheld services, I bought my own sheets. Towels,blanket, I have bee. Harressed (including by njsp and my Laurel nj police and REDROOF AFTER I filed complaint against njsp(12_2020) & mt Laurel nj police physically threatebed, attempted break-ins at my thecourt stonewalling me ..fraudbycourtand this hotel have lied slandered my name to my son & others, DRS LIED...Virtua, EMT ah slanderedmy name to my son and others I NEVER gOtme&my son'sPropertyFROMapt,NEVERgotMoniesGibersonOweMe PROOF_MYjudgmentAgainstGiberson lorie sibre (princess lorissa since7_8@hotel, since 9-13_20@SAMEhotel,SAmeroom,NOmicriwave,NoFRIDGE,NOTHandicappedRoom&NOTnearhandicappedParkiNg iAMcaucasian,have fair skin,Hazel/ GreenEyes, NATuRALLYcuRLYhair,LONGlegs,High cheekbones,~TF~twgStb&ALWAYS original&NEVERaFOLLOWER WARNING~no1mayUseALTERcopyDISTRIBUTEprintMyPosts,PHOTOS,Videos,Drawings,avators,documents,notes&dontAskMySon ~~NOTE~$£~~IF you stole,lied,slandered my name to my son& others,then KEEP your bad kharma,negative energy,NBFT&STOP stealing,lying, slandering my name to my son&others ~ #corruption,#landlordliability,#illegalapartment,#illegaleviction,#premisesliability,#dOctOrsLIED
6_27 woman with black guy , who threatened to fuc# up'after Janet in my area HARRASSING me as I got back from store I havevideo proof of this..... 6_29@quikcopy in medfordANOTHER LYING #$_ . BOOM HERES MY PROOF....THEY LIED AGAIN(& THE WOMAN AND EMPLOYEE WWRE DOING SOMETHING RE STARE NJ ..WHO KNOW THEY LIED SLANDRED MY NAME, GAVE ZERO CARE8-21_94 ....ASK THOSE LIARS MERCHANTVILLE POLICE, CHERRY HILL ER EMT, COIRT STAFFF,STATE NJ WHAT THEY DUD WHEN I CALLED911 ...BC TGEY EITHER IGNORED IT OR WERE A$__ LIKE @AT AND HOTEL MT LAUREL NJ hotel manager,who discriminated harrassed me screaming weirdo at me1_3_2@&10_18_20 called me weirdo in front of guests,employees, outside my room 6_28 as I got back from store& she took my note off re5_14 I asked if they were reimbursing me for my property vandalized, towels,sheets,blaneys,etc I bought bc they withheld svcs ,are they moving me to handicapped room bc they discriminated..she hung up...then they ILLEGaL...