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Showing posts from May, 2021

i NEVER got me(&my son's )property ftom apt & LIARS THUG ARE LISA& JAMIE GIBERZON,SOUTHAMPTON AUTO NJ NOT HONEST WHO ALSO HAvE UJAUL&TOWING BIZ IN MT LAuREL NJ& mt laurel nj cops&liars # redroof harrassed me ,stole from me, vandalizedmy property

nj courtombudsman didNOT help...she didNOT call me morning june8 lie she said she was   i NEVER gOtme&my son'sPropertyFROMapt, NEVERgotMoniesGibersonOweMe PROOF_#corruption 8-5_20my proof that i filed verified complaint& WRONG,addrsss puT on it& courtiNvluding debrah IGNORED MY EMAILS& VM The courtAND lyong NOT honest southampton auto, janie,lisa gibersin, KNE&BO SUCH LTR WAS EVER SENT TO MY PO BOX ,DESPITE MY REPEATED REQYESTS TO COURT VIA VOICEMAIK&EMAIL WHICH DEBRAH, ETC IGorRED ..MY REPEATED i want me&my son property&to send me ltr to po box which wasBEVER sent(8-7 i sent money order& my verified complaint in&this date8-7-20@chapel ave, cherry hill nj po& theySTOLE itor court employee was ashooe put8+7 WHEB MY VERIFIED COMPLAINT FILED7-288-5-20MAIL THST LYING DEBRA PUT WRONG PO BOX,,:& IGNOREDMY VM AMD EMAIL JUST LIKE 11$27_20THRU_5_2021(dCHERRY HILL NJ PO DIwn street from where my exbfbo...

5_17Redroof VIOLATED MORATORIUM & CHECKED ME OUT OF HOTEL_WHEN THEY& COPSKNOW I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO ..after5_15 i asked janet if redrppf reimbyrsing me for clothes vandalized,csr vandalized,property stoken,redroof discriminsted withhekd svcs & didNOT give handicapped room near handicappex parkomg&janrt hung upbon me after i asked that _15,5_13,5_10Asholes@ redropf vandalized my car,& harrassed me& asshoie mt laurel nj cop was an ashooe, 5_6ASGOLES@REDROOF Vndalized my car,_27-5_4 harrassdd by #redroof& mt laurel nj police&soneine @redroof vabdalized my car5_4-5_5& 10_24_2020 mt laurel nj cops bell& herman AND #redroog KNEW& NEVER LOOKED ST SURVEJLLABCE...JUST LIKE5_2 2 PEOPLE GRIED TO GET IN MY ROOMABOUT730PM....#refroof wre legally liabke& fir slandering my name, discriminating harrassing me bc if my disabikity, FACT i habe anxuety,panic attacks, ptsd from trauma&FROM HARRASSMENT,ATTEMOTRD BREAKIN,MY CLOTGES, VABDALIZED ASXWELL AS MY CAR& FACT GIBERSON ,SOUTHAMOTIN AUTO NEVER SENT ME LTR HOW TO SAFELY GET MY PROPERTY(& MY SON( FTOM APT& 10_25 HERMAN KNEW THAThese photos, videos, drawings, avators are mine&NOONEmayUse...4_27-5_4_21 copsAND #REDROOF HARRASSED me & between5_4 to5_6@7am someone @redroof vandalized my car_i reported to cops.5_6_21 the hacker hacked my phone AGAIN via bluetooth&keep turning location on(which i have location turned off

div class="separator" style="clear: both;"> mt laurel cops did NOTHING.i had cplaimt agaimst nj stats lolice detective in charhe of victim svcs #corruption,#illegaleviction,#constructiveevictiom 5_6_20 my car vamdslized after#redroof harrassed me4_28-5_4_21(&5_2-5_4 harrassed me withSCIP to slander my name JUST LIKE MCGINNIS154 DUD12_8_20& NJSP 8020 8_10_2019 AFTERI REPORTED WHAT HE DID,8-9-2019(& HE PRINTED OUT POLICE REPORTS ON UHAUL PAPER WHICH MEANS HE WASNOT AT POLICE STATION) GIBESDON HAVE UHAUL (GUYNAMED ROBERT WORKED THERE,& PA TAGS THERE 2014,2025) my ltr i emailed to #redroof 12$28_20& they IGNORED & then tj,etal LIED1_2021 who do you report corruption numberto bc i called them7-8-2020BeORE giberson harrassed,threatened me the retired cop@ hotel (appears to be in same car mike,hotel employee was in 11_8_20) liar tj gave collingswood nj number &NOT number forhotel regardimg my car ...

#stalking,#harrassment,#corruption,#domesticviolence,#landlordliability,#hotelliability,#illegaleviction,#illegalapartment,myblog rePO& gibersonLYING bc theyNEVER Sent ltrTo me how i can SAFELY getMe&MYson'sPropertyFromApt ,NEVERpaidMoniesOwedMe(lorie sibre,nickname:princess lorissa_since7-8@hotel,since9_13@SAME hotel, SAME room ,NOfridge,/microwave,NOThandicappedroomNOTnearHANDICAPPEDparkimgbc#REDROOF discriminatedIS AREA WENT UPSTAIRS

my proof re my emergent complaint, fact i was not given emergent hearing,& fact8+5 court putWRONG pobox650:debra& court IGNORED my eMails& vm re same ..then11_27-12_24DONT UPLOAD MY VERIFIED COMPLAINT& IAGAIN IGNORE MY EMAILS& VM ..10-2020,GIBERSON IGNORED MY BAXE,& CERT RRR LTR SIGNED FOR NY LISA GIBERSON11_2@SOUTHAMPTON AUTO ASKING TO SEND ME LTR TO MY PO BOX HOW TO SAFELY GET ME& MY SON PROPERYT ...GIBERSON FAILED TO COMPLY WITH LAW ENACTED TO PROTECT TENANTS FROM THIS VERY THING ..proof that the8_5,8_20 mail re order to show cause...DELAYED my emergent complaint proof 8-7_20my order to show cause  which court TIMESTAMPED8-7 VERY date i mailed This doc @chapelave cherry hill nj po DOWN street from where my exbf bodi aka rob i have fro against ,used to live gibersON lied bc theyNEVER gabe me monies owed& my property(& my son's) from apt(&~HTCtsw  court ENTERED WRONG 1_2021just likeDEBRA did7_27-2020) as judge corrected9-2020 as...