my blog regarding #corruption,#discrimination,#stalking#harrassment,#hotelliabilitu,#labdlordliability,#illegalapartment,#illegalevictionredroof employeestole from my room,vandalized my clothes my room, vandslized my car, harrassed, stalked me, discriminated against me didNOT give handicapped room near handicapped parking,slanderedmy name,as did other hoteLsAFTER going to apt& giberson etal retaliated8-9-2019-7_8_20 harrassed me,slandered my name,& retaliatedzAgain 9-3$2020 AFTER i got jidgment inMY favortAGAIBST gibersob fir what they dud7-8-2020&rhey haveNOT paid me monues & returbed my property AS ORDEREDBY COURT9_2_20& HAVE not sent me ktrEXPLAINING how i canSAFELY get my properyyper my 10_2020&1_2021 cert ltrs sent to them& sogned foeAT SOUTHAMPTOred speech, nN AUTO4_5_20redroof employee orguest fucjedcwoth my car(AFTER EADTERWENDYS GASLIGHTED HARRAZED ME,LIED JUST LIIE ERICA DID csusong me emotional trauma)_mike was mechanic,115 dirtbsg woman worked on cars(3_25),,guy in pink jerp 115worked on cars(10_2020)& stephanies husband is mechanic, guy red car pa tags who was also at wendys3_2020)11_3 guy at office who touched my coat& pulled belt off it as they were behind me& all redroof employees saw& didNOTHING_ exceptc tel me my belt was on floor) was mechanic(& tgat day my steering wheel making sound it wasmt makong before i last used it)_,& giberson own sputhampton auto...theyDID THIS ST APT....& MT LAIREL DIrrvAG COps knew this10_24_20 so did redroof so they are legally liable& mikes brotger is a nj state police officer & i hBe complaimt againat nj state police for harrassment@ apt which was illegal spt & they should have cited giberson,southampton auto immediately& got me safe housing& they didnt reertyFromApt_4_3515 pm someone tampered woth my profike& took off disabked room(JUST LIKE THEY DID9_25_20..THEN GRAY CAR PULLS IN AREA LEAVES...ANOTHEE PEFSON JUST ITTING THERE WERE AT113 ..SO , THEY ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME& FACT I HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS, AM BY MYSELF(why i tape like i told8-9-2019 njsp 8020_mt laurel cops....20 REWARDS POINTS ARE SHOEING which meams domeone st redroof did that,wont let me usethem& chargedme$80 fu..n for a room withNO microwa e& fridge when their website says my roomcomes with that ...NOTICE:~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Primt,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~&dontASKmySon ~~ ~IF NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,&dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i am ALWAYSoriginalNEVER a follower ..
lorie sibre (princess lorissa) WARNING~NOTICE :~NOONE mayALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE,Print,MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,DOCUMENTS,COPING TAPES,NOTESi&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN(including stolen property at apt &fire proof safe(2020_3_7_~&dontASKmySon 4_27_21 refroof tridd yo get in my roon, i got a newcard,5_1asshooe at redropf cancelled my card...i orderedfood....theySTOKE label off one of my items& the guy wasSTARING at me(like the stalker@virtua10_10_2019& this is PRECISeLY what i meant by redroof slandering my name 2_4_2020 proof VIRTUA,LOURDES,HamPTON EMT,liars withalicious premeditated neglogent criminal intent commitedeMEDmal,Gave zero care,kidnapped me slandered my name, harrassmsnt by#redroof&cops,#virtuahealth Lorie Sibre photo i took of myself at my car10_12_21 WEARING sweater stalker11_5_21, stole out of my bag under cart After i went to atty for def giberson office 12$12...