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Showing posts from February, 2021

redroof employee jabet harassing me instead if answering WHO CALLED my r...

proof12_4_20 icalled office to find out who called my room night before93p0mjanet harrassing me, lying inferring i called to CHAT about her when i callednight brfire&S W. SONYA,bc of redroof employee tampering with outlet in my room& then jaNET HARRAZSES ME,CALLS MEBACK TO harraaas, INSULT ME CALL ME NAMES....WHEN I PROVEDHER,&CERTAIM REDROOF EMPLOYEES HARRASSEDME,DISCRIMINATED..& SLANDERED MY NAME SINCEI FILED COMPLAINT AGAINST BLACK NJSP DET IN CHARGE KF VICTIM SVCS ..BC HE REVICTIMIZED ME, WASSAYING FYCKRD UP SHITLIKE'HES GOMNA TELL MY ABUSIVE EX I WAS HIS'& I WAS NOT HIS, HE WAS SUPPPSED TO BE HELPING ME WITH HARRASSMENT BUT WAS MAKING INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS SO I TOLDHIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE stalker STOP STaLKInG ME, STOP EVESDROPPING ON ME STOP HARRASSING ME, (&that includes STOP hacking my phone&putting disgusting pervert words in my video traffic analytics(like you did11_24)&,on the heatwr temp thing(AFTER liar st hotrl ssud"sh...

10:20p. rdfrppf put peopleABOVEmyROOMmakkngtibOfnokse&blackCarBLOCKKNGmy...

~~illegal selfhelp evicton  methods by LIARS REDROOF(their empLoyees LIVE IN THIS BLDG)HARRASS  thEY GoSSIPED SlANDDRRD My NAMe TO JusT LIKE LIARS GIBERSON ETaL DID.,virtua etal,cedars maint man& liar cops8020,8204_, cop154  I GIT A JIDGMDBTeAGAKNST THSM FOR TGEIR ACTIONS7-8-20. ReDROOF WERE WARNED BY12_12 COP NOT TO TRY tO MAKE ME LEAVE.. THIS IS ILLEGAL SELF HRLP EVIVYIoN PLUS NO HOuseKEEPING., vandalism to my car, property ,stalking(1_13 tj LYinG trying to deflect...& thats NOT how it works.. i calksd cops on redrpof10_24_20..they FAILED to take sppripriate security measures to protect me & tell me who redrOOf ARE ON THE HOOK FOR HARRSSSMEBT ,STALKING&MY EMOTIOMAL DISTRESS BC OF THEOR MALICIOUS_. lorie sibre(princess lorissa) fyi, i didnt just make up a name_, my name"lorissa" is a nickname from when i was teen, I have ALWAYSlived in SouthJersey Contrary to lies Slander I have NOT dated Since2007when my exhusband choked me Slammed my...

2_7PROOfreINSc 10 ins cards withdrs infoWRONGcountyWRONGlocatiom& WRONGphone number ocean county nj INSTEAD OF DR I CHOSE1_6_21,1_1_20 BURLINGTIN COUNTY NJ & ITS STILL WROMG COUNTY ADFRESS FOR DR&LISA FRAUDULENFLY SUBMITTED APPLICATION AETNACVS WITH WRONG COUNTY DR HAMILTOM NJ MERVER CTY NJ JUST LIKE SOMEOME ST AMERIGROUP DUD& MY EX CHEATDD IN ME EIYH SONEONE WHO LIVED IN POTTSTOWN, PA WHO WORKED at 94 ims co& was tamoerimg with my info viokating my hipaa phi 2015, lisa gibersin was takkmg guy at 148a im2016 to drs apots&THATS wheb tamoerkmg with my info began(there wers nurses st 148a as well

LORIE SIBRE(PRINCESS LORISSA) SINCE7-8-39,Ilive@hotelNJbcGIBERSINthrestenedMeTriedToKidnalMe) NOTICE:~WARNING~NOONE ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~ ~~ ~*~IF YOU DO NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST**~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i graduated high school at age 17(where: nj, otherwise... none of your biz.) i have been out on my own since age17 ...i am caucasian, have fair skin naturally curly hair, hazel/green eyes,sf~TWGISTTB Lorie Sibre (nickname: princess lorissa) ~~WARNING~~~ NOTICE:~~~ ~NOONE may ALTER,COPY, DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS, VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS, COPING TAPES, NOTES,documents&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~  ~my proof re ins co fraudulently tampered a...

11$8 re911&factTHEYbkewMeIffRE10_24_20STALKER@HOTEL my further proof, tc with cop today..lorie sibre(princess lorissa)

11$8 _AFTER10_14 MY DOCS STOLEN, the stalker19_24@hotel  remite starting tresspassing my car& i watcged from parking lot...NO CIOS WENT TO MY DOOR...TGEY WENT TO OTHER SIDE IF BLDG my further proof, tc with 911dIspatcher 36180gregirio  today WHO CALLED ME FROM NUMBERBEGINNING 60925665-- number,said sge was police disPatch&SGE WAS ASHLE...JUST LIKE911@APT  ...And askeD if i 'was in hotel lobby'..and i REPEATEDLY tOLd them, someine in hotel is ILLEGALLY TRESSPASSING remote starting my car,its MY CAR I OWN..I JUST GOT IT WHILE AT THISHOTEL & 10_11 ThERE WAS WOMAN SITTING IN LOBBY @redroof ,shE LOOKED upSeT...I GAVE HER A RIDE TO ECONOLODGE(ehich they stslked me tgere& tgere were3guys stanfing outsufe my roo mwhen i gitback frim store &they tried to get in myroomin broaddaylight(they werespeaking in another language ) & LEFT(SHE WENT TO ROOM133 'JAMES KERRIGAN' ...I HvBE NO IDEA WHO HE IS OR WHO SHE Was.. i just gave her ride bc of 9_13 i was in ...

#stalking PROOFhotel stalkingharasing meI WSNTgone15minbci found10in myb...

PROOF re harrassment, progressively worse& how cops,dv advovatesBLEWme off fact i showed cop 154 mcginnis PROOF re8-94 that i had serious head injury-& that thief at hotel stole ltr i wrote to er 1994 2_9_21 my phone hacked via bluetooth & I GETBACK TO HOTEL& STALKER REMOTE STARTS MY CAR,2_4_20@ PO, WHILE I WAS IN PO STALKER REMOTE STARTED MY CAR...10_24_20 copsi deduce KNOW who it was &mcginnis 154 cop has background in computers&VERY date he was here, owner&hotel employee harrassing me(bc owner,manager KnEW SINCE10_24_20& DID NOTHING), my phone hacked, email hacked& hotel acct& mcginnisKNEW & didNOTHING& NEVER got back to me re my medical , ins, and prescription records tampered with, or fact stalker at hotelsince10_24_20 harrassing tresspassing my car ,madeNO attempt to have dv aDvocate relocate me to safe housing..mcginnis & other cops After i filed complaint against cops, wereharrassing me INFERRING I CALLED911...

#stalking12$22_20 PROOFhotel stalkingharasing meI WSNTgone15minbci found10in myb...

LORIE SIBRE(PRINCESS LORISSA) SINCE7-8-20,Ilive@hotel NJ by myself AFTER GIBERSoN,etal threstenedMeTriedToKidnapMe) &ISTILL DO NOT HAVE MY PROPERTY(&my son's) FROM APT NOTICE:~WARNING~NOONE ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,NOTES&THAT INCLUDES IN ANY WAY ShAPE,FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~ ~~ ~*~IF YOU DO NoT ACCEPT mE AS I AM NOW ..YOU WILLNEVER GET ME AT MY BEST**~~~~ i am VERY loyal& if i say i love you, then i love you 100000000% ,& dont try to twist my words bc i amNOT with my exes,whom i did love but didNOT treat me right. i graduated high school at age 17(where: nj, otherwise... none of your biz.) i have been out on my own since age17 ...i am caucasian, have fair skin naturally curly hair, hazel/green eyes,sf~TWGISTTB #stalking 12_22_20guyharrassed me& then left & 737pm...caeSTILL BLOCKING MY car& LIKE I SAID TJ iS A DORTBAG LIAR BC SINCE10_24$20 HOTEL hAS KNOWN RE SRAKKER HARRASSER@hotel&...