proof12_4_20 icalled office to find out who called my room night before93p0mjanet harrassing me, lying inferring i called to CHAT about her when i callednight brfire&S W. SONYA,bc of redroof employee tampering with outlet in my room& then jaNET HARRAZSES ME,CALLS MEBACK TO harraaas, INSULT ME CALL ME NAMES....WHEN I PROVEDHER,&CERTAIM REDROOF EMPLOYEES HARRASSEDME,DISCRIMINATED..& SLANDERED MY NAME SINCEI FILED COMPLAINT AGAINST BLACK NJSP DET IN CHARGE KF VICTIM SVCS ..BC HE REVICTIMIZED ME, WASSAYING FYCKRD UP SHITLIKE'HES GOMNA TELL MY ABUSIVE EX I WAS HIS'& I WAS NOT HIS, HE WAS SUPPPSED TO BE HELPING ME WITH HARRASSMENT BUT WAS MAKING INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS SO I TOLDHIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE stalker STOP STaLKInG ME, STOP EVESDROPPING ON ME STOP HARRASSING ME, (&that includes STOP hacking my phone&putting disgusting pervert words in my video traffic analytics(like you did11_24)&,on the heatwr temp thing(AFTER liar st hotrl ssud"sh...
Lorie Sibre. SINGLE. fairSkin,Caucasian,5'6" HazelGreenEyes,NEVERsmoked ZEROtattoos.SINCE9-22$22@ Extendedstaystt ch nj,2021theySTOLEmySafe&;mySonProp@ILLEGALapt TheyKNEW i wanted per my pro se plaintiff 12$1_20 revd pg3 complaint.iAmProSePlaintiff.WaaSUPPOSEDtoSeeMySon4_1_24&didNOT. WARNING~NOTICE~NO1MAYalterUSEcopyDISTRiBUTEmyPhotosVIDEOSblogDocumentswithoutMySpecific Consent&priorConsentIsNOTValid,StopSlanderingMyNameToMySon&others