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Showing posts from November, 2020

2ASSHOOES parked in handicPoed spots@dollar store near starbucks no handicapped tag or plaquard_AFTER someone sigbed me up fir insragram &pa rags next yp ke& those Pa comp co LOELIFES better lraved me the fyck alone11_25(thanksgiving) janet@ redroof OVERCHARGED me $59.06& then royal farms STEALS FROM ME BY ChARGING ME FOR SANDWICH INEVER GOT AFTER11_8 MIOE HOTEL PLOYEE PA TAGS LIED SAID HE WAS A DET NJSP& HESNOT A COP...HIS BROTGER IS...JANET HOTEL EMPLOYEE KNWW TGIS11_26 AS SHE WAS CALLONG MY PHONE IN ROOM THEN MY CELL OHONE ...SO SHE GEARD VM REHERGARRASSING DISCRIMINATIMG MAKIMG FUN IF ME10$18 IN FRONT IF HOTEL EMPLOYEES& GUESTS lorie sibre(princess lorissa) ~notice~~ NO1 MAY USE ALTER, COPY ,DISTRIBUTE MY VIDEOS,PHOTOS,POSTS,bLogs,DRAWInGS,NOTES,DOCUMENTS~~&STOP LYING SLANDERIMG MY NAME TO MY SON &OTHERS~~

tiday12_3 janet IGNORED me.... and then puts chevkout tiday(&i just paid for today.. my fyckimg head, back, neck hurt worse bc if LIWKIFE LIARS janetetal guberson etal ..and bc of yesterday i dudbt do tiday what i needed tkbc a bunch if thig liwkife(2_21'14@ er includinv rightnxtt to me  ... & a week ir so aho...ablack guy BAJGED hard on my door and left in a car(i dont know who he was) i did NOT get whst ineed again  12_2 bc of harrassment they made noise all noght long_ just like thursday11_26friday saturday....then the  lowlifeperson white suv wat ching(just liie10_31,10_6,9-24etc) bc tgey took bith handicapped spots atdollar store12'2...12_2 tgru12_3am...tgey wereharrsssing banging loux wall, staorwell...kept wakimg me up...which us harrassment i didnt get out saturdat, sunday ,monday, tiesday bc if the harrassment here&  tgrn last nkght sone loelife woman& guy on motorcgcke kept me up all fycking nihht& tiday police in area& tgat LISR JA...

l8_5_20 PROOF mail grom court to me withWRONG pobox650&po put labelstatimg courtPUT WRONG address& put the mslsil in MY POBOX siPROOF po KNEW & did NOTHING..jist like devrah at coirt KNEW& ignoredy calls& emails& my7_27 emergent mtn was dismissed& not until8_29 was it rescheduled & THAT DELAY was malicious by courtemployee ...lorie sibre (nickname: princess lorissa) ~notice~~ NO1 MAY USE, ALTER, COPY ,DISTRIBUTE MY VIDEOS,PHOTOS,POSTS,bLogs,DRAWInGS,NOTES,DOCUMENTS~~ 8-5_20 my PROOF mail from court to mE withLABELfromPO stating itsMYmail & it hadWRONG po box ~~ 8_13@po STOLE mail& theyKNEW courtputpo box 650 ON MY MAIL& THATS NOT MY ADDRESS& THAT PERSON KEPT MY MAIL.... 8-7 i mailed at chapel ave, cherry hill nj po , my emergent doc&$75 money order to court which was STOLEN& it proves DELAY by debra & operations dept at courtof my 7_27 doc

  jidge made surs my address was CORREXT 9-1 SO IT WAS CORRECTED& THE THORF AT PO IN MEDFORD THAT GIT MY MAIL NEEDZ TI RETYRN IT SINCE TGE FRAUDDNTKY KEPT MY NAIL FROM COYRT& BOYIE,FIBBIJS FRAUDENTKY OPENDD& TAPED MY MSIL FROM COURT11_2019 TO WHERELIAR HARRAZSER MOUOE WAS_ ITS ILLEGAL ANX SO ISBISINESS MES DEFRAUDING OVERCHARGIMG STElING FROM CUSTOMERS LILE REDROOF& ROYl farmz dix tofay11_26& giberson takong rdnt5years illegal apt  lorie sibre (NICKNAME: princess lorissa) ~NOtice~~*~~~NOONE ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES,DOCUMENTS, THAT INCLUDES,IN ANY WAY,SHAPE,OR FORM ANYTHING STOLEN~ 8-5_20 my PROOF mail from court to mE withLABELfromPO stating itsMYmail & it hadWRONG po box (& note i went to apt this date trying to use steps but it was really slippery amd too steep incline, i could barely walk bc of muscle weakmess&stalker was at southampton auto so i did NOT feel safe& i went to po after t...

11$22 proofhow janet treatedme this morning & i think someone was st office &they didNOT tell me. redroof LIED11_18. they moved people to other rooms11_18&NEVER said a word to me as i was outside 11_18until130am&woman 2doors down talked to LIAR mike& he was here yesterday11$21& i call her up janet bc she hung up on me& she says'did who come back '?(wgich is why i said i think someone was at office and they NEVER called to tell me.& stephanie was in office DURING THAT TIME AS WELL &janet was harrassing me & theyNEVER called me11_8,11_18 sheNEVER apologized fir HEr discriminatory behavior&MAKING FUN OF ME,PUTTING mE DOWN IN FRONT IF EMPLOYEES& CUSTOMERs including10$10,10_18, & contrary to what janetTHINKS.. she doesNOT get to make fun of me, humiliate me, slander my name& then say'thats the end of it' bc WRONG , this is NOT the end of it .. janetSLANDEREDMY NAME, LIED10_18&11_18,AGAI 11_22& REDROOF IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR EMPLOYEES INCLUDING MIKE(MECHANIC) WHO LIED saidhe was a detective11_8(& hesNOTbut HIS BROTHER IS)& some mechanic at hotel was TRESSPASSING illegally remote starting my car& tresspassing wemt in my car from10_14 thruthizsmorning...and hhhhmmmm whathotel employee is SUPPPSEDLY married to a mechanic....redroof is LIABLE..... FOr THE ACTIOMS OF TG HEIR EMPLOYEES&GUESTS(STOLE FROM ME10_14 WHILE I DIDWASH), VIDEO TAKEN BY ME lorie sibre(princess lorissa) NOONEmayALTERuseCopyDistributeMYvideos,blogsPOSTSdrawingsPHOTOS

11$22 proofhow janet treatedme this morning & i think someone was at office& hotel did NOT call &tell me . &janetmade another disparaging remark vc i stsy in my room...i gave been MORE depresded,anxiety panoc attacks,flashbacks bc of THEiR harrasment& i told janet11_18 i could barely move bc muscle weakness bc of all that standing11_18&11_18 she said she would call me back & didNOT just like stephanie&sean did..yet today 11_22 i tell stephanie i am coming to office re my key& then janey harrssses calls me back(yetnEVER called me back11_18AFTER MANAGER &HOTEL OWNER were in re 11_18&fact NOONE told me what was going on(after 11$1)7 but told other hotel guests .redroof LIED. & no coffee, toilet paper, etc which is constructive ILLEGAL eviction..taking away service s, NOT giving me SAMEservice as other guests here...JUST LIKE THEY HAVE BEEn DOING...HOuSEKEEPER GOES TO ROOM ON OThER SIDE oF ME THEN SKIPS mY ROOM THEN GOES TO eVEsdROPPER O...

11_18VIDEOTAKEN hourAFTER womanBANGEdon my door&LIEDsaid"fireINattic ~&TGEN3_7_2021THERES FIRE IN MY BEDROOM AT APT AFTER I EMAIL COURT3_1$21 REI WANT ME ANS MY SON PROPERTY SINCE11_2_2029& STILL HAVE GOTTEN LTR FROM GOBERSON HOW TO SAFELY OBTAIN MY PROPERTY ~goberson ETAL COMMITTEX#LARCENY, #FRAUD,#THEFTTENANTPROPERTY, #FRAUDBYCOURT,#REDROOF,#PREMISESLIABILITY &stoleAllMeySonPropeeryFromApt including7-8-2030 propertySTOLENthatGibersinWereORDEREDtoPutIntostorage&tell me where it was& they didNOT.... Lorie Sibre (nickname: Princess lorissa)Iamcaucasian,naturally curly hair,5_'6',green hazel eyes ~i have ALWAYS lived in south jersey,currently since7-8-2020@ hotel,since9_13_20@SAME hotel,SAME room, no fridge,no microwave,DISCRIMINATED NOT nEAR HANDICAPPED PARKING,not handicapped room harrassed by hotel employees, AND PHYSICALLY THREATENED INClUDING AT HOTEL627_21 7-8-2020 it was ILLEGAL APT&lisa& jamie gibersonTHREATENED me,illegal constructive evict me& owe me6 times rent, my property(& my son's property ), security deposit ×7%interest, they forfeited12_2019 per my ltr,&noone has assisted me getting safe housing~ ~if you stole lied slandered my name to my son& others,the KEEPyourBAD negativekharma&STOPstealing LyingSlanderingMyNameTo MySon&Others ~ ~WARNING~~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT MUST be my authorization

video taken by me11_18 1245am THERE WASNO FIRE IN ATTIC& FIRE DRPT KNEW THAT WITHIN MINUTES lorie sibre(princess lorissa) NOONEmayALTERuseCopyDistributeMYvideos,blogsPOSTSudrawingsPHOTOS 11_14(2pieces of mail),11_17 (2 piexes if mail one from car ins co which they stole10_6 check from insco)po stole mail 8_13_20 po stole mail & i was at daysinn WHO STOlE FROM ME& harrassedme 11_18 so the akarm was going off forover10 minurez, then a LIARbanged on my dpor saying"theres fire in attic'& THE HOTEL TOLD OTgERS WHAT WAS GOING ON & offered to move them to ANOThER room...BUT NOONE SAID ANYTHInG TO mE ...HotEL STAFF STEphANiE WALKED bY towardsoffice...NEVER SAiD wORD to me...oWMER VJwWAS HERE IDEA EHI HE IS BUT I WAS TOLD HE WAS HERE...THE GUY FROM 2ND FLOOR WHO WAS IN MY AREA SAid D THEY told him thet WOULD MOVE HIM TO ANOTHER ROOM...THAT MEANS THOSE PEOPLe MOVED YO AnOTHEF ROOM WERENOT OUTSIDE FUVKOMG FREEZING (GIB...

11_8 OROOFmikehotel employee saud ge was detective njsp& hesNOT My coping tape proof that Mike,hotel emplpyee approached me& helied said he was cop &hesNOT(his brother is)...lorie sibre(princess lorissa) ~NOtice~~*~~~NOONE ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES~

  11_8 my proof i was doing coping tape bc cops BLEW ME OFF AGAIN....this is GASLIGHTING& STALKING ....I PROVED THIS GUY MIKE,hotel employee LIED SAID HE WAS A DETECTive& THeN HE SAYS IN FRINT OF COP"I MISUNDERSTOOD HiM& HIS BRoTHER IS A DETeCTIVE",.& LIkE I TOLD 8020NJSP8-9-19 I DO COPING TAPES TO pRkVE 148A,(boyle,dobbins)146,MOULE,ETC WERELYING bc THEY HARRASSED ME....TODAYTHISGUY, MIKE,LIED...SINCE JANET MADE FUN OF ME,PUTTONG ME DOWN.AS DID GIBERSIN ETAL....THIS COPING TAPE IS MY PROOFOF MY OTIINAL TRAUmA AT Dct stalkerwassralkomg ,turnjng my car on& hotel employee LIED saud he was a d3tective&SAmE10_24_19 COPHERE& DIDNT KNOW MY NAMe, DiDNT KNOW I SAiD10_24"20 TO HIM AND OTHER COPTHAT ITS MY CAR,I JUSTGOT IT AMONTH AGO...THEY SHOULD watch THEVIDEI ON STALKKNGBY A COp WHO SAID COpS SHOULD NOT BLOW OFF Stalking victim bc it gets progrsssively worse(& it has ,as my video proof2019_ present shows).. cops BLEWME THE FUCK OFF8_2019,10_20...

11_8 my PROOF as i was doimg copingTape mike hotel employee approached me&LIED said he was detective& hesNOT a cop ...lorie sibre(princess lorissa) ~NOtice~~*~~~NOONE ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS

i called njsp corruption number& like7-8 they said'i had to call'locaL police" WTF DOES THEIR CORRUPTION NUMBER flyeroSAY&I TOLD CORRUPTIoN NUMBER&&11-8 cops  dispatch DISPATCH MIKE HOTEL EMPLOYEE IMPERSONATEDNJSP DET& HES NOT A COP_ HIS  BRothER IS A COP   &12_7 about9pm cop lurkimg in area going towards  othsrbldg where  mike is ,mike the hotel employee who LIED saidhe wasnjsp det   11_8 my proof i was doing coping tape bc cops BLEW ME OFF AGAIN.. &MIKE, hotrl employee approached me,&LIED SAID HE WAS NJSP DETECTIVE_,hes NOT a cop ,hisbrother is..this is GASLIGHTING& STALKING ....I PROVED THIS GUY MIKE,hotel employee LIED SAID HE WAS A DETECTive& THeN HE SAYS IN FRINT OF COP"I MISUNDERSTOOD HiM& HIS BRoTHER IS A DETeCTIVE",.& LIkE I TOLD 8020NJSP8-9-19 I DO COPING TAPES TO pRkVE 148A,(boyle,dobbins)146,MOULE,ETC WERELYING bc THEY HARRASSED ME....TODAYTHISGUY, MIKE,LIED...SINCE JANET MADE FUN OF...

10_24 cop &10_18proofajanet,hotel emplotee, callingMeNames.. 10_24&10_18 proof lorie sibre(princess lorissa)NOONEmayALTERcopyDISTRIBITEmyVideisPHOTOSdocs,blogs,posts...

11_20 update_AS OF9_1 gibersonetal OWE me money&all my property &iHaveNOTreceived~~ &MIKE, THE HoTEL employee ,WAS HERE TODAY&11_8HE LIED to me& saId he was DETECTIVE NJSP &'to call police he would wait with me'& THAT LIARTHUG LEfT went to hotel office, AFTER HEAriNG BY DECEPTION MY INFO& THEN HE LIED TO ME 11_8after that IN FROnT OF COP & SAID'I MISUNDERSToOD HIM, that HiS brother is a cop, NOT him'(LOOK AT MY11_8 VIDEOS PROVING HE LIED TO ME& SAID HE WAS A DETECTIVE& HE WAS HERE TODAY11_20 in themorning & SOMEONE ACCESSED ILLEGALLY MY PHONE11$20....& my mail stolen below ismy proof re hotel employee janet making fun of me bc i do coping tapes(which i was doing when LIAR mike came up to me11_8_20) my video proof10_18 janet, hotel employee,IN FRONT OF CUSTOmERS&EMPLOYEes CALLED ME NAMES, MAKING FUN IF ME BC OF MY DISABIlITY& DOING COPING TAPES BC I HAvE PTSD,MDD,ANXUETY,PANIC ATTAckS for OVER10 YEARS&1...

11$14 po stole2 pieces of mail MY pROOF PO SAID5 piECES MAIL Saturrday & SUNDAY 11_15 before 830 ...

.. 11_17 ioUPDATE, IT SAID2 PIECES OF MAIL(one NOT scanned&BOTH STOLEN BY TIME I GOT TO Po, THE MAIL WAS STOLEN(MOVImG TRUCK LEAVING PO FROM WHERE POMAIL TRUCKS &mail ARE)&11_$14 MY pROOF sandra at PO SAID 5 piECES MAIL Saturday & SUNDAY 2 PIECES STOLEN(3 PIECES ScANNED, 2 PIECESNOT SCANnED so someome at po is tampering withinternal mail system,informsd delivery'kathy postmaster said"she is NOT concerned reail being stolen, delayed&to go to another po if i am NOT happy'(& i said"i pay for a po box so my mail is secure& the po, internet dept did NOTHIng as well...someone is altering scans, delaying, stealing mail' JIST LIKE TGETHAVE BEEN DOING AFTER I MOVED TO APT& GOT HARRASSED BY VETS(vet tags@148a&  my mail from court re ILOEHAL RETALATORY EVICTION ON ILLEGAL APT THAT GIBERSON COLLECTED$56,000 IN RENT ON, NEVER REGOSTERED,NO CERTOFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, MO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLUANCE(NO CP2 DETECTOR, NO SMOKE DETECTOR WIRES HANGIN...

10$24, my prpof officer herman said re hotel & fact its NIT safe for me at apt f

  11_14 sandra at po said tgere were5 pieces if mail amdnetween11_14&11_15 830am, someone at po stole2 pieces of mail...i go to po11_16& 2 pieces of mail tgey put bavk in theySTOOE(& movong truck thief at po leaving where employess park , mail trucks are11_16, i get bavk tp hotel  housekeeperin my area next door,guyin jeeparked  where i usually do& he NEVEE parks tgsre...he looks likecop& he was st 2 doors down  wirking in tgeir suv&AFTER thattgey were haradimg meremorestartkmg my car & they were coming up to my door11_8-11_10 reafkmg note& LAUGHIMG i afterresdomg note i wrote re garasment 11&7_11_8& 10_24 my proof re what officer herman said re hotel& gibersins and fact its NOT safe for me at that apt &today11_16 the gaslightimg narcissists at po &hotel STOLEs2 PIECES OF MAIL(TGAT WERE STOLEN11_14&& DAWN, KATHY ,LIVIMGSTOM ALL TGERE & WERE TGERE10_6,10_7,10_9 ETC DATESMY MAIL STOLEN,DELAYED NOT DELIV...


between11_14&11_15 po stole2 pieces of mail.. today11$15 janet mabager st hotel who made fun of my disabikity& fact i do coping tapes, tgatanager was at hotel office just stsring at me tryimg ti intimidate me  her behavior towards me is hatrassing ,tbreatening_ sge is NOT a goid mabaged. .. &11_14 cop behind me as i went to store in marlton& this is really fu' d up& its NOT ggckomg funny& STOP lying  tome&lying slandering my name to my son& others  so cops Did NOTHING re stalker stalking me since8_@ redroof in n remote startimv my car AFTER liarjanetmade fun of me bc of my disability doing coping tapes worseAFTER what giberson with malocious premeditated intent did10_2019. the cop njsp7174 from 12_14_19 attempted breakin KNEW this was serious...he saw 2_4'29 , etc. and he walked up steps so he KNEW it was serious & he told lisa giberson to fix the steps _ she did NOT ..whichi showex video proof re all this...includimg FACT i waa looking...

6_11proofNJSPWENTto148aBOYLEapt&BEFIREcomingToMyApyI CALLED COPS..lorie sibre(princess lorissa)...

6_11proofNJSPWENTto148aBOYLEapt(who works forgibsrson,southampton auto on landscaping equipment)&BEFoREcomingToMyApt&I CALLED COPS bc giberson etal(including boyle,moule,UNDER my they attemptedto illegally constructive evict me JUST LIKE6_3_208-9,8-10-8_13_19 ETC..7-8-20..SEEboyke HAND njsp SOMETHING BEFIRE COMING TO MY APT& i called them bc gibersin, moule, boyke,beige tru k guy were harrassing me& then lying lisa gibersonwho was at148a talkkng to cops as her husband harrassed me i am showimg this bc GIBERSIN, ETAL NJSP , COURT TOWNSHIP AlL KNEW ITs ILLEGAL APT& GIBERSIN ETAL REQUIRED TO PAy ME6 TIMES RENT TO RELOCATE ME(& THEY NEVER DID...THEIR HARRASSMENT ANDHARRASSMENT AT HOTELS CAUSEDME EMOTIONAL TRAUMA .. LORIE SIBRE (nickname:princess lorissa) NO ONE MAY DISTRIBUTE, COPY, PRINT MY BLOG WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION FROM ME. Thank you.

8_21_94MyProofERliedINmyDVchart..videoBylorie sibre (nickname:princess l...

video by lorie sibre (nickname: .princess lorissa) i have ALWAYS lived in Nj ~NOTICE~~~no1mayALTERcopy,distributemyvideos~ ~Note i postedthis bc UNBEKNOWMST TO ME ,they LIED SLANDERED MY NAME IN CHART8_21_94...JUST LIKE THEY DID2_4_20 8_21_94 my proof my video of my dv chart& fact cops wrote re knot behind my left side head behind ear 8_21_94, the ER NEVER looked at ir treated my headinjury..THEY SENT ME HOME SAME DAY&copsKNEW..retrospect, if theyKNEW my foof was broken...theyKNEW my heas injuryNOT treated or documented...i did NOT KNOW..then2_4_20 the ER LIES , TRAUMATIZES ME ,GAVE NO CARe, No CT SCAN FOR HEAD INJURY, no, xray left side back, sexually harrassed me AND kidnapped me becauseAFTER being in ER for HOURS , no care..i was leaving ,& dr sciff KNEW nurse at er LIED...she should be fired so should EVERY NURSE,ER STAFF, AND SECURITY on duty that was iny chattfrim11am to 1145pm 2_4_20&knew they LIED comiittex medmal& gave ME...

11_8y prppf they loosemed headlight, lorie sibre(princess lorissa)


11_8 mY prpof mike105 said he wasnjsp det_ he lied .....lorie sibre(prin...

 11_8mY proof mike105 said he wasnjsp det_ he lied& he was talking to hotel employeeand guy iN beige suv NEAR OFFICES&NJ 163 COP WAS AN ASSHPLE AGAIN...SO WAS CORUPTION NUMBER JUST LIKE7_8&8-17 WHO I CALKED AS I WAS BEING HARRASSED .. tgey loosened my headlight...took oart if trim offJIST LIKE ON MY SUV AT APT NEAR SOUTHAMPTON AUTO OWNEF BY JAMIE& LISA GIBERSON & COPSBLEW ME OFF AMD NJSP8020 LIED8-10_19 LIED... lorie sibre(princess lorissa) ~NOtice~~*~~~NOONE ALTER,COPY,DISTRIBUTE,USE MY POSTS,VIDEOS,PHOTOS,,DRAWINGS,BLOGS,COPING TAPES~

tgey fy ked eith power dtring on my var..beteeen@1_2&11_3

 tge lowlifes fucked eith my car between11_2&11_3 ........stephanie is an ashole...she IGNORED me. ..they are lowlifes . i am sick if being bullied picjex on taken adv of ...i feel like afyerconrad  raped me wheb i was16...HOPELESS.....this is FUCKED UP.......NO NICE PEOPLE.....JUST HOKEZ... .13 YEARS..... ..

PROOF USPS TAMOERED WITH altered scan in USPS system of my mail11-2-20VIDEOBLOG remy cert ltr..LORIE SIBRE(nickname: princess lorissa

LORIE SIBRE (nickname: princess lorissa . my proof that usps employee tampered with altered scan if my cert ltr ltr sent 10_31 from medford nj po 11_1 scans within usps said 10_31pm arrived sjdist ctr 11_1 319am DEPARTEDSJ disTR CTR 454am today11_2 it says 11_1 10:30pm dept sj distr ctr SO THEY ALTERED scan within usps system bc it said"it left 11_1 319am.. then today11_2 it leftSAME LOCATIoN at1030pm11_1SE DATE ~NOTICE. NOONE MAY ALTER,DISTRIBUTE, COPY MY VIDEOS,BLOGS,PHOTOS,POSTS