2ASSHOOES parked in handicPoed spots@dollar store near starbucks no handicapped tag or plaquard_AFTER someone sigbed me up fir insragram &pa rags next yp ke& those Pa comp co LOELIFES better lraved me the fyck alone11_25(thanksgiving) janet@ redroof OVERCHARGED me $59.06& then royal farms STEALS FROM ME BY ChARGING ME FOR SANDWICH INEVER GOT AFTER11_8 MIOE HOTEL PLOYEE PA TAGS LIED SAID HE WAS A DET NJSP& HESNOT A COP...HIS BROTGER IS...JANET HOTEL EMPLOYEE KNWW TGIS11_26 AS SHE WAS CALLONG MY PHONE IN ROOM THEN MY CELL OHONE ...SO SHE GEARD VM REHERGARRASSING DISCRIMINATIMG MAKIMG FUN IF ME10$18 IN FRONT IF HOTEL EMPLOYEES& GUESTS lorie sibre(princess lorissa) ~notice~~ NO1 MAY USE ALTER, COPY ,DISTRIBUTE MY VIDEOS,PHOTOS,POSTS,bLogs,DRAWInGS,NOTES,DOCUMENTS~~&STOP LYING SLANDERIMG MY NAME TO MY SON &OTHERS~~
tiday12_3 janet IGNORED me.... and then puts chevkout tiday(&i just paid for today.. my fyckimg head, back, neck hurt worse bc if LIWKIFE LIARS janetetal guberson etal ..and bc of yesterday i dudbt do tiday what i needed tkbc a bunch if thig liwkife(2_21'14@ er includinv rightnxtt to me ... & a week ir so aho...ablack guy BAJGED hard on my door and left in a car(i dont know who he was) i did NOT get whst ineed again 12_2 bc of harrassment they made noise all noght long_ just like thursday11_26friday saturday....then the lowlifeperson white suv wat ching(just liie10_31,10_6,9-24etc) bc tgey took bith handicapped spots atdollar store12'2...12_2 tgru12_3am...tgey wereharrsssing banging loux wall, staorwell...kept wakimg me up...which us harrassment i didnt get out saturdat, sunday ,monday, tiesday bc if the harrassment here& tgrn last nkght sone loelife woman& guy on motorcgcke kept me up all fycking nihht& tiday police in area& tgat LISR JA...