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Posts 6_14_24 ltr to def esa attys(my 8-21_94 employer)i filed with ct& they IGNORED RE HARRASSMENT, ETC...then 8-22_24harrass me JUST AS WHEN DEF ESA ANSWER HAND DELIVERED TO ME STOLEN BETWEEN5_1-5_10_24&COPS Knew 7-2_2024 oae SENT letter to me(6-30)&WRONG pobox606& they opened it,KEPT IT UNTIL 7-29_24(put in my pobox (NOT SCANNED)& lmy mail at poboxSTOLEN after thosINCLUDiNG mail from court . i havent s.w my son since5_14(&7-21-8_8_24 answers says NOTHING

~~9-12$24 since830am esa #extendedstay liar psychopaths are HARRASSING NJSA2C33:4a vibrating flopr bad &10am ESA MANAGEMENT #EXTENDEDSTAY PSYCHOPATH BAJTED really hard under where i was AS HARD AS GIBERSON DID2019-3020 # abuseofauthority under color of law1983 , @.56,1.10,1.25,ESA LIARS IGNORED MY 7-12$24 930am delivered 7-12$24 ltr to ESA  #EXTENDEDSTAY STAAS(JULIAN AT FRONT DESK AS WELL) AFTER I SAW ESA TRESSPASSED MY ROOM(VANDALIZED MORE CLOTHES) laWS TO proTECT VIcTIMS ,DV,STALKING SPARc   if you want to see how"well" dv domestic violence laws fros 'work'... 4POLICE DEPTS     NJSP2019-2020mt laurel2020-2022  2022Cinnaminson ,2020 -6_2024cherry hill police  bLEW ME  the fu..OFF&liedin reports reStalkgHarrassmnt(haveVIDEPROOF i told 2020-9-6-24cops re stalking9_22$22,HarrassmAnt 5_7_24 esa liar3_8_24 AhInArea &COP refusedToCallHisSGT 9-6-24  laWS TO proTECT VIcTIMS  #sTALKING&3_8_24,@iCalled911 reStalkng,Harrassmentby ESA (& also that redrpof
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lorie sibre ~8-9- 7-21calledMySon ,he answered but didnt say anything.(during time period OAE sent7-2_24 letter(not listingALL3)toWRONG pobox606& they opened it,kept it until7_29_24(not in scanned mail)& my mail at pobox stolen after thos including mail from ct(.i s.w my son 5_14_24 i fuckong miss my son ,&(10_27_23 same thing happened when i called my son ,&11_1_23 called my sister(she didnt answer me)&10$27 my mom said she was saying my name but i didnt hear her)

~ lorie sibre ~ IamProSePlaintiff,  . Denike v. cupo 196 n.j.502. 6_14_24I iNFoRMED DEFENDANT ESA ATTYS, AND COURT via my letter filedcwith court& emailed to defendants attys,(who were my employer 8-21$1994 when 911 IGNORED MY CALL& er lied& they hired1996 the atty that rep my now ex 1995 re 8_21$1994& i REPEATEDLY told them i doNOT consent) which they IGNORED. 7_27_24 put in dress,  went to my car,gotcwater, (& as i left esa flyong monkeys from3_8_24in hallway and blackbwoman blastingbmusic in her car shw drove aroundcto othwr side then when i was going backnin thhe flying monkeysdmfrom my flooroeft, and as i got back onto my floor black guy at room of the guy from6_28&7_12 who was at room across from me7-26 as i went downstairs(& that guy was talkingvto black guy whobwas talking to some white woman7_25_24) , 2015 liars slandered my name to my son&others usingthis chart,(&i told .MY 94 EMPLOYER 2023&4_2024-7_9_2024 I DIDNT CONSENT TO

6_24_24WAS my motion to to recuse judge wells& wasNOT a discovery motion as liar ct emp.put violating canon code of conduct 5_14_24 s.w my son. 5_24_24-8_17_23TrIED to get Apt(&didnt get OBVIOUSLY AS I AM STILL AT #EXTENDEDSTAY CHERRY HILL NJ&my mom& sister10_2023-11_1_23 KNEW i needed safe apt andwanted to see my son... )_theyLIED&SlanderedMyName. 5_24_22,3_14,3_21&5_6_24,5_23,5_24_24 went out DIFFEREBT time, went to apts& they wereAH . (obvious esa ,redroof,giberson ,liars slandered my name(& they canNOT )8-21_94 2 monthsAFTERnbs&rg.8-21_94 jfk(now tjuh) ch nj ERliedInChart didNOTdocTREATtbi(my thenEmployer who were med mal attys SAW 2015SomeAhwasSLANDERINGmyNameToMySon&others uSINGliesFROM this 94ErRecord thatLIARREDROOFempStole11$2020 njsa56:8-1,8-2,njsa2c21:17. erlied2-4-20(someone at lourdes,virtua and cfg COMMITTED IDTHeFT, HIPAAPHI AS I NEVER SAW CFG (they were at drs2015 but i NEVER saw them nor did i see or speak with liarCFG dr2_4_20@430pm ()&8-21-94 er lied, my then employer KnEW as they saw chart, were plaintiff med mal pi(personal inj) attys~ 3_3_24iWentToDIFFstore lidlAS testPROOF re STALKING HARRASSMENT &AH at lidlRIPPEDmyList asiWaslookingForSomething& AHthrewItOnFuckingFloor3_3$24asICameIbtoVestibuleESA ah#harrassment LOCkEDdoorButGuyWasComingOutSoIWasAbleToGetIn&ItsREPORTEDinMyVideoexhibitsWithCourt &NOTINGas i got in lidl 3_3$23this blaxk guy JUST LURKING PREDATORING NEAR ME (I DONT KNIW HIM AND IF HES THAT NJSP DET2008 I HAD COMPLAINT AGAINST OR HIS RELATIVE, THEY BETTER STAY AWAY FROM ME(&my son faf)&on way there3_3_24 i was singing trying to be upbeat and NOT be upset....tharsFUD UP WJST THEY DID...bc IF they cared they woukdnt habe been ah and ripped my list, fucked with my tablet, bkacknguy just stsred at me as i was shopping (having panic attack but i wasnt tell that jo thatsWHY it appearex i was rushing 10_2023-7_17_24poAND esaSToLE mail . 6_24_24 was motion  to RECUSE judge wells& adjourment it wasNOT a discovery mtn as liar ct emp put violating canon code of conduct.i was given no info for hearing other than"ct would contact me if hearing was at ct ' & noone contacted me    & 7-9_24 judge wells ONCE again wasNOT fair,NOT impartial, and he waa reading my complaint DURInG ct rather than before trying to MAKE it appear"same complaint" nope as FAcTS were after8-30_23 harrassment NJSA 2C33:4a which meant i could bring suit based on harrassmemt, judge REFUSED to let me play my videosPROVING,esaLIED right ftom the rip9-22_22 or submit exhibits,& stalker DURING ct knocked my tablet out if my bag as i was typing a copibg note crying upset traumatized re8-21_94& & fact ny 94 employer were being ah just like8 -1994 ..attyREFUSED to withdraw and def esa madeNO effort to settle they should have said they werent doing what supposed to,