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Showing posts from December, 2022

2$17_23 upon my return from store the10_24_2020 stalker tresspassed my car,10_28_22 as i went to my car someone stole my cellphone out if my pocketbook(people from my floor getting on elevator and then tresspasser put it in my car after i called my phone from my hotel phone, then after that esa gm ,group of people with her who did NOT identify themselvedsharrassdd me, that woman gm LIED,slandered my name submitted bunch of bogus docs to esa corp and i told her i have proof ;12$30 mt laurel cops STILL stalking harrassing(KNEW 10_24_2020 stalker harrasser at po stalking tresspassed my car, cops BlEW me off....i get back to #extendedstayamerica , theres black guy in 2 spots, as i was fixing my car in spot, the guy comes out laughing (thinkong hes"all that bag of chips" bit NOPE, HE WAS AN AH

7_2022 i filed grievance with OAE _theyIGNORED my grievance then send bigus letter2_6(they have 45 days Yo decide to file against atty_ that would have been by end if august2022 OAE (OFFICE ATTY ETHICS DID NOT DO THAT)& during time period That decision by OAE should have been made _EVERY ATTY IN MY CASES AGAINST THEM WAS FILING THRU JUDIcIARY ACCT (not the ECOURTS)  one of the attys at oae i used to work with(i swear thatAH WAS INTRAFFIC 2_21_23) &  om at that law firm there was an ah actually told me 'as a secretary i wasNOT paid to think bc i was asking re somethinh" needless to say i left there & it was during time i was on my own didnt have place to live  and my family wasNOT there for me(like now)_,( i had a few good friends like guy that helped me get camaro , which i paid for,_ he didNOT make my payments()& i then i met my son's dad,   and the grievance bogus reply (7 months after the fact 7_24_22 i filed it so thats NOT45 days) was mailed...

violation of njsa 56:8-163 databreach identity theft law by esa, redroof, optum patientfirst,americasbest,ft,rb, choicehotels,(rodewayinb,sleepinn,econolodge,12$24_22 manager esa KNEW his employees LIED re housekeeping& maint, then he BULLIES intimidates me into "doing an inspection "of my room _ inspections are supposed to be done BEFORE guest gets their roon, esa NEVER did that to my room(no smoke detector, tgey stole reclining chair for my room and put chair from 2bed room, & it saysNoTHING re room inspections in their pamphlet_ esa are HARRASSING ME, BULLYING, GIVING DIFFERENT SET STANDARDS, _ he shut the dior as he and housekeeper cleaned my room.(ibwas rightviutside my room as thos occurred which they KNEW)..i am FAiRLY CERTAIN THEY TOUCHED MY STUFF_ ESA ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TOuCH GUEST PROPERTY_& SINCE I CAN PROVE THEY LIED SLANDERED MY NAME_ ITS HARRASSMEMT ,INTIMIDATIoN AND DIFF SET OF STAMDARDS GIVEN TO mE,bc they didnt do that to LIAR iroom next to me who has been harrassing meSINcE AFTER 10_28_22(&that GM LIED,SLANDERED MY NAME AS I INDiCATED IN MY 12_2022 LETTER WHICH WAS NOT RESPONDED TO)since11$28_22 my hotelphone canNOT receive phone calls, it says'no such ext'when people call _thatscwithholding svcs AND ABUSE BY #EXTENDEDSTAYAMERICA isolating me ,preventing me from getting calls, withholding svcs (since2_6_23no hot water in batgtub , the housekeeper& maint man at my room &GM SAID HE WAS HAVING MAINT "GO DOWNSTAIRS TO FIX IT"& WOULD CALL ME RIGHT BACK, HE NEVER CALLED ME BACK& MAINT WAS AT MY ROOM, DOD NOT FIC HOT WATER IN BATHTUB, I CALOED GM 2_6_23 TOKD HOM, HE SAID HE WOULD CALL ME BACK& AGAIN DID NOT2_6_23- THEY DID NOT FIX IT &THEY LIED SLANDERED MY NAME 12$20 #extendedstayamerica harrassed me(noone from corp called me, their 800 number lied&margieah at front desk is discriminating as tge maint man specifically asked12$12 if"i asked margieah" withholding servives, discriminating giving diff set if standards to me than other hotel giests as 12_1_22 they saod they had"no issues with their phones so esa are singling me outdiscriminating, trying yo #selfhelp #illegalevict making it hostile to poibt i am fearful to leave my hotel room JUST AS #REDROOF did , & due to THEIR harrassment i have had HiRRIBlE MIGRAINE LEVEL10, lEFT SIDE FOREHEAD INTO BEHIND MY EAR (the oerson next to me since after10_28_22 bangs on wall all hours day night harrassing me$ she is black...i am white...),&noone harrassed banged on person next to me door when sheREFUSED housekeeping11_28&12_12,12$22$22 i slept until930 pm didNOT have dinner and when i woke up, i could BARELY stand, dizzy ALMOST blacked out,Even sitting diwn which is DIRECTKY due to garrassmebt by #extendedstayameeica who KNEW their harrassment woukd set me back just like #redroof , giberson,etal did and i didNOT do what i needed to do 12_18_22 my proof since11$28_22 i canNOT use my hotel phone AFTER esa stole package,REFISED to call me ,leave msg re mail(WITHHOLDIng SvCS) ..i bought everythimg fir my kitchen, bathroom, and comforter,sheeys, blankets ,(bc the housekeeperLIED slandered my name as did hotel.....theyLIED, are discriminating,withholding svcs ,KNOW someone stole,tamperedxwith my mail, know hoisekeepersLIED re thrm comimg to my roomBEFORE10_31_22

7_2022 i filed grievance with OAE _theyIGNORED my grievance then send bigus letter2_6(they have 45 days Yo decide to file against atty_ that would have been by end if august2022 OAE (OFFICE ATTY ETHICS DID NOT DO THAT)& during time period That decision by OAE should have been made _EVERY ATTY IN MY CASES AGAINST THEM WAS FILING THRU JUDIcIARY ACCT (not the ECOURTS)  one of the attys at oae i used to work with(i swear thatAH WAS INTRAFFIC 2_21_23) &  om at that law firm there was an ah actually told me 'as a secretary i wasNOT paid to think bc i was asking re somethinh" needless to say i left there & it was during time i was on my own didnt have place to live  and my family wasNOT there for me(like now)_,( i had a few good friends like guy that helped me get camaro , which i paid for,_ he didNOT make my payments()& i then i met my son's dad,   and the grievance bogus reply (7 months after the fact 7_24_22 i filed it so thats NOT45 days) was mailed...