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Showing posts from October, 2021

8-5_2021HEARInG@5.09 PRoof MYemotionalAnguishdistress after gibersonLIE say"massive casualty fire@apt'AFTER I AGAIN emailed courtihaveNoTgotten me&my son property..file my 12_1_2020 emergent complaint(COURT IGNORED...just like THEY IGNORED my pleadings I filed.. #fraudbycourt #attorneyethicsviolation,#thefttenantproperty,#premisesliability,#illegalapartment

  https:/ .8-5-2020COURT@5.09proof my emotional distress bc GIBERSON ETAL knew I wantedall me&my son property.&they andROTsidesaidtheirt atty massivecasualtyfire @apt3_7_2021 (theyLIED: 1_2_2020MY PROOF listen how township treat me...I NEVEr said my name or property I was there for...but they knew who I was& what I was requesting(12$9_2019 inspection report thatGIbERSOn FAIlED) @TOWNSHIP KNEW illegal apt, Michelle is one who said landlord would have to pay me6 times rent for relocation&NEVER did 7-8-2020 it was ILLEGAL APT&lisa& jamie gibersonTHREATENED me,illegal constructive evict me& owe me6 times rent, my property(& my son's property ), security deposit ×7%interest, they forfeited12_2019 per my ltr,&noone has assisted me getting safe housing~ ~ ~ .7-8-2020they threatenedFORCED me OUT ofapT &  GIBERSON,mtl...

10_3_21 PROOFmyMuscleAeaknessLeftSideLOSTmyBalanceAFTERredroofharasssTOoKcloseSpotKNowngITwouldUpsetMeSOi...

10_12$2@RedrppfHarrassedMeTTRESSPAZSEDmyCar&tgatHondaSUVlarkedInVLOSEspot lopksLIKEmysuvTGEYsaidWSTotaled8_2020&tgarsKeNectToMyVar lookingAtTgestiffTgeyLeft..BINlooksLIKEbonstolenFROMmyApt...tgeyGRESSPASSEDmyVar   10_7,10_12 with malicious premeditated intent tocause me emotional distress the PSYCHpATH NARCISSISTIC AH@REDRoOF TOOK CLOSE SPOT.& BLck lowlife LYONG evil THuGS came from area  117,119 antagonizingBLAVK ASSHOOE _ThETES TRASHCAN CLOSER TO HiS ROOM BUT HE CAME IN MY AREA ANTAGONOZING BEING THE LOWKIFE HE IS.. in  cluding THAT EVIL THIG JANET BLACK BEOTH since9_25(when she tampered with my acct and deleted my DL and info& before that tj tampered with spelling my  first name   which was correct when I got room...redrpof Mt laureldiscriminate, HARRASS, vandalized my clothes  stalked and slandered my name,didNOTHINGabout THEIR THUG employees harassing me, discriminating ,etc_ #innkeeperliability,#premisesliability,#preme...

12_14_2019 #911,COPSviewOnDVattemptdBreakn@APT,AFTRmyPhoneHack @1.25,#st...

since2018 i gave bern,stalked, harrassedy property danaged vandalized tgey tried to lill me taking bokta off steps, and brakes offmy suv, attemptedbreakins atapt and AT REDROOF HOTEL,ECONODFE,LAQUIBRA ,THE LIAR LISA AND JANIE GIBERSON PROBABKY NJSP S STPLE ALL ME AND MY SON'S propeery....been going o for 2 years,(probBly stalked longerbit i startedtaping documenting 2019 amd in mt laureltgey BLEW me off....just like at court2014 i was hirton recprd amd tge liwlofes NEVER adked if i was ok on the record...then as i wasleaving a *__ coirtemploteeaskedofi was hirt...and i wasbuthe, along woth3 propleat court LIed...i dont know what they saod nc donerviolated attyethivs REFUASD tlshow me my ENTire fileasi adked..10_2_21 theaahl 911 operatpr HUNG THE FU..UP ON ME.....SHE WAS AN UNPROFESIOBAL AH....THE PRESSIRE MY LEFT SIDE HEAD WAS REALLY BADAMD 911 HANGS UP....JUST PROVES TGWY WERE AH8-21_94...GOW CALM WOULD 911POLICE,DV ADVOCATESCOURT BEIF THET WERE STALKED GARRAASED PROPERRY VAND...

10_3 proofmyMUSCLEweaknessPRESSUREleftSideLowerBACK AFTERpsychopatygsRED...

10$3$21redroof tppk close spot when i giy back from stire....which redroif LIARS KNEW woukd cause me emotiinal susteess,panic attack amxiety. #iied..iwemt ovee to parkong lpt bc i was REALLY upaerand when i got bahk my injury to leftlower back WORSE and proof youseeme in video lose my balamcebc of injury to left lower back from2_4_2020 tgatthose INEPT LYONG MED MAL COMMITTONG DRSNEVER LOOKED AT OR TREATEd...Theh LIED...SO THIS WAS  INTEBTIIBAL EMOTIOnAL DISTRESS BY RedRPOF ETAL AS THEY KNEW THEIR ACTIoNS TAKKMG CLPSE SPOT WOULD RESULT KN MY hAVONG PANiv ATTACK, EMOTIINAL DISTRESS..HEar THE LOWLIFE GOONG BY LAUGHING AT MY WINDOW THE ASHOKE LOWLOFE IN LIMO WAS NEAR HERE LEAVING AS I GOT BACK TO refroof JUST LIKE AT CEDARS AND SOUTHAMPTON APT pressure on lef SIDE HEAD AND LEFTSUDE t lower vack2_4_2020 injury is bad ESP AFTER what PSYCHOPATHS DID yesterday...I lost my balance 10_3_21  it's on VIDEO PROOF WGICH I AddING TO MY CASE AGAIBST REDROOF, ETAL, GIBERSON ETAL BC THEY D...