8-5_2021HEARInG@5.09 PRoof MYemotionalAnguishdistress after gibersonLIE say"massive casualty fire@apt'AFTER I AGAIN emailed courtihaveNoTgotten me&my son property..file my 12_1_2020 emergent complaint(COURT IGNORED...just like THEY IGNORED my pleadings I filed.. #fraudbycourt #attorneyethicsviolation,#thefttenantproperty,#premisesliability,#illegalapartment
https:/m.youtube.com/watch?v=fCiM6AQOI_I .8-5-2020COURT@5.09proof my emotional distress bc GIBERSON ETAL knew I wantedall me&my son property.&they andROTsidesaidtheirt atty massivecasualtyfire @apt3_7_2021 (theyLIED: 1_2_2020MY PROOF listen how township treat me...I NEVEr said my name or property I was there for...but they knew who I was& what I was requesting(12$9_2019 inspection report thatGIbERSOn FAIlED) @TOWNSHIP KNEW illegal apt, Michelle is one who said landlord would have to pay me6 times rent for relocation&NEVER did https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XXpfuHZDuG0&list=PLvoX15FYWMr7XgqHRcxn2s7xkvDH33uyL&index=1 7-8-2020 it was ILLEGAL APT&lisa& jamie gibersonTHREATENED me,illegal constructive evict me& owe me6 times rent, my property(& my son's property ), security deposit ×7%interest, they forfeited12_2019 per my ltr,&noone has assisted me getting safe housing~ ~ ~ .7-8-2020they threatenedFORCED me OUT ofapT & GIBERSON,mtl...