Lorie Sibre (nickname: Princess lorissa) sinc9-13$2020I amSTILL@RedroofSAMEroom,NOTadaCOMPLIAnt@redroofhotelDespoteFACTtheyDELETEdMYAINFO,INCLUDING OVER105,000 REWARDS POINTS I HAD SINCE11_2020,DELETED MY ROOM NUMBER&REWARDS ACCT FROM REDROOF COMPUTER...REDRPOF ARE LIARS WHO SLANDERED MY namE, STOlE FROM ME, VANDALIZED MY CLOTHES SO ARE GIBERSON,MOULE,DOBBINS;bOYLESOUTHAMPTON AUTO,GREENBLATT LIEBERMAN,D ALWES, T CORSON J EZZE ROTsideWEISSHIFF RICHARDS ,NJSP MT LAUREL NJ POLICE WHO HARRASSED ME, THERES RETIREDCOP AT HOTEL(ABUSE OF AUTHORITY).....~~~~~.Iamcaucasian,fair skin,naturally curly hair,green hazel eyes,~stwgstwgfsnbfthntbtftbttnbstsflshs ~i have ALWAYS lived in south jersey,currently since7-8-2020@ hotel,since9_13_20@SAME hotel,SAME room, no fridge,no microwave,DISCRIMINATED NOT nEAR HANDICAPPED PARKING,not handicapped room harrassed by hotel employees, AND PHYSICALLY THREATENED INClUDING AT HOTEL627_21 7-8-2020 it was ILLEGAL APT&lisa& jamie gibersonTHREATENED me,illegal constructive evict me& owe me6 times rent, my property(& my son's property ), security deposit ×7%interest, they forfeited12_2019 per my ltr,&noone has assisted me getting safe housing~ ~if you stole lied slandered my name to my son& others,the KEEPyourBAD negativekharma&STOPstealing LyingSlanderingMyNameTo MySon&Others ~ ~WARNING~~dissemination ,ALTERATION,copying,PRINTING,distribution of my mail, emails, photos, videos,documents, drawings,blogs,posts,letters etc is STRICTLY prohibited without my specific consent& prior ok is NOT valid....it MUST be my authorization specifically specifying what i say is or is NOT ok for each item.~~& ~NOTICE~~10_24_20 hotel AMD police knew stalker harrasser@ hotel& nEVER LOOKED AT10_24"20 SURVEILLANCE....MY CLOTHES, CAR haVE BEEN VANDALIZED ,DOC STIOEN, MAILSTOLEN, REDRPPF ETAL LIED SLANDERED MY NAME SO BAD THATI HAbE BEEN HARRSSED ThREATENED WHICH MAKES HOTEL LEGALLY LIABLE AS THEY DIDNOTHING10_24_2020,11_8_2020, (HOTEL EMplOYEE 11_8_20impersonated NJSP det ASI WAS being stalked harrassed #hotelliability,#harrassment,#stalking,#corruption,#collusion,#landlordliability,#premisesliability
lorie sibre (princess lorissa)post/blog ~since7-8-2020 I have been@hotel (since9_13$20@SAMEHotelSAMEroom)&9-2_20IgotJudgnentAGAInSTgiberson&THEYretaliated9-3_20,#FRAUD,stoleALLme&mySonPROPERTY@APTtheyKNEWsince11$2$20iWANTED&7-8-20LIARgiberson ThReatEnED forcedMe outofMyApt(&theyKNOWmyEX&probCOPihadComplaintAgainst), #reprisallaw,#premisesliab&ifYouSTOLEliedSLANDEREDmyNameToMySON&OTHERS,_THENkeepURBadKharmaNegativeEnergy,NBFT&;STOPstealingLyingSlandering myNameTOmy son&others &kharmA is getting me my propertyback a&monies owed6times rent relocation, place to thislive ....~ NOTkharma:by #fraud STOLE PROPERTY AT APT WHICH WAS ILLEGAL& TGEY ARE REQUIRED BY LAW OT TELL ME WHERE THEY MOVED ME(&MY SON'SPROPERTY)FROM APT TO JAMUE&LISA GIBERSON,SOUTHAMPTON AUTO BETWEEN8+5_2020_3_6_21 STOLE WHAT LITTLE BIT I HAD LEFT@apt, RUINED MY CREDIT & BY #FRAUD JAMIE AND LISA GIBERSON, SOUT...