lorie sibre(princess lorissa) proof re 2"4"20step and landlord KNOWJNG 7am it neededto be repaired.....
lorie sibre (princess lorissa) no one ma 2_4_20 7am lorie"s proof. .as i walked down steps, i went past loose step, turned to tape it, as i lift board to check it...board UNDERNEATH holdimg step FALLS TO THE GROIND...THATS SOUND HEARD...BOARD FALLING TO VROIND...literally by GODS grace i was ok ..then i getback and board gonemy phone gets tampered wuth LIKE 12_14_19..i leave have to go past that MISSING step and landlord jamieTAPING me as i come down steps and gst hurt...then he and his wife lisa harrass me as i am getting in my car trying to get away from them. .911 and cops(RETROSPSECT) came to apt BEFORE coming to respond to my 911 call....its so fycEtdd up how they treated me.... Blog by Lorie Sibre (nickname: Princess Lorissa) iLIVEinNJ.&noONEmayALTERcopy myvideos,PHOTOS,posts&dontASKmySON~~~ NO ONE MAY DISTRIBUTE, COPY, PRINT MY BLOG WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION FROM ME. Thank you. ~LORIE SIBRE (nickname:princess lorissa)